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Software Engineering Resume Examples

Evaluating The Options: Moving Forward

The Resume That Got Me Into Google and Bloomberg (software engineer resume tips)

Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.- Dale Carnegie,

We can think of approaching the problem of not getting interviews in two ways:

  • Putting your application/ résumé under the microscope
  • Questioning the process in which you go about obtaining an interview
  • This article focuses on the former, because no matter what avenue you end up taking to get an interview, essentially every company utilizes your résumé as a basis for evaluation. Therefore, we will examine my résumé under a microscope and focus on learning how to write a remarkable résumé.

    Getting an interview via online application is extremely challenging because your résumé has to pass numerous stages before it gets into the hands of the hiring manager.

    It has to bypass online keyword filters, stand out to a recruiter who reviews it for about 6 seconds and meet the expectations of the hiring manager who decides whether you are worth interviewing.

    Yet, despite all those hurdles, I obtained all my interviews by applying online. How?Trial and error. Ive applied to hundreds of different software engineering positions since my sophomore year of college.

    When I first started applying, I faced a staggering number of rejections, but over time I learned how to adapt. By the time I was a senior, I was extremely successful in landing interviews from almost every company I applied to.

    The résumé that landed me all those interviews is the exact one in this article.

    Software Engineer Iii Front

    Use this template

    Why this resume works

    • The first thing recruiters will notice when reading your software engineer III front-end resume isnt whether the fundamental qualifications to perform the job are present but how you’ve evolved and shaped your career trajectory over time.
    • If possible, always formulate your resume to fit the immediate requirements of the market as a whole.
    • For example, 13 out of 15 job descriptions for SWE III in California include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Unit Testing.

    Show What You Achieved Using Your Skills

    In addition to including your skills, you need to back up the accomplishments on your resume with hard numbers. This helps illustrate your value to an employer by breaking down exactly what youre capable of achieving.

    Heres an example of how to do this effectively:

    • Designed internal website for agents and management, saving an average $8,000 in labor costs per week.

    In this example, the candidate emphasizes their ability to successfully take on a large-scale development project .

    Mastering the Dos and Donts

    • Find your crossover skills relating to the job posting
    • Research as much as possible in the company before applying
    • Write a resume summary like an elevator pitch


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    How To Include Skills On Your Resume

    Now that you have an idea of whether you should include hard skills, soft skills, or a combination of both on your resume the next question is how do you actually include them?

    When it comes to your resume skills, the presentation can matter just as much as the content!

    Before we get to structure, a word of warning:

    Don’t list too many skills in your skills section! While it’s fine to dump all sorts of skills on your resume outline, it’s a big red flag to the hiring manager if they see a resume where an applicant lists 15+ skills. First, it might mean the applicant is exaggerating their skillset . Second, a hiring manager would rather hire someone who is a master of a few skills than a beginner in many skills.

    Different resume formats may display your skills in various ways, but regardless of the format you choose, there are three places you should mention your most important skills:

  • In your resume objective or resume summary
  • In a dedicated “skills” section on your resume
  • In your work experience or projects. Show how you used your skills to do your job in the past.
  • Your resume objective should only be 2-3 sentences so you should include your top 1-2 skills most relevant to the job you’re applying to here. Here are plenty of great examples of how to mention your top skills in your resume objective or resume summary.

    Chronologize Your Work History

    Software Engineer Resume

    List your work history section in reverse-chronological order so your current position comes first on the list, going all the way down to your first job.

    Work history entries should include the job title, the company’s name and location and the employment dates. In a chronological and combination resume, add at least three to four bullet points describing your duties and accomplishments.

    Let’s compare a poor example of a work history section with a good example:

    Poor example:

    Software Engineer

    • Orchestrated large-scale software deployments and worked with teams of over twenty programmers to maintain and update programs.
    • Designed intuitive graphical user interfaces using knowledge of serial communications and database design.
    • Produced technical design documents according to client’s demands.

    The specific accomplishments supported by numeric data inspire confidence in the recruiter about the candidate’s capabilities.

    Here are a few more tips for tackling work history sections:

    • Try and include quantifiable achievements to validate your skills. These metrics measure your impact in your previous roles.
    • Mention technical knowledge to relay your understanding of coding and application development concepts.
    • Pick out keywords from the job postings requirements and match them in your skill set for better chances of getting hired.

    Recommended Reading: Should You Put Volunteer Work On A Resume

    What Is A Software Engineer Resume

    A Software Engineer resume is a cleanly designed document that summarizes the Software Engineer skills and career accomplishments of someone applying for a Software Engineer job.

    In a professional resume, a job candidate should highlight their hard skills, education background, and work experience. Job seekers would also be wise to write a resume that clearly shows a business how they can help meet its goals.

