Use Your Ged To Apply For College
Did you know that 60% of people who get a GED eventually enroll in college? Most colleges accept people with a GED on the condition they score above a certain limit.
That limit changes from college to college, but 165 is the lower limit for a college application. And If you score above 175, you are eligible for credits in most colleges.
Before you apply for college, read about that college’s GED policies. You will also need a copy of your GED certificate.
Consider Sharing Your Grade Point Average
Your GPA is a way for hiring managers to understand how well you did in school. As a numerical average of your grades, the higher to a 4.0 GPA you are, the better you performed in your classes. A hiring manager may prefer to hire a candidate who has a higher GPA because it shows that they worked hard, took their education seriously and were interested in building their knowledge base, all traits that are useful in any work environment.
However, if your GPA is below 3.5, consider leaving it off your resume and instead focusing on the unique attributes you have that make you an ideal fit for the role. If a hiring manager wants to know what your GPA was, you can provide the details when they ask.
How Can You Be Sure Your Resume Looks Good
It’s not easy figuring out all the formalities of resume writing. Could you use some advice on how to make yours stand out? Get a free resume evaluation today from the experts at Monster’s Resume Writing Service. You’ll get detailed feedback in two business days, including a review of your resume’s appearance and content, and a prediction of a recruiter’s first impression. Let the experts at Monster help you determine the skills and experience to highlight, as well as what you can leave off.
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Option : List College Location And Details
There are a few different ways to include the fact that you attended college.
You can simply list the college and location:
Macanster CollegeCleveland, OH
You can also provide more detail. Include the years attended, the number of credits completed, and your GPA if it is very strong :
Unionville University, 2015 – 2017Completed 42 credits, GPA 3.8
You can mention the focus of your studies, if it is related to your employment objective, and the number of credits completed in that discipline:
Hannaford College, 2016 – 2018Completed 36 credits, including 16 credits in business.
When Listing A Ged Does Not Make Sense
Did you earn your GED certificate before attending college? If the answer is yes, listing your GED in your CV wouldnt be useful.
Here is a list of sceneries where you can list your college education in your resumes education section:
- If you lack work experience
- Consider listing your GED education if you have a history of being in and out of jobs.
- If the job description specifically requires applicants with GED diplomas.
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If You’re In College Or Just Graduated
At this stage, you probably have more credentials related toyour target job as a student, than as a working professional.
So if you havent had a job, project, or volunteer workrelated to the position youre applying for, put education before workexperience on your resume.
You might argue that its better to list the odd andpart-time jobs you did first. Maybe you think these job entries show thatyoure employable and at least know what its like to work for a living.
Perhaps some hiring managers might consider that fact.
But what if they dont read past your job title as Waitress, Cashier, or Barista? Allthe qualities and achievements you list below the job title will be ignored,too. Even if those skills are related to the job at hand.
For now, list education before your work experience first. Justconsider it your first step in convincing employers that you have thequalifications they need.
Should I Include High School On Resume
A dilemma exists regarding when to include high school on your resume. Many candidates often wonder, Should I put high school on resume? The short explanation is it depends. However, following the below tips will help resolve the question:
- Current high school or college students younger applicants enrolled in high school or college likely lack experience. List all your education to back up your skills.
- Recent college graduate by graduation time, applicants have more experience or internships to demonstrate skills. However, a recent college graduate still fits into the entry-level category. Include high school if you graduated from a prestigious or well-known one.
- Entry-level applicants if you are starting your career and do not have an associates or another type of degree, include your high school diploma.
- Wording in the job posting if the job requires a high school diploma, but the position does not require college education, include this.
Consider removing high school if:
- Other forms of education take its place this means you have licenses, certifications, or additional training.
- You are an experienced applicant work experience and skills, along with soft skills that complement your background, make you a compelling potential employee based on merit.
- Including the information may result in age discrimination.
