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HomeCan You Send Me Your Resume

Can You Send Me Your Resume

Whats The Difference Between A Cv And A Resume

Walk Me Through Your Resume: Best Way to Respond

Short answer: Length.

Long answer: The CVs static in that its not a document needing to be tailored for different positions in the way that a resume is. Rather, according to UNC Writing Center, the CVs a fairly detailed overview of your lifes accomplishments, especially those most relevant to the realm of academia, hence the variance in length an early-stage grad students CV is going to be a lot shorter than a sixth-year student preparing to write a dissertation.

The document only changes as your accomplishments growyou publish the findings of a scientific study, or a short story, or you receive an award as a Teaching Assistantwhereas a resume can and should be modified often as you job search and apply to different companies and positions. At The Muse, we highly encourage you to tailor your resume for each and every job you apply to, even if the job descriptions are similar.

Attaching Files Resume And Cover Letter

This should go without saying but, dont forget to attach your resume to the email!

Consider whether its relevant to also attach your cover letter. When you apply for a job in bigger companies you may actually benefit from sending your cover letter as well as your resume. Just remember not to repeat yourself too much in your email body and your cover letter.

Avoid naming the attachments generically or randomly. Names like fghjvh.pdf orresume2.pdf can make it hard for the hiring manager to find these documents later.Name your attachments in a way that makes them easy to find Name_Surname_Resume.pdf and Name_Surname_Cover_Letter.pdf

The best format for sending your resume and cover letter is .pdf or .doc. We suggest saving your documents as PDFs, since its a universally accepted file format, its easy to open and will not distort the formatting of your documents.

Keep in mind that files should not be larger than 10MB. Otherwise they might be considered suspicious.

Key takeaways:

  • Resume and cover letter need to be sent as attachments
  • Name your attachments in a way that makes them easy to find
  • Save documents in the PDF format
  • Files should not be larger than 10MB.

What About The Ats

Many companies use applicant tracking systems to help them organize, sort, and rank candidates. Because its a machine, you may think it doesnt matter what day or when you apply.

In most respects, thats true. If you apply via an ATS, what you should focus on is optimizing your resume and cover letter, not what day and time you apply.

However, you never know when the recruiter will review the ATS, so using the best and worst days as a guideline of when to apply might improve the odds that your application is seen.

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Choose A Resume File Format

Be sure to read the job listing carefully for any directions on what format the employer would prefer for your resume. If there are no directions, submit the resume as either a Microsoft Word document or as a PDF document. These are the formats most commonly preferred by employers.

If you have saved your or with word processing software other than Microsoft Word, convert your resume to a Word document. You should be able to click File, then “Download” and save it as a Word document or PDF.

To save your document as a PDF, depending on your word processing software you may be able to select the menu File, then the sub-menu Save asor Save a Copyand save it as a PDF. If not, there are free programs you can use to convert a file to a PDF.

How To Email A Resume

Can you please send me your resume

While it is most common for employers to accept resumes through online job applications, some job postings may include a requirement to submit your resume via email. If this is the case, whats the best way to email your resume for success? The key is to read the job posting carefully. You will want to follow any instructions the employer gives you on emailing your resume. Below are tips on how to follow the instructions and other guidance on sending a professional email.

Image description

  • c. Description of role and achievement

  • Education

  • Optional

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    State Your Reason For Writing

    After introducing yourself in your letter, state your reason for sending it. You might mention that you’re undergoing a job search and know that your connection may be able to help you with this process. In this component of the letter, include any particular details, such as the position you’re applying for and why you’re applying for it. For example, you might explain that the job you’re interested in applying for aligns with your professional goals and qualifications and that you’re interested in the company.

    What Is The Second Best Day To Send Your Resume

    The second best day to send your resume out is Tuesday, with Wednesday and Thursday coming in right behind.

    Someone applying on a Tuesday is 20% more likely to receive a job interview. If you apply on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, try to send your email between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

    Tuesday mornings, though, are the number one most popular day to apply. Applying between 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. helps you avoid the early morning crush of emails making your email more likely to appear at the top of the hiring managers email box and, hopefully, be read.

    Alternatively, you could apply late in the day on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to help ensure your application is at the top of the recruiters inbox the following day.

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    Embedded Charts And Images

    While these design elements may look nice to the human eye, resumes with embedded images become a garbled mess, or get completely omitted from your application, after they pass through ATS. In addition, recruiters don’t want to see a pictorial and rather subjective representation of your skills like the second resume I review in this video. Save your creativity for your online portfolio and don’t include images in your resume.

