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How To Add Kubernetes In Resume

Devops Engineer Resume Examples

Kubernetes RealTime Production Issues. — Recreate to add in your Resumes.

Software development is one of the fastest-growing industries in the country. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , this sector of the economy is expected to grow 22% over the next 10 years, resulting in over 400,000 new jobs. In large part, this growth is driven by the demand for new applications on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Also, healthcare providers will need innovative software solutions to help manage a population that is becoming disproportionately elderly as the baby boomer generation continues to age.

Within this industry, development operations engineers work to facilitate collaboration between development teams, who are focused on creating new features, and IT operations teams, who are focused on maintaining the stability of applications after they are released. This is a very important role in technology organizations, and youll need to convince hiring managers you have the appropriate experience and skillset to get an interview. Below, well go over some examples and tips you can use to improve your resume and advance your career.

First Draft Kubernetes Engineer Resume:

  • Create the first draft of your Kubernetes developer resume and include all the distinct segments.

  • Make sure to create a clear outline of your resume and fabricate every section with the right and accurate details.

  • Your Kubernetes Java resume should include the right information and details that the recruiters can use to finalize your shortlist.

Decide The Format Of Your Kubernetes Developer Resume

The most popular and widely utilized format while writing a resume is the reverse chronological order, where you begin from your latest work experience and go on to list out all your previous roles. However, if you wish to focus on showcasing your skills and tech stack, then you may also choose to follow the functional format. Leverage the functional format if there have been employment gaps.

You can also opt for the hybrid one, a combination of both chronological and functional, where you showcase your most relevant skills and outstanding work achievements.

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Aws Resume: Profile Title

Your profile title tells the recruiter your level of seniority and functional industry at a glance and makes it easier for them to judge your candidature.

It is the second-largest text in your resume and should be in the font size range of 14-16.

Look at this image from our Amazon web services sample resume demonstrating the perfect way of writing the profile title:

Kubernetes Developer Resume For 202: 10 Things To Remember

The Best DevOps Engineer Resume Examples &  Skills to Get You Hired

If you are a talented Kubernetes developer looking to be employed in the top Silicon Valley and US software companies, you know the value of a top-notch resume.

A well-written resume grabs potential hiring managers and employers’ attention towards your capabilities. It is the first window through which recruiters will look and judge you. And we all know first impressions are lasting. Isnt it?

So, how can you build an impactful resume if you don’t have one yet?

This article is an attempt by team Turing to guide you in building a strong resume and getting the best remote Kubernetes developer job in 2022. Here are a few things that you need to remember while writing an engaging resume.

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Feature Your Main Kubernetes Developing Skills

This section will contain the skills you have great expertise. Showcase your core strengths in each of the skills that youre going to mention. Display them point by point and append icons to grab recruiters narrow focus. Write some lines about how your expertise in a certain skill helped your previous organizations find a solution for their business. Splitting your skills into primary and secondary skills will help the hiring managers get a fair idea of your strong areas, as well as the areas you have a fair knowledge of.

Having the following Kubernetes developer skills in your resume would help you land a good Kubernetes developer job:

Primary skills

Secondary skills

  • UI/UX design

Show Your Kubernetes Devops Work Experience

The work experience section is where you shine. Show your most recent job first and then the less recent ones.

Here are two ways to write work experience for your Kubernetes resume:

1. Apply the STAR method when writing your work experience.

Think about the situation you have faced, the task you have undertaken, the action you have taken, and the result you have produced when you write achievements of your previous jobs.

2. Use the Google work experience formula.

Accomplished as measured by , by doing .

Kubernetes resume work experience example:

Kubernetes DevOps Administrator

August 2008 – May 2011

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How To Write A Resume Summary Or Resume Objective For Devops

A good resume summary makes your resume sticky. This is extremely helpful, especially when you think about a recruiter whos just going to spend a few seconds glancing through your resume before making a decision.

Write a good resume objective and youll have the hiring managers attention .

Lets look at a few resume summary examples.

Our goal here would be to help you understand what makes a resume summary good or bad.

Give A Headline To Your Kubernetes Developer Resume

Open Service Mesh | Azure Kubernetes Services

Before going into the details of your work experience and educational qualifications, make sure you have a headline for your resume that clearly states your designation and your years of experience. For example, ‘Kubernetes developer with 5 years of experience at top MNCs.’

This will be the main point of your Kubernetes developer resume.

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Senior Unix San Consultant

  • Managed Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, and Linux servers .
  • Planned and executed a physical storage migration from Montreal to Markham with minimal downtime.
  • Worked on the application design and implementation using virtualization technologies as LDOMs, Solaris zones, and HP VMware.
  • Managed and implemented improvements to cluster technologies such as HP ServiceGuard and Veritas cluster server.
  • 1 Customize The Kubernetes Resume For The Job

    The crucial tip on writing your Kubernetes resume is to focus on the objective: getting an interview and the job role.