Resumesbot Advice:
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Options For Listing Education On A Resume
Not sure how to list your college degree on your resume? How should you list your expected graduation date if you’re an undergraduate student? What if you didn’t go to college? How about if you’ve already graduated? Alternatively, what do you do if you haven’t yet graduated but intend to complete your degree at some point in time?
Even if you didn’t graduate, there are options for presenting your educational background in a positive manner. An entry-level resume will often present more educational or training information than would a resume for someone who has been in the workforce for many years.
If you dont have a lot of work experience to prove your skills and capabilities on the job, it can be important to list any relevant college coursework, even if you didnt graduate with a degree.
Here are a few options for including your education, as well as for mentioning credit you have earned for college-level work on your resume even though you didn’t graduate.
Ged Vs High School Diploma: Which One Is Best
People think having a GED is worse than having a high school diploma. In practice, and according to studies, it doesn’t really matter.
What studies show is that success in life is more down to the individual and that people with a GED are no more likely to make less money if they work hard and are ambitious.
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Where To Include An Education Section On Your Resume
The most common place to include an educational section on your resume is directly below your work experience details. This placement provides an organized and concise flow for the hiring manager or recruiter. Depending on the company and position, modify your resume to suit their requirements. Alternatively, you can include a comment in your summary section highlighting a specific training or academic qualification to stand out from other candidates. Depending on your unique situation, there are two additional things to consider:
Personal Information Photos And Schools
Do not include any personal information beyond your address, email, and phone number. Leave out your age, date of birth, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, political affiliation, and the names and ages of your spouse and children. While some of this information may be required in an international CV, you should leave it out of a resume. The reason is that it’s illegal for employers to making hiring decisions based on this information.
You should also leave out important numbers that could allow someone to steal your identity, such as your social security number, driver’s license number, and any credit card information. You may wish to leave your address off your resume or only include part of it in some cases.
Your health is a personal issue, so there is no need to mention it on your resume. If you have health-related limitations they can be addressed during the hiring process.
If you get hired, the company will likely conduct a background check for a criminal record. However, there is no need to include this information on your resume. Also, there is no need to include personal pronouns as most employers will ask for your preferred pronouns.
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Formatting Your Education Section
Let The Pros Review Your Resumefree Of Charge
Whether you worked a part-time job, volunteered, both, or neither, you can have a professional-looking resume that will position you to get hired. Could you use some help ironing out the wrinkles? Get a free resume evaluation today from the experts at Monster’s Resume Writing Service. You’ll get detailed feedback in two business days, including a review of your resume’s appearance and content, and a prediction of a recruiter’s first impression. Think of it as part of your continuing education.
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What Employers Look For In Your Education Section
Every employer looks for different things when reviewing your educational section on your resume, based on the job requirements and qualifications. A hiring manager ultimately wants to know by reviewing your resume that you have the knowledge and the experience to perform the duties of the position. You outline your knowledge in the educational section of your resume.
For example, if you’re applying for an entry-level position within a company, the hiring manager typically looks for a high school diploma, completion of a GED, or college certificate. If you’re applying for a mid-level position, the company may require a university degree. And sometimes, such as health care or finance, they need advanced academic training and certifications to practise your profession within your home province.
What Takes Priority Education Or Work Experience
Whether education or work experience is more important is determined by the job posting and your qualifications.
Generally, experienced candidates should list their previous work experience first, if the experience is relevant for the job.
However, teens, students, recent grads, and candidates with less work experience could list education and relevant qualifications first.
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Why Put Ged On Your Resume
If you don’t have a long career and haven’t attended college, then don’t be afraid to include the GED on your resume. We all have to start somewhere.
It tells hiring managers that you care about your education enough to go back and get it done.
Not to mention that many businesses look specifically for people with GEDs to hire. Many apprenticeships are also open for people with GEDs.
How To Add Your Ged If You Have Work Experience
If you have some work experience, choose a resume format that places your GED near the bottom of your resume. Highlighting your professional experience at the top of your resume can help you overcome any stigma the hiring manager attaches to a GED.
