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How To Add Resume To Linkedin 2020

What Is An Ats Scan And How Do I Ensure My Resume Will Pass

How to Upload Resume on LinkedIn (2020 LATEST VERSION) | LinkedIn Resume Upload

ATS stands for Applicant Tracking System. It is a program that scans and filters resumes before a human reader from the company receives them. The ATS scanner is designed to weed out resumes that dont demonstrate the appropriate qualifications for the job, as well as to sort resumes based on different keywords to help human readers within the company decide who to call in and for which departments.

There are several ways to ensure that your resume will be approved by the ATS scanner and sent forward. Appropriate formatting and file types are essential. A .docx file is more easily read by the scanner and should be your default version, though a PDF is also acceptable and should be used if this is the version specifically requested in the posting. Use basic formatting and a chronological layout, as these are typically preferred by both the ATS scanner and the human readers.

You will want to pay close attention if you use an external resume builder to compile your document, as some of these programs produce a JPEG file, which will be rejected through the ATS system. In order to ensure that your resume is filtered correctly, you should include keywords that are relevant to the position, such as degrees, certifications, and pre-requisite internships or jobs, so that your resume will be sorted properly. As mentioned previously, be sure to provide evidence of these skills for the human reader who will ultimately decide who to call in.

How To Add Your Resume To Linkedin

Not sure how to add your resume to LinkedIn? Follow our steps below to correctly upload a resume to the worlds largest professional networking website.

There are two ways to add your resume to LinkedIn after the platforms latest 2020 redesign:

  • Add your resume to your profile as featured media.
  • Upload a resume every time you apply for a job using LinkedIns Easy Apply function.
  • You can also if you keep your profile up to date, which is handy if you need a resume fast.

    Confidential Details Become Public

    There are details on a CV that you may prefer not to share in a public space. From a personal point of view, your location, phone number, email address and personal history suddenly become public property.

    With equally damaging potential are details that you share about previous employers. If your CV contains sensitive financial or operational detail, you risk alienating recruiters with your inability to maintain confidentiality. Past employers in your network are also likely to be unimpressed.

    If you do choose to upload your CV, take the time to review it first and remove any sensitive details.

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    Using Linkedins Easy Apply Feature

    With thousands of openings in a custom-tailored feed, its no wonder that LinkedIn is one of the most popular ways to search and apply to jobs. LinkedIn makes it simple to add your resume through the Easy Apply feature.

    This option is only available for employers who opt in, so if theres no blue Easy Apply button at the top of the posting then youll have to go to the company website to apply directly.

    40 million people use LinkedIn to look for jobs every week and three people are hired via the platform every minute, according to the company.

    Here are the steps to use Easy Apply:

    1. Navigate to your desired job posting

    2. Click the Easy Apply button located just under the postings header

    3. In the pop-up window, click Upload resume

    4. Navigate to your resume file on your computer

    5. Continue completing the contact information and supplementary questions before you submit

    Pros: This is the best way to upload and send your resume when applying to jobs on LinkedIn.

    Cons: Since you are only sending your resume via LinkedIn to one employer or job posting, it wont be seen by other recruiters who come across your profile.

    Hope youve found this guide useful! And remember, if you want a great resume that makes recruiters stop in their tracks use our professional templates, resume builder and library of 300+ job-specific examples. The best prepared candidates win the truly awesome jobs!

    Tailor Your Resume To Fit The Job Description

    How to upload resume in LinkedIn in 2020 : 3 Methods

    When writing a resume, there are a few things to take into account. One important factor is to adapt the Work Experience section to suit the job youre applying for. While this may sound like a hassle, these little tweaks are worth spending time on. This doesnt mean you should lie about your experience, but rather emphasize certain skills and aspects of your past roles that could come in handy in this particular job. For example, does the job description mention cross-team collaborations or the need to work independently? Consider whether you have experience in either, and add a brief sentence to demonstrate this. Perhaps youve worked alongside developers or copywriters in the past, or have experience as a freelance graphic designer – something that could indicate your independence.

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    How To Add Your Resume To Linkedin Complete Guide For 2020

    Whether you are in the market for a different position in your field or pursuing a new career path, it is important to take advantage of professional resume writers and advertise yourself to potential employers. LinkedIn is among the most popular networking sites for connecting job seekers with companies offering employment opportunities.

    While the site does allow for you to share pertinent skills and applicable information within your profile, adding a resume on LinkedIn can provide a more specific and detailed history of your employment history and experiences to give you a leg up on other prospective job seekers.

    How To Upload Your Resume To Linkedin: Easy Apply

    Method two of uploading your resume to LinkedIn involves using the Easy Apply feature.

