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How To Write High School Degree On Resume

Where To Put Education On Resume


Like a hotel in Monopoly, youve got to locate it strategically.

In the vast majority of cases, put the education resume section just below your work experience section.

Place it after your resume summary when:

  • Youve just graduated.
  • You re writing an academic resume.
  • Youre a professional returning to school.

If you’ve got little or no experience, put it above the experience section to focus the recruiter’s attention on what you have rather than what you don’t have.

Expert Hint: Went to a prestigious university? You might want to show that off to make use of the halo effect. This cognitive bias basically says that, because you went to Cornell, youve got to be an impressive candidate.

Where To Place Your Education Section

Either before or after your work experience section. It depends on your resume format and where you are in your career.

As with the rest of your resume, the rule of thumb is: always put the most important information first.

Are you a student or fresh graduate? Then remember: your education is still one of your biggest strengths. Naturally, you should play to your strengths and put your education section in a place where recruiters can immediately see it.

Place it near to the top of your resume just below your resume objective/profile section.

Are you an experienced professional? Then you can place your education section anywhere on the page .

Just remember: you should always put the most important information first. At this point in your life, your education isnt nearly as important as it used to be. Because of that, it should probably find its place near the bottom of your resume.

High School Graduate Resume Exampleeducation

SAT Score: 1450

John Jay High School, Katonah, NY

GPA 3.8


President, High School Yearbook Committee

  • Led team of 8 to source 750+ photos of 253 senior students, plus 100+ memorable quotes and other memories.
  • Worked with vendors to secure a 15% cost-savings.
  • Developed plan to include underrepresented groups 50% more.

Excelled in Business Coursework

  • Enrolled in 5 business classes through the school’s young business leader program, including accounting, business law, and marketing.
  • Maintained 4.0 GPA in all 5 core business classes.
  • As business management class project, created team that raised concessions sales at all home football teams by 25%.

Captain of Debate Team 2 Years

  • Led team to 3rd place in New York State debate tournament.
  • Coached and mentored 5 debate team members in best practices to improve debate scores by 20% in 3 months.
  • Co-captain of school track team

Get the point?

You dont have to use those exact high school graduate resume examples.

Dont just slap your GPA in there, plus a team sport.

If youve got projects, classes, or high school achievements thatll wow them, show them.

And if not?

Dont sweat it. Just fill your high school graduate resume with no work experience with other high-flying moments from your life.

Expert Hint: Include your GPA only if its 3.0 or above. Otherwise you might hurt your chances.

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How To Format Education On Resume

Where you place your education depends on a few factors. Those include:

  • If you still attend high school or college
  • If recruiters consider you an entry-level applicant or an experienced one

To format this part, follow the below tips on how to write education on resume:

  • For entry-level candidates and some professions, the education section goes near the top. People starting their careers have fewer skills.
  • For experienced professionals, the education section goes at the bottom. If you have a separate IT skills section near the bottom, put your education after that one.
  • Include Your Recent Or Anticipated Graduation Date

    High School Grad Resume Sample

    Whether you’ve graduated with your diploma, are a current high school student or chose not to finish high school and earned your GED instead, include your graduation date or anticipated graduation date. A hiring manager can choose if they are comfortable hiring a candidate who still has some schooling left, depending on the requirements of the position.

    If you’ve completed some high school and then left a traditional high school environment to pursue specialty education, like at a trade school, you can still include your high school name, and then also include the specialty or trade school you attended with the completion date as well. Similar to how you would list college education on your resume, you should only include the date if you graduated within the last three years. After that time, keep only the name of your high school listed if it is the highest level of education you have completed.

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    Education In Progress Resume Examples

    When you include details indicating that youâre currently pursuing a degree on your resume, itâs important to provide clarity. The last thing you want is to inadvertently leave the impression that youâre trying to pretend like youâve completed the degree. And while it might be tempting to just note that the degree is still a work-in-progress, we believe that you should be even more specific. The best way to do that is to include the anticipated graduation date.

    Now, if youâre like many students, you may not be entirely sure that youâll complete your degree by a set date. However, that shouldnât stop you from providing an anticipated date of completion. In fact, itâs essential that you provide this information so that employers know that youâre serious about your studies. This is especially true in cases where the job youâre seeking requires that degree. Fortunately, itâs a relatively easy task to accomplish.

    We wrote a good post here on how to include an MBA on a resume.

    For example, check out this listing from a sample resume with a masterâs degree in progress:

    MBA, Human Resources Program

    Dynamic University, Anytown, AnyState. Expected completion 2022

    If youâre closer to graduation and are more certain about the date, you can use something like this:

    Graduate Studies, Computer Engineering

    Education For A College Student With Some Work Experience

    If you are a college student with work experience, place your education section above work. Include the name of the institution, degree type and the expected year of graduation. You can also mention coursework, extracurricular activities, organizations and other academic achievements relevant to the role. Dont include your GPA if it is below 3.5.

