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When Sending A Resume By Email What Do You Write

Your Resume The First Impression You Give Your Employer

What to write in an email when sending a resume | COPY MY PROVEN TEMPLATE

Those who have completed their undergraduate or postgraduate degree and some who are looking forward to shifting to a better career are the ones who normally have the need to prepare themselves to be eligible for the job they want to apply for. They often take so much care and effort in preparing their resumes as those two or three pages of the resume is what would be analysed intensely by the recruiter. If you are applying for jobs online, there is one other factor that you should be concerned with. The email in which you attach your resume is as important as your resume itself. Of course, this is the first thing the recruiter would see even before he/she looks into your resume. So, you are meant to put in a lot of thought and effort into drafting the email.

Writing an email with your resume attached to your prospective employer will surely get the attention of your employer. Here are some pointers to help you write your email.

Only Attach The Files That Are Asked Of You

If the job description only asks for your resume, only attach that.

Recruiters do not have the extra time to read cover letters, go through portfolios, or anything of that sort if they do not need it from you.

Do not crowd the attachments with unnecessary files.

When writing the email, keep the font simple and easy to read.

Do not add HTML links, unless asked for.

Emojis, colored fonts or images take away from the professionalism of the email so stay away from those as well.

Follow The Employer’s Instructions

When you apply for jobs via email, the employer may require you to send your resume and cover letter as an attachment to an email message. It’s important to send your attachments correctly, to include all the information you need so your email message is opened and read, and to let the receiver know how they can contact you to schedule an interview.

What’s most important is to follow the employer’s instructions and send exactly what they have asked for in the format it’s requested. If you don’t, your message may end up in a spam or trash folder.

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Write An Effective Subject Line Its The First Thing Theyre Going To See

Sure, the subject line is just a tiny part of the whole email. However, its also the very first thing the recruiter is going to see. Thats why you want the subject line of your resume email to be absolutely spot on.

First of all, check the job posting for instructions regarding the submission. There may be a preferred subject format the company uses. If thats the case, then you need to stick to it.

If there are no instructions, you should stick to the standard format for subject lines:

  • Subject: Job application Job title, Job ID Your Name
  • Example: Job application Office Manager, Job ID #1553 Ian Lumberjack
  • Example : Referral from John Wick: Job application Graphic Designer, Job ID #1554 Nina Hughes

If someone recommended you for the job, definitely make this clear in the subject line. You can add your title or qualification if you wish but remember, keep the subject line succinct.

Make It Obvious Youre Applying For Work

What To Write in an Email When Sending a Resume? (+Samples)

One of the biggest mistakes you can do is not clearly stating your intention, which is to apply for a job. Failing to do so can end up confusing and even infuriating recruiters and hiring managers, especially if your email subject line for job application is shoddily written and the messaging vague. Here are some solid examples of how to be direct-to-the-point with your email subject line when sending your resume.

  • Resume, John Doe, Applying for Sales Position, Miami
  • Job Application, Jane Smith, Applying for IT Specialist, Salt Lake City

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Now Start Writing Your Cover Letter

They say the first impression is a lasting one so make sure your digital introduction represents you well. Use your best judgment with each position you apply to for an entry level position keep your cover letter more concise while going into further depth and providing more information with upper level positions.

These examples are meant to be a starting point only add your own voice, style and experience to make your own standout email cover letter.

Start building out cover letters that will help you stand out and land the job!

Email Cover Letter Samples

Including an email cover letter is imperative, so we thought it would be helpful to our job-seeking readers to have sample letters to use as a starting point.

The examples below come from real-life job seeker emails, although weve altered the details and contact information. Whether you prefer a salesy approach or youre more of a direct and to the point kind of person, choose the template that suits your style. Just be sure to include these key elements in your email cover letter.

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Put Your Cover Letter In Your Email When Sending Your Resume

If you decide to only attach your resume to the email when you apply for a job, consider writing a shorter version of your cover letter for the body of the email. The recruiter can therefore take a quick look at your strengths and qualifications and potentially become more inclined to review the resume attached in the email carefully.

Best Email Subject Lines When Sending A Resume

How to Attach and Email a Resume

ZipJob Team

7 min read

With 250+ resumes sent for a single job opening, you want your resume to stand out from the crowd. Emailing your resume directly to the relevant recruiter or hiring manager when applying for a job is one of the most effective ways to land an interview!

However, you need to do this correctly: starting with the subject line. When selecting an email subject for sending a resume, make sure to keep it short, follow any provided directions, and/or use the power of a name to get your email open.

