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How To Send Resume To Google

Use A Resume Or Cover Letter Template

Uploading and sharing your resume to google drive

Through Google Drive, you can also access many Google Docs document templates. There are many free resume templates and business letter templates you can use for a cover letter or other professional job search letter. Here’s how to access and use the templates:

  • In Google Drive, click on New in the top left corner
  • Look at the list of different templates, and select the template you want to use

This will open up a new Google Doc with the template embedded in it. A template is a great starting point for a resume or letter. Be sure to personalize your document with your career information.

Make Sure To Demonstrate Leadership

Beyond your education and work experiences, leadership experience is crucial. A leader is not someone whos has a title, but rather is someone who can inspire and motivate others.

Each of your leadership experiences should highlight the impact you’ve delivered in your roles emphasize your ability to lead and work with people.

In my résumé, you’ll see that I listed four experiences:

  • Babson Consulting Association: This highlights my interest in the consulting industry.
  • Babson Asian Pacific Organization: This shows I have passions outside of his professional interests.
  • Delta Sigma Pi: This organization has affiliations with 275,000 members, so I hoped to use this to connect with members.
  • Student Government Association: This shows my abilities to inspire & lead my constituents.
  • Email Job Application Introduction

    Dear Mx. Webber,

    I saw your job ad for a restaurant manager and would love to be considered for the position.

    I am a head server who has won Employee of the Month three times in a row and spearheaded a wine sales campaign that resulted in a 10% increase in alcohol revenue. My goal is to use my 10 years of serving experience to increase sales at your establishment and the number of regular customers.

    Please find attached my resume and cover letter. I look forward to meeting you in person to discuss the opportunity.


    Pablo Lopez

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    Send A Test Email To Yourself

    Before you submit your application to the hiring manager, send the email to yourself or a friend. You can then make sure:

    • there are no typos or grammatical mistakes
    • all of your attachments are present
    • your attachments open properly

    Ensure that your email is perfect so that when it lands in an employers inbox you immediately come off as a professional someone any company would be happy to hire. Good luck on the job hunt!

    Amazon: System Administrator Resume Sample

    25+ Resume Templates for Google Docs [Free Download]

    This resume example is exceptional in the way it integrates content and design. Being exactly one page long, it doesnt leave much of the page unused. Moreover, it makes a great use of visual elements to emphasize important keywords. Finally, all of its elements work great in unison, providing the hiring manager with a great reading experience.

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    Only Include Relevant Personal Information

    Unless you are asked to write your cover letter in the email, this email should only mention what position you are applying for, the attachments and your contact info.

    Do not add anything unnecessary or repeat anything that is already in your resume or cover letter.

    If you are writing a cover letter, only include personal information that will paint you as a valuable candidate, such as your work experience, competencies and education or certifications.

    Hopefully, this guide made it less dreadful to send resumes via email.

    Remember, by following these instructions and adjusting your email according to your situation, you will very likely get a response.

    What Should You Name A Resume File

    Here are a few tips that may help you to name your resume file or document:

    • Include your name. Your first and last name should be a part of your resume file name. For example, it may look something like this, Jessica_Bryant.

    • Keep the character count low. Your resume file name shouldn’t be long unless you have a long first or last name. Even then, you may decide to abbreviate your name to the first initial of your first name and spell out your last name.

    • Include the word “resume.” Make sure potential employers know what the document is by adding the word “resume.” Your file name could look like this: Melinda_Bryant_Resume.

    • Leave out version numbers or years. Avoid including version numbers in your file name for your resume to give the employer the impression that this is your final and best version.

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    Employment History Example: What Makes You Worthy

    There is no company in the world like Google, but that doesnt mean that much if your employment history isnt worthy of Google. Be deliberate with the stories you tell, quantify everything with numbers and context, and put yourself in the place of your future boss and colleagues when you read it back.

    Your Google resume should read like you already have what it takes to smash the role in question.

    Here are ten different scenarios for resume accomplishments

    • Increase sales or profit margins
    • Financial cost savings / improved bottom line
    • Improved productivity in terms of time spent
    • Solutions that you found to unsolved problems
    • Innovations or ideas that have led to a step-change
    • Processes improved and procedures developed
    • Awards that you have won
    • Promotion to a different role in the company
    • Impact on the development of those around you
    • Offer outstanding service to customers or clients

    Are you saying the sorts of things that make you sound like an irresistible future colleague? You only need to give a taste to be able to start a conversation to continue at the interview stage, but you need to show that these arent the sorts of conversations that a hiring manager could have with anyone else. Being slightly better than average wont be enough. Your Google resume should help you to stand out for all the right reasons.

    Below is an excerpt of the employment history section from our Google resume example.

