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How To Put A Double Major On A Resume

How Do You Mention A Double Degree

Should I Get a College Minor (or Double Major)?

Format your education section List your education in reverse-chronological order, starting with your most recent degree first. For each entry, include the name of your college, your graduating year, your degree, your double major and any additional academic achievements you obtained like certifications or awards.

Add Your Major And Minor To Other Application Documents

Besides adding your major and minor to your resume, you can also include them in your cover letter and personal summary. Listing your major and minor on several application documents can help ensure the recruiter or hiring manager sees this information.

If you need help writing a resume, use our data-backed resume builder.

Provides An Example Bachelor Of Arts

The following provides an example: Bachelor of Arts: Double major in Political Science and English Literature March 2012 School Of Thought University, Lost Isles, MA Overall GPA 3.75/4.0 Use the /4.0 format to signify the basis of the 3.75 GPA.


About the Author

Launie Sorrels is a veteran who has worked as a chef and has more than two decades of martial arts training. His writing has developed from his experience as a quality assurance manager for Microsoft and IBM. Sorrels has a degree in computer science and is currently working on his journalism degree.

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How To List Current Education On Your Resume

Listing education that youre currently pursuing on your resume isnt all that different from listing a completed degree, although you may not be able to include as much detail.

There are a few options for how to list current education on an undergraduate resume. Instead of listing a graduation date, write your expected or anticipated graduation date, years of attendance, or simply in progress.

Here are some examples:

Current education on a resume example

New York University, New York, NYBachelor of Arts, Communications

2019 Present

How To List Degrees And Minors On Resume

Best Current College Student Resume with No Experience

I’m going to graduate with two degrees and a minor, and I don’t know how to state it clearly on my resume without it looking weird

BS in Finance & BS in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Minor in Mathematics.

The “Entrepreneurship and Small Business” is a track in the Management degree.

Any suggestion is greatly appreciated!

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Tips For Writing A Double Major On A Resume

Some practical approaches could be:

Job-Related Major We know by now that relevancy is the best ingredient for a winning resume. So, there should not be a second thought inputting the job relevant major first in the education section. This could highlight you as a right fit.
Use a Label to Insist on The reader must not get confused in any of the sections information. You ma utilize a label for your double major to mark its importance and existence. You may use: major in, double major, etc.
Evade Repetition In case of double majoring, mention these majors under the degree name separately. Instead of writing degree and one major once and degree and second major later. This would avoid any recurrence.
Formatting How you position different sections of a resume highlights which portion you give more weightage to personally. If you have more experience experience section should be before education section. However, if you bear small or nil experience, it is better to include this section after education portion.

Tips for writing a Double Major on a Resume

Choose Layout Of Education Section For Your Resume

First thing first, choose the layout of your resume. Formatting the education section in your curriculum vitae is the first thing you need to consider to include a double major.

What you need to do first is to jot down your education in reverse chronological order. This means you need to write your most recent achievement in academic activities first.

Suppose if you have recently completed a Masters degree and before that, you have done bachelors, then the Masters degree will come first in the list, followed by the bachelors one.

Another thing you need to do is to write your degree with important information. For each entry, note down your colleges name, passing year of that degree, degree title, your double major , and other additional academic achievements like awards or certifications.

Highlighting all the aspects of your education shows recruiters that you are ready to accomplish the companys objectives, making you distinct from other candidates.

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How To Include Double Major And Minor On Resume

Adding your majors and minors on your resume may seem like an easy task, but having proper formatting to ensure that it looks both professional and easy on the eyes can be a challenge. For instance, having two majors and a minor can potentially take up more than one line, causing an unpleasant break in your resume. However, the community at WSO has formulated some suggestions!

StaphyBone – Asset Management Analyst:Bachelor of Science in Finance & Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, minoring in Mathematics.orBachelor of Science in FinanceBachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship and Small Business ManagementMinor in Mathematics

While this is not the only format available for adding your majors and minors to your resume, it’s a clean example on how to add them to your resume.

Another element to consider is if your degrees are from different schools within the university. You can see an example of this below.

Read more about this topic on WSO:

Should You List Your Double Major On Your Resume

Computer Science Resume Tips for College Students (No Experience!)

Another common question we hear is whether or not you should list your double major on your resume.

Unequivocally, yes, you should list both majors on your resume.

Including both majors on your resume can help you to showcase your work ethic and your ability to juggle multiple responsibilities.

Employers will be impressed by your accomplishments and may be more willing to offer you an interview opportunity.

