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How To Put Relocation On Resume

Avoid Adding Your Current Address

10 Tips for Your Relocation Job Search and Resume – How to Land a Job From Far Away

DO NOT include your current physical address . Instead, provide a location that is in the general vicinity of where the job is located or where you are looking to relocate to. If you have a physical address belonging to friends or family, ask to use their address until you can obtain a more permanent one.

Keep in mind that if you are looking to relocate to a new city, you will need to have the flexibility of traveling to the desired destination with short notices for interviews. In case of this, make sure that you have travel funds ready or means to get to the location when needed!

The Purpose Of A Relocation Cover Letter

The purpose of your relocation cover letter will be much the same as any other cover letter: to introduce yourself and your experiences. Youll also want to create a personal connection that sticks with the hiring manager and makes them want to get to know you more, even if it means going through the extra trouble of bringing you in from far away for an interview.

A good cover letter is brief and to the point. As a relocation candidate, youll be at a slight disadvantage since some of your precious cover letter space will be taken up by the explanation of your relocation. Still, youll want to keep the relocation section short and at the end of your letter more on that later on. The entire letter should be no more than one page or 200 to 400 words. In our overall example on how to write a cover letter,weve got tons of specific formatting advice, plus free templates to make great visuals a breeze.

Its not about you, its about them

A relocation is inherently about you as the applicant since it wont be the business who picks up and moves across the country. This fact is completely at odds with the whole point of a cover letter which is to show a business what you can do for them.

Emphasize Other Aspects Of Your Employers

Consider adding a one-line company description underneath each employer listed on your resume that highlights the aspects each has in common with the companies you’re currently targeting for your job search. This could be anything from the company’s size to its industry to the types of customers it serves. The idea is to downplay the location of each employer by emphasizing other attributes that are relevant to your desired employer.

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Don’t Make This Common Mistake

Many job seekers make the mistake of listing the city they’re relocating to as a current location on their resumes or LinkedIn profiles, and only bring up intentions to relocate when it comes time for the interview. This scramble makes you look unprofessional and dishonest–not a good impression to make on prospective employers!

Instead, if you’re planning to relocate at a later time and to a certain target location, you should mention that on the top of your resume with your contact information.

Do You Have To Relocate

Relocation Coordinator Resume Samples

If you already know that you have to relocate, and you know where you are going, this makes things easier.

Lets say for example you are in San Diego, California, and you have decided to move to Denver, Colorado. Maybe you are moving to be closer to family, to stop paying insane taxes, or to support your spouses new career.

Whatever the case, you know that you are going to be moving eventually.

In this scenario, the best option is to update your resume with the new city and state that you will be moving to.

This relocation resume sample shows someone from San Diego, CA, who is planning a move to Denver, CO:

Notice how in the picture above, the location on the top of the resume shows Denver, CO, not San Diego, CA.

If you are open to jobs in both Denver, CO and San Diego, CA you should be prepared to have two versions of your resume that will be used depending on the city and state you are applying to.

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If The Hiring Manager Requests It

If the hiring manager requests your address in the job posting, be sure to include it. Following the hiring manager’s direct instructions is an important part of succeeding in an application process. Your hiring manager can request your address to create an applicant profile for you. Companies make applicant profiles to keep records of impressive candidates who they may consider for employment at a later time. Similarly, the hiring manager can request your address to conduct a background check. This is common with job roles in security or companies that handle delicate matters.

Don’t Use Someone Else’s Address

Some folks try to get an edge in a long-distance job search by fudging the address. This can cause problems if your current job is located in one city and your address is far away, the hiring manager will probably be confused or concerned that your address is misleading. More problems may ensue if you’re called for an interview and you’re unable to get there right away. Then there’s the uncomfortable discussion that you don’t actually live in town. It’s better to be honest about where you’re living and use the above resume and cover letter strategies to show you’re ready to pack your bags for the right opportunity.

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If Your Relocation Depends On Landing A Job

If your relocation is dependent on landing a job, then you need to mention that fact somewhere on your resume and/or cover letter.