Heres an example that shows how to put your GED on a resume if you have work experience:
Write a powerful resume work experience section that uses action verbs and quantifies your skills with hard numbers to ensure the hiring manager doesnt overlook you because you listed your GED.
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Don’t Mention Ged On Resume If You Have A Long Career
As I wrote previously, mentioning your education is more important when you’re just starting out your career.
Once you get a few jobs under your belt, it’s okay to drop your education section out of your resume.
If you have a solid job experience, you’re more likely to get an interview if you don’t mention you have a high school or high school equivalent diploma.
If they ask you just tell the truth. It doesn’t matter by then, you already got the hardest part nailed down, which is getting the job interview.
How To List College Education On Your Resume
How you include education on your resume depends on when or if you have graduated. If you’re a college student or recent graduate, your college education is typically listed at the top of your resume. When you have work experience, the education section of your resume is listed below your employment history.
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Education For A College Student With Some Work Experience
If you are a college student with work experience, place your education section above work. Include the name of the institution, degree type and the expected year of graduation. You can also mention coursework, extracurricular activities, organizations and other academic achievements relevant to the role. Dont include your GPA if it is below 3.5.
Example of the education section for a college student with work experience:
California State University, California
Bachelor of Science in Banking and Finance, September 2017
Minored in Accounting
Relevant Coursework: Accounting Systems, Actuarial Sciences, Anti Money Laundering Protocols
Extracurricular activities: Treasurer for the Association of Accounting Students
GPA: 3.95/4.0
Advanced Education When You’re Overqualified For A Job
If you’re applying to a job you’re overqualified for, it’s acceptable to leave off advanced degrees. There are many reasons why you might be applying for a job you’re overqualified for, including an industry switch, targeting a less stressful workload, or focusing on a company or mission you support. Your resume does not have to be an exhaustive list of everything you’ve done. In fact, it shouldn’t be as it could increase the chances that your resume contains irrelevant experience.
If your education makes you look overqualified for a job you want, you can remove it from your resume. Job seekers appearing overqualified puts you at risk of multiple preconceptions, from salary expectations to feeling threatened. You can get ahead of this by leaving out some of your qualifications.
Example of when you should exclude an advanced degree:
If you have a Master’s degree but you’re targeting a part-time administrative position, you can safely exclude your over-qualifying degree. While you may be looking for a job that allows you to be home before 3 p.m., the hiring manager may think you’re applying to any position you can find. Tailor your cover letter and resume to fit the job sometimes that means trimming off your advanced degrees.
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Should I Put High School On Resume 2022
Though high school may have been a fond time for many of us, you should not leave your high school education, extracurriculars, work experience, internships, or volunteering experience on your resume for too long.
High-school experience is generally worth less than undergraduate, graduate, and career experience.
So, when should you remove high school experience from your resume?
There is no set date or time on when you have to remove your high school experience from your resume.
Generally, high school experience should be removed once you have more important and more real-world experience.
So, if you are currently enrolled in college, then you should remove and replace your high school education with your college.
This is true even if you have not yet graduated, as most colleges require a high-school diploma in order to be accepted or admitted.
When replacing your high school education with your college, you may list out your expected date of graduation.
This will help to give potential employers an idea of your current college timeline and when you should receive your diploma.
However, if you attended a particularly prestigious high school or one that has a lot of connections and networks, you may want to leave your high school on your resume while you are still in college.
Doing so will likely increase your chances of landing a job opportunity or internship.
Your college work experience will generally be more advanced than your high school experience.
How To Include Your High School Education On A Resume
For most positions, hiring managers are interested in reviewing resumes to find the best candidate for their open position. Even without experience, your high school education can help you stand out from your peers and other candidates who are applying for the same position if you’re able to show what makes you unique. Your resume should be comprehensive enough to appeal to a hiring manager and entice them to contact you for an interview.
In this article, we explain why it’s important to include your high school education on your resume, share how to include education and provide a template and examples you can use as guides for writing your own resume.
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