    How To Send Your Cover Letter Via Email

    How to send Resume in Gmail | Using android phone

    When applying for a job via email, you can copy and paste your cover letter into the email message or write your cover letter directly into the body of an email message.

    If the job posting doesn’t specify how to send it, you can also choose to send your cover letter as an attachment. If you do so, use the same format as your resume . Also use the same naming convention as you did for your resume, e.g., janedoecoverletter.doc.

    Be sure to read the directions on the job application carefully: sometimes companies want all your materials sent as one PDF or Word document, and other times they want separate attachments for each document.

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    Getting Fancy With The Design

    You may think graphics or unique fonts help set you apart, but experts say they can send you to spam. Unless youre in a creative industry and youre sending your résumé directly to a contact via email, stick to the basics.

    Your résumé should be basic black and white, with Times New Roman or Arial font, says Stahl. I still see a lot of souped-up résumés with lots of colors.

    Screening tools favor résumés that use an uncomplicated design with a clear hierarchy of information and consistent formatting, says Augustine. The last thing you want to do is introduce an unusual font style or an unconventional layout that the system wont be able to properly read, she says.

    Also, skip charts and images, adds Augustine. Since applicant tracking software cannot read the information stored in an image, those details will be lost on the system, she says. Instead of incorporating images into your résumés design, focus on using simple design elements, such as bullet points, bolding, and shading to create a document that draws the readers eyes to your most important selling points.

    Consider The Format And Size Of The Attachment

    It’s essential that you send a file that is easy to open and small in size. This is especially important if the recipient needs to open the document on their mobile device. If a file is too big, then sometimes you cannot send it or the recipient has to wait a long time to open it. Certain decorative and formatting details in a resume can make the file too large, so try to design your resume to be as simple as possible. If needed, you can also use online file compression applications to shrink the size of your resume.

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    What Is The Best Day To Send Your Resume

    Research has shown that Monday is generally the best day to send your resume. One analysis showed that applicants who apply on a Monday are 30% more successful at getting an interview. Thats more than any other day of the week!

    The general thought behind applying on a Monday is that your application is at the top of the recruiters inbox or even shows up as they are sorting through their emails. This could make it less likely that your email gets lost in the inbox.

    However, many recruiters receive a deluge of emails on, you guessed it, Monday morning. So, not applying first thing Monday morning could give you an advantage.

    Ways How To Ask Someone To Forward Your Resume Sample

    Electrical Engineer Resume &  Writing Guide

    Getting a job can be hard. You don’t want to send your resume only for it to be forgotten in a big pile of resumes.

    Worse: with more companies using automated software, your resume might never be seen by a human being at all.

    Asking a friend or an ex-colleague/boss to forward your resume to a decision-maker can be the best way to get a job.

    Getting a resume forward can be as good as getting a referral or having somebody vouch for you.

    But how do you convince somebody to do it? Here are some examples.

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    Walk Me Through Your Resume: Answer Examples

    When an interviewer says, Walk me through your resume, theyre asking for a few specific reasons.

    And there are some key mistakes that can cost you job offers if you answer incorrectly.

    As a former recruiter, Im going to share exactly how to walk an employer through your resume and what the interviewer is looking for. Ill also provide some example answers to this question.

    Have You Found A Job Posting That Asks You To Submit Your Resume Via Email

    Or maybe youve decided to approach your dream company directly.

    If so, youre probably asking yourself right now what to write in an email when sending my resume so I will stand out?

    Sometimes employers provide clear instructions on what the email format should include. If thats the case, follow the employers directions closely.

    But if you cant find any instructions, dont worry you can follow the best practices described in this article!

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    Write A Brief Clear Subject Line

    Follow any subject line formatting instructions that are given in the job description. If none are given, write a concise subject line that will let the recipient know exactly what the email is about. Here are a few examples of subject lines:

    Resume Job Title Your NameResume: Your Name for Job TitleYour Name Resume: Job Title

    What Is A Cv

    How to Get Your Resume Noticed by Employers in 5 Seconds Guaranteed

    As touched upon briefly above, CVs are primarily popular among academics, as graduate students often spend a lot of effort getting their work published during these post-grad years. While higher-education institutions undoubtedly evaluate a potential candidates grades and test scores, theyre also eager to see where an applicants been published.

    Publish or perish was a popular sentiment during my two years in graduate school, and it appears not much has changed. I spoke with a couple of my former classmates who went on to obtain doctorate degrees long after Id left with a masters degree in hand and an Ive-had-enough-of-that mindset, and they were quick to reiterate how important getting published is to ones career, and, of course, the standard academics CV.

