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What Are Good Words To Use In A Resume

What Are Good Keywords For A Resume

Resume Words to Include and Avoid

Next, youll need to put some keywords for the specific jobs youre applying for.

But what are good keywords to include?

The best keywords to put on your resume are words directly from the job posting. This is what the employer wants to see most .

So if the job posting talks about wanting someone who has led projects in the past, make sure youre saying leadership in your list of skills, and put a bullet that says Successfully led in your recent work if possible.

This is known as tailoring your resume.

Try to use the same phrasing that the company uses in the job description at least once .

This isnt always possible, and you should always write your resume for a real person first and foremost since thats who will be making the final decision. But try to mirror the job description when possible.

Words To Include On Your Resume

Examples of your past work give employers clear evidence of how you are different from other applicants. They are looking for examples of times you delivered value, and whenever possible, with numbers to support them. Consider the following list of words that can be helpful as you develop a resume with action statements that clearly show the value youll bring to their team:

  • Achieved

How You Describe Yourself Is More Important Than The Words You Use

While the words you use to describe yourself can be extremely important, the old cliche of people remembering no what you say but how you make them feel rings true in your job search.

Overall, my view is that the delivery of your message is more important than the specific word choice assuming you have a decent vocabulary and can express yourself reasonably accurately, Herz said.

Past research has shown that how you say something is much more important than what you say.

Words are important because they paint a picture of us, especially for those who dont know usso think of your presence/being as your paint brush and your words as the color, Herz said.

Jennifer Fabiano is an SEO reporter at Ladders.

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Resume Sections And Labels

After you email or upload your resume to the employer’s website, it may go into a database called an applicant-tracking system . This program scans and parses your resume document into sections, such as pulling job duties from the “Work Experience” section. Selecting officials then search through the stack of digitized resumes, pulling out the most-qualified candidates. You want to word your resume sections using conventional names, such as the “Education,” “Skills” and “Awards” so that the ATS program processes your resume document trouble-free. In addition, managers may appreciate being able to visually spot familiar headers without confusion. For example, don’t use words like “Kudos” as a resume section header when describing professional awards received.


Mining For Keywords In Job Descriptions

Pin on My future!

The excerpts below of two job descriptions posted on illustrate how you can find keywords almost everywhere. In these examples, the keywords are underscored.

Auto Dismantler:

  • Reviews Monthly expense statements, monitors monthly expenditures, and gathers supporting documentation for supervisor review and approval.
  • Performs basic arithmetic operations to calculate and/or verify expense totals and account balances.
  • Operates computer to enter data into spreadsheet and/or database. Types routine correspondence and reports.
  • Operates office equipment such as photocopier fax machine, and calculator

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Resume Killing Phrases To Avoid

You know the feeling you get when your parents try to use phrases to be cool? Like when your mom is hanging out with you and your friends and says something is sick. Its kind of icky, inappropriate, and disgusting. Thats how hiring managers feel when you use buzzwords on a resume.

Are resume buzzwords worth it? Many of these phrases were cool in their day, but now, these cliches have seriously lost their staying power and its time to retire them.

Are you guilty of using any of the following outdated terms?

Move the Needle Significantly impact

If you dont want to make recruiters cringe, explain what you mean in engaging conversational language. Dont lean on these overused terms.

Keywords Are Key To Finding You

Key words are the magnets that draw nonhuman eyes to your talents. Recruiters and employers use keywords to search and retrieve e-resumes in databases for available positions. Keywords are chiefly nouns and short phrases. But once in a while, keywords can be adjectives and action verbs. Employers choose their own list of keywords, and it is important to understand that no keyword list is universal.

In computerized job searches, keywords describe not only your knowledge base and skills, but also such things as well-known companies, big name colleges and universities, degrees, licensure, and professional affiliations.

Keywords identify your experience and education in these categories:

  • Skills
  • Other distinguishing features of your work history
  • Prestigious schools or former employers

Employers identify keywords, often including industry jargon, that they think represent essential qualifications necessary for high performance in a given position. They specify those keywords when they search a resume database.

Rather than stopping with action verbs, connect your achievements. You managed what? You organized what? You developed what? Job computers look for the “whats,” and the “whats” are usually nouns.

Employers scanning for management and administrative positions may also search for verbs and adjectives that define soft skills “assisted general manager,” “outgoing personality,” “self-motivated.” But job computers normally prefer a hard skills diet.

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Showcase Resume Power Words Related To The Job

Obviously, you wouldnt throw in the phrase user experience if youre applying to be a teacher. Its also important to focus on skills that youll be using if you get the job youre applying for. In other words, no matter how great a camp counselor you were in high school, that probably wont seem relevant when youre applying to business school.

Look very closely at the job description of your desired position for hints about what they want. For example, a list of responsibilities on a job description might include a line like this: Analyze, create, and document business and system processes through the use of templates and process flows.