    Match the requirements in the job description and leave a good impression on the hiring manager by customizing your Kubernetes developer resume. The achievements of each role should be in bullet points and respond to the job application.

    Dont just show you are good. Show that you are good for them.

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    Education On A Devops Engineer Cloud Resume

    Make sure to make education a priority on your devops engineer cloud resume.If youve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your devops engineer cloud experience.For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master’s in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Masters degrees go next, followed by Bachelors and finally, Associates degree.

    Additional details to include:

    • Year of graduation
    • Location of school

    These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

    Which Case Studies Or Projects Are A Part Of This Devops Training Course

    Configuring Kubernetes credentials on Jenkins server

    Project 1:

    • Building Complex builds is difficult
    • Incremental builds are difficult to manage, and deploy
    • Git: For version control for tracking changes in the code files
    • Jenkins: For continuous integration and continuous deployment
    • Docker: For deploying containerized applications
    • Ansible: Configuration management tool

    Project 2:

    • The team of developers working on new features will merge their code to a GitHub repo
    • As soon as the code reaches GitHub, using a CI pipeline, setup in Jenkins, an automated build will be triggered.
    • The automated build will frequently deploy new features to the production website.
    • Every build will prepare a Dockerfile and push docker images to docker-hub.
    • Every docker image will be deployed to a kubernetes-cluster.

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    What Is An Aws Resume & Why Do You Need It

    A resume is one of the most effective means through which you can introduce yourself to recruiters and establish yourself as a suitable candidate for the job.

    Most recruiters today rely on the Applicant Tracking System or ATS to filter through the mountains of AWS resumes. Hence, your AWS DevOps resume must be ATS-optimized for you to get through the first phase of selection.

    Among other factors, ranking high on the ATS requires the use of relevant keywords, which you can find in the job descriptions.

    Also Read:How do I rank high on the ATS?

    Whats Probably Missing In Your Microservices Resume Summary

    A summary is a perfect place for you to emphasize your knowledge of Microservices and leave a good first impression.

    However, Software Developer and Enterprise Architect positions will mention Microservices in a completely different manner.

    For a Microservices developer resume, technologies and implementation are the priority. For Architects – strategy and bigger picture.

    There are two mistakes developers make when writing a resume summary.

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    Creating The Backend Kubernetes Service

    The backend folder contains two YAML descriptors: deployment.yaml and service.yaml.

       failureThreshold: 3

    The deployment descriptor is formatted in a similar way to the frontend service with a few changes.

    Firstly each image is started with the environment variable required for the docker image. Since Kubernetes services can be accessed by name, the name-generator server name is passed as the corresponding value. The other change is that the initial delay for the readiness probe is increased. The reason for this is that Payara Micro takes longer to startup than the nginx server used in the frontend, so Kubernetes needs to wait longer before polling to see if it’s ready.

    type: LoadBalancer

    This line assigns the service an IP to be used as an external load balancer. When this descriptor is applied without that line, the service is still accessible by name by other pods, but won’t be assigned an external IP. Since this is an internal IP, it has no need to be externally accessible .

    Once you’ve applied the deployment.yaml and service.yaml from this folder, you’ll be almost done!

    How Should I Write A Devops Resume

    [ Kube 7 ] Kubernetes Pods Replicasets & Deployments

    We hope those resume examples got you inspired.

    But to write a good DevOps resume, you need to take a few steps back.

    You need to look from a recruiter’s perspective on what they value the most in a resume.

    You then have to focus on presenting your information in a way that it is easy for a recruiter to scan.

    And then, your resume will be tweaked to reflect you as a person.

    Thats it!

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    Apply Grouping And Highlighting

    The best way to organize your long list of one-liners is by creating distinct buckets and listing them under the relevant headings.

    Bold some significant words or phrases that demonstrate your professional skills in your one-liner points to make it easier for the recruiters to notice them right away.

    Once you apply grouping and highlighting in your professional experience section, it will increase readability and improve your chance of getting shortlisted for a job.

    Here is an example of a professional experience section of Kubernetes Resume:

    Add Your Past Experiences

    DevOps Engineer at Fullstaq

    Succeed in Cloud Native. We are a fast-growing cloud-native IT Services company that helps both start-ups and enterprises realize their Kubernetes ambitions.We highly value personal connections with cloud vendors, clients, our team, and the cloud-native community. Thanks to that, our reputation as a trusted, secure partner is unprecedented. We integrate the DevOps mentality, tool stack, and best practices in everything we do. We are specialists in Linux, DevOps, DataOps, Kubernetes, Observability, Cloud, and Cloud-Native. Fullstaq is entirely infrastructure-independent and proud of it. I am doing mostly Interim Engineering for Entreprise Customers.

    Platform Architect at iWelcome

    As a Platform Architect part of the Platform Architects team , responsible for the infrastructure architecture. Main features of my role are:

    • Creating Proof of Concepts, to validate working/behaviour.
    • Create design/documentation of Infrastructure setups.
    • Helping/assisting Developers, Testers or Technical Consultants when they have issues or need to know how things work.
    • PO, SM and dedicated engineer of the iWelcome to AWS team.
    • Design/Build AWS infrastructure where we will deploy all of our applications.

