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How To List High School Education On A Resume

Items To Include For Education In Resume

How to Write a Resume for High School Students with NO experience
  • Your minor, especially if it is relevant to the job
  • Relevant coursework
  • Honors and awards, such as Latin honors cum laude and magna cum laude, and others like the Deans List
  • School clubs, but only if its relevant
  • The top 4 items are must-haves. The rest will give you an edge over other candidates.

    However, if you’ve got X years of experience, mentioning those extra items will look awkward as your experience is what matters to employers .

    And, dont weaken your resume education section with these:

    Education On A Resume Before Your Work Experience Section

    You should put your resume education section before your work experience section in the following cases:

    Just graduated:

    • You can consider putting your resume education section before your work experience if you just graduated from high school or college.
    • This helps you build a good resume because you will be having more educational background than work experience at that point in time.

    Starting a new education:

    • If you were a professional and recently planned to get a new degree, it is advisable to put your resume education section first.
    • Your new degree should be relevant to the job description.

    An academic resume:

    • Your resume education section should be positioned above the work experience for a fresher or academic resume.
    • For academic posts/ fellowships, education matters more than the outside work experience.

    If You Are A Recent Graduate

    If you’re a recent graduate, consider moving your educational section above your work experience, as most of your resume will comprise your academic training. This will allow you to highlight what you learned in school and how it can benefit the position. In contrast, if you’ve been working for some time, you can move your education section below your work history. Hiring managers are more interested in your relevant professional experience and the skills you’ve honed in real world situations.

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    Listing Education At The Beginning

    That said, education most commonly appears immediately after the title/heading .

    For example:

    123 Somewhere Street | Somewhere, NY 00000555.555.5555 | username@email.comWest Seneca State College | West Seneca, NY | May 2017Bachelor of Science, Accounting

    The above example is fairly straightforward. After the accountants name, address, and contact information, her college, and date of graduation appear along with the type of degree and major.While its acceptable to abbreviate the degree to B.A. or B.S., it looks more professional to spell out the full Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science.

    Pro Tip: Applicant Tracking Systems used by many employers may distort a submitted resumes format. In particular, placing dates on the left-hand side has caused some issues with ATS. To avoid this issue, format education like the example above, with dates on the right-hand side.

    How To Write An Education Section If Youre An Experienced Professional

    How To List Your High School Diploma On A Resume

    Once you become an experienced professional, your education section takes a back seat to your professional experience.

    Your interviews will revolve about your work experience and professional achievements rather than your academic career.

    Which means that you can get away with simply listing your degrees in reverse-chronological order and leave it at that.

    You can remove more specific details about your education such as GPA, extracurricular activities or related coursework. Or even the attendance dates.

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    If You’re In College Or Just Graduated

    At this stage, you probably have more credentials related toyour target job as a student, than as a working professional.

    So if you havent had a job, project, or volunteer workrelated to the position youre applying for, put education before workexperience on your resume.

    You might argue that its better to list the odd andpart-time jobs you did first. Maybe you think these job entries show thatyoure employable and at least know what its like to work for a living.

    Perhaps some hiring managers might consider that fact.

    But what if they dont read past your job title as Waitress, Cashier, or Barista? Allthe qualities and achievements you list below the job title will be ignored,too. Even if those skills are related to the job at hand.

    For now, list education before your work experience first. Justconsider it your first step in convincing employers that you have thequalifications they need.

    These Tips Will Let You Know When Its Time To Let Go Of The Glory Days And Let Your Professional Work Experience Own The Spotlight

    Know whether your high school belongs on a resume.

    In the early stages of your career, youre likely going to struggle to decide what relevant information to include on your resume. Its a common conundrum. Among your considerations: Should your resume education section include your high school?

    Short answer: Sometimes.

    There are definitely circumstances that warrant listing your high school achievements on your resume. But there will also come a time when your work history will become the main point of interest to hiring managers. These pointers will help you determine when to cut your school ties.

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    When Should You List Your High School

    The decision to list your high school in your resume education section comes down to the stage youre at in your life. If you’re currently attending high school or college, or if you just graduated from school, definitely list your high school on your resume.

    It’s also customary to include your high school information on resumes in some countries outside the United States. If you’re applying for a job abroad, make sure you research whether this information is likely to be important.

