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How Many Pages Should My Resume Be

How Many Pages Should A Resume Be

Resume Writing: How many pages should my resume be?

A one-page resume is fairly standard especially for students, new graduates and professionals with 1 to 10 years of experience. If you do have many years of experience or relevant details from your background that results in a multi-page resume, is it acceptable to employers? The straightforward answer to this question is yes. However, there are a couple things you should keep in mind if your resume spills onto two or even three pages.

You Havent Moved Around Much

You may have several years of experience, but perhaps its with the same one or two companies, or in a role without much change. If your experience has been fairly steady, then the reality is that you may not have enough to fill in more than a page, even if youve been working for several years. In this instance, the single-page resume allows you to call out key accomplishments and achievements without getting too wordy.

How Do You Write A Great Resume

You can write a great resume by paying attention to the specifications in each job posting and tailoring your resume to every job you apply for. Make sure you are concise, honest, and that your resume is free from errors. Only include the most relevant information and never apply to multiple jobs using the same resume.

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Ensure Your Resume Passes The Ats Test

So what does this mean for you and your resume? It means you should take the necessary steps to beat the ATS bots. Here are a few quick fixes you can make to your resume so it is more ATS friendly:

  • Avoid using images, charts, graphics, or elaborate symbols.

  • Optimize your resume with job-related keywords. Not sure what to include? Look up five similar job listings and scan them for the most frequently used words.

  • Save and upload your resume as a Word document, instead of a PDF. These tend to be more ATS friendly.

Even if the company youre applying to doesnt use an ATS, these tips will still help make your resume stronger overall.

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The Myth Of The One Page Resume

How many pages should my resume be? I

The hard rule youre most likely to encounter is that your resume should be exactly one page long, no exceptions. Many still stand by this advice.

One page made a lot more sense when it was more common to mail, fax, or physically hand your resume to a stranger, but technology has mitigated many of the associated concerns. For example, the second page of an email attachment wont get lost in the shuffle, or a page break wont make much of a different within an applicant tracking system .

Here are some of the other reasons this advice persists beyond the fear of lost pages and pokey staples.

Resume guidelines must progress with your career

Most of us first learned how to write a resume when we were in high school or college. At that time in our lives, many of us were taught to never ever exceed a single page.

This made sense at the time. Most of us didnt have the experience to warrant two pages. The problem is that as weve developed our careers, weve carried that advice with us. The guidelines need to change once youve accomplished a few things as a professional.

The six second resume challenge

Perhaps the most cited piece of information in support of the one page resume is a 2012 study by the Ladders in which recruiters were found to spend an average of six seconds reviewing each resume before deciding how to proceed.

The Ladders: Heat map showing that recruiters had no trouble reaching the end of long resume.

Constraints lead to a better resume

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How To Make A Resume

A resume is a document commonly used in the hiring process. It includes information about your background and qualifications and should communicate the most important, relevant information about you to employers in a clear, easy-to-read format. The goal is to quickly communicate why you are uniquely qualified for the position based on your skills and experiences.

To create a resume that will get noticed by employers, you can follow a few simple steps and best practices. The main goal to keep in mind is to make your resume relevant and readable. Lets take a closer look at the best ways to write each of these resume sections. For more inspiration when writing or updating your resume, look at resume samples from your industry and job title.

If youre interested in professional and personalized resume feedback, learn more about Indeeds free and paid resume review services at

1. Name and contact information2. Summary or objectivec. Description of role and achievement4. Education6. Optional

How Do I Shorten My Resume

Here are our;top tips for shortening your resume if needed:

  • Ensure that all that you write is concise and relevant. Use active voice, and not a passive voice.
  • Cut out irrelevant and unnecessary information like high school information and references if not asked for specifically.
  • Ensure that you havent been long-winded about jobs. Keep responsibilities to 3-5 bullet points.
  • Condense. Say things efficiently. If you can sensibly make three bullet points into one, do it.
  • Adjust font type, font size, line spacing, and margins, but do not make your resume look overcrowded.
  • Make sure that you didnt include information that is;out-dated on;your resume.
  • Dont sacrifice quality. Always remember that quality beats quantity.

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    Use Italicized Vs Bolded

    One last trick you can try is reducing the number of bolded words you have throughout your resume.

    This may help if your resume currently has one or two lines that are spilling over to another page.

    If you are trying to emphasize a point, try changing the bolded words to italicized to see how much space that saves you.