In your resume, take a similar work experience youve had and tweak it to mirror, but not exactly match, the language in the job description. For example: At previous company, created template for documenting analytic process and streamlining business flow. Takes the language, tweaks it, and makes you look like youll fit right in.

Resume Keywords Tip: Different Names For The Same Thing

How To Write A GOOD Resume – Resume Example Template

Optimizing your resume keywords isnt as simple as stuffing industry-specific skills and jargon into your resume. Its about tweaking the keywords already in your resume to match the job description.

For example, if youre a graphic designer, you probably have a lot of experience with Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobes software bundle that includes standards like Photoshop and Illustrator. But say the job description mentions only Adobe Creative Suite, its former name.

If you have Adobe Creative Cloud on your resume but the hiring manager searches the ATS for Adobe Creative Suite, you could be excluded from the results even though you possess the exact skillset theyre looking for. In this example, you want to optimize your Adobe experience by changing the resume keyword to Adobe Creative Suite.

  • human resources
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    Words You Shouldnt Use In Your Cv

    In terms of the actual words you write, almost all recruiters have their own pet peeves.

    Here are just a few of the most common CV phrasing fails:

    • Flexible
    • Self-motivated

    Most of the words that fall into this list are CV clichés that have been around so long that they no longer carry any real meaning.

    Obviously, if one of these words is a key element for the role youre applying for, then they can be used.

    However, always make them more meaningful by actually expanding on the concept and using real scenarios to put it into practice.

    Recruiters dont just want to know youre goal driven they want to see examples of it to.

    Five lines that are killing your CV

    Resume Adjectives By Category

    The following is a list of powerful adjectives that you can use to make your resume pack the punch you need to land an interview. But be warned, using them improperly can make your resume seem hollow. Be sure to check out our guide on using resume adjectives below to make sure you dont make this mistake.

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    How To Find Keywords For A Resume

    For the best chance of success, keywords for resumes need to be specific for the role youâre aiming to land.

    Sounds simple, but you need to know what those keywords are.

    This is where you need to put in some leg workâ¦

    Weâve got a handy checklist with some really powerful and effective ways to hunt down the perfect keywords for your resume.

    Get to grips with these tricks and youâll be adding in keywords that are highly relative to the job you want and targeted to the company and role.

    Donât forgetâ¦

    Hereâs different types of language to be searching for when hunting for keywords to use:

    • Industry-specific skills – Social media management, event planning, and logistics coordination
    • Soft skills – leadership, communication, creativity, engaging clients, persuasion, and team management
    • Hardware and software programs – Adobe Suite, Microsoft Office, Office 365
    • Job titles – customer service representative, WordPress developer, and chemical engineer
    • Training and certification – Java script, food hygiene certification, and ITIL
    • Education – MEd, BSc, and PhD
    • Industry jargon – resource planning, increase end-user engagement, and technological implementation
    • Company names – name check national or international brands if youâve worked for them
    • Locations – Zip codes, city, or state names can be used to narrow down candidates local to the company

    Avoid Tired Generic Resume Words

    Free Collection 50 Words to Use In Resume 2019

    Chances are your resume already includes many action verbs. But are you choosing the most compelling resume words? While some action verbs pack a punch, others are tired and boring. These generic verbs are so familiar to recruiters that their eyes may skim right over them.

    Examples of overused, generic action verbs include:

    • Participated

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    How To Use Resume Adjectives

    As long as you avoid the generic clichés that are common on bad resumes, strong adjectives are an effective way to highlight and emphasize your experience throughout your job application.

    But to make the best use of adjectives on your resume:

    • Avoid using bigger words just to sound impressive.

    Your resume has limited space to showcase your accomplishments. State things succinctly and pack more substance into your application rather than filling your resume with stylish fluff.

    • Use adjectives to enhanceyour experience, not replace it.

    Adjectives should be combined with actionable examples of accomplishments on your resume. All too often, job seekers simply describe themselves as detail-oriented or say something they did was great with no context. This doesnt demonstrate how youre detail-oriented, or whatmade your action great.

    To make your resume adjectives effective, attach them to a larger point about your specific qualifications or accomplishments. Heres an example:

    My comprehensive background in SEO includes website auditing & servicing, keyword research, and performing top-tier Google data analysis.

    This example works because the candidate provides details about their experience, and uses adjectives to emphasize their assets. They dont just say skilled at SEO, they use specifics to demonstrate their skills, and then use adjectives to qualify certain strengths.

    Why Are Keywords Important

    Employers look for specific keywords in a resume to quickly identify qualified talents for the open position. The more relevant keywords the employer finds, the better your chances of moving on to the next stage of the hiring process.

    Many companies in Malaysia now use an applicant tracking system that scans resumes for these keywords. In fact, one of Asias most comprehensive applicant tracking systems is based in Malaysia. Just like a search engine, an ATS software uses keywords to match what employers are looking for. It is no surprise that some organisations rely heavily on ATS to help them filter out qualified individuals.