    Project Manager, Verizon Communications, Newbury Park

    Mistake #: Creative Formatting

    How to upload your resume from your Google Drive

    When it comes to resumes, Bock says, substance definitely matters more than style. Hed definitely prefer to see a simple, traditional, perfectly formatted resume than something creative thats tough to read. Unless youre applying for a job such as a designer or artist, your focus should be on making your resume clean and legible, he writes.

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    What Are The Most Common Roles At Google

    While there are roles in every conceivable functional vertical, the most common roles remain technology or design based. Whatever role you work in, you will have a direct or indirect impact on these areas, so include them in your resume career story wherever possible.

    • Engineering: Technical roles at Google include software engineering, STA engineering, application development, product management, etc.
    • Business: Non-technical jobs at Google include quantitative business analysis, business operations management, sales strategy, etc.
    • Design: You can also apply for roles such as UI/UX designer, UX writer, visual designer, UX researcher, etc.

    Send A Test Email Message

    Before you click Send, send yourself a test email message to be sure your application is perfect and good to go:

    • Attach your resume, then send the message to yourself first to test that the formatting works.
    • Open the attachment so you are sure you attached the right file in the correct format, and that it opens correctly.
    • Once everything looks good, send it to the employer. If there are issues, update your materials and send another test message to yourself.

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    What Is The Format Of A Resume Attached In An Email

    It is important that the filename contains your name and specifies that it is a resume. For example, Firstname_Lastname_Resume.pdf. Check if the job description specifies a Word or PDF format, if not, stick to PDF.

    It is important to mention your full name and that the file is a resume in the filename so that the recruiter can easily tell which one is yours.

    To you, it may be fine as just Resume.pdf but to them, it might get lost in the sea of other resumes they have to look at.

    As for the format, check thoroughly if the job description mentions whether they want it in a Word, PDF, or any kind of other formats as they definitely have their reasons for this specification.

    Once you feel that you have included everything necessary in the email and that it is complete, proofread, proofread and proofread.

    It is very important to reread everything you wrote and edit anything if needed.

    It is also important to make sure all the attached files work and open the way you want them to.

    Here are the best ways to make sure you dont miss any mistakes before sending your resume via email.

    Nyu: Associate Director Resume Sample

    25+ Resume Templates for Google Docs [Free Download]

    Notice the length of this resume. Although a resume should rarely exceed 1 page in length, Boby Eduram was right to make his resume 3 pages long. First, when applying for a job in academia, youre expected to provide an exhaustive account of your previous professional experiences. Second, he was applying for a senior role. Its easy to justify a 3 page resume when you have over 30 years of experience in the field.

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    Custom Resume Templates For Google Docs

    Looking for more options? We got you covered.

    Check out these eight additional HR-approved resume templates. Each is compatible with Google Docs, and weve included links for you in the captions so you can instantly make your own. Simply download the file and upload it to Google Drive for editing.

    Better yet, nearly all of these options include matching custom-made cover letter templates as well.

    Best File Format To Use For Uploading Your Resume

    Most online job websites provide a list of acceptable file formats for uploading your resume, but you must decide which file format keeps your layout the same. You may do this by testing a couple of acceptable file formats before you upload your resume.

    Here are some of the best file formats to use for uploading your resume:

    • Word document or .docx: Word processors are popular for writing resumes. Documents written in Word are .doc or .docx files. Some job ads request this format over another format since this word processor is standard in most organizations.

    • PDF: PDF files ensure that the employer you send to or upload your resume for sees your resume the way you formatted it and designed it. PDFs cannot be edited or altered, which means your original copy is preserved. This file format is also compatible with Macs and PCs.

    • HTML: HTML files open in a browser, similar to a web page. This format retains its formatting and layout when you send it as an email attachment and it does not need to be downloaded for the recipient to view.

    • Plain text: Plain text resumes often contain plain text characters that have no bolding, italics or centering. This format is usually best for ATS or applicant tracking systems to sort through and decipher. Employers that use an applicant tracking system may require you to copy and paste your resume into their text box which may strip your resume into plain text formatting.

    Read more: Resume Format Guide

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    How To Make A Resume On Google Docs

    Google makes it simple to access their default resume templates in Google Drive.

    You can click this link to go directly to the templates gallery, and browse the full library of templates and .

    However, its also valuable to learn how to access these templates using your Google Drive account so you can explore them whenever you want.

    Just follow the tips below to access Googles full slate of resume templates yourself:

    Dell: Program Manager Resume Sample

    How to Use Google Drive to Upload a Resume

    One of those resume examples that embody what a resume really stands for. That is, it offers a brief and targeted account of your past experiences. Compared to other resume examples that often get too wordy or overly elaborate, Mr Ghostlys resume remains uncompromisingly efficient. A great example of how much can be achieved with a resume that deliberately does only the necessary minimum.