    Light One Page Resume Template


    The Light Resume Template by Gilang Tito Dharmawan at Behance is simple, spare, and inviting. Its a one-page resume template that draws the reader in and promises quick access to pertinent info.

    The link is here.

    The ResumeLab builder is more than looks. Get specific content to boost your chances of getting the job. Add job descriptions, bullet points, and skills. Easy. Improve your resume in our resume builder now.

    Nail it all with a splash of color, choose a clean font, highlight your skills in just a few clicks. Youre the perfect candidate and well prove it. Use the ResumeLab builder now.

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    First Show Relevant Experience And Skills

    Keep the content of your resume relevant to the job description. Read through the job requirements to understand the best skills, experiences and work history that will boost your chances of getting the role. Before submitting your resume, revise it to remove any element that does not support your application.

    Experiment With Different Format Techniques To Meet The Appropriate Resume Length

    There are a number of additional resume-length tips and tricks professional resume writers use to help their clients meet these length restrictions. If you’re having trouble making your resume fit within a specific number of pages, try messing with the font size, the spacing between paragraphs, and the margins. When experimenting with different design elements, make sure it’s still easy for a reader to quickly scan the resume and identify the most important selling points.

    Did these resume-length tips answer your question about how long your resume should be? If not, hire a TopResume writer to help you write the next chapter of your career.

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    Create A Vision For Your Resume

    Before you begin the writing process, take some time to create a vision for the resume. Your vision will help you decide what you want the resume to look like and allow you to visualize the end result. Make sure your vision includes the resume format and:

    • The font
    • Organization of information

    Empire Resumes Recommended Resume Format for Veterans

    Understanding resume formatting is important because resumes come in five different categories: 1) chronological, 2) functional, 3) combined, 4) skills, and 5) performance. We recommend that veteran job finders use the chronological format for your civilian resume as it clearly establishes a timeline of your professional experience and guides the recruiter along the history of your work journey.

    The chronological format is a simple layout of your professional summary, work experience and education. This resume format displays your work experience in a detailed, chronological order or in such a way that reflects your experience by the time period in sequence, happening one after another.

    For instance, lets imagine that you worked in a unit from January 2018 until December 2018. In January 2019, you transferred units and held an entirely different position. Although your experience occurs in a time sequence, list the experience in reverse chronological order on your resume. Meaning, the recruiter should see your most recent experience first. As an example, your resume will look something like this:

    Flight Chief Hill AFB, UT

    When It Comes To Writing Your Resume Size Does Matter Resume Experts Weigh In On How Many Pages Your Resume Should Be Based On Your Level Of Experience And Occupation

    How many pages should my resume be? I have about 8 years ...

    How Many Pages Should Your Resume Be

    Theres an age-old debate about whether size matters that affects job seekers: How long should your resume be?

    If your resume is too short or skimpy, recruiters and hiring managers will think you don’t have a lot to bring to the table, says Peter Yang, New York Citybased co-founder of the resume writing service ResumeGo. On the flip side, if your resume is too long and bloated, readers will likely get bored or annoyed.

    So, whats the middle ground for writing your resume? While theres no hard-and-fast rule, says Kim Isaacs, a nationally certified resume writer and director of based in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, your industry and level of experience can help you determine if your resume should be one or two pages long.

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    How Many Pages Should A Resume Be: The Golden Rule

    If you have been in the workforce for a number of years, you’re entitled to a maximum of two full pages of resume real estate. This rule applies to most senior professionals, whether you’ve been in the workforce for seven years or 27 years.

    The reality is that most recruiters spend less than 10 seconds reviewing a resume before deciding whether the applicant should receive further consideration. With so little time to make the right impression, it’s important to present a succinct document that highlights the recent and more relevant parts of your professional experience, skills, and education.

    Keep It Clear And Easy To Read

    Your priority should be to keep your resume clear and easy to read. Be sure to leave enough white space on each page, use a 10- or 12-point font, and use a font that is easy to read .

    That being said, dont leave too much white space. The key is to fill all, or at least three-quarters, of each page with relevant and helpful information so that the recruiter’s attention is not drawn to the blank space on the second page.

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    When To Use A One

    The one-page resume is ideal for entry-level candidates who have less than 10 years of experience. This resume length also applies if you are a recent graduate or you are changing careers and have no relevant experience. You can also use a one-page resume if you have worked with an employer before.

