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What To Write In Interests In Resume

Best Examples Of Hobbies And Interests To Put On A Resume

Resume Hobbies – Best Hobbies in Resume (in 2020)
  • Magazine
  • 22 Best Examples of Hobbies and Interests to Put on a Resume

Youve climbed Mount Everest, volunteer at the dog shelter on the weekends and have a mint condition comic book collection, the question is: do you let an employer know? Or more importantly, does the employer care?

Many employers are for including a hobby or two on your resume, reasons being to show the personal side of a candidate and to use it as a conversation topic in an interview.

Hobbies and interests can give your resume a personality the employer can relate to, a feeling on who you may be.

That said, when writing a resume that will land an interview, would someone looking at it be impressed by what your hobbies or interests are? Is it relevant in any way to the position youre applying for?

If the answer is no, then you might be better leaving this section off.

Sorry to break it guys, no recruiter is going to hire you over someone else because you like travel or fishing.

This isnt a Facebook profile your resume is a document that tells the employer why youre a good match for the Job.

Fit Them Into Your Interests Section

If your extracurricular activities are important to who you are but theyre mostly irrelevant to the job, place them in an interests section on your resume.

Believe it or not, but hiring managers look for candidates with interesting personalities who theyd be happy working with 40 hours per week. If your extracurricular activities make you a more interesting candidate, dont be afraid to mention them.

How To Decide Whether To Include A Hobby Or Interest On Your Resume

You should only include interests and hobbies that are directly relevant to your prospective employer. Before you mention an interest or a hobby on your resume, be sure to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is this interest or hobby valued within this employers workplace culture?

  • Does this interest or hobby match well with the particular job requirements of the position that Im applying to?

  • Will the hiring manager be familiar with what Im talking about?

If the answer to each of those questions is yes, then go ahead and add that interest or hobby to your list! If the answer to one or more of them is no, then you should consider choosing a different hobby or interest that will be more relevant to the purposes of your job application.

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How You Spend Your Spare Time Matters

Believe it or not, what you do in your spare time tells an employer quite a lot about what sort of person you are, and how you’ll fit in with their team. Employers look for a lot of information in this section, such as:

  • how you manage stress
  • how you balance your work life with your home life
  • whether you’re adventurous, creative, intellectual, precise, or laid-back
  • whether you’re social or private
  • whether you’re community focused or self-focused
  • how your personality might gel with those of existing employees and the existing group dynamic

So think about what message you’re putting across when you draft this section and bear in mind how your prospective employer will approach it.

^ Top of Page

How To List Hobbies & Interest On Your Resume


As mentioned above, your hobbies and interests belong at the end of your resume.

But how exactly do you list them? And more importantly, how do you know which interests are relevant to that one specific company?

For the actual section, you can go with Interests , or Personal activities.

Hobbies imply a personal interest and that there is no real relevance to the career position, which shouldnt be the case.

Now, what interests do you actually list in your resume?

To figure that out, start by researching the company. See if they have any specific work culture, work retreats, and what qualities would complement your job role.

You can then tailor your resume interest examples accordingly.

Start with the job ad. Most job offers already list some qualities and skills theyre looking for in candidates.

Now, think about how those soft skills might transfer to a specific hobby or interest.

For example, if theyre looking for someone with good verbal communication skills and someone quick on their feet – it might be a good idea to include a sport-related hobby that includes those specific qualities.

When mentioning hobbies or interests, you might also want to flesh them out a bit.

After all, some hobbies require a bit of explaining.

You can, in one sentence, explain why that hobby is relevant, or what it involved. For example Basketball – created a local team and played in creational league for 5 years.

Correct Example

Incorrect Example

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Examples Of Hobbies And Interests For Your Resume

Its important to be strategic and attentive when creating a hobbies and interests section. Items you list will be interpreted in various ways depending on the audience, so you should include hobbies and interests that reflect positively on you and reveal in-demand skills and qualities. Reviewing the job description can help you identify which hobbies and interests are most relevant to the position.

Example Skills To Put On A Resume

While you can often easily determine hard skills to list based on details in the job description, selecting relevant soft skills is not always as clear. To help narrow down which soft skills to put on a resume, review the various duties of the position and determine which of your personal strengths will help you successfully complete those tasks.

Here are several examples of popular soft and hard skills employers may be seeking:

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How Do You Write Up Your Personal Interests On A Cv In The Best Way

A word of warning: NEVER use the word âhobbiesâ on your application, even if the employer does. It has childish connotations so a more professional approach would be to use words such as âactivitiesâ or âinterestsâ.

You should never just list your interests on your CV, eg âtheatre and book groupsâ, either. Instead, provide brief, selective details to justify your inclusion of a particular activity.

  • For example, if youâre into performing arts you can write about how your involvement with am dram demonstrates responsibility to the rest of the cast, commitment to rehearsals, team interaction and possibly production assistance.
  • Similarly, if you’re a member of a reading group you could provide details about your contribution to organising meetings and supporting group discussions and decisions.

