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HomeWhat Does A Good Resume Look Like In 2020

What Does A Good Resume Look Like In 2020

The Remaining Pages Of Your Resume

Teach#18- How should your Resume look like in 2020/ How to Make a good Resume .

After your professional experience, you can include two other sections:

  • Hobbies and interests: Hallam says its a good idea to include something about your life outside of work. Including your hobbies, passions or interests is a great way to differentiate yourself and make yourself memorable. Its also an opportunity to build rapport with your interviewer, especially if you share common interests, he adds.
  • References: you may also wish to include a note at the end of your resume to say that references are available on request.

Be Sure You’re A Good Fit For The Job

Make sure you meet the qualifications. Qualifications for being considered for a job are usually listed at the bottom of the job ad. Make sure you have at least the minimum required qualifications to be considered. Otherwise, youre wasting everyones time, your own included. Review these tips for decoding a job ad.

In 2020 Your Resume Can Benefit From A Chart

If youve never used a visual element in your resume, youre not alone. However, 2020 is the perfect time to upgrade your resume presentation.

A chart is one of the best ways to show your achievements,particularly if you led a long-term growth trend or saved costs at work.

As an example, this Business Development resume employs a growth performance chart to show multi-category revenue wins, allowing the reader to quickly skim for more detail. This tutorial on charts in Microsoft Word can give you a quick-start lesson.

NOTE: Youll want to put the chart in front of text that conveys the same data, enabling ATS systems to pick it up.

Also Check: How To Write Email To Send Resume

How To Add Your Education Information To A Cv

Placing the most recent first, list your educational experience and achievements in this section of your CV, Include the school attended, dates of study, the type of qualification and/or the grade you achieved.

You may also wish to include other vocational qualifications in this section too such as HGV driving license or Microsoft Certified Engineer etc.

Example CV Education History

Start With Our Resume Writing Tips

Heres What a Resume Looks Like in 2021

Every list of resume writing tips will tell you the same thing: Start with your contact information. Your name, phone number, email address and, if applicable, links to your website and LinkedIn profile. Then list all the jobs you’ve had.

But there’s more to it than that. Here are seven steps for boosting your resume writing skills and building a resume that brings you success:

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Top 5 Resume Formatting Tips

1.Keep your format simple: Remember, you have 10-20 seconds to snag a hiring managers attention. Presenting them with a resume thats overly crowded, hard to read, confusing or just plain messy isnt going to get you the jobits going to get you thrown out. Watch your spacing, font size and margins. Keep it legible!

2.Keep it professional: Avoid cute fonts, gimmicks, scented paper, glitter, odd shapes, or anything that could potentially make an employer look at your resume and question your sanity. Dont print on cheap paper. Show an employer youre serious about the job.

3.Focus on what you did for past employers, not just the job you held. Anyone can push a button. Why were you the best button pusher there was? What set you apart from every other button pusher who came before you and will come after you? Dont just outline the job description. What were your accomplishments while doing that job?

4.Make sure youre selecting the resume format that best reflects who you are, your work history, and the job youre applying for. Keep in mind employment gaps, career trajectory, where you are in your industry, and where you plan on going. Make sure youre selecting the right format resume .

What To Leave Off A Resume

Be discerning with the contentdont list salary requirements, use tables or columns, or tick off every job youve ever had. The same goes for social media profiles. Unless your Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook feeds are relevant to the job youre applying for, its probably best to leave those off your resume.

Only include them if they add value in some way, Leavy-Detrick says. If you have zero followers, you may not want to advertise that.

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What Your Resume Should Look Like In 2020

Rebecca Henninger is a resume writing expert and accountability partner who focuses on smarter job searches and recession-proof careers.


Wondering what your resume should like in 2020? In my experience, the most important consideration for a 2020 resume is that it is mobile-friendly. Yes, you will at some point be printing out the resume for a hiring manager to read and review during an interview, but the first view in your networking and job search efforts is likely to be on mobile. Particularly while the majority of the population is still working at home, the likelihood your resume will be viewed on a small screen is extremely high. So, what does this mean?

What is mobile-friendly design?

Think about the way you view things on your phone or small screen. It needs to be easy to skim with clean fonts and lots of white space. In addition, think about using an E or F pattern with text left-justified. In a study published by Ladders, researchers used heat map testing on resumes and other documents to show that this is the most efficient presentation for optimizing natural reading patterns.

While applicant tracking systems can read most fonts, sans serif fonts are more modern and have a clean aesthetic. Bold and italics can be used to highlight important text, but should be used sparingly. Consider highlighting keywords at the front of a bullet, job titles and company names.

What about graphics?