    Example of the education section for a college student with work experience:

    California State University, California

    Bachelor of Science in Banking and Finance, September 2017

    Minored in Accounting

    Relevant Coursework: Accounting Systems, Actuarial Sciences, Anti Money Laundering Protocols

    Extracurricular activities: Treasurer for the Association of Accounting Students

    GPA: 3.95/4.0

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    Kicks Two Cents: How To Make Your Education Section Stand Out

  • Consider adding subsections. If you have a lot of information to include in the education section, consider dividing it into subsections. You can divide it into Basic information , Awards and Honours, Certifications, School Organizations or Volunteer Work.
  • Keep ATS in mind. ATS normally uses school rankings to assess candidates. If youre still at school and have your university email address, use it to associate yourself with the schools reputation. Make sure to include the full name of the school together with its abbreviation, e.g. Massachusetts Institute of Technology .
  • Get certificates. If your academic background is not something you can be really proud of, get an online certificate from one of the top universities like Harvard or Yale. Then youll be able to use the schools name to your advantage.
  • Tell the truth. Its very easy for hiring managers to confirm whether your education is true or not. Also be honest about your grades. If youre not happy with your GPA, instead of making it up, rather leave it completely out of your resume.
  • Where To Put Gpa On A Resume

    How to Write a Resume for High School Students with NO experience

    You should put your GPA in your education section, next to your major. If youve earned honors at your university , those honors should be listed below your majorin italicswith your GPA beside them.

    Heres how it should look:

    DePaul University | Chicago, IL | December 2009-March 2013

    Bachelor of Arts in English Composition

    Bear in mind, you should only list your GPA on your resume if it is over a 3.5 and if youre a recent graduate. If youre a recent graduate and your GPA is below 3.5, use the space to talk about an impressive senior thesis project instead.

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    Create A Section Of Your Resume Specifically For Education

    Because employers look for an education section, make sure you have one on your resume. Typically, education sections appear toward the bottom of your resume after your experience, although you may include this information on either the left or right side of your resume if you’re using a unique template. Create an education header and only include information pertaining to your education in this section.

    How To Format A Resume

    The way you format a resume matters. While there arent specific rules regarding formatting, you ultimately want your resume to be easy to read, professional and not too busy. Most people hiring will skim the resume rather than read, so they should be able to gather the important information with a simple glance.

    Pick a font that’s easy to read, and don’t make it too small. Ensure every section is clearly defined and labeled. Your name should be the most noticeable thing on your resume, and your contact information should be easily discernable.

    You can choose whether to organize your work experience chronologically, which is the most common, or by function. Effective resumes should focus on skills rather than work history. These may be ideal for those switching careers or wanting to draw focus away from an employment gap, the team at Resume Genius writes.

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    When To Include Latin Honors On Your Resume

    The fact that you graduated with honors matters more when you are first entering the job market as a student or recent graduate. At this stage, you may not have much professional experience to list on your resume, so mentioning that you graduated with honors will help show employers that you are highly motivated, intelligent and hardworking. Once you have gained more experience, your academic performance becomes less important. Some employers will care about your GPA and honors, while others will not. Either way, its a good idea to include them on your resume. At best, they will weigh in your favor, and at worst, theyll simply be ignored.

    Not Recommended Items For Education In Resume

    Ma Resumes Examples
    • High school information if youve completed a university degree
    • GPA on resume, especially if it is too low
    • Graduation year or dates in school, especially if it is more than a decade in the past.

    Here is how to list education on resume:

  • Start with your most recent academic experience.
  • Add the degree earned if you completed it.
  • Include the school name, city, and state.
  • List the program or major if the schooling is yet unfinished.
  • Add extras to make the education section soar, such as honors, awards, relevant coursework, and minors.
  • Use a second educational entry if the first one is unfinished.
  • Here is a no-frills basic sample of education listed on a resume:

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    How To Put Study Abroad On Your Resume

    Adding a study abroad semester or year to your resume can show employers that youre a go-getter. This information doesnt need to take up much space and should be included in the education section as well.

    The correct place to put study abroad on your resume is just below the university you graduated from. You can format it the same way as you format the other institutions attended. For example:

    DePaul University, Chicago, IL, December 2009-March 2013

    Bachelor of Arts, Major English Composition, Minor Journalism

    Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy September 2010-December 2010

    • Completed coursework in journalism and international affairs.
    • Became fluent in the Italian language

    Everything you include in your resume should relate back to the job youre applying for. Its good to mention coursework and other activities that apply to that job when including your study abroad experience.

