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What To Put On A Resume For First Job

Sample Resume For First Job

High School Resume: How To Write Your First Resume (Plus Template)

This sample resume offers an insight into what a resume for a first job might look like. We have many other resume writing examples across our website that might offer inspiration , so this is intended to pull together some of our advice in this article.

Check out this example of a first job resume, crafted with all of the best hiring practices in mind:

Resume Example For A First Job


Seeking a job opportunity that will allow me to use my computer skills, personality, and organizational skills in an entry-level position as an assistant, clerk, or receptionist in an office or retail environment.

Relevant Skills

  • Developed several UI components for an eLearning app;
  • Coded landing page design for a WordPress resto website;
  • Provided manual UX/UI testing services for an eLearning portal;
  • Portfolio available at

City College College- Albany, NYAdministrative Assistant , September 2017- Present

  • Took Phone calls and messages
  • Answered inquiries on behalf of students, faculty, and other staff members
  • Kept an organized and well-functioning workspace.;
  • Assisted other members of the office in a variety of tasks.

ABC BakeryCourtesy Clerk: April 2016- March 2017

  • Provided excellent customer service while serving customers a wide range of baked goods and drinks. Performed bussing duties as needed. Drummed up excellent PR that ended up attracting returning customers.

Technology Summary

Adobe Studio, Photoshop, XML/HTML, Javascript, Windows, Linux, Apple, MS Office suite.

Dont be shy to include any paid or unpaid, internship, or volunteer work as your experience, just like our candidate did here.; Even if it was a few years ago, go ahead and add it to your resume as this still can show the skills you have developed. Also, you can make your resume pop by using a creative resume template. We have a wide array of those listed on our website for free!

References And Names/ Contacts Of The Present Employer

Only include a reference section in your resume when you are asked to do so. Most of the time, such a directive is communicated in the vacancy description or organization website. In the meantime, learn how you can write references well if it is required of you.

Another thing not to include in your resume is the contact information of your present boss. You only have to provide such details when your potential employer request for the same.

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Additional Relevant Accomplishments And Volunteer Work

The last section to consider adding to your resume is a shortlist of any other relevant accomplishments or volunteer work. Only include those that are relevant or that may help create a better picture of who you are as an individual as related to the position youre applying for. If youre not sure what information may be a fit for this section, re-read the job descriptions that interest you. Consider if you have any experiences outside of the professional history you already added which may help employers understand your qualifications.

Here is an example of what your accomplishments and volunteer work section could look like:

Volunteer firefighter, 20102012

How To Write A Resume For Your First Job

Thoughts on my resume? I

If you are a current student or recent graduate, you may feel you lack enough experience to draft a resume for your first job. It is important to remember you can use personal life experience, skills and activities for your resume. By using those experiences, and emphasizing the skills employers are looking for, you can find writing your first resume easier than it may seem. ;This article explains the steps to help draft your first resume along with some tips to get your resume noticed by the hiring manager.

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What Do You Put On Your First Resume For A Part

Write a Part-Time Job Resume Objective or Resume Summary Highlight the knowledge and skills youve gathered to date and how well youd fit in the offered position. Think of transferable skills and quantifiable achievements from other gigs youve had that are relevant to the open position and vouch for you.

Types Of Skills High School Students Have

Your resume can include skills that you have learned in school, during extracurricular activities, in sports, and when volunteering. For example, if you have played football, soccer, basketball, or other sports, you have;teamwork skills. Were you the captain? You have;leadership skills.

Have you taken a computer class or taught yourself how to use software programs? You have computer skills.

Almost everyone has some level of;communication skills. If you can carry on a conversation, present in class, or write a paper for school, you are communicating.

When you have successfully juggled personal activities and schoolwork, youre flexible and dependable. Did you work on a group project? You have collaboration skills.;Do you babysit or mow a neighbors lawn? You are reliable and dependable.

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The Best Font Size For A Resume

The size font you use on a resume will depend on how much you have written, as you need your content to fill up one entire page. A good place to start is using 16pt for your name, 12pt for your section headers, and 11pt for the body of your text. Experiment conservatively until your one-page resume looks complete.

Personal Project Relevant To A Job:

How To Write A Resume With Little or No Work Experience – Resume Template

For example, lets say you hosted a bake sale in your neighborhood and are now applying for a job as a cashier at a grocery store. You could explain that while selling your baked goodies, you practiced your customer service, money handling, and food service safety skills.

Example of how to list a personal project in a resume:Summer Bake Sale Hosted a summer bake sale in my neighborhood every weekend from April to August 2018. Created and handed out flyers, took and fulfilled customer orders, handled cash payments, and home baked all products. Skills learned include customer service, money handling, and food service safety.