    Software Developer Engineer Resume Templates

    • Experience with developing Web applications in ASP .NET/C# , Java, or Python
    • Experience in working with common JavaScript libraries, including JQuery, HighCharts, and Backbone
    • Experience with software engineering concepts and the software development life cycle
    • Experience in working with Visual Studio 2010+ or similar IDE
    • Knowledge of database concepts, Web server maintenance and error log analysis, and code performance analysis
    • Experience with .NET 4.0 or .NET 3.5 and key framework constructs
    • Experience with Adobe Flex 4
    • Experience with designing responsive and reusable user interfaces for Web applications
    • Experience in working with Entity Framework or FluentMigrator
    • Experience with writing scripts or Webparts for Microsoft SharePoint
    • BA or BS degree in CS or Computer Engineering
    • Directories
    • Scripting

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    Software Engineer Resumeextra Sections

    Those first software engineer resume samples will make the hiring manager stop breathing.

    What about certifications on software engineer resumes?

    Put certifications from Microsoft or Oracle in a special resume certifications section near the bottom.

    Expert Hint: Include a cover letter for software engineers. Make it passionate and itll get the hiring manager to actually read your software engineer resume.

    Double your impact with a matching resume and cover letter combo. Use our cover letter builder and make your application documents pop out.

    Want to try a different look? Theres 18 more. A single click will give your document a total makeover. Pick a cover letter template here.

    For a software engineer resume that glows:

    • Use the software engineer resume template at the top. It shows youre job-compatible without a lot of blah blah blah.
    • List accomplishments in your software engineer resume experience section. Match them to the job like Mixins.
    • Put a yardstick near your software engineer resume with numbers. Percents, dollars, and other metrics make the competition look micro.
    • Send a software engineer cover letter and link it to the employers needs. Shell read your software engineer resume like the source code for reality.

    Got questions on how to write a great resume for software engineer jobs? Not sure how to show software engineer on a resume? Leave a comment. Well be happy to reply.

    Senior Software Engineer Resume

    The Resume That Got Me Into Google (software engineer resume tips)

    Summary : Software Engineer with over 10+ years of experience in the Healthcare domain is seeking a full-time position in the field of Software Engineering.

    Skills : Java, Groovy, Web Services, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, HTML, XML,C#.NET, VB 6.0/VB.NET, C/C++/VC++ RDBMS: Oracle SQL, MS-Access, Sybase Domain Knowledge: Windows 7, MS Windows

    Description :

    Don’t Miss: What Skills To Add To Your Resume

    Summarize Your Educational Background

    After your personal information should be your educational background. Summarize it starting from your elementary education, then to your high school education, and to your college education. Speaking of your college education, it should be a software engineering degree. Make sure that you have your diplomas as proof of your education.

    Edit And Proofread Your Engineering Resume

    Engineers are perfectionists by definition. Because of this, it’s important to have a flawless resume. This is where editing and proofreading come in. It’s often overlooked because most resume writers just want to be done. After all, drafting a resume can take hours, but using our free resume tool can save you lots of frustration and time.

    We recommend taking the following steps when editing and proofreading your resume:

  • Take advantage of our resume checker to make sure your resume is complete and is using the best techniques.
  • Look for mistakes at least twice, preferably thrice!
  • Get a second pair of eyes to look over your resume.
  • Taking these three steps after you’ve finished writing your resume will help ensure that it’s as polished and professional as possible.

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    Next Create A Software Engineer Skills Section On Your Resume

    Your resume’s skills section should include the most important keywords from the job description, as long as you actually have those skills. If you haven’t started your job search yet, you can look over resumes to get an idea of what skills are the most important.

    Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing your resume’s skills section:

    • Include 6-12 skills, in bullet point form
    • List mostly hard skills soft skills are hard to test
    • Emphasize the skills that are most important for the job

    Soft skills are also valuable, as they’re highly transferable and make you a great person to work alongside, but they’re impossible to prove on a resume.

    Example Of Software Engineer Skills For Resume

    Is Software Engineering Hard

    Senior Software Engineer Resume Sample 2021

    Software engineering is a challenging field of study. But that doesnt mean its entirely hard. It just takes time and dedication to master software engineering. Thats why colleges offer software engineering courses. They have coursework that can fully equip students to become adept software engineers. Software engineering can be relatively easy. If you have excellent Math skills and some knowledge about computer programs, you can get the hang of software engineering faster than most people. Just like other fields, software engineering requires study and practice. Software engineering can either be easy or difficult, depending on your knowledge and skill level.

    Other licensed software engineers are also applying for jobs. If you dont start making your resume now, they could beat you to the spot. So download our Software Engineer Resume Template now! If you have skills in Java, you might also like our Java Developer Resume Examples.

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    Choosing The Best Resume Format For A Software Engineer

    Resume formats for software engineers are chosen from the same options as most other professions. The choice is defined by how you outline your past job experience and how much emphasis you place on your skills:

    • chronological format – favors the job experience section
    • functional – favors the skills section
    • combination – a middle of the road option.

    From an engineers analytical and strategic perspective, consider which of these three resume formatsis the best fit for your job experience.