    Advanced Education When You’re Overqualified For A Job

    If you’re applying to a job you’re overqualified for, it’s acceptable to leave off advanced degrees. There are many reasons why you might be applying for a job you’re overqualified for, including an industry switch, targeting a less stressful workload, or focusing on a company or mission you support. Your resume does not have to be an exhaustive list of everything you’ve done. In fact, it shouldn’t be as it could increase the chances that your resume contains irrelevant experience.

    If your education makes you look overqualified for a job you want, you can remove it from your resume. Job seekers appearing overqualified puts you at risk of multiple preconceptions, from salary expectations to feeling threatened. You can get ahead of this by leaving out some of your qualifications.

    Example of when you should exclude an advanced degree:

    If you have a Master’s degree but you’re targeting a part-time administrative position, you can safely exclude your over-qualifying degree. While you may be looking for a job that allows you to be home before 3 p.m., the hiring manager may think you’re applying to any position you can find. Tailor your cover letter and resume to fit the job sometimes that means trimming off your advanced degrees.

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    Multiple Degrees Or Certifications On A Resume

    Some people have earned multiple degrees or certifications over their careers, leading to an education section that takes up valuable page real estate. If your education section is too long or confusing, you’ll fail the 6-second resume test.

    Hiring managers and employers are not going to dig through your education section to see if you have the specific degree or certification they’re looking for. If you have multiple degrees, only list the one most relevant to the position or industry you’re targeting.

    What About Listing High School Diplomas

    High School Resume: How to Write an Amazing Resume! (Examples Included)

    If youre a current college student or college graduate, drop any reference to your high school diploma from your resume. Resume space is limited, so conserve this extra space for information such as computer proficiencies or listing accomplishments from the jobs youve had.

    Additionally, a hiring manager who sees that youre in college or have graduated from college will realize youve finished high school or obtained a G.E.D. These are required for acceptance to college.

    There is one exception to this rule: The only time a college student or graduate should include a reference to high school is if applying to a job knowing the hiring manager has a preference for graduates from that high school. For example, the hiring manager may be an alum of the high school you attended. However, this is a rare and unlikely scenario.

    Once youre officially attending a college or university, remove any mention of your high school diploma from your resume.

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    Recent High School Grad Resume Format

    Expert Hint: Recruiters spend about 7 seconds initially scanning a resume. Make sure yours is formatted in a way that highlights all the important stuff in very little time.

    Should Education Be First On A Resume

    People who put education first on their resumes often have little or no work experience or have just graduated, and this is often the right way to write your resume. Education never hurts your resume. So if you are applying and have little to no work experience, it is best to indicate your education first.

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    What To Include In An Education Section

    As we’ve covered, different formats of resumes may require different information to be included within an education section.

    In general, there is some basic information that should be included within the education section of a resume:

    • The name of the school â “e.g. Georgia Institute of Technology”
    • The location of the school
    • Your degree
    • Graduation year
    • Major field or department of study
    • Minor field or department of study
    • GPA

    Here’s what that looks like for and university grad:

    Georgia Institute of Technology ⢠Atlanta, GAB.S. in Computer Engineering, 2006 – 2010GPA: 3.9/4.0

    For high-school students, you can do something like the following:

    Georgia Institute of Technology ⢠Atlanta, GAHigh School Diploma, Graduated in 2010GPA: 3.9/4.0

    Remember, including a GPA is optional. Only add it if it’s required by the job listing or it’s relatively high. If your GPA is low , it’s better to just leave it out.

    Where To List Education

    How To List Your High School Diploma On A Resume

    While the sections included on resumes are fairly standard , you have some flexibility regarding the order of each section. This is particularly true when it comes to where you list education on your resume.

    Typically, the placement of education depends in part on your credentials, including college degrees and professional certifications. The extent of your education and the type of position to which youre applying are also important factors.

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    Sample High School Graduate Resumeexperience

    Furry Angels Animal Fundraising Group

    Co-Founder, Leader

    • Raised $2,000+ annually for homeless animals.
    • Assisted with saving the lives of 1,500 dogs, cats, and a llama.

    Counter Clerk, Cook


    • Opened and closed store, operated cash register, made sandwiches, and provided exemplary customer service in a busy sandwich shop.
    • Commended 5x by manager for attention to detail.


    That entry-level resume for a high school graduate shows a passionate, competent candidate. She probably finishes what she starts, with flying colors.

    Expert Hint: Studies show that employers give preference to candidates with previous work experience. To boost your chance of getting hired, dig deep to find your most impressive moments. Then spotlight them in your resume for a high school graduate.

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