    Listing Education At The End

    How to Make a High School Resume

    Is it ever appropriate to list your education at the end of a resume? Absolutely. For job postings that list no education requirements, instead citing specific skill sets or experiences as crucial , education can certainly appear at the end of the resume.

    When a job posting is focused on required skill sets, include a Summary of Qualifications after the heading. There, you can list relevant skills and experiences. Our article The Importance of Resume Action Verbs will show you how to enhance your list of skills.

    We also recommend placing your resume education section last when applying for a part-time job or a job unrelated to your degree. If youre seeking a part-time job in the service industry or retail sales, a degree is generally not required. For this reason, you can place your education last in such instances.

    Likewise, lets say you have the required skills for a job, but your degree isnt one of the degrees listed under preferred qualifications. In this case, placing education at the end could help lessen the impact of your degree not being a perfect fit for the job. By the time employers reach your education section, theyll already have read about all of your other excellent qualifications.

    Another scenario is if you have a graduate degree and are seeking a part-time job in sales or retail to pay the bills. Similarly, perhaps youve been laid off or fired and are looking for fast work outside of your field.

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    What Employers Look For In The Education Section Of Your Resume

    Each employer searches for different things in your education and what they look for depends on the requirements for the job. If youre applying for an entry-level job, the hiring manager might want to see that you have a high school diploma or college degree. A recruiter seeking a director of a department might be looking for business or managerial training, like an MBA.

    The educational requirements of a job are often listed under a requirements or education section on the job description, so read carefully to see if your background is a good match.

    There are some professions such as finance or healthcare where specific certifications or degrees are essential to getting the job. If you know a potential employer will need to see that you have the right credentials before considering your other experience, place your education at the top of the page just below your contact information and professional summary.

    The most important thing to keep in mind as you document your education is honesty. Potential employers may conduct a background check before offering you a job. If they come across information thats different from whats on your resume, this could hurt your chances of getting the job.

    How To List Degree On Resume

    There are many different types of degrees, but the same basic format is used for each. Youll need the year you graduated, the name of the school, the location of the school city and state if within the United States, or city and country if you studied abroad the type of degree earned, and the major.

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    Where To Include An Education Section On Your Resume

    The most common place to include an educational section on your resume is directly below your work experience details. This placement provides an organized and concise flow for the hiring manager or recruiter. Depending on the company and position, modify your resume to suit their requirements. Alternatively, you can include a comment in your summary section highlighting a specific training or academic qualification to stand out from other candidates. Depending on your unique situation, there are two additional things to consider:

    How To List Education On A Resume In 2021

    10+ High School Resume Templates, Examples, Samples Format ...

    Not sure what degree to list? If you should include a GPA? It just so happens that there’s a variety of ways to effectively list your eduction.

    The education section of a resume may not always be the star of the document but knowing how to properly list your education can be essential for advancing into the next phase of the hiring process.

    In this guide, we will cover all the ins and outs of crafting an education section for your resume.

    We’ll cover the following:

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    You Earned Your Degree More Than 15 Years Ago

    If you earned a degree or certification more than 15 years ago, place your Education at the bottom of your resume, and remove the graduation date. It’s important to demonstrate you’ve earned the degree, but there’s no need to draw attention to how long ago this occurred.

    Doing so will allow you to focus your resume on your skills, accomplishments, and professional history. For those who have many years of professional experience, education becomes less important because you should be moving forward in your career.

    How To List Education On Resume: 2021 Guide With 10+ Tips

    Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

    Mandela has left us with a compelling line. And education on a resume is the most important finish to a resume.

    But how to list education on resume?

    Listing education on a resume can be very difficult. Considering which field to include and worrying about the unfinished degrees can take a lot of your time!

    Be it a high school resume, a college student, or a working professional, do NOT worry! We have got you covered. All your questions have been answered:

    The following guide and FAQ shall answer all essential questions. Our professionals at Hiration have got you perfect templates for your resume. Check out our 20+ free customized resume templates here.

    In this blog post, we will cover the following topics:

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    Why Include An Education Section On A Resume

    Theres a good chance that every resume youve ever seen had an education section. But why?