Since this is the first contact youâll have with your potential employer, you want to ensure itâs done right. With hiring managers and recruiters receiving tons of resumes through email, the job application subject line could be the difference between getting your email opened or deleted.

Nearly 1/3 of people decide whether or not to open an email based on the subject.

Not to worry, weâve got your back! Weâll show you how to write the perfect subject lines to send your resume in 3 specific scenarios, plus examples for other situations.

Read Also: Sending Resume By Email What To Write In Body

Ensure The Attachment Is In An Appropriate File Format

Ensure that the recipient can access the files you’re about to send. If you’re sending text files, spreadsheets, scanned documents, or pictures, it’s important to use a common file format to increase the likelihood that the recipient can open the attachment. For example, if you’re sending picture attachments, the most common formats are JPG and PNG.

Compose The Body Of The Email

If delivering the attachments to the recipient is the only reason you’re sending the email, the email’s body can be a brief description of the attached files. If you’re sending the email with more information within the body, ensure that you mention the attachments somewhere in the email’s content, ideally with a short sentence that specifies what they are. Sending an email with text briefly explaining the purpose of the attachments makes the recipient more likely to open the message.

Related:How to Say âPlease Find My Attached Resumeâ in an Email

Also Check: Email Resume To Hiring Manager

How To Find The Recruiter’s Email

The first step before sending a resume email is to ensure that you have the correct email address of the recruiter.

This email address must be of the hiring manager.

CEOs, Product Managers, or even the concerned department heads are not directly involved in recruitment.

If you don’t have the correct email address, you can look up the company’s page on Google, LinkedIn, their website, or related public platforms to find the email ID.

Another option is to directly call the company’s office and ask for the email id of the recruiter.

Most often, they will help you with the correct details.

This is how most hiring managers email ID looks like:

Quick Tip: In case you still do not have the email address, email your resume to the company’s concerned department. However, you must mention a line about forwarding your mail to the required department.

You may close your email with: “Please forward my mail to the concerned department.”

Also, it is essential that your email id looks professional.

Ensure that the email id you use to send the resume does not contain any slang like cool/hot etc. This will make you look insincere in the recruiter’s eyes. So don’t compromise your chances of landing an interview.

Imagine a recruiter receives two resumes – one sent from and the other from . Which one do you think has a greater chance of getting shortlisted?

Even if Gym Freak Jim is better qualified for the job, do you think the recruiter will even open his email?

Attach Multiple File Types

Sending A Resume Through Email

Why attach a PDF , Microsoft document , plain text file or image when the recipient will probably use one of three you may ask?

Surely not the one sole reason, but adding a few file types is about demonstrating your diligence. To offer a choice to whom you email means you respect his or her time and convenience.

Also, do you know that PDFs can be a vessel for malicious attacks? Yes, they can. Anybody with a high turnover of file exchange and precautions will first look at the image, regular TXT, or DOCX/DOC file instead.

Some will rather download, scan for malware, and then open a PDF that is time-consuming and could end up in somebodys to-do list. Indefinitely.

On that same train of thought, PDF appearance can sometimes break, be it because of an outdated browser or mobile device. But there is an easy way to convert docs to PDF and other formats.

Thats why you better have a Plan B, C, and D, in case luck is not on your side and you need to make sure the resume opens when it counts the most. Mind the file size, though, as anything above 10MB might be too much to download or load.

Also, how many people do you think will send a resume in all file formats possible? Thats right. Only a few will stand out. And thats what you want to stand out, right? If you want to take things WOW, consider adding a video or surprising format.

Also Check: Can Resumes Be Double Sided

Determine Which Files You Want To Include

Before you write an email, determine which files you want to attach. Find where the files are on your device’s hard drive, virtual hard drive, or memory drive so that you can quickly attach them before sending the email. Consider making a folder for these files so that you can access them easily. Next, ensure that the file names correspond to the contents of the files.

For example, if you’re attaching a spreadsheet containing the sales figures for January 2021, you can name the file January 2021 sales figures, or a similar variation. By naming the file, you enable the recipient to identify the files easily.

Carefully Edit And Proofread Your Documents

Make sure you use spellcheck and check your grammar and capitalization. Employers expect the same level of professionalism in emails as they do in paper correspondence. Be sure to proofread your subject line, the body of your email, and any attachments.

Many email programs have built-in spellcheckers you can use. Alternatively, write your cover letter message using a word processing program, spell-and-grammar-check it, and paste it into the email message. There are free online proofreading programs, like Grammarly, you can use to check your documents.