    Infrastructure Engineer at iWelcome

    As a Senior/Lead Infrastructure Engineer part of the Infrastructure Engineering team , responsible for the cloud infrastructure. Main features of my role where:

    IT Specials Operations at Promedico

    Senior System Manager at

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    What Do Recruiters Value The Most In A Resume

    Most recruiters and tech leaders valued impact over everything else in a DevOps engineer resume.

    Some value real impact so much that they exclusively filter tricky pony DevOps resumes and toss them in the bin.

    And the way most hiring managers do that is by looking at the resume experience.Skills and tooling familiarity are of secondary importance.

    Overall, the resume has to scream culture, as DevOps is all about reflecting your knowledge and experience with DevOps practices and methodologies.

    And note that most recruiters will use keywords to map relevance between who you are and what the role needs.

    So, the right resume:

    • Contains your skills and certifications

    Perfect, but what should be your DevOps resume layout?

    Experience For Openstack Cloud Infrastructure Devops Engineer Resume

    Pin by Helen Allday on Health Insurance in 2020
    • Deployment of SAPs Machine Learning Services to various cloud providers. Onboarding of new customers
    • Maintain Infrastructure and services once they are live by measuring and monitoring availability, latency and overall system health
    • Work in a cross-functional agile team collaborating closely with colleagues in an international environment
    • Engage in continuous integration, continuous deployment and continuous testing of infrastructure and services
    • Scale systems sustainably through mechanisms like automation and evolve systems by pushing for changes that improve reliability and velocity

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    Use Concrete Success Measurements

    Don’t just say that you did something give some stats that show how much you succeeded. The right way to do this will vary depending on your career. If you’re in sales, for example, you can say “negotiated $10.2 million in contracts” rather than just saying “negotiated numerous important contracts.”


    Building My Last Resume Ever In Kubernetes

    I have a secret that a lot of us share, I dislike building resumes. Instead I prefer things like Docker, Kubernetes, Python, JSON, Markdown, Linux and HTML/CSS and automation. Seeking a way to highlight my skills as the centerpiece of my resume: Ibuiltmy last resume, ever, in Kubernetes. Now I’m using my favorite technology and I’m here to talk about my journey to effective resume management.

    The goal was simple save me the pain of managing my own CV beyond structure of facts in JSON.

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    Devops Engineer Skills You Should Add To Your Resume

    Universally, in order to create a good resume, one must focus on the recruiters perspective. With the growth of emerging technologies, the competition among the candidates has also grown to a much greater extent. In the present scenario, with a combined knowledge of technical skills and soft skills, a DevOps engineer plays a multi-faceted role in an organisation.

    In this article, we list down seven skills that are the top must-haves for a DevOps engineer.


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    Porting The Services To Kubernetes

    Deploy on Kubernetes Using Git, Jenkins, Ansible | Simple DevOps Project -5

    Now that we’ve proven that the Docker containers work, we can begin to port these components to Kubernetes. If we were to deploy now with the current setup, we would run into issues when we wanted to scale containers, since we’d have to either create a load balancing node for each container type, or manually link each container to another one, which would be difficult to manage at scale. We would also run into problems if we wanted to perform a rolling upgrade since the load balancing wouldn’t take this into account, so we’d need to first configure the load balancer, then upgrade a container, then reconfigure the load balancer, and so on. Kubernetes makes each of these processes a lot easier with its services.

    We’ll assume that you installed MicroK8s as per the instructions at the start of this blog. If not, see there to make sure you have it installed correctly before continuing. Before we start running through any Kubernetes steps, it’ll be useful to have a quick crash course on Kubernetes concepts:

    Kubernetes can use YAML manifests to describe any resources deployed to it. Those, who are familiar with the Docker Compose tool, will find the YAML configuration familiar. For example, the pod.yaml file in the frontend gives an example of a pod descriptor:

       - containerPort: 80

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    Experience For Devops Engineer For Sap S Cloud Management Platform Resume

    • Automation of development and deployment processes
    • Management of distributed cloud landscapes
    • Continuous delivery of our software
    • Engage in and improve the whole lifecycle of infrastructure and servicesfrom inception and design, through deployment, operation and refinement
    • Support infrastructure and services before they go live through activities such as system design consulting, developing software platforms and frameworks, capacity planning and launch reviews

    Example Of Good And Bad Devops Resume Headers


    When a recruiter sees the above header and your contact details, all they want to do is scroll down to make sure the rest of the resume reflects the same quality.

    If the header is cluttered, the recruiter is most likely expecting the resume to be heavy with unorganized information and skip to the next resume.

    Adding any blogs you have written and a portfolio link to contributions youve made on StackOverflow or GitHub gives you a huge advantage.

    Since, more than 95% resumes dont have these in their resume heading, your resume stands out.

    Lets move on to the next important thing – your resume summary.

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