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What Is Important In Resume

Optional Parts To Include On Your Resume

What is a resume, and how important is a resume

There may be additional information you wish to include on your resume that doesn’t fit in other sections. For example, your community service experience may directly relate to the position you are applying for. Before including additional information, however, be sure to ask yourself whether including this makes you a more appealing candidate to the potential employer. If the answer is no, you shouldn’t include this extra information.

The following are common optional sections you could include at the end of your resume:


If you have additional awards that you were not able to incorporate into the experience section of your resume, consider doing so here. For example, you could include international recognition, publications, honors and testimonials that are relevant to the job you are applying for.


If you speak fluently in more than one language, you may wish to include this in a section after your skills.

Community service

Some companies prefer candidates who have a passion or experience in community service. If this is true for the position you are interested in, be sure to include any community service commitments or experience you have as it relates to the job.


More and more companies are interested in understanding their candidates on a personal level. While you don’t need to include a long list of your hobbies, you could consider listing two or three things that you enjoy doing in your free time that speak to your personality.

Why Do You Need A Resume

In today’s competitive market of professional jobs, a resume is usually a base requirement for moving forward in the interview process. A good resume will immediately display to employers why the candidate is a good fit. Here are some reasons why you need a resume to get your next job. An effective resume:

  • Outlines your relevant skills and experience

  • Displays the benefits you offer employers

  • Grabs the attention of employers

  • Matches you to the position

  • Can lead to an interview

How To Write Your Work Experience To Stand Out

This is the CORE section of your resume.

Here is where you get to advertise yourself by listing past responsibilities and achievements on a job.

Whether you do this right or not is the main deciding factor between your Plan A job and your Plan D.

You could have an outstanding history of professional experience. But if you dont word it the right way, someone else might snatch away your dream job .

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Your Full Name And Contact Information

A common pitfall in unsuccessful job hunting is not being able to put ones name correctly. Your resume is your story your name is the most fitting title. Put emphasis on your name by typing it in bold. Using all caps is acceptable, too, but is not as necessary. More importantly, your name and your contact information must be formally placed at the top. Your full address, telephone number, mobile phone number and email address are sufficient as contact information. Just be sure these are correct and updated so that the employer can reach you with utmost convenience.

Grabs The Attention Of Employers

Why Is A Good Resume Important References

The part of the resume known as “above the fold”âusually the top quarter of the resumeâis considered the most attention-grabbing. Make sure to include important summarized information above the fold in addition to your name and contact information. Another way you can get an employer’s attention is to use a layout that allows for appropriate color or images.

Some people will use a headshot portrait or personal logo to brand themselves to employers. If you have to print your resume, always make sure to use a resume paper stock that sticks out. There are a lot of options to choose from, so pay attention to industry standards when deciding on paper.

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Different Styles Of Writing A Resume

Reverse chronological résumé includes previous job experience in reverse chronological order. The main element in this format is the professional experience section, building credibility through experience gained and showing your career growth.

Functional résumé focuses on listing work experience and skills categorized by skill area for the type of position being sought. In contrast to a reverse chronological one, the functional document includes experience summaries as its main means of communicating professional competency.

Hybrid résumé a functional and a chronological typically a functional list of job skills followed by a list of job employers. However, this type of document often repeats itself and isnt as commonly used as the other two.

Key Components Of A Resume

To attract an employers sight and curiosity, you need to know what to put in your resume.

But, the question that still plagues many job seekers is how to build a great resume that can help them land their dream job.

With the average recruiter only looking at your resume for 7 seconds, you need to convince them immediately.

Resume writing requires you to grab their attention and keep it. Think critically about what you put in your resume, and provide just enough information to keep recruiters curious. Ensure that they want to invite you for a job interview to learn more about what you have to offer.

So, lets go over some of the key components that you need to pay attention to while preparing a resume and how you can do that to make sure your resume stands out.

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+ Things You Should Not Include In Your Resume

What NOT to Include in the Contact Info Section

  • Date of Birth – Age should not matter to a hiring manager. Its not important for their decision-making, and at worst, it might lead to age-based discrimination.
  • – Especially in the US and in the UK . Hiring managers dont need to know your appearance to evaluate your resume and application overall.
  • Your exact address – very few businesses use mailing services nowadays to communicate with potential hires. Its inefficient, and its simply safer to use your email.