  • Employers expect to see it. This is as good a reason as any, if not better than most. After all, if you want to get hired, you need to meet your future employers expectations. Not including an education section on your resume can raise many suspicions about your background or even your character.
  • Your job requires a specific degree. You cannot become a medical doctor without a medical degree, for example. The same goes for being a lawyer and many other professions. But you already know that.
  • Your education background can help you stand out. This is especially true if youre a fresh graduate or a student. Sure, adding a prestigious degree to your name can increase your chances, but thats not all. Try to inflate your education section by mentioning your GPA, scholarships, awards, being on student committees, etc. Anything to help your future boss see your potential.
  • Where To Put The Education Section Of Your Resume

    High School Resume: How To Write Your First Resume (Plus Template)

    Current students, recent college graduates, or career changers may want to put the education section towards the top of their resume. This is because students typically have limited work experience and want to highlight academic success.

    If you have been out of school for at least a couple of years, you can move this section to the bottom of your resume. By this time, you have enough work experience to highlight that you dont need to rely on your education.

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    What To Include In Your Education Section

    When reviewing a job posting or job description, be sure to look for educational requirements usually listed under “requirements” or “qualifications.” This information can provide insight into what the organization is looking for in potential candidates regarding training or certifications. You can then use this information to customize your resume for each application process.

    There are specific details a hiring manager is looking for in your educational section that include:

    • Your most recent degree, or education in progress

    • The name of the school

    • The location of the school

    • Your field of study or degree major

    • Graduation year, or expected graduation date

    • Your GPA, if above 3.5

    • Any academic honours or accolades

    Your educational section is often the smallest part of your resume. Based on the job description, you want to provide varying amounts of detail, but an education section is typically 15-30 words. Customize your education section to reflect the requirements of the position. Ensure that your education section is truthful and accurate, as employers who complete background checks may also confirm your schooling.

    How To List Your Education On A Resume

    For many applicants, the education section is the easiestpart to write on their resume. They just list their alma maters name, degree,and graduation date. Simple.

    Its not always that simple though. For instance, what do you write if you switched school three times before completing your bachelors? How do you list your college education if youre still completing your thesis? What if you dropped out of an MBA?

    This tutorial answers those questions, and everything elserelated to listing education on a resume.

    First, lets start with the basics:

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    Optimizing Resume Education For An Ats

    Many companies have started using the Applicant Tracking Systems. This software helps an organization filter out undesirable applicants. This program goes through resumes and looks for keywords specific to the job profile.

    If you want your resume to make it past an ATS, you need to keep in mind the following things:

    • Use a clean format
    • Ensure that this program can read your full resume
    • Minimize the use of tables, graphs, or pictures
    • Use keywords relevant to your job profile

    You can also use powerful action words to make your resume stand out. Take a look at Hiration’s blog on resume action words and power verbs to learn their use.

    Get your resume reviewed by our professionals before sending it. You can also make your resume from our state-of-the-art AI-powered Online Resume Builder.

    How To List Education On A Resume With Examples

    Education Section Resume Writing Guide

    The education section of your resume provides hiring managers with a detailed insight into your background and how it relates to the role. When written to reflect the job requirements, your education section can give you an advantage over other candidates. The best way to list your education depends on your work and academic achievements.

    There are several ways to list education on your resume. Reading and understanding the job description can help identify the perfect location and level of qualification to include when applying to a position. Not all jobs need your full credentials, so you can check the job listing to see what the hiring managers are looking for. In this article, you can learn about how to list your education on a resume.

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    Do You Mention Your High School On Resume

    It is essential that you include your high school education on your resume if you are a high school student or a college student, a recent graduate with no job experience, or if you have a high school diploma as your greatest educational qualification. It is recommended that you remove your high school diploma off your resume once you have completed any other sort of further education.

    How To Write Your Resume Education Section

    The education section is among the easiest to write. In most cases, you should be fine if you follow these basic steps:

  • First include the name of your school and its location. In most cases, you should list the name of your school first. In this way, you can also draw the hiring managers attention away from the fact that your degree has nothing to do with your desired role . Finally, list only the institution that awarded you a degree.
  • Specify your degree and field of study. You can either spell out the full title, e.g. Master of Arts, or use the initials MA. If you have more than one degree, list your most recent degree first. Also, list your minors or concentrations after your major.
  • Dont forget the dates. Include the year you when began your studies and the year you graduated. But you dont have to include any specific dates if you seek to avoid discrimination based on your age.
  • You can use the following template to write your education section. Naturally, dont forget to only include information that pertains to the job you want.

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