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Interviewing For The Job

Building Your Federal Resume in USAJOBS

Prepare ahead for the possibility that you might be contacted to continue the hiring process. When you apply for a job, print the vacancy announcement. In the event that you contacted for an interview, having access to the announcement will enable you to ask relevant questions and to listen for important job information that conveyed during the meeting.

Interviews can occur in person, on video or by phone. You might be interviewed by a panel or by a hiring manager. All interviews are structured and have the same format for all applicants. There is usually only one round of interviews but more than one interview also be conducted.

Here Is What You Do To Find A List Of Federal Government Jobs:

Tooltip: or create your account if you’d like to save your job search later! For step-by-step guidance, see the “Create Your Account and profile” section above.


Before you start looking at USAJobs resume examples, let’s find your first list of government jobs. You will use for your Federal government job search. provides a complete list of Federal Government Jobs . We recommend this resource for finding a federal job.

Build Your First Federal Job Search

  • Go to on your desktop
  • If you do not see a search bar, click the “Search” icon
  • Enter a Location
  • That’s it!

    You’ve completed your first Federal Job Search. Great job!

    Look through your search results. You will see Vacancies available in the location you entered. Many of these vacancies may be outside of your career path.

    Next, let’s filter out the jobs you don’t fit.

    Federal Resumes That Get Results

    Our clients get referred, selected for interviews and hired!

    We are experts in writing USAJOBS®-Compliant federal resumes that get people interviewed and hired and the only certified federal resume writing service that has all Current Senior Level Federal Government Officials who are also certified federal resume writers, federal resume editors/KSA and ECQ/TQ writers and federal job search expert consultants to work on federal resumes for all federal jobs and federal occupational job series advertised on USAJOBS®

    Federal Resume USA® offers the best individualized service for first-time federal jobseekers through federal government senior executives in the Senior Executive Service

    Your federal career in the U.S. Federal Government starts with us!

    Our USAJOBS®-Compliant Resumes are expertly custom-tailored and U.S. Office of Personnel Management -approved. Federal resumes are developed for all WG, GS, and SES federal jobs. Our federal resumes for USAJOBS, CPOL, DONHR, AF Resume Writer, CHART, Avue, Resumix or other Federal Resume Builders are proven to get federal job seekers interviewed and hired faster! Let our certified federal resume writers make your federal resume stand out with the right federal occupational job series specific buzzwords for any USAJOBS® vacancy announcement.

    We work on federal resumes 7 days a week/365 days a year. Call 731-0222 to order by phone 24hrs a day/7 days a week.

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    How To Filter Your Federal Job Search:

    Filter by Location

    First, let’s set how far we are willing to travel within this location. The default is 25 miles.

    When I used the 25 mile radius, it returned 44 Results. When I expanded to a 60 mile radius, I had 579 results! That’s a huge difference.

    Setting A Travel Radius

    Tooltip: You can enter multiple locations and click search again. This is helpful if there are multiple places you are willing to work.

  • Use the slider to set the distance you are willing to travel.
  • The “More Filters” section

    Look under More Filters. You will also find limits like Work Schedule, Appointment Type, and more. I do not find these filters necessary.

    Additional Resources:Here is the Official Documentation for filtering results by:Location, Work Schedule, Appointment type, Security Clearance, andTravel Percentage.

    How to Use “Top Filters” to gain an edge:

    Tooltip: Current/former Federal Employee can leave filters unchecked. This will maximize your result options.

    Top filters give you access to vacancies exclusive to certain groups. These vacancies may have less competition.

    I only use these filters to add vacancies to your list of results. Try not to limit yourself to only one filter.

    Before you filter by pay, remember that what’s important is getting in.

    Changing Jobs within the Federal Government is Easy.

    Have you served 90+ days after competitive appointment as a Federal employee? You may typically apply to ANY “status” position.

    Use Pay Filters to Match Your Work Experience

    Write Your Education Section


    Several considerations influence how you present your education on a resume:

    • How important is education to your career field or the target job?
    • What is the major or field of study and highest level of education required?
    • Are you a new graduate or do you have many years of work experience?
    • Is your experience closely related to the target job?
    • Is your education closely related to the target job?

    If you have minimal education beyond high school:

    • Emphasize the courses completed, specialized training, on-the-job training.
    • List high school coursework that is relevant to the job.
    • List any courses completed through community college, technical or vocational schools.
    • Include education, training, professional development, or continuing education and consider organizing by topic area.

    If you have some college completed:

    • Emphasize coursework completed toward a degree and number of credits completed.
    • Include honors, significant courses, major papers.
    • Consider listing other training in the education section.

    If you have a college degree:

    • Emphasize your college degree.

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    Avoid The Mistake Of Writing One Resume For Multiple Job Announcements

    Treat each job announcement and application as a unique submission. Each announcement is different.

    Modify your application for each announcement.

    You can even do this the old-fashioned way. Print a hard copy of the announcement, mark each requirement with a highlighter, and check off each item when you have incorporated it into your resume.