    The work environment is changing, and many entry-level applicants boast extensive experience from freelance and contract assignments. If you are applying to an entry-level role and one page wont be enough to convey your experience and skills, use a multiple-page resume. But keep your key qualifications at the top of the first page.

    Spare One Page Resume Template

    One page resume | How many pages should my resume be? #GetHiredToday

    Just want a bare-bones one page resume template that feels like a breath of fresh air? The Emma single-page resume template on Etsy conveys professionalism and efficiency. Its eye-friendly, but dodges flashy extras to get the job done.

    The link is here.

    Expert Hint: If you build your 1-page resume in Word, save it as a PDF. Theyre machine readable in 2019 and dont lose their formatting once you send them.

    Double your impact with a matching resume and cover letter combo. Use our cover letter builder and make your application documents pop out.

    Want to try a different look? Theres 18 more. A single click will give your document a total makeover. Pick a cover letter template here.

    Expert Hint: When should you use a resume, and when is it better to use a curriculum vitae? It depends. CV and resume actually have a different meaning across languages. Read about the;difference between a resume and a CV.

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    What To Leave Off Your Civilian Resume

    Writing a resume takes time and plenty of thought. Naturally, veterans tend to speak military during their transition to the civilian workforce. Doing so can confuse a hiring manager and make it difficult to understand how well you perform and how your performance will help the hiring managers company with its needs. Be sure to leave these items off your resume:

    • Military jargon and acronyms

    Leave off military jargon because the civilian world cannot relate to phrases such as Charlie Mike. For example, if you say, Under my leadership, my unit saved $1.5 million dollars on new equipment. Because of this, we were able to Charlie Mike and move on to the next task. The recruiter has no idea what Charlie Mike means. Could he or she take the time to Google the phrase? Yes.

    As a veteran, your job is to make your resume easy for the hiring manager to understand at all levels. Dont make the recruiter waste time researching acronyms when he or she could use that time calling you to arrange an interview.

    • Military Training

    For instance, lets say you were in the Army in the 10th Mountain Division and eventually completed Ranger School. As veterans, we all know that Ranger School is the toughest school the Army offers and it is well-respected, no doubt. But if you are applying for a job as a software developer, this type of training does not correlate to the job description.

    • Ribbons/Awards
    • Old or Dated Information
    • Supervisor Names and Confidential Information

    The Final Word On Resume Length

    In the end, the length doesnt matter quite as much as the content filling the pages. If you can capture your qualifications on one page, great. But if it takes two pages or more, thats OK, too.

    Ive had new grads do well with two-page resumes and top executives do well with only one page, Isaacs says.

    Just remember: Your resume should be a high-level look at your accomplishments that entices the hiring manager to want to learn more. A resume is like the copy on the back cover of a book, designed to make you want to read the book, Isaacs says. Its not the whole book.

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    When Should Your Resume Be Three Pages

    Your resume should rarely be three pages or more. Most of the information for a three-page resume is better suited for a LinkedIn profile or a comprehensive CV.

    âThough we generally advise against a resume length beyond two pages, sometimes itâs necessary,â says Jennifer. âSome professions and industries have a different set of standards when it comes to resumes and therefore require more information.â

    Contributions To Resume Length

    How Many Pages a Resume Should Be

    There arent many hard and fast answers when it comes to how long a resume should be. Its dependent on the specifics of your personal experiences. Some factors that determine your resume length include:

    • How long youve been working
    • How long youve been working in your target field
    • How much youve moved up within your field
    • How many times youve changed jobs
    • Whether or not youve completed higher education
    • Whether your higher education aligns with your target field
    • The depth of your skill set relevant to the job
    • Whether your field is highly technical and/or project-based

    These and other aspects of your experience might compound into a resume draft that is four or five or ten pages long. ;Theres no harm in a long first draft, but just as the Changing Times article suggests, the next step is to cut ruthlessly.

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    What Margins Should I Set On A Resume

    Another way to make your resume shorter is to experiment with the spacing of your document. Don’t be afraid to decrease the margins down to 0.5 of an inch. We wouldn’t recommend going any further – it will inevitably damage the overall formatting of the resume. Additionally, you could reduce the spacing between the sections by 1 point. By making such adjustments, you should still have enough of white space on your resume. If after experimenting with spacing and margins you have any doubts regarding the readability of the document, don’t hesitate to give it to one of your friends or relatives. Most likely they will be able to tell you if it is easy to navigate through the document and find your selling points.


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