In this case, you would mention relocation on your resume and discuss it in more detail on your cover letter.

You could mention it at the top of your resume and use one of the following:

  • Willing to relocate

  • Willing to relocate to Florida

Related: when your relocation depends on landing a job and a certain starting salary, read this post, too: How To Include Desired Salary In a Cover Letter

How To Mention Relocation On A Cover Letter

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The cover letter is where you would discuss your relocation in more detail. Take a look at the example below for more tips. You’ll see that this type of statement would typically be placed near the end of your cover letter. That allows you to focus the main body of the letter on your potential employer’s needs. It also enables you to establish yourself as the best candidate before the issue of relocation is mentioned.

I hope to have the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualifications and your companyâs needs at your earliest convenience. While my family currently lives in Minneapolis, we are already in the process of moving to to provide better educational opportunities for our children. I am confident that the timing of the move can be beneficial for your company as well, and believe that there is much that I can contribute to its success.

I am prepared to travel to meet with you for an interview at any time â at my own expense, of course. Our move is already underway, so travel and/or relocation costs are not a concern. Thank you again for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Option : Mention It At The End Of Your Letter

Perhaps the best way, however, to address relocation is to incorporate a statement in a final paragraph which mentions traveling to the area. This a) allows you to focus on the job and your qualifications themselves at the beginning of the letter and b) gives you more time to make it clear that the employer wouldn’t be responsible for your travel costs, moving costs, or any other expenses.

As mentioned above, organizations usually expect to fund travel and bring in candidates from outside locations to interview for senior and hard-to-fill positions. However, for more entry-level jobs there may be a preference for local candidates.

Why Do You Need A Relocation Cover Letter

Writing a relocation cover letter is important if youre looking for work in another city, state or country. Make sure to address why an employer should invest time and resources in you. A relocation cover letter answers questions about your location before you step into an interview room with an employer.

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Addressing The Relocation Issue: Tips From Professional Writers

There are several ways to mention a relocation in your cover letter use the method that fits your career situation and company time best. In some cases, one sentence in an opener is enough, and sometimes youll need to expand on the issue for a few sentences.

Should I address the relocation issue on my resume?

Typically, your desire to relocate is not mentioned on a resume. However, if the company asks to apply with resume only, you can address the relocation issue at the end of your career summary, i.e. Willing to relocate for the job.

Want a guide to creating a high-quality resume? Check out how to create an effective modern resume.

Struggle creating a relocation cover letter? Our experts can help

Relocation is a serious step in your career, and finding the job in distance is more difficult than getting hired by a local company. Therefore, you want a cover letter that addresses your relocation issue effectively so that the employer gets interested in your candidacy.

Option #: Tell A White Lie

Relocation Consultant Resume Samples

This option is great if you dont want to tell a flat out lie, but youre not getting enough interviews telling the truth on your resume.

Heres what to do Put your name and phone number on your resume, but dont list an address. Where youd normally put an address, instead say something like Relocating to Denver in March 2017. .

Using this approach to apply for jobs in a different city or state should get you a higher number of interviews without having to lie about where you currently live.

This is still a bit of a lie, since youre probably not going to relocate without a job offer, but its also quite true- your goal is to find a job in the new city, and your plan is to relocate to that city if you can find a suitable position.

This will get you the greatest number of phone interviews and will keep your resume out of the garbage pile.

If you do ask you an interview question about this in the first conversation , you can tell them you plan on relocating either way but you are trying to secure a job beforehand. That will put their mind at ease and quickly convince them youre serious about finding a job in their city.

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If You’re Moving Whether You Get A Job Or Not

If you have a place secured and are absolutely certain about moving, you can include your new city and state on your resume in place of your current location. You don’t need to mention relocation on either the resume or cover letter however, you would generally be expected to appear for an interview.

If the date is still a few weeks out, you can provide the desired city you’re relocating to along with the month and year.