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    Rename The File And Download

    Finally, rename the file name by clicking the name of the template in the top left-hand corner. Once you’ve completed the resume and renamed the file, download it to your computer or device by selecting “File” and then “Download.” Typically, a PDF document is recommended for your resume. Refer to the employer’s preference that may be listed in the job posting before downloading your Google Doc resume and submitting it.


    Mention Youve Attached Your Application Materials

    Actually writing out please find attached my resume or something similar in your email body reminds the hiring manager not to overlook your resume.

    If you use Gmail, typing attached or attachment into the body of your email causes a pop-up to appear if you forget to attach a file.

    Sending your email without attaching your application documents is embarrassing and makes you appear disorganized.

    With most hiring managers seeking employees who have great organizational skills, coming off as disorganized doesnt bode well for your chances of getting hired.

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    Choose A Resume File Format

    Be sure to read the job listing carefully for any directions on what format the employer would prefer for your resume. If there are no directions, submit the resume as either a Microsoft Word document or as a PDF document. These are the formats most commonly preferred by employers.

    If you have saved your or with word processing software other than Microsoft Word, convert your resume to a Word document. You should be able to click File, then “Download” and save it as a Word document or PDF.

    To save your document as a PDF, depending on your word processing software you may be able to select the menu File, then the sub-menu Save asor Save a Copyand save it as a PDF. If not, there are free programs you can use to convert a file to a PDF.

    Resume Tip #: Cut The Fat And Leave The Filet Mignon When Writing A Resume

    10 Free Google Docs Resume Templates [Drive &  Alternatives]

    Along with a good narrative, the second most important part of crafting a world-class resume is cutting the fat.

    When you write a resume, every word must earn its place on the page. If its not adding to and improving your narrative, cut it. If it is, ask if there is another word or phrase that would do a better job.

    As CEO of IWT, Ive hired dozens of people. That means Ive reviewed thousands of resumes. Most of them were 1-2 pages and 50-60% of the words should have been deleted. How can you be remarkable to a Hiring Manager when they have to wade through filler on your resume to figure out who you are?

    When I see a bloated resume like this, I assume that they dont know how to write a resume or they dont have anything better to share.

    Dont do this. Make every word count. Its better to have a shorter and more meaningful resume than a long one filled with garbage.

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    How Clean Email App Can Simplify Inbox Management

    Clean Email is an inbox management tool that helps users uncluster their mailbox fast and with ease. In a world where everyone is attempting cold calling, your inbox can be messy in a short time, making it difficult to find important emails.

    The app takes away the stress of having to delete emails one at a time manually and helps automate the process to keep your inbox clean at all times. Visit Clean Emails features page to see all you can do with the tool.

    Use The X By Y By Z Formula

    This is the crux of the advice by Laszlo Bock, a former Google senior vice president of personnel operations. You want to adhere to the bullet-points format as we’ve discussed, and articulate your experience in this very specific way.

    Google describes this as: “Accomplished as measured by , by doing .” But just to make it easier to remember, let’s shorten it to X-Y-Z.

    This means that you want to focus on accomplishments — quantitative results and the impact that you had as a result. It’s probably easiest to explain this by using a few examples from the Google recruiters’ YouTube videos themselves.

    For example, imagine an applicant who wants to make clear that he or she is a member of a prestigious group. Here’s the OK way, the better way, and the best way to describe this on a resume, according to Google:

    • OK: “Member of Leadership for Tomorrow Society”
    • Better: “Selected as one of 275 for this 12-month professional development program for high-achieving diverse talent.”
    • Best: “Selected as one of 275 participants nationwide for this 12-month professional development program for high-achieving diverse talent based on leadership potential and academic success.”

    Here’s another example, this one for a technical position in which the applicant wants to point out that he or she placed second in a hackathon.

    Here’s a final example, intended for a business applicant who wants to show how much he or she contributed in a client support role:

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    Carefully Edit And Proofread Your Documents

    Make sure you use spellcheck and check your grammar and capitalization. Employers expect the same level of professionalism in emails as they do in paper correspondence. Be sure to proofread your subject line, the body of your email, and any attachments.

    Many email programs have built-in spellcheckers you can use. Alternatively, write your cover letter message using a word processing program, spell-and-grammar-check it, and paste it into the email message. There are free online proofreading programs, like Grammarly, you can use to check your documents.

    No matter how you write it, be sure not to rely solely on spellcheckers, which can miss many grammar and spelling mistakes. Reread your message yourself and consider having a friend look at it as well.


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