Find Inspiration From Creative Resume Templates To Craft Your Executive Resume Today

Create Your Resume for Google: Tips and Advice

Start the process of writing your resume by peeking at our free resume sample examples. Youll gain some inspiration and tips, and familiarize yourself with the modern resume format.

Dont have time to follow these tips and write your resume? Get in touch with one of our professional resume writers today to see how we can ace this task for you.

In the end, creating a visually engaging resume gives you a much better chance of standing out in this ultracompetitive job market. Follow these five tips and you should have no trouble landing your next interview.

Are you tired of your resume being rejected by applicant tracking systems? I know how frustrating it is to submit your resume and receive no response. I hate seeing qualified people never break through the screening process. It shouldnt be that way. Thats why I created so you can start seeing better resume response rates!

Also Check: Cum Laude Resume

Business Resume: Additional Information

Do you have additional communication points that do not fit into other sections of your resume?

Do you speak multiple languages?

Or have relevant hobbies that might give your job application a much-needed boost?

If you do, compile this information and illustrate them in a separate ‘Additional Information’ section of your professional business resume.

The sample business resume that we have attached below illustrates this:

In the meanwhile, write a stellar resume to boost your chances of a shortlist with Hiration’s Online Resume Builder.

And Lets Wrap It All Up

If youve followed all of our advice until now, congrats! Youre probably an expert on how to make a resume.

To wrap it all up, lets brush up on some of the most important lessons weve learned so far…

  • Use the rightresume builder. You dont want to mess around with formatting for hours before even starting to work on your resume!
  • Focus on achievements. Mention your achievements instead of responsibilities, so that you stand out from all the other applicants.
  • Include the must-have sections. That is, resume summary, work experience, education, and skills.
  • Tailor for the job. Everything listed on your resume should be relevant for the job youre applying for.
  • Perfect your cover letter. Its as important as your resume, so make sure you pay as much attention to it!

At Novorésumé, were committed to helping you get the job you deserve, every step of the way! Follow our career blog to stay up to date with industry-leading advice. Or, check out some of our top guides:

Andrei Kurtuy

Also Check: What If My Resume Is 2 Pages

Your Resume Will Benefit From Headlines In 2020

Just like headlines in a brand campaign, you can condense your message of value saving valuable space and quickly driving home your point.

In 2020, your resume deserves the attention-getting impact shown in this Chief Revenue Officer resume, with headlines conveying a record of growth and customer retention:

Shattered Growth Records at AT& T By Closing Gaps Between Vision & Execution

Generated #1 Revenue & Customer Churn Metrics for 16 Straight Quarters

What should your resume look like in 2020? A story that conveys what youve consistently done in each job and a headline is the perfect way to emphasize these stories.

Summarize the skills enabling you to get stronger results than your peers or the specific wins from a group of jobs.

Now, shorten these thoughts into a concise line stating your value and youll have the right formula for a persuasive headline.

Things To Consider When Writing Your Resume

What Your Resume Should Look Like in 2020
  • Language

The tone should be professional, polite, and with a touch of personality. Use language youre comfortable with rather than big words you think will impress recruiters. Also, keep it serious, avoiding humor.

  • Length

Reduce the number of words down to whats necessary. Read it out loud to yourself to hear what words you can remove. Keep it brief and avoid waffle.

  • Bullet points

As above, bullet point gets straight to the point, making it easy for recruiters to scan your website. Use them whenever possible.

  • Wording

Some words are better than others. What you achieved is far better than being a go-getter. Likewise, avoid industry jargon like thinking outside of the box when its better to talk about innovation or ideas.

  • Spelling

The biggest mistake you can make is not thoroughly proofreading your resume. Always run it through a spellcheck

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What Makes A Really Good Resume

Relevant Work Experience If you want to make a great resume, your work experience section needs to be perfect, so it shows you can do the job.List the most current date and then go back in time with your experience. Include your current professional job title/position. Include the company name and location.

Quick Tips To Make Your Resume Stand Out From The Crowd

It can be a challenge to get your resume noticed by employers, but there are ways to tweak it and move it beyond the applicant tracking systems that employers now frequently use to provide an initial screening of the dozens, if not hundreds, of job applications they receive.

There are a few simple changes you can make to help your resume stand out from the crowd when a hiring manager reviews it.

Recommended Reading: Ged Resume Example

Provides Value Through Achievements And Numbers

Like your resume or CV, your cover letter should contain quantifiable achievements. A common mistake job seekers make on their cover letter is simply listing out job duties and work history instead of accomplishments. With hundreds of job seekers applying for a single position, you need to know how to stand out. Include numbers wherever possible to capture the attention of the employer.