    Before You Begin The Application

  • Create an account: To apply for a position using USAJobs, first register by going to and clicking on My Account at the top. To open an account you will need your first name, last name, a telephone number, and an email address.

  • Upload or create a resume: From “My Account,” select “Resumes” to:
  • upload a resume in Word, PDF, or another format into your USAJobs account, or
  • build a resume right in your account. You can create and store up to five different resumes, and you can make a resume searchable, so that agencies can find you. Resume Builder Help
  • Note:

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    Use Numbers To Highlight Your Accomplishments

    Use numbers, percentages or dollars to highlight your accomplishmentsyou can find this information in things like your performance reviews, previous job descriptions, awards and letters of recommendation.

    When explaining your accomplishments:

    • Include examples of how you saved money, earned money or managed money.
    • Include examples of how you saved or managed time.


    • Improved efficiency of document processing by 25 percent over the previous year.
    • Wrote 25 news releases in a three-week period under daily deadlines.
    • Managed a student organization budget of more than $7,000.
    • Wrote prospect letter that has brought in more than $25,000 in donations to date.

    These statements show in concrete terms what you accomplished.

    Apply As Early As You Can

    USAJOBS and Federal Resume Builder with K Troutman

    Developing a strong package takes time. Start early!

    The process of building your resume and applying online may take several hours. You may encounter technical difficulties or other unforeseen obstacles.

    Waiting until the last minute will create unnecessary stress. That could cause you to hurry your work , or not have enough time so you miss the deadline. Deadly mistakes!

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    How Do I Use Usajobs And What Is Resume Builder

    An important first step to utilizing USAJOBS is creating an account. Make sure you provide accurate contact information and enable the Make Your Resume Searchable feature so that agencies can find your resume. When crafting your federal resume, be sure to review the USAJOBS vacancy posting and questionnaire for knowledge, skills, and abilities and key phrases to align your resume with the job posting.

    After writing a tailored and effective federal resume with a sleek and streamlined design, the next step is to adapt the content for potential entry into the USAJOBS Resume Builder, a feature of USAJOBS that allows users to build components of their resume online rather than providing a full document for submission.

    How To Build A Resume Using The Resume Builder App At Usajobsgov

  • Sign into your USAJOBS account.
  • Go to your Documents.
  • Make sure youre in the Resumes section and select the Upload or build resume button.
  • Click Build resume.
  • Name your new resume and click Next.
  • Click Add Work Experience, enter the required information and click Save Work Experience. To add additional work experience, repeat this step or click Next to continue with your education information.
  • Click Add Education, enter the required information and click Save Education. Repeat this step to add additional education or click Next to continue with your references.
  • Click Add Reference, enter the required information and click Save Reference. You may add up to five references on your resume. Repeat this step to add an additional reference or click Next to continue to the next step.
  • You can enter additional information on your resume such as job-related training, language skills, organizations/affiliations, professional publications, and other information. Click the corresponding button under each section to add your information, enter your information and click Add or Save for each section once completed.
  • Click Finish to save your resume. Your new resume will appear in your Documents list.
  • Click View on the resume icon to preview your resume. To edit your resume click Edit on the resume icon and it will bring you to the first page of your resume in the resume builder tool. Click the Searchable checkbox on the resume to make it searchable by hiring managers.
  • Important details

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    Save A Copy Of Your Answers To The Online Questions

    Many announcements include an online questionnaire that you must submit.

    Write, save, and print the answers in case you run into technical issues during the application process. I recommend that you copy and paste the questionnaire into Microsoft Word. Then, write your answers in Word.

    If there are system problems, you can call the contact person listed on the announcement and obtain guidance.

    Copy your answers back to the online questionnaire when you are finished. Creating your answers in Word before copying them into USAJOBS should help eliminate misspellings and some other errors.

    The Bottom Line On Federal Resumes


    The Federal hiring process is tedious, not impossible. Start off your job search by being organized and have a plan. Prepare the best possible career communications required by the job announcement which could be a cover letter, customized resume, and narratives. Make it easy for them to select you for the interview, as well as to hire you! Give them the information they require. Dont hesitate to hire a professional career coach. Be thorough, careful, and implement the tips above and your effort should pay off!

    Wishing you much success in your job search!

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    Section : Understand Your Vacancy

    Tooltip: Read “Build Your Federal Job Search” to select a vacancy.

    Why is the vacancy important?

    Ready to learn the secret that every USAJobs Resume Builder tutorial leaves out? The Vacancy Announcement has what you need to customize your resume. The trick is to understand what they want, give it to them, and back it up.

    Where to Start

    Use the job search tool on to find your vacancy announcements. Simply cut and paste, and edit every part that applies. This will satisfy the job requirements to get through the initial screening.

    Open a vacancy announcement on the website. You’ll find a lot of information you need to review. This is how to find out about the job that is being offered.

    How do I use the Vacancy?