    Savvy jobseekers sprinkle keywords throughout their resume to ensure their resume is found when a potential employer searches for someone with particular skills or experience. Using the correct keywords can clearly illustrate your professional strengths. Weak, vague, or overused verbs can actually underplay your excellent work, so choose action verbs that more accurately reflect what you do.

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    Words To Describe Based On Industry Demands

    The boss will also consider the demands of the industry you are in. Different industries have different demands, and there are a few choice words that can make you stand out among other applicants. Here are 5 words to describe work ethic that show you are the cream of the crop!


    Words To Describe Your Work Ethic Based On Your Personality

    Get a better job: Power Verbs for Resume Writing

    The boss wants someone who will perform his/her duties for the love of the job, and not for a pay-check. As a result, you will want to choose words to describe work ethic based on your personality to give him/her a sense of who you are. Here are some you should consider trying:

    AccountableImage from rawpixel under Pixabay licenseEnthusiasticRespectfulSelf-motivated

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    Hard Skills Vs Soft Skills

    There are two basic types of skill-sets that a job seeker can have and include on their resume, and those are either hard skills or soft skills.

    Hard skills are the skills or abilities for a resume that are easily quantifiablethat can be learned through classroom work, apprenticeships or other forms of learning. These include things like operating tools, computer programming, speaking foreign languages or typing.

    Soft skills are more subjective and harder to quantify, and are often grouped together by what we know as people skills. Some examples of soft skills include communication, relationship building, self-awareness and patience.

    Words To Avoid And Include On A Resume

    You only have a short time to make an impression with your resume. In those moments when a potential employer is scanning your skills and experience, it is important to choose words that will communicate the value youve added in previous roles.

    Using common business terms like wheelhouse or go-to person can seem like the best way to get your qualities across efficiently. However, words like these have become so overused that they have lost meaning and wont help you stand out from other applicants.

    Instead, choose action-oriented phrases that show rather than tell why you should be considered. For example, instead of saying that youre a results-driven team player that delivers impactful results, hiring managers want to see something like, I developed a streamlined delivery process that reduced revenue slip by 20%.

    1. Name and contact information2. Summary or objectivec. Description of role and achievement4. Education5. Skills6. Optional

    Lets look at specific words you should avoid on your resume, and words to include that will make your job application stand out.

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    How To Use Resume Adjectives Effectively

    Using adjectives to create a powerful resume isnt about throwing in some fancy-sounding buzzwords to make yourself seem like a super cool dude . This will have the opposite effect, and make your claims sound hollow.

    The true power of resume adjectives lies in their ability to enhance and emphasize the points you are already proving. This guide will go through each main section of a typical resume and show you how you can use certain words to strengthen them.

    Top Words By Industry

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    Start by thinking about the industry you are in. These words are a list of skills and experiences employers are seeking.

    Here are a few examples:

    • Sales: relationship building, negotiation, persuasive communication, prospecting, closing, territory development

    • Management: leadership, supervisory skills, coaching, mentoring

    • SEO, conversion optimization, email marketing, content marketing

    • Accounting: taxation compliance, automatic data processing , reconciliation, accounts payable, accounts receivable, return on assets

    • Project managment: budget management, proposal writing, compliance, vendor management, risk mitigation

    • Administration: attention to detail, creating macros, confidentiality, Microsoft Office suite, scheduling

    • Engineering: quality control, troubleshooting, materials management, research and development, systems integration

    • Web development: graphic design, user experience, ecommerce, web design, front end/back end, Java, HTML/CSS

    Finding these industry-related keywords is easier than you think. Just do a quick Google search for the job openings in that industry. Read the job descriptions and look for any keywords that stand out. Jot down any that describe the qualifications and skills that you have.

    Or, even better, identify keywords from a specific job description. Then include these keywords in your resume. When you know what your potential employers are looking for, its easy to reverse engineer your resume to show you are a perfect match for their needs.

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    How To Use Power Words

    You can include power words throughout your resume, including in your job descriptions, resume summary statement, and your cover letter.

    Remember to vary the words that you userepeating the same word leads to a dull reading experience and will turn off the hiring manager. Instead, use a variety of terms that best describe your accomplishments to show employers the scope of your achievements.

    Finally, it’s very important that you only use terms you are familiar with.

    Good Words To Use When Writing A Resume

    Job seekers hope that using certain words on their resumes will get them noticed by recruiters and hiring managers. However, a study by TheLadders career website in 2012 found that many recruiters spend only about six seconds reviewing resumes. In contrast, job seekers spend many hours and dollars getting their resumes just right for the job hunt. You may be able to improve your job-search strategy by using important words that attract and keep the attention of recruiting and hiring officials at companies with job openings.

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