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How To Say Resume In Spanish

How To Talk About Your Job In Spanish

How to Pronounce Resumé? (CORRECTLY) Meaning & Pronunciation

Learning how to talk about your job in Spanish is super important. Being bilingual, trilingual, or a polyglot is not only awesome, but also an appreciated skill in the professional world. According to Rosetta Stone, at least 35% of their users who are responsible for hiring people extended a job offer, granted a job interview, or recommended a promotion for a potential employee because of their proficiency in another language.

In addition, 7.6% of the worlds population speaks Spanish. Spanish is the third-most spoken language on the internet, and approximately 55 million LinkedIn users use Spanish to some degree, according to Language Magazine.

Do you need more proof that knowing Spanish is key in the professional world and may land you more job or growth opportunities? Dress up, polish those shoes, update your resume and get ready to talk about your job in Spanish!

Spanish Interpreter/translator Resume Samples And Guide

Finding the inspiration to write an awesome resume can be tough. You may want to tailor it to fit a specific job description. Or maybe you’re having a hard time deciding what job experiences to include. Everything that goes into creating a perfect spanish interpreter/translator resume can take hours, days, even weeks. All of that work for an employer to take a glance. Studies show that employers only spend about 5-7 seconds looking at a single resume. No pressure or anything, but that leaves you with about 6 seconds to make an impression.

Now, take a deep breath. We’re going to figure out exactly what you need on your resume as a spanish interpreter/translator. Since we’ve looked over 2,303 spanish interpreter/translator resumes, we’re close to being experts to knowing exactly what you need on your resume. No matter whether you’re an experienced spanish interpreter/translator or an entry-level spanish interpreter/translator what you want to make sure the resume captures exactly what you can bring to the table, so let’s hop to it.

Slang Words For Work In Spanish

As you know, Spanish is a diverse language with tons of different ways to say things. Here are a few informal ways to say job in Spanish-speaking countries.

la chamba Mexico, Venezuela, and Ecuador

el chance Guatemala

el laburo Argentina and Uruguay

el camello Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador

el jornal Colombia

el brete Costa Rica

la pincha Cuba

la pega Chile

el curro Spain

FUN FACT! The word laburo used in Argentina and Uruguay comes from the Italian lavorare, which means to work.

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Things You Like At Work In Spanish

Mi jefe me cae bien.I like my boss.

El horario que manejo es flexible.My schedule is flexible.

El ambiente de trabajo es amigable.The work environment is friendly.

Mis compañeros de trabajo son amables, serviciales y pacientes.My coworkers are kind, helpful, and patient.

Respetan mi tiempo libre.They respect my free time.

PRO TIP! Although the literal translation of to like is gustar, when you use the word gustar means that you like your boss romantically. Thats why we use the phrase caer bien .

Assess Your Proficiency Levels


There are four common terms used to assess your proficiency levels:

  • Basic: indicates you know simple words and phrases. You may not yet be able to keep up with conversations in the language.
  • Conversational: indicates that you can carry on a conversation, although not fluently. You may still express uncertainty in your choice of words.
  • Proficient: indicates a high level of comfort with the use of a language in spoken or written form, but isn’t yet at the level of a native speaker. Proficient speakers are more comfortable with a language than conversational speakers.
  • Fluent: indicates a high level of comfort using the language and can converse in the same manner as a native speaker.

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Resume In Spanish For Mexico

To write a resume in Spanish for a job application in Mexico, there are several aspects that candidates should consider before handing over a traditional Spanish resume.

Firstly, again a resume in Spanish cannot simply be a translated version of your normal resume because it may not tick the boxes of what is required by a Mexican employer.

Generally in Mexico, the resume is also known as a CV or currículum, and does not differ majorly from the resume for Spain or hoja de vida that we have described previously.

In Mexico, education is one of the most valued sections and should be included with more detail than the typical American resume, listing college activities, honors and awards, etc.

In addition to the aforementioned sections, the Mexican resume includes a part that is dedicated to updates Actualizaciones. This means instead of adding new courses, professional training sessions or diplomas to the education section, any of these that have given you new expertise would be listed here under this heading.

If youre applying for a job in Mexico or another Spanish-speaking country, you can use an online resume builder to create your resume in Spanish in no time with no fuss.

Quitting Your Job In Spanish

All things must come to an end. Whatever the reason, most of us quit a job at least once in our lifetimes. If you need to say: renuncié , and state the reasons or soften the blow before saying it Ive got you covered right here.


I will not be able to keep working here.No podré seguir trabajando aquí.

A partir del próximo martes no podré continuar trabajando con ustedes.Starting next Tuesday, I will not be able to continue working with you.