Consider Complementing Your Cv With A Cover Letter

How to Make a Resume with No Work Experience in Microsoft Word (2020)

Ok according to statistics, as many as 56% of recruiters would say a cover letter to accompany as CV these days is just about redundant, a cover letter still remains one of the most important opportunities you will get to connect with an employer or hiring manager. It is the one and only opportunity you are likely to have to grab their attention and make them want to meet you instead of many of the other CVs they may have piled up in front of them.

Representing your career interests and highlighting your most relevant skills and experiences, a professionally written cover letter can say a lot about you as a person and as a prospective employee. So, you should have in mind that a prospective employer will be looking for your attention to detail.

So after hours spent crafting a great CV, just how do you write a cover letter?

Use our comprehensive guide on how to write a Cover Letter to accompany your CV:

Also Check: Leadership Experience Resume Examples

Your Resume Format Is The First Thing A Potential Employer Will Notice Follow These Tips To Make Sure Its A Positive First Impression

A smart resume starts with a design that’s easy on the eyes.

Between optimizing keywords and jotting down your accomplishments, writing a resume is no easy task. However, from a recruiters perspective, your resumes look is just as important as its content. Think about it: When you have to evaluate hundreds of resumes each week, youre going to spend more time on the ones that are both easy on the eyes and better for your attention span. But what should a resume look like in order for you to stand out from the competition?

Resume design matters. For example, if your resume format features wall-to-wall with text, uses several different fonts, and is peppered with dozens of bolded, italicized, and underlined words and phrases, its probably not going to get the attention it deserves.

So what makes a resume visually appealing? When you can quickly scan the document because it makes good use of white space, features clear and consistent section headings, and uses bullet points to make important items stand out.

As you get your resume ready for a job search, take a look at our library of resume templates, and make sure to follow our design tips below.

What Does A Good Resume Look Like

Related video: Resume Tips: Avoid These 8 Mistakes

A resume gives you the opportunity to present your background, experience and abilities to an employer before meeting with them. A well-written resume should highlight your qualifications for the position you have applied for. In this article, well review what makes a resume look good and provide some examples.

Read more: Resume Samples and Templates To Inspire Your Next Application

Recommended Reading: How Many References Should You Include In Your Resume

Business Resume: Profile Title

Profile titles are important to your job application process. It communicates the following career-centric information to the recruiter:

  • Your current designation a.k.a job title.
  • Your functional industry
  • Your level of seniority.

The above-mentioned information together dictates if you would be suitable for a given job position and if selected, what your compensation should be.

Thus, make sure that you don’t wrongfully exaggerate your profile title in your business development manager resume.

Given its importance, your profile title should be sufficiently highlighted. Here’s what you can do to enhance its visibility:

  • Write your profile title in the second-largest text in your resume.
  • Use the font size of 14-16 points to endorse your profile title.

In the meanwhile, get your hands on our AI-powered Resume Review Service to get an in-depth and constructive analysis of your resume within minutes of uploading it on our tool.

Keep an eye out on the bottom-left corner of this page and click on the AI-review button to avail this service.

Given below is a business resume example showcasing what an ideal profile title should look like:

The Best Resume Format

How To Make A Resume Look Professional

When it comes to resume format and design, opt for a clean layout. A recent study from the job site Ladders found that resumes with so-called F-pattern and E-pattern layouts, which mimic how our eyes tend to scan web pages, hold a recruiters attention for longer than those aligned down the center, or from right to left.

There is no one specific “best” font for resumes. You should use the same font style throughout, Leavy-Detrick says, but play with different weights and sizes to draw a recruiters eye to key parts of your resume. Sans serif fonts usually work best Franklin Gothic, Calibri, and Avenir are three of Leavy-Detricks favorites.

Also Check: How To Insert Vertical Line In Word For Resume

What Is A Chronological Resume And What Order Should It Be In

The most widely used resume is known as the Chronological resume. This means that time-dependent components, such as education and work experience, are represented in a reverse-chronological structure. Your last job should be first , and your first job should be last . This also applies to all other experiences that you mention on your resume that took place within a certain period, such as study programs, courses, internships, and ancillary activities.

The order of your resume is then as follows: personal and contact details, followed by a concise personal profile about yourself. Hereafter, state your training, followed by any work experience, languages, skills, characteristics, and interests.

Ready To Put Your Resume To The Test

You can also edit your formatted resume by using Jobscans Power Edit feature. Instead of going back and forth between your resume document and the Jobscan match report, Power Edit allows you to edit your formatted resume directly and watch your score increase in real-time.

You should not consider your resume complete until it is fully optimized for each specific job. You will spend more time on each job application, but the time spent will shorten your job search overall. With the correct resume format and optimization, you can apply for fewer jobs but have a better chance of landing an interview.

Also Check: How To Include Bilingual In Resume


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