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Teacher Resume Template Free

Prepare To Write Your Resume

Casual Teacher Resume | FREE Template

It can be pretty baffling to create your resume without knowing what to write. To make the process easier, we have collected tips to help you get acquainted with all the necessary tools and data needed to create an impressive resume. To know more, read through the following steps:

  • Take a note of the top requirements needed for your desired position. Pay attention to the skills theyre expecting, such as creating a positive learning environment, classroom management, managing student records and progress and planning lessons.
  • List down all your achievements from your previous work experience. Create a good impression on the employers with specific accomplishments that prove your impact. Include numbers to highlight your usefulness in that role.
  • Recruiters and applicant tracking systems scan your resume and notice grammatical errors, inconsistent fonts or irrelevant keywords. Avoid these mistakes so the ATS doesnt reject your resume. Always use both the term and its acronym. Example: certificate of eligibility with advanced standing .
  • Browse resume examples for the job position you are looking for. Going through several other resume examples will help you understand how to make your resume more impactful when applying for your desired position.

Introduce Yourself With A Professional Summary Or Career Objective

The first section recruiters and employers will look over is your professional summary. Think of this section as a chance to make a great first impression by showcasing your best attributes. There are two strategies you can use in this section. You can go the route of a summary statement or career objective.

The career objective is the ideal choice for entry-level candidates or career changers. In a career objective, you inform your employer of your professional abilities and what you wish to learn or accomplish in your role.

While the career objective is more aligned to what the job candidate wants, the professional summarys purpose is to inform how you as a candidate can benefit the employer with your skills and achievements. We recommend opting for the professional summary because its geared more to the employers needs. You can learn more about writing a professional summary in our resume-writing guide.

Check out this example of a professional summary for a teacher resume:

Professional Summary

Preschool teacher dedicated to developing and expanding the minds of younger generations through impactful lessons and creative instruction. Attentive of meeting students individual needs in open, safe educational environments. Adept in interpersonal communication and cultural competence.

Match Your Cover Letter With Your Resume

Oh no, more writing!?

We feel your pain, but its for great reason.

Cover letters still play a vital role in the application process.

This guide has taught you how to build the best teacher resume possible, but even that may not be enough to secure your dream position.

Even better, the recruiter will know that you want this position at this school.

Just like with the resume, the cover letter needs to be structured correctly. Heres how to do that:

And heres what goes in each section:

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The Important Qualities That People Look For When Hiring Teachers

Since the job of a teacher is to impart knowledge and character as well to young minds, the hiring people look for these two qualities in a job seeker. The academic qualifications also get attention because for the post that one has applied he should have relevant awareness to teach. Equipping oneself with modern internet & technology will help to improve interpersonal skills and they also play an edge in grabbing the plum job one is looking for.

Teaching small kids requires high patience and special skills to tackle stubborn kids. When one is looking for kinder garden class teaching jobs they should ensure to develop these qualities. The hiring people also look for accountability, adaptability, and compassionate qualities apart from the general traits like honesty and obedience. Above all other things, a teachers resume examples must indicate that you are an all-around person capable of imparting knowledge and other values concurrently for a fuller education. The teaching profession is always considered a highly acclaimed one. To raise high in teaching career apart from much-needed expertise one should create an exceedingly professional teachers resume templates in PSD.

An Opportunity To Communicate With The Company Clearly

Special Education Teacher Resume Template Free / 14+ Education Resumes ...

You can never expect what questions will be asked from you during the interview and where the conversation with the interviewee will lead to. So in anticipation of the interview, the resume can give you a chance to carefully think through the things you want your employer to know about you.

For even more resume templates, also check out our collection of Fresher Graduate Resume Templates, , and Teaching Fresher Resumes.

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Employment History Resume Example: Designed To Impress

The employment history section is the core of your teacher resume. It ties everything together. Make sure its the most robust and detailed resume section you have. Teachers are one of the most varied and flexible professions out there, both in terms of job experience and the varied backgrounds that teachers come from. According to U.S. Labor Department data, while the average age of elementary, middle and high school teachers is around 40, the age range is quite wide: from 19 all the way to 86. If youre just starting out or are making a career changeto education from another field, its completely acceptable to list marginally related work experience.

Remember that schools are not the only organizations that hire teachers. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the three runner-up employer categories are: educational services , civic/social organizations and cultural institutions . If youre submitting a resume to one of these alternative categories, make sure to tailor it to your potential employer. Do your research.

The golden standard for listing your employment history is in reverse chronological order,meaning you should mention your most recent positions at the top of your teacher resume. Your past job description should ideally include the following:

  • Position / job title

Spotlight Your Classroom Management Skills

Remember that scene in Kindergarten Cop, when Arnold Schwarzenegger yells at a classroom of kindergarteners to shut up?