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Include Your Skills On Your Resume

Depending on the requirements for the role, there are typically two main locations where you might include a skills section: in the skills section or under additional credentials. If there are no language requirements included in the job listing, then it’s best to include your language skills within your skills section. If it is required or preferred for the job, it’s best to include it as a separate section, either under “additional credentials” or “other information”.

You may want to list your levels of proficiency in each area or you may want to define your proficiency in terms that indicate how useful it will be for the organization. For example, if you can speak, read, write and understand others, you may want to list yourself as fluent. If you can understand and converse with others but cannot read and write it well, you may want to refer to yourself as conversant.

Writing A Resignation Letter In Spanish

How to Pronounce Resume? (CORRECTLY) Verb Meaning & Pronunciation

If talking is not your thing, a resignation letter might be a better path to quit your job. Here are some sentences you could use.

Quisiera informarles que he decidido renunciar debido a queI would like to inform you that I have decided to quit due to

Esta renuncia se hará efectiva dentro de 2 semanas.This resignation will take effect within two weeks.

No quisiera acabar la carta sin agradecerles por la oportunidad y el tiempo brindado.I wouldnt want to finish the letter without thanking you for the opportunity and given time.

Estoy disponible para proveer la ayuda necesaria para lograr esta transición de la manera más fluida posible.I am ready to provide assistance to make this transition the smoothest way possible.

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Prepare For Your Job Interview In Spanish

They called ! You know seem like a suitable candidate for that job you are looking to secure. They want to set up a meeting.

If that interview is completely or at least has a part in Spanish these next interview questions and sentences in Spanish might come in handy.

Cuénteme un poco de usted mismo. Tell me a little bit about yourself.

¿Cómo se enteró de esta oferta de trabajo?How did you learn about this job offer?

¿Por qué quiere trabajar con nosotros?Why do you want to work with us?

¿Por qué deberíamos contratarlo?Why should we hire you?

¿Cuáles son sus más grandes fortalezas?Which are your greatest strengths?

¿Cuáles son sus más grandes debilidades?Which are your greatest weaknesses?

¿Qué lo hace único?

¿Por qué dejó su último trabajo?Why did you leave your last job?

¿Por qué fue despedido?

¿Cuánto ganaba en su empleo anterior?How much did you earn at your last job?

¿Cuánto espera ganar?How much do you expect to earn?

¿Estaría dispuesto a trabajar horas extra?Would you be willing to work extra hours?

¿Estaría dispuesto a trabajar los fines de semana y días festivos?Would you be willing to work on weekends and holidays?

Si fuese necesario, ¿estaría dispuesto a trasladarse a otra ciudad o país?If it were necessary, would you be willing to relocate to another city or country?

¿Necesita tiempo de gracia para renunciar su empleo actual?Do you need some grace time to quit your current job?

¿Cuándo puede comenzar?When can you start?

Things You Do Not Like At Work In Spanish

Las instalaciones de donde trabajo son muy pequeñas.The facilities where I work are very small.

Mi jefe nunca está abierto a escuchar ideas nuevas.My boss is never open to listening to new ideas.

Nunca me pagan a tiempo.They never pay me on time.

Mis compañeros de trabajo son groseros.My coworkers are rude.

Mi supervisor no es respetuoso.My supervisor is not respectful.

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How To Turn Your Spanish Cv Into An English Cv / Resume

IT Recruiter at xiBOSS | HR at UXDivers

Spanish CVs and English CVs or resumes are not identical. They are pretty similar, but there are some cultural differences that have an impact on the way people write them, particularly if we compare the classic CV used in some countries of Latin America and the CVs we find in the US and Canada.

So, here are a few tips to help you create an English CV/resume


Don´t translate your entire Spanish CV. One of my English teachers used to say think in English, don´t translate from Spanish. The same applies here. It´s not just because if you translate word by word you will probably end up saying something that makes no sense. It´s also because there are some differences on what information people give in their resumes:

Don´t trust Google Translator 100%. I love Google and I think the translator can be helpful, but you can´t trust it for an entire translation. It´s good for checking your spelling, finding the meaning of an English word or giving possible translations of a Spanish word you don´t know how to say in English. But it´s not that good at grammar .

Check out Linkedin profiles in English. This does not mean you should copy someone else´s profile . Checking out profiles in English of people working in the same field of expertise as you can widen your vocabulary and give you an idea about the words and expressions that are used to describe what you do. That way you can sound more professional.

Difference Between American And Spanish Resumes


There are always similarities and differences to be considered when you need to create a resume to apply for a job in a different country or simply using a different language. Moving from one language to another implies much more than simple translation of words, and applicants should take care to respect cultural differences that may apply when job searching in different countries.