What NOT to Include in the Resume Summary or Objective Section

  • If you have a few years of related work experience, then you should not include a resume objective.
  • Your resume summary or objective should also not include any requests, demands, or salary requirements.

What NOT to Put in the Work Experience Section

  • Jobs that arent even remotely relevant to the position you are applying for. No one cares about your experience as a cashier if youre applying for a designer gig
  • Fluff that doesnt say anything. This is a lot more common than youd think. Make sure all your duties and activities listed are practical
  • Jobs that you had for a short time period . This shows that youre a job hopper and unlikely to stick around for job .
  • Any illegal jobs

What NOT to Add to the Skills Section

What NOT to Include in the Education Section

  • Your GPA
  • Your high school degree
  • The entire list of all the courses you attended in college


Type Of Job Helps You Design The Resume:

Is Resume really Important to find a Job? Why resume is Important? #Resume Writing – Part 1

The applicant has a single goal in any type of job interview. The resume design and the impact it has on the recruiters. however, varies with the type of job.

If you are applying for the job of a chef, there is really no sense in designing the resume in a manner that looks graphically appealing.

It makes sense to make a graphically appealing resume if you are applying for the post of a graphic designer or a web designer. You must use your logical reasoning while preparing a resume.

Try and reason out what kind of resume format will best reveal your skills and abilities. If you are appearing for a profile of a manager, do not forget to reveal your leadership qualities.

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Outlines Your Relevant Skills And Experience

A well-structured resume clearly highlights your most attractive skills and experience to potential employers. This allows them to move forward with the best candidate. It’s important to make sure your most recent skills and experiences are reflected in your resume for this reason. A strong resume uses formatting elements like color, appropriate margins and design to ensure relevant work experience is shown in such a way that highlights achievements.

How To Match Your Resume Skills To The Job Description

Many companies use an applicant tracking system , which acts as an electronic filter, to collect, scan, sort and rank resumes to narrow applicant pools to the most qualified candidates. Thats why you need to customize your resume and cover letter using keywords and phrases that match the job listing .

If an employer is looking for a graphic designer with mastery in Adobe Creative Suite, for example, you wouldnt just claim experience with software for creative professionals. List the software by name, give your expertise level, and if you have it highlight your Adobe Certified Expert certification. Likewise, if an employer is searching for an accountant with experience processing daily invoices and credit, then use similar language in your resume. Simply listing gathering receipts as a duty wont likely score well with an ATS.

Repeat common words and phrases from other postings of the same role, too. But remember, every job description is different. Tailor the keywords and skills on your resume and in your cover letter for each position.

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More Soft Skills Than Hard Skills

As mentioned earlier, employers have a preference for seeing hard skills on a resume. The right place to highlight soft skills is your cover letter or in an interview, where you can better demonstrate communication skills, interpersonal skills, active listening, and more.

So as you review your resume, its a problem if you find many soft skills but few hard skills and job-related skills.

In fact, you should be looking to highlight these job-related skills in practically every resume section, starting with your resume summary paragraph.

How To Discover Skills The Company Values

9 Important Resume Skills List

You need to use the job description to customize your resume skills and work history sections. But dont stop there. Research the employer to gain insight into the workplace culture and company values. You may discover additional qualities that would be prized by the employer.

If you know someone who works at the company, or has in the past, reach out to ask about the workplace culture and what the employer considers important in its workers. Also check websites such as Glassdoor and Fairygodboss for company reviews by employees and former employees.

The companys website can tell you a lot, too. Reading the About Us page is typically a good place to begin.

For instance, in a section called Living our values, IBM includes the following:

  • Dedication to every clients success
  • Innovation that matters for our company and for the world
  • Trust and responsibility in all relationships

If you were applying for a job at IBM, you would want to consider what soft skills you possess that fit this framework customer service, attentiveness, initiative and loyalty and weave them into your resume.

Here at Robert Half, we focus on and promote our four LEAD principles. They are:

  • Leadership by Example
  • An Openness to New Ideas
  • Dedication to Excellence

If youre applying for a job at Robert Half, you might highlight skills that speak to your leadership, drive and diligence, as well as your confidence and ability to collaborate.

