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HomeHow Do You Write Your References On A Resume

How Do You Write Your References On A Resume

Resume References Example: How To Write Your References

Should You Put Your References In Your Resume?

For example, if we were writing up references to accompany Alexa Campbell’s resume, they might look something like this:;

When choosing your references, select 35 people who you have insight into your hard and soft skills and who you trust to say good things about you and your job performance. Click on the following link for more information on how to select the right references for your job search.

When Should I Include References On My Cv

1. When requested by the employer

Some employers may request your cover letter, CV, references and/or recommendation letters as part of the first stages of the job application process .

If this is the case, you must provide your references to the employer, either through their job application form or by including it on your CV. Most employers, however, will not ask for this information until the later stages of the selection process.

2. To impress the recruiter

Your reference may be a respectable and well-known person who would impress the reader; an MP, dean of a university, director of a famous company or a person who has received an honorary award .

3. To make things easy for the recruiter

Including your referees on your CV makes life easier for some employers who may want to speak to your references before the;interview;stage.

By providing this information beforehand, they can instantly check you out at any stage of the selection process. Remember, recruiters are under no obligation only to contact your referees after the job interview stage.

4. To gives your CV more credibility

Psychologically-speaking, adding references gives your CV a little more weight and credibility because it demonstrates that you are confident of your own track-record and that you have people who will vouch for your suitability for the job whenever required.

It also gives the impression that you have nothing to hide .

5. To fill up blank space

What Should A Resume Reference Page Look Like

A reference page for a resume should be an A4 page with the name and contact information of the candidate at the top, with a clear heading or title. To maintain a consistent structure it would be more professional to use the same style and layout as used on the resume for the name and basic details.

When it comes to listing references to present to a potential employer, you must ensure to order your list by descending significance. That means placing the most impressive reference at the top.

For the reference information, make sure you use all of the following:

  • Full name with corresponding title where appropriate;
  • Job title or position;
  • Name of company or organization;
  • Contact phone number;
  • Contact email address;
  • Relation to you.

It is no longer necessary to include a physical contact address as references will no longer be contacted through traditional mail and it is inappropriate to share this personal information. We do recommend including a city or town name, simply to locate the business or association.

You can take a look at ResumeCoachs helpful guides to how to write a resume objective, work experience;or other resume sections.

Also, you can find practical advice and examples on how to write a cover letter or an introduction to different resume templates for all types of jobseekers.

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The 8 Best People To Choose As Job References

So, you have a good feeling youre going to nail your interview! But after the interview, your potential employer will likely request references. To prepare, you sit down to compile your list of references, but your mind goes blank!;

Many people struggle to draft their winning line-up when creating a list of job references, even after several part-time jobs and years spent developing professional relationships. But we’re here to help! Consider these eight people when making your reference list.

How To Ask For A Reference

Where To Put References On Resume

Navigating the recruitment funnel is a bit like playing chess.

You must be a few moves ahead to have any chance of getting an offer. This goes for resume references too.

So, how do you go about requesting references for your resume?

Well, you need to:

Both steps are crucial to put the odds in your favor when applying for jobs.

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Create A Specific Reference Page Instead

Now that you have had the interview and obviously made it to the final two or three candidates , the hiring manager may request references. You will want to be prepared so that you can immediately give them what they need to make the hiring decision. If you make them wait a day or two while you scramble to get something together, you may lose your opportunity. Time is precious.

Before you begin a job hunt, gather your references and list them on a Professional Reference Page rather than directly on your resume. Choose professional references such as previous managers, professors, or former colleagues. A hiring manager does not want to hear how great you are from a friend or family member. Remember to include the references name, position title, phone number, and email address. Make sure to get permission from each reference prior to handing over their information.

Whether youre new to the workforce or an experienced professional, JobHero is here to help you make the most of your career. Come to us for thousands of resume samples, job-specific cover letter samples and many more helpful career resources.

Assemble The Perfect List Of References

If an employer requests professional references, providing them a strong, tailored references list can maximize your chances of being hired over other final candidates.

And whether you get the job or not, remember to thank your references. They took time out of their schedule to help you convince an employer that youre the right candidate for the position. The least they deserve is a nice thank-you note.

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Should I Put References On A Resume

The answer to whether or not to put references on your resume can vary.

The general rule of thumb when is actually to not include references on your resume.

This is because employers are unlikely to reach to references until the interview phase, making the inclusion of them on an initial resume typically unnecessary.