Needless to say, thats not good or ideal classroom management.

Impress school administrators by highlighting your ability and experience in quieting and corralling rowdy children. For example, our candidate touches on their classroom management abilities in their professional profile with the following bullet:

  • Recognized for ability to develop and implement activities that improve students learning and behavioral skills

Alternatively, you can show that youve got a good handle on running a preschool classroom by describing your experience with management strategies. For instance:

  • Implemented individual and classroom incentive system to reward good student behavior
  • Developed behavior management plan that was eventually adopted schoolwide to encourage student participation

Emphasizing these skills helps reassure school administrators that its OK to leave a dozen or more preschoolers under your watch.

Above all, remember that your resume should convey your enthusiasm for teaching young children and why you can be trusted to impart their earliest lessons.

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How To Format A Teacher Resume

Before you can educate the recruiter on your skills and experiences, you need to choose the most suitable resume format for teaching.

You see, even the best applicant needs a resume format that is easy to read and follow.

With reverse-chronological being the most common resume format, we recommend this format for teachers. It highlights your most recent work experience first, and then works back through your history and skills.

You could also try the two following formats:

  • Functional Resume – This format focuses on your skills, which makes it the best format for teachers that are highly-skilled, but have little in the way of classroom experience.
  • Combination Resume – This format mixes both Functional and Reverse-Chronological formats, which means it focuses on both your teaching skills AND teaching experience.

Stick to a one-page teacher resume. This shows that youre able to information brief and precise. Feel free to check out our one-page resume templates for inspiration.

Keep Your Resume Simple And Concise

How to Format your Teacher Resume | Templates Provided | Kathleen Jasper | NavaED

In the professional world, there’s always a place for minimal resume designs, especially if you’re applying to teaching jobs.

In these cases, a more concise resume could be more fitting. Short, one-page resumes help you narrow down your work experiences to the most relevant ones.

Also, a simpler resume means no photos, no graphics, and no bright colors. But don’t worry, a minimalist and concrete resume doesn’t need to mean a boring resume. Use our templates and tips to add interest to your teacher resume:

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Top Skills For Educators

The skills section of your resume is a quick guide to what you bring to the table as a teacher. That means choosing the right skills for each job is crucial. You might be organized and great at time management, but if employers want to see that you’re compassionate and great at lesson planning instead, your resume may be set aside.

Since teachers fulfill many roles, employers will want to see a host of varied skills, including soft, hard, and technical capabilities.

The following list can inspire the skills section on your teacher resume:

  • Collaboration
  • Google Classroom
  • Communication with parents
  • These skills demonstrate aptitude and support the responsibilities a teacher will need to complete on the job. Remember that while the above list delineates common and popular teacher skills for your resume, always defer to what the job description specifically is seeking.

    Explain Your Work History Along And List Down Your Relevant Skills

    Whether you have a lot of teaching experience or none at all, this is a very important section that you must not forget to include. If you are applying for your first teaching job, then focus on the skills that will help you get it. Provide detailed descriptions of what it is that you can do that shows why you are the best choice. However, if you have a long work history as a teacher, then you’ll want to simply list down all of the jobs you’ve had starting from your most recent one. When doing this, write down the name of the educational institution or company, the position title you held, and the month as well as the year in which you started and finished each job.

    Also Check: How To Write A Resume For University Application

    Quantify Teaching Assistant Experience On Your Resume

    Quantifying your resume means using hard numbers when listing specific accomplishments. Quantified claims are clearer, stronger, and more convincing. Instead of writing that youre committed to helping your students reach their maximum potential, cite a time when you increased student comprehension, or raised their grades by a specific percentage.

    Here are two examples that illustrate this point:

    Without hard numbers

    Provided weekly homework packets with creative questions that students enjoyed

    With hard numbers

    Provided weekly homework packets that averaged a 95% completion rate

    In the first example, the candidate claims that the students enjoyed the homework packets. In the second example, they back up that claim with evidence, which makes it a more convincing statement.

    There are a lot of opportunities in your job for quantification, including:

    • Improvements you made in your students grades
    • Awards you received
    • How large your classes were
    • How many assignments you prepared
    • The number of colleagues you assisted or trained

    Am I Qualified To Be A Teacher

    Teacher Resume Template

    If you want to apply for a teacher position, one of the questions that you should ask yourself is if you are fit enough to teach students and be able to uplift their motive to learn and be better members of the community through proper classroom and experiential education.