  • Relocating to Florida in December 2018

  • Relocating to Austin, TX by 10/2020

Here is an example of including relocation on a resume:

Remember that hiring managers are generally reluctant to interview those who are relocating unless it’s for a high level position that’s difficult to fill.

Next State When Youll Be Visiting The Area

Reiterate how your contributions will be valuable to the organization and show your interest in speaking with them directly in addition to the next time youre in the area.


Again, I believe that my expertise in sales would allow me to become a vital member of the team at Flash Content Agency. I would like to speak with you further about this opportunity, and how I can be in service to the organization. I am available for travel to meet in person, so please advise the best time to meet regarding the open Sales Manager position.

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Explain Why This Opportunity Is Important To You

The next paragraph can go into what about the position is important to you or excites you. You could also talk about why relocating is important to you here, or if you didnt mention it in the introduction, this is another excellent place to explain it. For example, you may be relocating to be closer to family, or this is the best area for the position youre applying for. Connect the position with relocating and detail why it is significant to you.

Provide Another Example That Highlights Preferred Qualifications

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In this section, try to give an example that shows how you meet the preferred requirements listed in the job description. This is an opportunity to show the employer you meet not only their required qualifications but also the preferred skills. Give them plenty of reasons they should invite you to an interview. You can also talk about any credentials here if you have them and why it is significant to your work.

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City Province Or Territory And Postal Code

Including your postal code can be essential for an employer who intends to send your employment contract and other documents by post. The postal code informs the delivery agents of the post office or delivery area closest to where you live. This makes it easier to locate you and reduces the risk of incorrect delivery.

Example:Toronto, Ontario M3C 0E3

How To Answer Are You Willing To Relocate In An Interview

Preparing for an interview is an arduous process. You can only prepare so much for what you think they will ask. The interview begins before the questions even begin. From the time you enter the building to when you exit, the interview is happening. They are observing your body language and much more to determine if you will be a good fit for their company.

First impressions are crucial in an interview, but so is how you answer their questions. Each answer to every question that is relentlessly hurled at you impacts the final decision. Are you confident in your response? Is your answer honest? Do you struggle in your responses? Interviewers are looking for these signs along with your answer. But what about the question that often asked and could have an effect on the hiring process, are you willing to relocate?

This question could come as a surprise or you could have been prepared for it. But what should your response be? Here are five responses that will make sure your name is not removed from consideration:

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How To Mention Relocation In Your Cover Letter

Youll typically benefit the most by addressing the fact that youre moving upfront. This will make it clear that youre not applying just as a way to get to the new location. After all, your main rationale for applying for any job should be the nature of the work, followed by the appeal of the organization.

You can either mention the fact that you are moving at the beginning of the cover letter or closer to the end. But either way, a statement that addresses your interest in the job itself should precede any reference to the fact that you’re relocating.

Tips For Writing Relocation Cover Letter

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Relocation cover letters can be difficult to write, because you need to emphasise on the fact that you’re willing to move to a new city, or possibly a new country, to do the job requested. Below are a few tips to help you write a cover letter for relocation jobs.

With this sample relocation cover letter and the tips included in this article, weâre sure that you should be able to write your own job relocation cover letter with ease.

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How To Mention Relocation On Your Resume

As with everything in life, there is a right way to mention relocation on your resume during the job search.

First, letâs be clear: you do need to mention it. There are always some job seekers who present themselves as locals. Unfortunately for them, that deception is invariably discovered at some point. It is important to be honest with any prospective employer instead of lying on your job application, and let the company know that youâre relocating.

There are several effective ways to handle this subject, and to impress employers while you’re at it!

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Should You List Your Address On Your Resume And Cover Letter

You will find career counselors who advise omitting your physical address on your resume and cover letter entirely, because this may lessen your chances of consideration and because of potential identity theft. However, many hiring managers will still perceive such an omission as a red flag, wondering why you have omitted your address even as they note that the latest job mentioned on your resume is located 1,000 miles away from them. Until omitting physical addresses on professional resumes becomes commonplace, its probably best to be upfront and explain your current address and relocation plans.

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