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Personal Or Academic Projects Relevant To The Job

You can also list personal or academic projects relevant to the job you are applying for, such as a group project at school or a neighborhood summer bake sale. You just need to relate your projects with how you are a good fit for a companys position. Before writing a project down, think about how you will explain its relevance during an interview.

Education And Academic Achievements

After your key skills, create a resume section for your education. List any degrees you have obtained or any degrees you are currently pursuing. If you stopped going to school before obtaining a degree, you can list the credits or hours you have completed.

For each degree, list the school, the location, your degree, your field of study and the dates you attended. You should also include academic honors and awards, such as graduating Cum Laude.

Example of how to list education in a resume #1:Coral Springs University, Coral Springs, Florida; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;Bachelor of Science in Biology; Minor in PsychologyGraduated Magna Cum Laude

Example of how to list education in a resume #2:Coral Springs University, Coral Springs, Florida; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;In ProgressAssociate of Arts

Example of how to list education in a resume #3:Coral Springs University, Coral Springs, Florida; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;Bachelor of Arts in Art History; 200 Credit Hours Obtained

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A Good Resume Is A Consistent Resume

Consistency is important for creating an impressive resume. This means all similar items on the page need to be aligned and formatted the same way. For example, if you decide to write your dates out in long-form and italicized, they need to be long-form and in italics every place there is a date on your resume. If you decide to put your school name in bold, every school name needs to be in bold.

How To Write Your First Job Resume

How to Make a Resume for Your First Job [+Example]

So there you are, sitting in front of a screen, staring at a blank Word page for hours, with one task at hand: writing your first job resume.

Where do you even start?

And most importantly: How do you fill those 1-2 pages when you have no work experience?

We feel your struggle and were here to help!

In this article, were going to guide you through the entire process of creating a first job resume from start to finish.

Lets dive right in, shall we?

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How To Write A Great Resume Objective

Consider your resume objective the introduction to your resume. Your resume objective may be the first thing your potential future employer ever reads about you, so you want to make sure its both powerful and to-the-point.

Keep these items in mind when writing a resume objective statement:

1. Keep it concise. In most cases, a recruiter or hiring manager is sifting through several resumes at a time to determine which applicants have the skills and experience necessary to move on to the next step in the hiring process. By making your resume objective short and strong, you will be more successful in holding their attention. Try removing filler words, such as a,the and like, to help keep the reader focused on the most important parts of your resume.

2. Tailor it to the position. Instead of writing a general objective statement, adapt it specifically to the job youre applying for. Start by reading the job description and highlighting skills or requirements that align with your strongest attributes or experiences. When you include an objective thats specific to the job role, the recruiter is more likely to dig deeper and learn more details about your professional experience.

3. Lead with your strongest attributes. Consider strengths that are not only relevant to the job role, but also attributes youre proud to share. For example, Organized and driven,Dedicated and experienced,Motivated team player or Accomplished leader.

Career or industry change:

How To Make A Resume For First Job After A Long Career Gap

If you sit down to make your resume after a long gap of 7+ years , it can somehow feel that you are actually making the resume for your first job. None of your long-forgotten experience seems relevant any more and you might even have forgotten how it feels like to work with other people. That is incredibly daunting.

Luckily, as you search your memories for relevant stories, making your “first job” resume will not be as tricky as you think. Just start by being honest with yourself. You have to acknowledge that things will have moved on since you last put on a suit in anger, and you should definitely not try to shoe-horn experience into your story for the sake of it.

Making the resume relevant is about making links between past and present. The activities may not have been identical, but if you acknowledge what has changed and highlight the commonalities, that is a great start of a potentially profitable conversation.

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Tips For Designing Your Resume

Many people are surprised to learn that resume design is just as important as content, but its absolutely true. Research suggests that your resume has only seconds to make the right impression, so it must be eye-catching and easy to read.

There are many different ways to design and format your resume. Check out these resume templates to help you format your own resume.

Using a template will make it easier to create your resume. Not only will it save you time, but it can also reduce formatting errors. You can look at these other resume templates available through Microsoft Word and .

Write Down Your Contact Information

How To Write A Resume For First Job

Its important for the recruiter to have at least two ways of reaching back to you.

Meaning, you should always provide your contact information in your resume. That includes:;

  • First and last name
  • Location

Apart from these must-haves, you can also provide:

  • LinkedIn URL – This is a good way to complement your resume. It also makes the recruiters life easier since they usually check your LinkedIn profile anyway. Make sure all information is updated and consistent with your resume, though.;
  • Relevant social media – Any social media that is related to the job position and puts you in good light should be included in your resume. In most cases. If youre a developer, it could be projects on GitHub. Writer? Personal blog.
  • Website or blog – Again, this should be something related to the job. It shows your interest and dedication to the industry and how you spend some of your free time.