    Heres a step-by-step guide for that process:

  • Press the Jobs button at the top of the page

  • Look for a job with the Easy Apply tag on the bottom

  • Select that job and then press the Easy Apply button below the job title

  • Fill out your contact information and press Next

  • Press Upload resume and then select your resume document from wherever it is located on your computer then press Next

  • Answer any additional questions about your years of experience and press Review

  • Review your information and click Submit application

  • Note that your resume must be uploaded as a DOC, DOCX, or PDF file.

    We wholeheartedly recommend that you use this feature. As its name implies, its easy. Not to mention that it allows you to customize your resume for each job application, which is always a good idea.

    Then, press More . Select Application Settings. From there, you can manage your resumes and saved answers.

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    What Are The Benefits Of Using Linkedin’s Professional Portfolio

    Using a professional portfolio on LinkedIn allows you to use real examples of your work to back up your résumé. Many candidates might only say they have been successful, but uploading your portfolio lets you prove it by showcasing your work, thereby making your profile stand out.

    For example, if you are working on becoming a professional web designer, you might talk about that on your résumé. You could list your coding skills, what software you are familiar with and any freelance work you have completed in website design. But without seeing samples, how can employers know the quality of your work? By uploading a variety of projects, you can back up your résumé.

    You also could add YouTube videos that show you being interviewed or that showcase your work, pictures of you featured in newspapers or even reviews from clients.

    Your résumé can say a lot, but your portfolio will say so much more.

    Why Your Resume Doesnt Belong On Linkedin

    How to Upload Resume to LinkedIn Profile – 2020

    Of course, uploading your resume to LinkedIn during the job application process is fine. After all, most employers still want to see your resume and dont satisfy themselves with a LinkedIn profile.

    But if youve been meaning to include your resume in your LinkedIn profile for the whole world to see, you may want to reconsider. Heres why.

  • Your contact details become public. First, you will receive more spam email. Thats almost a given. Second, if there are people you dont want to have your email address, you just gave it to them. That opens you up to all kinds of potential abuse.
  • You announce your job search to the world. Does your current employer know that you want to change jobs? In most cases, you want to keep your job search a secret until you have a new job offer.
  • Its redundant. If your LinkedIn profile is properly filled out, it already includes most information from your resume and more.
  • You lose control over it. Not only can your resume be downloaded and distributed by literally anyone now, youre also giving up the advantage of tailoring it to a specific role and employer.
  • It may appear like you dont understand Linkedin. LinkedIn serves different purposes than your average job board. By putting your resume up on LinkedIn, you may communicate that you dont know how the platform works.
  • Read Also: Multiple Jobs Same Company Resume

    Spiff Up Linkedin Before You Add A Link To Your Resume

    You want your to be polished and robust. If your profile simply restates the same information that’s included on your resume, it won’t improve your chances of getting an interview.

    A less-than-compelling LinkedIn could even hurt your candidacy. No one likes to feel that they’ve wasted a click, and hiring managers may assume that your sparse profile is an accurate picture of your qualifications.

    Prospective employers can visit LinkedIn to learn more about you and your skills and credentials.

    Click On Your Profile

    The option to upload your resume on LinkedIn is located within your profile. Once you navigate to your personal information and begin to scroll down the page, you will be able to click on a button at the top right that says add profile section. The location to add your resume can be found under the featured section.

    Then simply use the add media option.

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    Follow These Simple Steps To Upload Your Resume Or Cv On Linkedin :

    Step 1: Open the app or visit the official website of LinkedIn i.e.

    Step 2: Log in to your account

    Step 3: Click on the pencil option in the top right corner

    Step 4: Click on the option which says ‘media’

    Step 5: Click on the upload option

    Step 6: Select your resume

    Step 7: Add a title and description

    Step 8: Click on the apply option

    Step 9: Now click on the save option and return back to your profile.

    Can Employers See My Resume On Linkedin

    How to Add Resume to LinkedIn Profile (Upload 2020)

    LinkedIn users, including employers, are able to see your resume if you have it uploaded to your profile page.

    However, if you are applying for a specific job through and upload your resume during the application process, it will only be visible to that specific employer.

    55 Job Applications are Submitted to LinkedIn Every Second. –

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    Focus On Your Strongest Set Of Skills And Experiences

    When posting your resume, you may be tempted to cover your bases by detailing all of your work experience and applicable skills. However, prospective employers prefer to see more focused and detailed information about you that is relevant to the position they have available. Therefore, when compiling your resume, develop a focused list of several jobs and skills that will be most attractive to the hiring companies in your desired field.

    Do: Include Information That Is Not Mentioned On Your Resume

    Another great way to personalize your LinkedIn profile is to include details about your community involvement, professional development courses and professional organization memberships that may not have fit within your two-page resume.