No matter how you write it, be sure not to rely solely on spellcheckers, which can miss many grammar and spelling mistakes. Reread your message yourself and consider having a friend look at it as well.

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Keep It Short And Simple

Remember that brevity is important when writing your subject line. Most of the text in the subject line gets cut off so ensure the first few words capture attention.

Hubspot recommends keeping the subject line under 50 characters. That way, while scanning the inbox, your receiver pretty much knows what the email is about. Itâs fine to go over this a bit, but ensure you get the important details in the first few words.

You shouldnât put anything in the subject line that sounds like youâre trying to sell something. Avoid soft skill phrases like âdedicatedâ or âpassionate.â This is a major turnoff for hiring managersâ¦and will likely earn your email a one way trip to the trash folder.

You should also be direct. Never leave the hiring manager to wonder what the email is about. If youâre following up on an interview or job application, state it directly.

Subject line examples:

  • âFollowing up on the accounting position â John Doeâ

  • âFollowing up on the interview â Tom Nashâ

Sign Or Signature: Ending The Resume Email

How to Email a Resume

Instead of simply signing off your resume email with your first name, in the end, you should include your full signature. This is very effective and makes it easy for the recruiter to contact you.

Many people miss their interview chances simply because their contact information wasn’t readily available to the recruiter.

Try to include all relevant details in your signature in your resume email. Example: Email id, LinkedIn profile, Phone number, etc.

Follow Up To Make Sure They Got it

It’s perfectly acceptable to close the loop by ending another email if you don’t get a confirmation that they got your resume. It’s best to wait at least 3-5 days to respond before sending another email to confirm.

Also Check: Narrative Resume

Keep It Short And Concise

Your email subject lines for a job application should be brief and to-the-point. If you write too much text, then it can get cut off in the subject line, especially on smaller devices like smartphones. In fact, eMailmonday reports that up to 77 percent of emails are opened on mobile phones.

As a result, it is suggested that subject lines be less than 50 characters. The first few words should identify that you’re applying for a job and catch the reader’s attention

How To Email A Resume And Cover Letter Attachment

Ashley Nicole DeLeon / The Balance

Do you need to email your resume and cover letter? Depending on the job for which you’re applying, you may need to email your resume and cover letter to the hiring manager. That’s often the case with smaller employers.

Networking contacts who are helping you with your job search may also ask you to email your application materials so they can review them and share your resume with prospective employers. If you’ve asked someone to give you a reference, they may want a copy of your resume to review prior to writing a recommendation.

Send a test message, and email your resume and cover letter to yourself before you send it to the employer. That way, you’ll know your documents are attached correctly.

What’s the easiest way to attach your resume and cover letter to an email message? When you’re asked to send a resume or cover letter via email, follow these steps to ensure you have correctly attached your documents, written an email explaining what you are sending and why, added your signature to the email, and included a subject line that will get your message opened and read by the recipient.

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Keep It Short And Straight To The Point

No one has enough time, especially the HR manager, to battle a wall of text on your email. Thats the reason why you should be straightforward right from your opening. So no fancy narratives, and no jokes, either.

First and foremost, mention how you find the offer through someone. For example:

My dear friend Michael Frank mentioned that you have an opening in your marketing department, and he thought Id be a good match.

After that, show your interest in the position. Just because you get the job offer through someones reference doesnt mean you are the recruiters first choice. But who is the good match is the thing that matters. Prove you are!

Magento 2 Email Builder is a compelling set of tools for building and designing transactional emails. Its user-friendly editor enables you to create any email templates that go inline with your web design and theme. You are also empowered to customize a large number of brilliant pre-built email templates without effort.

Email To Hiring Manager Example

Emailing Resume

Review this sample email to a hiring manager to help you write your own:

Dear Ms. Baxter,

My name is Felicity Parker, and I’m emailing you today to express my interest in the librarian position available at Maple Leaf Public Library. I saw the position posted on your website, and I’m excited to learn more about the opportunity.

I’m currently pursuing my degree in early childhood education, and I also work as a part-time sales associate for a local bookstore. I believe my combined experience makes me an excellent candidate for this position. Similarly, I have strong organizational skills with excellent attention to detail.

I’ve attached my resume for you to review. If you have any questions or need anything else from me, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Also, I’m available to discuss my qualifications further at your convenience.

Thank you for reading my email. Again, I’m sincerely excited about the opportunity to become a librarian at Maple Leaf Public Library.

Best regards,

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