This does not mean that there are never scenarios in which you will need to know how to properly list references.

For specific jobs and in certain situations, you may be asked or required to include a list of references within or alongside your resume.

When you need strong references, it’s important to structure them so that they stand out and impress the hiring manager, landing you the pivotal interview.

In this guide, we will be covering the basics of how listing references on your resumes and when to know itâs time to use references.

Plus, we will discuss alternatives to sending references that can help you in situations where sending a reference may be a difficult task.

When To Include References On A Resume

Should You Include References on Your Resume? | Resume Tips

Every word on your resume should be packed with value. Typically, you have one to two pages to explain why youre qualified and well-positioned for the job, and hiring managers only have a short time to read it.

Because references are not always a part of the interview process, you are taking up limited resume space to provide what may end up being irrelevant to employers in this phase. Even including the phrase references upon request on your resume can be unimportant. If their interview process includes references, employers will ask you to provide them.

There are a few rare scenarios in which including references on your resume may be acceptable. If you are in an industry that accepts case studies or testimonials on the resume, it may be appropriate to include the person and contact information for which these apply.

Additionally, it is acceptable to include references if the job description not only requires you to include references but explicitly states that they should be included directly on your resume. If not, you should include your reference list in a separate document.

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Ask Your Contacts To Be A Reference

Its important you ask your contacts to be a reference before you provide their names. Not only is this a common courtesy, but it also gives them time to prepare for a phone call or email from the employer. Giving your references plenty of notice also ensures they have time to recall specific examples that highlight why youre the best candidate for the role.

Whether you call, email or ask your prospective reference in person, be sure its something theyre comfortable doing. Your best references will be people who enjoyed working with you and are excited to discuss your talents.

Related: How to Include a Referral in Your Cover Letter

Whats A Personal Or Character Reference

Depending on the position youre applying for, the application or interviewer may ask for a list of personal or character references. This is just like it sayspersonal. These people should be able to speak to who you are as an individual, so they should be someone you know relatively well. You want them to be able to share your personality and character with a potential employer.;

While its a good idea to have a list of personal references just in case, you should only share them if specifically asked. Good examples include:

  • Teachers, professors or advisors

  • Neighbors;

  • Coworkers you know on a personal level

When reading an application or speaking with an interviewer, make sure you read carefully and youre clear whether they would like professional or personal references. That way you can provide them with the exact references theyre looking for, and the best ones to help you get the job. In most cases, theyll request professional references.

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How Can You Prepare A Reference For The Employers Contact

Contact;the person to ask if they are willing to be your reference, before you give their name to a potential employer.

  • Find out how the reference would prefer to be contacted.
  • Get permission to give out his or her contact information: name and phone number or e-mail address.
  • Find out the best times to reach her or him.
  • Discuss your job search goals and the specific employers who may be calling. Many references prefer to see the job description and your resume so they can answer specific questions.

An employer may also ask for your references occupation, how long youve known each other, and the nature of your relationship.

Making A Reference List

How to List References on a Resume (Examples & Template)
  • 1Make sure your references know that you will be using them as references. Do not give out their contact information to potential employers unless they give you their explicit permission.XExpert SourceAdrian Klaphaak, CPCCCareer CoachExpert Interview. 18 December 2018.
  • When asking your references for permission to give out their contact information, make sure that they plan on giving a positive recommendation.
  • Its also a good idea to ask your references how they would prefer to be contacted .
  • 2Use a separate page for your references. You don’t need to have “References available upon request” at the bottom of your resume. Employers will assume you have references and will ask for them specifically – usually at the end of the hiring process.
  • Unless you are applying to be a nanny, personal assistant, or something with a similar level of one-on-one interaction, the main body of your resume should not even mention references.
  • 3Start your reference list with a heading. The heading should include your name in a clear, bold font. In a slightly smaller font beneath that, you should include your address, phone number, and email. For aesthetic reasons, you can align your contact information to the opposite corner, as below.XResearch source
  • You may also want to add a line underneath the heading in order to clearly separate it from the rest of the document. If you include a line, choose one that is simple and elegant.
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    When You Dont Want Your Current Employer To Know Youre Looking For Work

    Most potential employers understand this situation. They know you want to keep your job search secret. But they may insist on talking to your current employer once they offer you a job or place you on a short list. If this is the case, ask that they let you know before they call. This way you can talk to your current employer before your potential employer calls.