When it comes to your contact information, the key is to write everything correctly. Double-check youve spelled your name and email right, make sure the phone number youve listed can be reached, and that the accounts you have linked to are up to date.;

Something else you should know regarding location is how much detail you should be providing.;

The reason recruiters want to know your location is so that they have an idea of whether youre in the vicinity of the company or not .;

That means, providing the city and country where you live will be enough. No need for your full home address.;

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Add Sections That Are Relevant

Although there are many sections that you could include on your resume, there is no need to use every one unless you have something relevant to put in it. There will always be some skills you can list, and if you have had some relevant experience through a hobby or interest, then you can expand these sections. Common sections to include in a resume are:

  • Work history: List any jobs you have held in reverse chronological order, and describe your duties for each one in bullet points.
  • Education: List the name of your school, any diplomas or degrees you have and any relevant courses.
  • Skills: Create a list of your relevant skills.
  • Awards and achievements: Describe any achievements you have earned, such as being on the dean’s list or winning a school competition.
  • Hobbies and interests: Include hobbies and interests if they show skills or experience related to the job you’re applying for.

Create A Professional Design For Your Resume

Depending on how many people are applying for your specific position, you are likely to have 20 to 30 seconds for a hiring manager to see your resume. This means making your resume eye-catching and easy to read is crucial. Choose a design that is simple, elegant and professional, making sure to avoid any patterns that are too busy.;

Other ways to make your resume more visually appealing are:;

  • Use common, easy-to-read font styles such as Cambria, Calibri or Helvetica
  • Keep your font size at 12 or 14 point
  • Maintain appropriate spacing
  • Use bullet points when appropriate
  • Keep the margins at 1 inch all around

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Is A Resume Necessary For A First Job

Put Together a Simple Resume You probably wont need a resume for a basic first part-time job unless the position is an internship. However, it will be useful for you to have a document in hand to promote your background as you network with contacts or make in-person prospecting visits with employers.

Writing Your First Resume

First Job Sample Resume

To get started, review information on the;different parts of a resume;and what is included in each element. It’s a good idea to;review high school resume examples to get an idea of what is appropriate. Even if you’ve never held a formal job, you still have important life experience that’s applicable to the job search.

Don’t forget to look at volunteer work, civic groups, and youth organizations . The;skills;you have developed doing these things have given you valuable experience that will impress employers.

The bottom line is that you actually have a lot more experience than you think you have.

Writing your first resume;can seem intimidating, but if you take it step-by-step, you will be able to put together a document that will highlight your abilities and show the hiring manager that youre worth calling for an interview.

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Classes Training And Certifications

Now its time to list any relevant classes, training, or certifications that are relevant for your resume.

For classes, include coursework that you took through school that are relevant to the position you are applying for. Just list the class title instead of the class number, such as ECON101. You can also write a brief description that is one to two sentences long to describe the course, if it is relevant to the job youre applying for.

For every training session and certification on your resume, list where you received the training, the type of course taken, the date you received it, and the date it expires .

Example of how to list a class in a resume:Intro to Hospitality Introduction to the hospitality industry, including various types of career paths. In-depth lessons on the food and beverage sector, including the categories of restaurants and the different types of food service.

Example of how to list training and certifications:Coral Springs University, Coral Springs Florida; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;Valid 9/2018 9/2021First Aid & CPR Certified

Pick The Right First Job Resume Format And Template

There are 3 main resume formats you can pick from. Each of them highlights a different part of your resume.

  • Reverse-Chronological Resume – In this format, your work experiences and education are listed in reverse-chronological order.;
  • Functional Resume– Instead of work experience, this format focuses on your skills and achievements.
  • Combination Resume – This format focuses on both your skills and work experience.

For 99% of job-seekers, we recommend sticking with the reverse-chronological format.

While a functional resume can sometimes help for career changers or recent graduates, its still nowhere near as common as the reverse chronological one.

Plus, recruiters world-wide are familiar with the reverse-chronological format, making it a safer bet.

A reverse-chronological resume looks as follows:

Once youve picked the format, the next step is to perfect your layout, font, and the like. Heres what we recommend for that:

  • Use a Two-Column Layout. A two-column resume layout allows you to fit a lot more content into your resume.
  • Pick a Common Font. We recommend Ubuntu, Overpass, or Roboto.
  • Use Bullets to Describe Your Experiences.
  • Dont Go Over One Page. Unless youre a professional with a decade of work experience, we recommend sticking to the one-page resume limit.

Want to avoid all the hassle of formatting your resume layout? We dont blame you – if you wanted to build a good-looking resume from scratch, it would take you hours before you could even start filling it in.

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