Also Check: How To List Magna Cum Laude On Resume

Do You List Multiple Degrees On A Resume

Degrees earned from different institutions should be listed separately and in reverse-chronological order. Employers for career fields such as accounting, insurance and real estate will be interested in reviewing license or certification information within an applicants resume.

Secondly, What is second major in job application?

A double major that relates to the job you are applying for shows employers that you have extensive knowledge and qualifications in your field, which can help you stand out from other candidates. In this article, learn the best ways to write your double major on a resume with tips, templates and examples to guide you.

Also Do employers care about double majors? It doesnt matter. Your degrees help you tell a story, and are a tool for explaining what makes you unique as a candidate. Most employers dont know the difference between dual degree and double major, much less use it as hiring criteria.

In fact Is a double major considered two degrees?

A double major, sometimes called dual major, is a student who completes two sets of degree specialization requirements, generally while receiving only one degree a degree with a double major. This happens mostly for undergraduate students, but some graduate schools do offer double majors for graduate degrees.

Should You Include Minor On Resume

If the applicant is oblivion of the way to format this section minor specializations, double minors, and double majors information results are something like chaos and the recruiter is unable to follow the facts you want to convey.

Should we consider including minors? Yes, if its relevant to the position. Sometimes, students choose minors totally distinct from the majors this is when you gotta skip mentioning them in your resume.

For instance, Majoring in Chemistry, the related minor is Physics/ Biology. But you may minor in an unrelated field like French. A chemist can mention the former but should/ must skip talking about the French major.

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How To List High School Education On Your Resume

If youre a high school student or dont have a higher education degree, you should list your high school education on your resume.

Heres an example of how to list your diploma:

High school diploma on a resume example

High school Diploma, 2019New York, NY

If youre still attending high school, leave out a graduation date and instead write present.

If you received a General Education Development certificate outside of high school, list the GED on your resume, the institution where it was attained, and the year you attained it.

Should I Put A 30 Gpa On My Resume

Double major resume

So what are the general rules of thumb? Only put your GPA on your resume if it was 3.0 or higher. If your total GPA was under 3.0, but the GPA in your major was higher, put THAT on your resume. Relevant summer jobs or internships will strengthen your resume more than just a high GPA, so dont laser-focus on grades.

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Read The Job Description

The job description often includes specific education requirements the employer is looking for in qualified candidates, such as a particular type of degree and major or minor. Reading the job description can help you determine which information about your educational experiences is most relevant for the position.

Benefits Of Teamwork In A Workplace

Can I find jobs of Listing Double Major On Resume near me?

In order to know whether there are jobs of Listing Double Major On Resume near you or not, you need to find out about employers and work locations in advance. Normally, all contained in the job description, however, you can contact the employer to ask for that.

How can I search for jobs of Listing Double Major On Resume around my location?

You can type Listing Double Major On Resume + your location into the search bar on the homepage, the system will give you the most relevant results. For example, you are in California and want to find Listing Double Major On Resume, you can type Listing Double Major On Resume in California.

Can I know what ages jobs of Listing Double Major On Resume are for?

Please read the recruitment information on our site carefully to see if the nature of the Listing Double Major On Resume related jobs is suitable for your age. In addition, employers often have certain age requirements for their position, do not ignore it.

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How To Include A Double Major On Your Resume Pro Tips

Obtaining a double major is extremely impressive and is the perfect piece of information to help you stand out on a resume.

Education is often listed at the top of a resume, helping employers to see right away that this is someone who has a vast wealth of knowledge.

In order to format this information to be clearly read and understood, there are a few rules we need to follow.

A double major should always be included in the education section. The education section is typically placed directly under the contact information. For new graduates, a double major may be written with additional details. For those with practical job experience, simply list the necessary information.

Next Add Your Major First

How to Make a Resume for College Applications | Coach Hall Writes

The first line of your education section should list the name of the college or institution you attended and its location. Include the dates you attended on the first line, though you can also put them at the end or justify them to the right of the page. The next line should begin by identifying the degree you are pursuing or earned, followed by your declared major. For example, you could write Bachelor of Science in Mathematics.

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When Is It Okay To Stop Putting Major/minor On My Resume

That will vary depending on what youre applying for, how related it is to the position, and how impressive your Major/Minor degree is. There is a time when your degree stops adding value to your application.