    First, you translate a vacancy announcement into understandable terms. This helps you decide if you are even qualified for the job. Then, later, you can review for additional information about the job.

    How do I read the vacancy?

    Government terminology can be complicated and hard to understand. They also use acronyms that may not be familiar to you.

    There is a secret to understanding government Human Resource Specialists.Break every sentence down comma to comma. The sentences can be long and complicated. They take 30 extra words to make a point.

    Look specifically for what you need be qualified for the job.

    Before You Consider Applying To A Federal Job Make Certain You Are Fully Qualified

    Many people apply to jobs for which they are not qualified.

    If you do not meet the requirements, you simply will not be considered. This may be the reason your resume is orbiting the black hole.

    When you find a position for which you would like to apply:

    • Carefully read the requirements and the factors you will be evaluated against.
    • Copy and paste these into a new Word document.
    • Make each requirement and factor a separate bullet point.
    • After each bullet, write a few sentences explaining how you meet that requirement specifically using experience and accomplishments.

    If there are several requirements that you cant write about to demonstrate your knowledge, skills, and abilities, dont waste your time applying for the position. Continue looking for another announcement. Then, repeat this exercise with another job.

    When you are satisfied that you meet the stated requirements and fully qualify, continue with your application.

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    Developing A Usajobs Profile

    It is important to create a complete profile and to answer all questions because the information that you enter on your profile will be forwarded with every application you submit. Having a complete profile will ensure that your application is evaluated accurately and can minimize processing delays.

    In addition to completing the basic profile, you will need to answer questions about previous military service and work experience with federal agencies. You will have the opportunity to specify your work preferences, including locations where you wish to work, whether you want to travel in connection with work and the type of employment you are looking for.

    One of the pages in the applicant profile section requests information about your gender, ethnicity and race. This data is used for government reporting and its completion is optional. If you prefer not to answer these questions, check the box at the bottom of the page to decline participation.

    The last page of the user information section is the account management area where you can add security questions, change your password and set up job alerts for future vacancies. When you have verified the accuracy of all information and are satisfied with its completeness, click Save and continue.

    A Few Words About Preferences In Federal Employment

    Why You Should Be Using USAJOBS Resume Builder – Part 1

    Federal agencies operate under a mandate to promote job equity and reduce job disparities. Under this mandate, persons who are members of specific groups can be granted preference in hiring based on their membership within that group. Gaining a preference does not mean that you will receive a job offer even if you do not meet the position requirements. What it does mean is that if you fall into one of the protected categories and there is another applicant who does not, your application will be considered preferentially as long as you meet all position requirements.

    The federal government awards preferences based on military service, disability status and membership within specific ethnic groups, but not persons who are members of these groups are eligible to receive preference. The position announcement and the USAJOBS website provide detailed information about preferences and exclusions.

    Military VeteransIf youve been in the military, you have a chance to apply for a federal government job. This does not mean that youll get the desired job for sure, but it gives a certain advantage over other experts. To qualify, a veteran must provide documentation of a general or honorable discharge.

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    Who Can Use Usajobs

    USAJobs is a federal government job board available to any U.S. citizen. It provides tremendous opportunities for those already in the federal system to move up the ladder.

    And if youre interested in starting a career with the federal government, this is the first stop to make in your search. CareerProPlus can help you with your military-to-federal resumes or civilian federal resumes.

    Why Is A Usajobs Resume Is Important

    USAJobs announcements often attract dozensand sometimes hundredsof applicants. The USAJobs application process is designed to weed out candidates who cannot follow precise instructions and who dont present experience that qualifies them for the position. Your application and your resume need to be crafted to clear this first hurdle.

    The application process includes questions that address your level of experience. The catch is that your answers to those questions have to be supported by the body of your USAJobs resume. Its important that your resume is crafted in such a way that it backs up your responses and presents to the hiring agency a highly knowledgeable and skilled candidate. Its all too easy for otherwise qualified candidates to make simple errors or omissions and accidentally eliminate themselves from consideration early in the hiring process. As the leading USAJobs resume writing service in the industry, CareerProPlus can help you develop the application package that will get your federal resume seen and reviewed.

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    Creating A Resume In Usajobs

    Your resume should provide evidence of your qualifications for the job to which you are applying. Duties performed should be clearly described and relevant to the job announcement. Be honest and verify that your resume accurately reflects your experience. If you are not certain what your job title was or cannot remember the complete title, use a generic title such as Assistant or Instructor and then clearly describe your job duties for that position. Always check grammar and spelling and save your work each time you create a job experience entry.

    Add your resume to your usa jobs account by using the Resume Builder on the website. This tool allows you to save up to five resumes at any given time and you can specify which resume you wish to use with each application you submit. Follow a few steps to create your USAJOBS resume:

    To ensure that you continue to receive relevant job announcements, keep your contact information updated and add relevant experience and credentials as you acquire these. Do not forget to update uploaded documents and supplementary questions and to note changes to your work preferences and availability status.


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