    Just dont overdo it. There is no limit on how long your LinkedIn profile should be, but you will only keep the hiring manager or recruiters attention for so long.

    Make that time count by showing them the right information that will catch their interest enough so they will contact you.

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    Upload A Resume To Linkedin As Featured Media

    LinkedIn allows users to upload articles, links, and files to their profile. If you want employers to read your resume when they find you on LinkedIn, you should upload a resume under your name and headline as Featured Media.

    Heres how to upload your resume to your LinkedIn profile:

    Step 1: Go to your profile.

    Step 2: Click the Add profile section button, and expand the Featured tab.

    Step 3: Select Media and choose the resume file you want to upload from your computer.

    Although you can post a resume on your LinkedIn profile, we dont recommend uploading your resume here for two reasons.

    First, depending on your privacy settings, your resume is available for anyone on LinkedIn to view and download. Its important to be careful when sharing personal information, such as your name and address.

    Second, LinkedIn already shows your work history. Recruiters can see your resume by looking at your profile an additional file isnt needed.

    You should get recruiters to notice you on LinkedIn by regularly updating your work history and being active on the platform, not by adding your resume to your LinkedIn profile.

    Lack Of Customizing For Different Jobs

    How To Upload Resume on LinkedIn 2020

    Every job is different and when I apply for different jobs, I tweak my resume accordingly to ensure that recruiter feels I am the right fit for the job.

    Because you cannot control which recruiter will be viewing your profile and resume, you might miss out on fantastic opportunities with your dream company if the recruiter downloads an outdated or ânon-customizedâ resume.

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    Resume Vs Linkedin Profile

    You may be tempted to upload your resume to LinkedIn and call it a day. But LinkedIn serves a completely different function than your resume.

    Your resume is a formal history of your professional life that includes work experience, education, accomplishments, skills, and other sections depending on your format and experience level.

    Its perfectly okay to include a hyperlink to , so recruiters and hiring managers can peruse if theyre curious enough about you.

    Your LinkedIn profile, on the other hand, is a little less formal. Its a networking platform, so youre still self-promoting, but in a more casual way. Use that to your advantage by letting your personality shine throughout your LinkedIn profile.

    Hiring managers and recruiters want to see what youre interested in , and LinkedIn is a great place to find out what actually makes you tick as a professional. , and youll have no reason at all to throw a picture of your generic resume on there.

    You Miss The Chance To Put Your Best Foot Forward

    Every CV should be tailored specifically to the role you’re applying for, in order to show how your skills and experience align with the exact requirements of the position. By uploading a generic CV to LinkedIn, you’re missing out on the opportunity to present the very best version of you to each recruiter. It’s better to lure them with a top-level overview on your LinkedIn profile and then send a more detailed CV following initial contact.

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    Save Different Resumes To Linkedin For Job Applications

    Its time-consuming to upload a different resume every time you apply to a new job.

    Luckily, LinkedIn allows you to store different resume versions. This way, you can easily select and send to an employer whenever you apply to jobs on the platform.

    First, go to Me on the LinkedIn toolbar and then to Settings & Privacy.

    Next, click on Job seeking preferences. Select Change under Job application settings.

    From here, simply upload different versions of your resume. LinkedIn will save up to four versions of your resume for easy access when youre applying for jobs.

    When to upload: Youre actively applying for a variety of jobs on LinkedIn, each requiring a tailored resume. For example, say that youre applying for marketing and sales jobs.

    You have one resume targeted at Sales Rep positions while another is designed for Marketing Manager positions. Upload both resume options and use when applying to sales and marketing jobs.

    How To Create A Linkedin Portfolio Step By Step

    How to Add Resume to LinkedIn Profile (Updated 2020)

    Here’s how to showcase your work using :

    1. Sign in to LinkedIn and go to your profile. To do so, click the Me button toward the right of the top menu bar, then click View Profile.

    2. In the first box, under your name, click Add section. Alternatively, click the pencil button to the right of any entry in your résumé, then scroll all the way down.

    3. Click Featured, then click Link for portfolio documents hosted online and Media or Upload for documents you plan to upload from your computer.

    4. To add a link, paste the URL of the content you would like to import . To upload, choose the file from your computer. The media will automatically be displayed in your desired section.

    5. Add an attention-grabbing title and a description of your work, such as project details or the tools you used.

    6. Click Save and let your work shine.

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    Value Your Audience’s Time

    Each course takes a few seconds to decipher. First, your hiring manger needs to figure out what a certificate means. Then she’ll need to decide whether it makes you a more qualified candidate.

    That might not seem like much time, even if you had five or six courses.

    But remember, most hiring managers have a tall stack of resumes to go through. Every second counts. Don’t risk losing goodwill with your reader by burdening them with a long list of courses.


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