You should however determine the specific timing for taking it off your application for yourself

If you dont know when, answer these questions, and it will be easier for you to figure it out:

  • Does the point show success or highlight a skill?
  • Are those skills or attributes valued?
  • Are those skills or attributes already communicated someplace else?
  • Do you have experience in the sector?

Use A Template Formatted To Your Experience

For instance, if you are entering the career field with little to no experience, use a template that places your educational background before any professional or volunteer experience. Similarly, if you have several years of experience in your career or if it has been a long time since you graduated from college, format your employment history above your education.

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Formatting Your Education Section

  • 1Format your resume consistently. Theres no set way to format a resume, but the biggest rule is to format consistently.XResearch source Use one font size for section headings and another for general text, and include consistent bold or italic emphases.XResearch source
  • For example, if you bold employers names in your experience section, write your college in bold, especially if its a prestigious school or one known for excellence in your field.
  • Use a standard sans-serif font, like Arial, for easy readability. Use a 10-12 point size for general text and 14-16 point for section headings.
  • 2Write the institution, its location, your degree, and any honors. Always include the name of your institution, its location, and the name of your degree. You can either write out your full degree name or use its acronym if you need to save room.XResearch source Include honors you were awarded instead of your GPA, especially if youre not a recent grad.XResearch source
  • If youre a recent grad with a high GPA, you could opt to include your GPA. Just be sure to explain your GPA system by writing, for example, 3.92/4.0.
  • You can also include your graduation year if youre a recent grad. Otherwise, you should avoid including dates, especially if your degree is older than 15 years.XResearch source
  • An example degree listing could be:Yale University, New Haven, CT. Bachelor of Arts in English, Magna cum laude.
  • Highlight Minors Relevant To The Job

    Double the Major and Double the Resume? â KudosWall

    If you have a minor that relates to the job you are applying for, highlight it under the corresponding degree. For instance, a teacher who has a double major in education and English and a minor in psychology can relate their minor to a youth counselor position. Additionally, listing a minor in your resume that translates to your chosen career field allows employers to see the range of your knowledge and skills.

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    You List So Many Different Examples And Its Very Confusing Which Variant Is The Best

    Writing a resume can be confusing because theres often not a single best version or format.

    How you write your resume should be tailored to the job youre applying to and the skills , educational qualifications, and kind of work experience those recruiters or hiring managers happen to screen for. By targeting your resume and sending slightly-modified, tailor-made versions to each prospective employer, you improve your chances of landing an interview at all of them.

    Nonetheless, we know that this can be confusing and overwhelming and thats why were here to help!

    Resume Wordeds Targeted Resume service analyzes the job description of the positions youre applying to and identifies the keywords, skills, and other important details recruiters, hiring managers, and their applicant tracking systems look for behind the scenes when they screen applicants.

    That way, you can write a bespoke resume that gets past recruiters first line of defense without all the hassle.

    Tailor your resume to include the skills and keywords hiring managers look for when screening applicants with Resume Wordeds Targeted Resume tool

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    What Is A Dual Degree

    A dual degree is two different degrees in two different streams. It is also called a double degree. The degrees could differ in levels, but they need to be earned at the earliest. A dual degree can be earned separately, in a different field, or it can be achieved in the same area with two different subjects.

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    Format Your Education Section

    First, format the education section of your resume. List your education in reverse-chronological order, starting with your most recent degree first. For each entry, include the name of your college, your graduating year, your degree, your double major and any additional academic achievements you obtained like certifications or awards. Highlighting these aspects of your educational background shows employers you are committed to accomplishing time-bound objectives, which helps you stand out from other candidates.

    Question About Listing Double Majors/concentrations On Resumes

    how to write a resume with little or no job experience

    < p> Hi, all. What’s the best way to list a double major on a resume? < /p>

    < p> This is what I currently have: Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and East Asian Studies < /p>

    < p> My only concern is that the two majors look as if they could be one. Would it be better to clarify that they are separate majors by writing “Double Major” somewhere? < /p>

    < p> Also, I’m applying to a museum that has internships available in both the fossil AND Asian culture departments. Should I note my concentrations underneath my BA listing by saying something like: < /p>

    < p> Emphases on Biological Anthropology, Chinese Language and Culture< /p>

    < p> Is that even the proper use of the word emphases/proper use of capitalization??? I’ve been staring at my resume for so long that I’ve almost given up on it. I don’t have anyone who can proofread it, so if someone would be willing to help me out, I’d really appreciate it! < /p>

    < p> < /p>

    < p> Thank you oh-so-much in advance!< /p>

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