Although both the Spanish and American resumes are generally short and do not exceed 2 A4 pages as a standard rule, it could be construed that the Spanish resume has overall less detail. This is because it is only now becoming more common to include a list of the achievements or responsibilities held in previous positions. Therefore many older Spanish-speaking jobseekers will not complete their professional experience section to such a degree as the current generation.

Additionally, it is also only recently becoming more popular to include a skills section which displays the different hard and soft abilities of the applicant. Thus, frequently Spanish resumes will be seen with much less detail than American resumes.

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Common Reasons To Quit Your Job In Spanish

Tengo que renunciar porque tengo que mudarme.I have got to quit because I need to move.

Tengo que dedicarme al cuidado de mi madre y, desafortunadamente, no tengo tiempo para ambas cosas.I have got to dedicate to taking care of my mother and, unfortunately, I dont have time for both things.

Intenté expresar mis problemas varias veces con la empresa y jamás me escucharon.I tried to express my problems several times to the company, and they never listened to me.

Ya no soy feliz trabajando aquí.I am no longer happy working here.

Necesito dedicarme a mis proyectos personales.I need to dedicate myself to my personal projects.

No puedo crecer ni desarrollarme más aquí.I cannot grow or develop myself further here.

Mi ciclo aquí ha terminado y no puedo darle nada más a esta empresa.My cycle here has come to an end, and I cannot give anything else to this company.

Mis valores ya no son compatibles con los de la empresa.My values no longer align with the companys.

Review Job Postings And Sample Resumes

Review job listings to identify some of the top language skills preferred by employers who are hiring for positions like the one you’re looking for. Also, take a look at sample resumes to see what language skills people with similar titles are including and how they’re including them.

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Applying For A Job In Spanish

After updating your resume, its time to start applying for a job in Spanish. Thanks to the pandemic, this process has become easier and most of us can start applying for a job from the comfort of our homes. Check out this basic vocabulary from any standard job application.

expected salary el salario esperado

PRO TIPS! In Spanish-speaking countries, youll often find job applications with spaces for two last names. This is because in the Spanish and Latin American cultures, you traditionally take your fathers last name first and your mothers last name after it, giving you two last names instead of one.*In the section to fill out the sex, you might find M and F, which stand for masculino and femenino . Alternatively, H and M stand for hombre and mujer .

Writing A Resume In Spanish

How do you say RESUME in English | Resume Meaning | Resume Pronunciation

If you need to write a resume in Spanish for a job application, it is advisable to go beyond simply translating the information and instead, you should try to write the Spanish CV from scratch taking into consideration the differences in layout and relevant details.

The principal elements that need to be taken into account are:

  • Formatting
  • Order and importance of sections
  • Cultural terms
  • Equivalents for grades, courses, etc.

Below you will find more information on these factors to help you structure and complete your resume in Spanish. Firstly, however, are a few general tips regarding creating a resume in Spanish:

A resume in Spanish example will help candidates understand what is important to include and what is not for their job application in Spain or to another Spanish-speaking country.

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Bilingual Skills On A Resume: How To Highlight Them


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Spanish Resume: Layout And Sections

When it comes down to structuring a Spanish resume, it is essential for applicants to take a look at the Spanish resume format to understand how a resume in Spanish should be laid out, what information should be included and what should be excluded. One way to do this is to employ Spanish resume templates that are pre-structured in a format that Spanish-speaking recruiters know well, in order to offer them the information in an easily recognizable order.

  • The general rule for the length of a Spanish resume is to maintain all the information within 2x A4 size pages maximum. This is already more than necessary because recruiters do not have much time to spend reviewing the many resumes they receive which means it is essentially better to aim for just one page, however, 2 pages are acceptable for candidates with a long, relevant work history.
  • The should also be considered because the technical resume formatting for different language resumes can vary. In standard Spanish CVs, margins should measure 3 cm from the top of the page and 2.5cm from each side.
  • Another rule to take into account to create a correct Spanish resume format is the heading or title you put at the beginning of the page. It is important that this area is not given the title Spanish resume or simply Resume, CV or Curriculum. The header should include the applicants full name and the relevant personal details.

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Spanish Translator Resume Examples

Spanish Translators converts written material from English to Spanish or vice versa. Examples of Spanish Translator duties include discussing requirements with clients, compiling information, maintaining the style and tone of the original text, following work schedules, promoting their services, and securing new translation projects. Based on our selection of resume examples for Spanish Translator, essential job skills are English and Spanish language fluency, writing skills, creativity, deadline management, attention to details, and computer literacy. Resumes in the field make display of a degree in Spanish language and literature.

For more information on what it takes to be a Spanish Translator, check out our complete Spanish Translator Job Description.

Find out what is the best resume for you in our Ultimate Resume Format Guide.


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