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    How To Word The Email When Submitting A Resume

    • Greet the person. Hi Karen, or Dear Steve
    • Tell them what job you are applying for and name the attachments. Attached is my resume and cover letter for the Screening Coordinator job at Prylop Films.
    • Name any personal connections to the job. Andrew October said you were hiring and were expecting my resume.
    • Say something about the role, but not too much. Ive been waiting three years for this role to open.
    • Wish them well. I hope you get a lot of great applications.
    • Tell them you are looking forward to hearing from them. Look forward to hearing from you soon.
    • Sign off

    First Ensure Your Attachments Are Virus

    Even though business professionals commonly take steps to verify the safety of attachments before opening them, its always a good idea for you to run your files through virus-scanning software before you send them. One of the most common ways that hackers spread computer viruses is through attachments. You can do your part to protect the companys network by keeping your files safe.

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    Should You Say Please Find Attached My Resume

    In general, you should not include this phrase when attaching a resume or other documents to an email. Although please find attached my resume is grammatically correct, it is simply too outdated for todays professional setting. Similarly, the phrase is equally formal and old-fashioned. Using more direct phrases such as, I have attached my resume for your review makes your language more relatable and eliminates the chance for confusion.

    For recruiters who open hundreds of emails a day, knowing how to identify whether or not an email has an attachment is common knowledge. However, including a brief sentence to tell the hiring manager you have included an attachment is still a good practice. Although Please find attached my resume may not be the best phrase to use, including one in an email is proper and polite, so consider alternate phrases that sound more modern and straightforward.

    Attempting The Onesizefitsall Approach

    Google docs resume template with cover letter cv design for

    Whenever you try to develop a generic resume to send to all job ads, you almost always end up with something employers will toss in the recycle bin. Your lack of effort screams, Im not particularly interested in your company. Frankly, any ol job will do.

    Employers want to feel special and want you to write a resume specifically for them. They expect you to clearly show how and why you fit the position in a specific organization.

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    Elaborate Formats And Designs

    When it comes to selecting a design for your resume, less is more. Not only do elaborate designs and unconventional formats confuse most applicant tracking systems, but they also annoy recruiters who are accustomed to quickly scanning a resume for specific information they expect to find in particular spots within the document. Don’t make recruiters hunt for the information they care about. Play it safe and stick to a clean resume design with a clear hierarchy. Not sure what works? Check out TopResume’s library of free resume samples.

    Mention Youve Attached Your Application Materials

    Actually writing out please find attached my resume or something similar in your email body reminds the hiring manager not to overlook your resume.

    If you use Gmail, typing attached or attachment into the body of your email causes a pop-up to appear if you forget to attach a file.

    Sending your email without attaching your application documents is embarrassing and makes you appear disorganized.

    With most hiring managers seeking employees who have great organizational skills, coming off as disorganized doesnt bode well for your chances of getting hired.

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    What Is The Worst Day To Send Your Resume

    Fridays are easily the worst day to send your resume.

    Just like the rest of us, recruiters and hiring managers are getting ready for the weekend. They are likely finishing up last weeks tasks, so your application may end up on next weeks task list, anyway, so its better to wait until the following week to apply. Plus, waiting gives you more time to customize your resume and cover letter.

    Copy And Paste Your Resume

    How NOT to Email your Resume | CV

    Some job search sites, talent management websites or online applications do not have the option to upload resumes. Instead of uploading your resume onto these sites, they may require you to use their own resume builder or they may require a version of your resume that is copied and pasted into a text box. In this case, it is likely that your resume won’t keep its formatting. Make sure to add spaces where you see jumbled words and sentences before you save and submit your resume.

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    Email Body For Sending A Resume: Keep It Crisp Yet Formal

    Start off with a formal greeting and address the hiring manager by name .

    In the first short paragraph you should state who you are, why you are sending this email and what the email contains.

    Continue the next paragraph with a short but effective introduction of your best and proudest achievements. Of course, only mention those achievements that are relevant for the job. Close this paragraph by saying what value you would bring to the company and which skills you will use to accomplish this. In the closing paragraph you need to say that youre looking forward to hearing back from them and meeting in person. You may add a captivating call for action but be careful not to sound rude or overly keen.

    Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely .

    And finally, a professional signature is a must! Remember to include your contact details.


    Remember, you want to keep the body of the email short and succinct. Dont go in too much detail otherwise you might loose the hiring managers attention.

    Keep in mind that you simply cannot elaborate on every accomplishment and every work experience due to limited space. The email needs to be informative and concise


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