    Before You Submit Your References

    Listing your references on the page isn’t your last step in this process. If you haven’t already,;ask permission;from each of your references. It’s important only to submit the;names;of;people who have agreed to serve as a reference.

    Even if all of your references are happy to be on your list, it’s a good idea to provide a heads-up that someone may be reaching out to them;to;ask about you. This is a great opportunity to share some information about the job you’re applying for, provide some key points from;your;resume;that you’d like them to emphasize, and generally remind them about your skills and accomplishments, especially if it’s been a while since you worked together.

    Once you’ve done all that, review the list of references one last time to make sure there are no typos and that all contact information is correct and up to date. Here are some helpful;proofreading tips for job seekers.

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    How To Format A List Of Professional References

    Do you have a list of references ready to provide to prospective employers? If not, line up references;who can speak to your credentials and qualifications for a job, so youre prepared when youre asked for them.

    It’s always a good idea to;have a list of references ready to provide to hiring managers when you’re job searching. It’s also important to contact your references for permission to use them and to advise them that they may be contacted. This way, you won’t have to round up a list of reference givers at the last minute.

    Have a list of three or four people who can vouch for your expertise and qualifications ready to share with prospective employers.

    Basic References Template For Your Resume

    Should You Include References On Your Resume?

    Going with a separate list? Heres how you put it together.

    Reference name


    Elon was my boss during my stint at SpaceX from 2007 to 2011. I was part of the team that launched the first privately funded, liquid-fueled rocket to reach orbit.

    Such a lucky break having Elon as your reference, right?

    Things can be a lot less favorable

    The only disadvantage of using the same old resume template for references like this is that its generic. Since its traditional and the hiring managers are used to seeing it thousands of times, you wont be making a strong impression.

    Instead, well show you a stronger alternative.

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    Last Decide How And When To Submit Your List Of References

    As a rule, do not send your reference list with your application unless it is requested on the job posting or the hiring manager requests references along with your resume. Typically, you can wait until the hiring manager requests the list. Knowing that they will ask for your references allows you to feel free to remove references available upon request from your resume.

    How To Put References On A Resume

    This is highly unusual. But wait, that doesnt mean you should never do it. Sometimes unusual is good. Very good.

    Especially when you want someone to take notice of you.

    Anyway, to cut to the chase: references normally dont belong on a resume. Instead, theyre something that you normally attach to it when requested.

    That is, unless you know what youre doing. This guide should help you with that.

    This guide will answer these pressing questions:

    • When should you put references on a resume?
    • Who to ask for a reference?
    • if youre a student or fresh graduate?
    • if youre a seasoned professional?
    • How to ask for a reference?
    • How to include references on a resume?
    • Should you put them directly on your resume?
    • Can LinkedIns recommendations make your life easier?
    • Is there more?

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    Dont Forget The Essential Details In The Process When Adding The References On A Resume

    Apart from knowing who is possibly a positive reference, it is necessary to understand how to use those references. So don’t forget to consider these critical points as well:

    • Be polite and phrase your request carefully not to put the person on the spot. You should ask if he or she would be comfortable being your reference.
    • If the person is open to participating, ask for a possible letter of recommendation or a LinkedIn recommendation .
    • Follow up and thank your job references after they agree to help you.
    • Keep in touch and keep your references up-to-date and think they are an essential part of your network. Consider being their reference as well and let them know about your accomplishments and your career success.

    Also, It would take time, but once you put your positive job references on a resume, your chances of attracting an employer online multiply.

    Resume References: When To Include Or Exclude

    How To List Your Resume References [With Formatting Examples]

    For the majority of job applications you will not need to include any references with your resume.

    If you decide to do so and they have not been requested this could be detrimental to your application, simply because you are prioritizing references over other relevant skills or qualifications which could be included in this space and add value to your resume.

    The most likely scenario for your jobsearch will be that the employer requests references from you after a preliminary interview or in any case near the end of the application process.

    This is because hiring managers will only want to contact references of those few applicants who are shortlisted after the interview stage in order to save time and effort. It is time-consuming for employers to call or send messages to your referees and doing so can become counterproductive and inefficient due to the time spent unless you are in the running for a job.

    The only time it is acceptable to include references with the resume in a job application is when they are requested directly in the job vacancy description. When this is the case, we recommend only including them on a separate piece of paper as a reference page.

    TOP TIP: For those job applications that do not specifically request professional references from the jobseeker, it is not advisable to include them but it is always wise to be prepared!

    For other resume resources, you could use an online resume builder to help you create a winning resume from the very beginning.

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