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Notes I Want To Stress:

  • Leadership experience isnt limited to people management, like being a project head. Leadership experience means that you got something done, with or without a team behind you, and you did it well.Undertaking some important task or advocacy, no matter how big or small it is, is being a leader. Regardless if youre an introvert or extrovert, detail-oriented analyzer or big picture thinker, planner or activator, so long as youre someone who sees a problem and does something about it , then youre a leader. And you can put that project experience in your resume.

  • For conferences and workshops, its level of importance could be equal to work experience, dependent on the context of said conferences and workshops. If they are internationally recognized, and you being shortlisted for it is considered an honor, then that takes priority. It has built in context for your field, after all. And like I always say, context is king when it comes to resumes.

Related: Whats more impressive, internship experience or school achievements in a resume?

Like I said in the beginning, what you prioritize in your resume will always depend on the situation youre in.

Good luck! And if you take my advice, let me know how it goes!

Creativity Brings New Solutions For Difficult Problems

In today’s highly competitive landscape, companies need to stay one step ahead to win the trust and confidence of their customers. Moreover, with customers becoming more demanding, companies need to come up with creative problem solving and innovative solutions for complex challenges in the workplace.

A simple way to deal with this problem is to hire creative thinkers who can think outside the box and suggest better solutions. Over the years, creative thinkers like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have revolutionized technology with their innovative solutions. By hiring creative people, companies across industries can find solutions to difficult problems.

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Training Certifications And Licenses

Many professions, such as personal trainers, coaches, or tradespeople, require outside training to be considered qualified for their jobs. Thus, they will benefit from including their certifications, licenses, and training on their resume.

You can choose to include your training, certifications, or licenses in your education section or otherwise in its own dedicated section toward the bottom of your resume.

Heres an example of an RN license on a nursing resume:

Resume Summary Or Objective

Writing a Resume – What’s Important?

Your resume summary or objective should be a short, one to two sentence section that briefly explains who you are and why youre qualified. Carefully review the job posting for clues on which of your technical and soft skills will be most important and relevant.

Resume summaries and objectives are slightly different, and you should choose to include one or both depending on your background and the position youre seeking. A resume summary will describe your work experience, while a resume objective will state your short-term goals.

A summary is good if you have at least some work experience that can be quickly summarized. An objective statement, however, is better suited for those who have recently graduated from high school or college, or who otherwise have limited job experience.

Your resume summary could say:

Thoughtful construction laborer with over five years of experience helping manage teams toward successful and safe completion of housing projects.

Your resume objective could say:

Recent graduate eagerly looking to expand construction labor experience with a growing contractor.

In both your resume section and your summary, its important to avoid talking about topics more suited to a job interview, such as how much youre hoping to earn.


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Why You Need A Resume

In todays job market, the resume has become the number one requirement potential employers request. Before an employer will take valuable time to interview you, he or she wants to meet you on paper. How you impress that employer with your resume can, and will, make all the difference.

Without a resume, you cant even begin to compete, and an inferior resume will quickly eliminate you before you even have a fighting chance. That is why it is imperative to have a superior resume, one that effectively lets employers know what you can do for them.

A Resume is a Summary of Your Qualifications

The term resume comes from the French and means a “summary.” Thats exactly what your resume is: A summary of your qualifications, skills, and achievements. It shows a future employer what you have done in the past. It details your skills and training, work experience, and education, and, most importantly, the accomplishments you have made with past employers.

It should also inform the employer of your career objective and communicate in a concise manner the benefits you will bring to the job if hired.

Skills Versus Employer Benefits

The Purpose of the Resume is to Get You an Interview

How often have you thought, “If only I had met with the employer in person, I could have convinced him that I was the right person for the job!” Your only chance is to compose an impressive resume, one that will get noticed and get you in the door so you can meet the employer in person and get the job.

S Of A Resume: 5 Main Resume Components

March 1, 2022 | By Nick Herschel| Reviewed by Conrad Benz

There are five parts that make up a complete, well-rounded resume, including some optional components. Youll need to ensure you include all the right parts of a resume to give employers a clear picture of your key qualifications, skills, and strengths.

The five most important parts of a resume are your contact information, resume introduction, experience, skills, and education. This standard outline is appropriate for nearly any job seeker.

However, there are also many optional pieces of information you can add to your resume, depending on your unique experience and the requirements of the job youre applying to.

To help you make a great resume that contains all necessary information and some optional sections if they pertain to you, below weve included a complete guide for each of the components of a resume and what should be included.

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