    The most widely used chronological resume format is failsafe if youve worked mostly as an employee for one organization at a time. Your progressive job experience, skills and accomplishments are traced in reverse chronological order, from most recent to earliest.

    But if your job history is more project-based, perhaps in mostly contract positions, then the functional resume format might work well. A functional or hybrid structure can also be useful for highlighting specialized skills or accomplishments, especially if relevant to where your sights are set now.

    There is no right or wrong choice, but possibly a better one to bridge your past and future. Again, always think about what each prospective employer expects or should know about your employment history. Its yet another custom-tailoring strategy.

    Name And Contact Information

    Most of the things you need to mention in this section are obvious. But there are a few nuances to keep in mind with how you present your basic information.


    Use the same name that all your other documents, such as your certificates and government IDs, mention. Also ensure that the name you use on LinkedIn corresponds to the one that you have in your resume. You dont want to confuse recruiters about whether they have the right persons profile when they look you up online.

    Email Address

    The email address you mention in your software engineering resume should be professional and ideally include just your name and last name. So dont use that email ID you made in middle school that was a combination of your favorite band at the time and your birthday. Create a new, simple email ID if you have to so that you can mention it in your resume.

    Phone Number

    Some recruiters prefer to reach out to candidates via phone call rather than email. So mention your mobile phone number along with your country code, in case youre applying to a job taking applications from several locations.

    Address of Residence

    You dont need to mention your physical address in your resume in most cases. The only reason you might want to have it in there is if recruiters state a preference for people based in a certain area . But otherwise, the address is an unnecessary piece of information and shouldnt take up real estate on your resume.

    LinkedIn Profile


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    How To Write A Software Engineer Resume Summary Or Objective

    Heres a shocking fact for you

    Recruiters spend less than 6 seconds on each resume.

    With hundreds of resumes to get through, its no surprise that recruiters simply glance over resumes looking for the most important information.

    As such, you want to make the most important information clear to see.

    The best way to do this is via a resume summary or objective, which are snappy paragraphs that go on top of your resume.

    Their purpose is to quickly highlight why you are the best candidate for the software engineering job. They can be seen as a small preview to the rest of your resume.

    But what is the difference between the two sections?

    A resume summary is a 2-4 sentence summary of your professional experiences and achievements.

    • Experienced software engineer with a strong background in developing award-winning strategies for a diverse clientele. 12+ years of industry experience includes leading large engineering teams to achieve concrete goals on a strict deadline. Strong skills include Database management and MySQL, .NET and Java.

    A resume objective is a 2-4 sentence snapshot of what you want to achieve professionally.

    So, which one is best for your situation, summary or objective?

    Generally, we recommend experienced software engineers go with a summary. If you have the skills but lack the industry experience, you should choose a resume objective .

    Software Engineer Resume Summary

    The Resume That Got Me Into Microsoft – Intern Software Engineer Resume Tips

    Unless it’s done extremely well, we strongly recommend that you dont include a resume summary or objective section on your software engineer resume. Why? Because they rarely, if ever, convey meaningful information to the person reviewing your resume. Lets break down a typical objective statement I see on a resume:

    Sample software engineer resume objective

    I have 3+ years of experience, and Im looking to leverage my Django expertise to work on challenging problems as a Senior Software Engineer.

    The person reviewing this resume has not learned any new information. Their 3+ years of experience should be demonstrated in their work experience. Django expertise should also be highlighted in their work experience and skills, and their desire for a Senior Software Engineer role should be reflected in their title.

    Only include a resume objective if you take the time to customize it for each role meaningfully. We’ve compiled over 100 resume objective examples to give you some inspiration.

    Remember, recruiters typically only look at your resume for six seconds. Dont make them waste precious time on anything that doesnt demonstrate new information about why youre a great fit for the role.

    Anything unique to your situation or circumstance should be discussed in your cover letter where you can elaborate on what youre looking for in your next role without the constraint of space that a resume forces.

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    How To Make Your Software Engineer Work Experience Stand Out

    Recruiters want to know that you can do the job, and do the job well. The easiest way to instil confidence in the recruiter is with your work experience.

    Heres how we recommend you structure your work experience section:

    • Position name

    Developed new infrastructure to easily handle over a million client files

    Simply put, the first statement doesnt say much.

    This is in direct comparison with the second statement that shows how your work benefited the company greatly. Hard numbers that prove your skills cant argue with that!

    Additional Sections That Can Be Included

    Language Proficiency

    If you have room, feel free to include a language section. Including the languages youre proficient in, as well as your level of skill in each, maybe an excellent addition especially if youre joining an international team! Rank the languages according to their level of proficiency:

    • Native
    • Proficient

    Volunteer Work

    Volunteering demonstrates your commitment, character, and principles. Any job applicant who includes a voluntary work experience area in their resume will undoubtedly receive bonus points.

    Memberships & Affiliations

    List professional organizations where you are a member to demonstrate your commitment to computer science, information technology, and software engineering in particular.

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