    Some of the characteristics that you should have and may present in your resume for teaching application include these items:

    • If you are already in the industry of teaching, you need to have an extensive line-up of teaching experiences that have helped you to be molded as a qualified teacher. Your teaching methods should be developed through time but you still should be more than open to improvements.
    • You must be dedicated to all the things that you will do especially those that are related to the field of teaching. You need to make sure that you have the heart of an educator and that you are more than willing to give your time and effort for the development of other people.
    • You must relate well with the students in the age bracket of the year level where you will be tasked to teach. You need to understand the things that the students of these particular ages are experiencing so you can relate to the items that affect their learning enthusiasm, practices, and performance.
    • You must have an idea of the subject that you will teach and you must have a grip on the items that you would like to share so you can make sure that your educational teaching is based on facts and actual practices.

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    How To Develop A Teacher Resume In Word

    As the academic year of 2019 started, there have been 3.7 million recorded teachers in America stated by the National Center for Education Statistics. Every year, these teachers, plus fresh graduates in the field of education, have to update their resumes in order to keep up with the demands of the school district or private establishments they want to work for.

    Resumes these days have evolved from simply putting in your experiences to adding in your personal touches through a unique set-up or even in designs. If you are lacking the eye and knowledge needed in crafting a resume that will stand out, here are a few simple steps to help you:

    A Demonstration Of Your Business Etiquette

    The simple resume will demonstrate if you have taken the time to learn about the company as well as familiarize the position you are applying for. Researching about these will go a long way and will show the employer that you are indeed interested in working for them, and this may give you a higher chance of getting interviewed.

    Also Check: How To Write An Objective For A Resume

    Write A Compelling Work History

    The work history section on your resume includes your most recent jobs arranged in reverse-chronological order, starting with your most recent role.

    The work history section on every resume includes job title, name of the workplace, location and dates of employment. The chronological and combination resume further elaborates on each work history entry by listing tasks, responsibilities and achievements.

    Below, you’ll find a poor and good example of a work history to help you effectively write this section.

    Poor example:

    Special Education Teacher

    • Manages over 10 curricula and planned IEPs for 20+ students. Implemented learning techniques to cater to every individual.
    • Assists and supervises 20+ students with learning difficulties regularly.
    • Manages assessments, progress reports, calendars and meeting schedules with parents.

    This is a much more comprehensive work history section. The entry looks impressive by being specific about the job duties and including numbers, creating a good impression on the hiring managers about the candidate’s potential.

    If you want to write a work history section that stands out, follow these tips:

    How Can I Tailor My Resume To A Job Posting

    Resume Reboot for Teachers, Free Editable Templates for Educators

    When a recruiter is reading a resume, the deciding factor won’t be the candidate’s experience or skills but the fit between the job and the applicant.

    That’s why it’s very important that you tailor your resume to the vacancy you’re interested in. The first step to do so is understanding the hiring requirements of the company. Then, you need to write an inventory of your skills and achievements. Finally, you tailor them to the job opening. Know more in our guide:

    Read Also: How To Spell Resume For A Job

    Language Teacher Resume Designer

    Whether you’re a language teacher or have another specialty, this can be a top contender in the job-searching world. It’s got a vintage look and feel, which recruiters are not used to seeing. Its neat layout allows you to add your education, work experience, professional skills, languages, etc., in clearly delimited sections.

    Display Your Soft Skills

    A big hiring trend for 2022 is to showcase soft skills in your resume. For example, research shows that employers want to hire candidates who work with emotional intelligence.

    According to Jennifer Lambert, writing for LinkedIn, the soft skills that companies need in 2021 include:

  • creativity
  • Don’t Miss: How To Write References In Resume

    Use The Jobs Preschool Teacher Description To Tailor Your Resume

    Every preschool is unique, and hiring managers are looking for a teacher who will be naturally compatible with the schools students, values, and teaching styles. So, its important to address each school individually, and to tailor your resume accordingly.

    A great way to demonstrate that youre the best candidate for the job is to closely examine the job listings description for a preschool teacher and incorporate the keywords used into your resume. These keywords can be special skills, certifications, education, or experience.

    Heres an example of a preschool teacher job description from a job listing with keywords underlined in blue:

    Heres an example of a work experience section that targets this preschool teacher job description:

    Demonstrating your competence in the job duties that will be required of you in the new role is a great way to increase your chances of getting a call back for an interview and landing the job.

    Preparing To Create Your Resume

    Teacher Resume Samples &  Writing Guide
    • Prepare your software programs You should have the recommended specifications to have a smooth flow when creating your resumes. This is especially useful when you need to create images for your portfolio.
    • Taking note of what to place in your resume always be sure to double-check on the details to place in your resume so you wont miss anything when you print them out.
    • Including your contact details This is very essential to every resume for the recruiter or hiring company to contact you.

    You can also search through this topic for a variety of sample nurse resumes.

    Also Check: How To List Mba On Resume


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