Emphasise any skills that would be useful on the job and any tangible results that you achieved.

Even if your interests might seem a bit everyday or commonplace, you can still write them up in an interesting way â often by focusing on specifics. For example, instead of âcookingâ, you could write about the cuisines you are interested in and how you have taught yourself new skills, recipes or attended courses . You could indeed even write that you have perfected the art of making lasagne on a student budget .

Resume Interests Examples: How To List Interests/hobbies In A Resume

How to Write a Hobbies Section for Your Resume in 2021 [Resume Examples Included]
  • List Relevant Interests/Hobbies: Not all of your hobbies/Interests/activities are relevant, of course. But this does not meant that if you are applying for an engineering position your hobbies should be power-tools and Home Improvement.

For Example: If you are applying, say, for a Desktop Support Engineer job, than mentioning hobbies like reading, blogging, and web browsing might seem irrelevant or insignificant.

But in fact, employers are happy to see such things.

They imply an innate ability to spend long hours at the table and in front of the computer. Which means that this individual is probably better suited for a Desktop Support or Technical Support job than someone who lists hiking and surfing as favorite pastime.

  • Social Activities/Interests: This principle is especially obvious when it comes to interpersonal communication. When a job requires good people skills, employers pay a lot of attention to how candidates might interact with people.

To show an outgoing personality and leadership potential, list social hobbies: clubs, team sports, camping, social volunteer work, etc.

  • Be Honest: Employers are very experienced at correlating resume and interview. It would require considerable acting talent to appear the opposite of what you are in an interview.

For example:

  • Finally, Hobbies does not have to mean only the one or two things you are truly passionate about. It may mean preferred pastime, preferred socializing activities, and volunteer work.

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What Your Hobbies Say About You

Playing football, solving puzzles, and fixing computers are not generic terms without any meaning, rather they carry a deeper message.

Heres what the prospective employers will be subconsciously asking themselves when reading through the candidates CVs:

What does I play football on a regular basis, I enjoy solving puzzles or I like fixing computers tell me about this candidate?

Many people do not realise that the hobbies and interests they include in their CVs can reveal a lot of information about them and their personalities.

Below is a list of some hobbies and interests and what they tell employers about the candidate:

Tips To Remember When Including A Hobby & Interests List

Be honest

While it is essential to have an impressive resume, lying about your skills and interests could give your employer the wrong impression.

You may be asked to perform tasks you do not understand based on everything you listed as a hobby.

Avoid embarrassing yourself, or become untrustworthy by not lying on your resume.

Pick hobbies that have relevant skills

It is possible to enjoy doing over ten things, but not have them on your resume. Your hobbies and interests should demonstrate skills that are essential in your job.

For example, an IT expert should include tech hobbies, rather than showcasing how good of a cook they are!

Avoid political and religious inclinations

Remember that your employer may not agree with your political and religious beliefs. Your hobbies should be free from any political or religious bias that could irk, or insult your potential employer.

Provide details

Instead of saying that you simply enjoy traveling, give a summary of some of the places you have traveled to.

If you enjoy blogging, mention some of the topics you enjoy writing about, any websites you may have and awards you may have received during your writing journey.

Keep the List Short but adequate

Remember that the Hobbies and Interests section is an addition.

Do not make it the main subject of your resume, and end up boring the employer.

Research the Company to Understand Their Work Culture

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Why Include Hobbies On My Resume

Hobbies impart some sort of skill, whether itâs implicit or actively learned. They can show a company what you have to offer. Your goal is to list your hobbies in a way that conveys these skills.

In other words, think of your âhobbiesâ section like a more interesting âskillsâ section on your resume.

For example, if you enjoy an endurance sport like running, it shows that you have diligence, determination, and patience — all skills that cannot be taught through any job or educational opportunity. Skills like these are called âsoft skillsâ because they are implicit in your personality.

Soft skills convey your communication and relational abilities. Some soft skills include:

  • Teamwork
  • Network Security such as encryption algorithms or authentication systems

Unique Hobbies And Personal Interests On Resume

How To Write Personal Interests In Cv

Having quirky and unique hobbies and personal interests on resume is an amazing way to gather attention!

Break through the stereotypes!

It is not necessary that you have to have the generic photography or football as a hobby.

If you are doing something out of the box, you should take pride in it.Frame it just as you would do with a common hobby or personal interests on resume.

Don’t shy away from mentioning the unusual ones. Playing the cards safely may make you stand out more.

Stating your exciting resume hobbies and resume interests makes you interesting in the cold robotic machine-driven world!

It portrays the real you and your involvement with your own self.

When someone has a unique hobby, they come across as creative.

Hobbies and personal interests on resume can become the central point of discussion in an interview.

Time-consuming hobbies on resume present you as a dedicated person. They might also present you as being hard-minded and cracking a nut without many tools.Care should be taken to only state the list of resume hobbies that are not very time consuming.

So have you been volunteering at your local bird shelter or collecting matchboxes and want to boast about it?

Don’t be afraid and** go ahead** with it.

A big thumbs up!

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Different Companies Means Different Hobbies On Resume

The classification presented in the sections above will help you pick hobbies and personal interests on resume. But sometimes, a company’s setting and work environment will matter the most.

Example: A company that has a sports team that excels in tennis is likely to recruit you if you play tennis. This is because it will help the company maintain its image in the social and industrial setting.

However, it is highly unlikely that these personal interests on resume will be given preference over required technical skills.

So Should I Include Them

Essentially, theres no right or wrong answer for this one.

Some recruiters love the extra detail, whilst others prefer to keep it strictly professional. Their inclusion is never likely to grate on the reader too much, but should always be as relevant as possible. Especially if youre low on space. However, if your hobbies and interests are used to supplement your income, they could be a great way to demonstrate skills that may not be covered in your work experience section.

If youre still having difficulty making your decision, use our quick checklist below:

  • Those applying for roles which are directly related to their hobbies
  • Those who want to cut down their CV
  • Those who dont know what to say
  • Those who have no real hobbies

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Highlight Them In Your Work Experience Section

If your extracurricular activities are extremely relevant to the type of work youre aiming for, consider using them as examples of work experience on your resume. For instance, if you volunteered a lot in college and are writing a social work resume, outline that experience in your experience section.

Heres what that might look like on your resume :

Do They Always Need To Be Relevant

How to write interest for resume in Free Resume Maker app #6

OK, so not everyones a fan of Morris Dancing. But surely its better to include something to help sell yourself than leave more blank space, right? Wrong.

Unfortunately, not everyones a fan of traditional English folk dancing. And unless youve applied for a job where these skills will be particularly useful, theyll probably not help you get the job.

Wherever possible, your hobbies and interests should reinforce your application and the idea that youll be the right fit for the role even if its just through transferable skills.

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Examples Of Interests And Hobbies Listed On A Resume

Okay now that we have an idea of how to list your interests and hobbies, lets now turn our attention to some examples of how they might look on a finished resume.

Here are ten examples that you can use as a guide when listing your personal interests and hobbies on your next job application:

  • Violin

    10+ years of experience playing violin, with an additional three years of experience playing with a small band of local musicians.

  • Chess

    Regularly compete in chess competitions at the local and state levels as a means of sharpening my skills as a strategist and problem-solver.

  • Hiking

    Passionate hiker and mountaineering guide that has led individuals and groups of all ages to the summits of more than two dozen 14,000-plus-foot peaks.

  • International travel

    Annually plan and organize overseas trips to expand my language skills and my cultural worldview.

  • Yoga

    Dedicated yoga practitioner with more than five years of experience studying ashtanga vinyasa yoga in a group setting.

  • Blogging

    Founder and sole contributor of the Denver Food Hub blog, which focuses on the citys up-and-coming culinary culture and which has attracted more than 25,000 subscribers since its initial launch in 2015.

  • Volunteering

    Regular volunteer at local soup kitchens, food banks, and community shelters, with experience coordinating groups of local volunteers for the annual Thanksgiving 5k outdoor sporting event.

  • When To Include Hobbies

    Not all resumes should include hobbies, and it depends heavily on the company to which youâre and its culture. For example, if youâre applying to a firm on Wall Street, itâs best to skip the hobby section. But if youâre looking to work for a local mom-and-pop store or for a more artistic company, then jot down a few hobbies.

    Letâs break it down a bit more below. â

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    + Hobbies & Interests To Put On A Resume

    Should you include hobbies in your resume?

    Many people are firmly against that, claiming that your job resume and hobbies are two separate things, never to be mentioned in the same breath. After all, one is for job hunting, and the other – to unwind.

    But thats not always the case.

    Why would the HR manager care about your love for 18th-century Russian literature, you might ask.

    Well, your resume hobbies and interests section can really set you apart from a sea of job seekers and shine some personality onto your resume.

    Though, only if its done right.

    Traveling and watching Netflix?

    Everyone likes that, sure, but it doesnt really set you apart from others, does it?

    The key is to include attractive hobbies that are valuable to the company. Something that demonstrates clear qualities about your personality, and ideally, is relevant to the job as well.

    Because, no matter what your list of interests looks like, youre still saying something specific to the hiring manager with them.

    You coach the local high school basketball team? Then you might excel at teamwork and leadership.

    Youre into technology and computing? You might make a great coder, but might not necessarily excel at a social job.

    Of course, this is a brief generalization.

    But if the company youre applying to has some form of a work-life culture, chances are, they will be interested to see if youd be the right fit with their team.

    And how will they check this?

    So, read on to find out:


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