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HomeMust ReadWhere Do Certifications Go On A Resume

Where Do Certifications Go On A Resume

Code Camp Free Certifications

12 Online Certifications to Boost Your Resume & Career | Indeed Career Tips

Free Code Camp can teach you the basics of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, GitHub, and more. Today, coding is a valuable, in-demand technical skill. In fact, one of these free certifications makes almost any employee more valuable to a company. Weve seen it first-hand!

Earn quick certifications you can add to your resume. And when youre ready, gain free experience by working on open source projects used by nonprofits. Geared toward beginners, this free certification walks you through each challenge in a step-by-step manner.

Listing Certifications On The Resume

Showing certifications on a resume is key to standing out in the running for a job vacancy which is why its so important to understand how to indicate resume certifications, memberships and licenses.

These are a few tips for including certifications on a resume but for more structured resume help, you could try using a resume template to ensure an HR-approved resume layout including resume boosting certifications.

Continuing Education Licenses And Certifications Oh My How To List Professional Development On Your Resume

Feb 10, 2020 | Resumes

Youre a savvy job seeker whos sought out some professional development and continuing education but should you list it on your resume?Heres a guide on how to list trainings, licenses, and certifications on a resume

Daniel Lorenzo | Marketing Manager at Lets Eat, Grandma

Your resume is the only place where you get to prove that you have the skills to, quite literally, pay the bills.

Your resume should include whatever you need to prove that youre qualified . This includes tangible accomplishments, your relevant skills and education, and potentially some supplemental content.

Youre here because youre curious about that supplement content does professional development belong on your resume? Should you include those trainings, licenses, certifications, or continuing education courses on a resume? If so, where and how?

Lets walk through the what, where, and how of listing professional development on your resume.

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Free Online Certifications On A Resume

Yes, listing free online certifications on a resume can be useful.

For example, if you’re in a marketing role, then the HubSpot inbound marketing certification course can be useful to list.

While this course is free. And easy to take online, it still shows a desire to advance yourself.

Because it is an online certification, does not mean that is loses its capacity to impress hiring managers.

Pro tip: Research and review which certifications could be required for your job title before applying for the position.

Why consider taking certifications online?

In some cases, college students may receive college credit for completing these courses.

Additionally, managers see this as a way of advancing yourself. And it shows that you’re genuinely interested/passionate about joining the industry.

This could be a great technique for an entry-level candidate or recent graduate to display that they’re a valuable hire.

Why Are Certifications Important

certifications on resume 20 free Cliparts

Different than honors and awards, certifications may have to be to included on your resume, depending on the industry youâre applying to.

Hiring managers often use Applicant Tracking Systems to filter out resumes and narrow the pool of applicants. Therefore, certifications may be the key to beat ATS systems and make your resume more attractive than the competition.

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If The Employer Specifically Requires Certification

This is perhaps the most important reason you might choose to include your certification on your resume. If an employer lists a certain certification under the requirements for employees, you may not be considered for employment unless the employer knows you are sufficiently qualified. Before applying for a job, be sure to consult the company website and the job listing to find out if any certifications are necessary.

How To Put Certification On Resume

Certifications for their immense value addition to a professionals journey shall be added as a separate section in the resume.

Things ti keep in mind while adding certifications section in a resume:-

  • Add it separately to catch the recruiters eye
  • Do not confuse it with training programs
  • Always mention the certifying authority, date and location
  • Reverse chronological order

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Include The Name Of The Association Or Organization

I wrote earlier about including credible certifications. Listing the association or organization name in your resume ensures that potential employers see that you are certified by a respected professional association.

Example: If you received a professional marketing certificate through the American Marketing Association:

  • Incorrect: AMA Professional Certified Marketer or PCM

  • Correct: American Marketing Association Professional Certified Marketer

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If The Certification Is Credible

Resume Pro Breaks Down a PERFECT Sales Resume With Examples | Indeed Career Tips

Not all certifications are equal. A quick Google search of Information Technology Certifications reveals over 830 million search results. Mixed in with certification programs from trusted organizations are programs and online courses that promise to help launch your career. Whether the claims are valid or not, opt for certifications recognized within your industry as more credible.

If you hold certifications that command respect within your field, list them on your resume. The more credible your certifications, the more value they bring to your job search.

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Where To Include Certifications On A Resume

If the certification is a requirement for the position, then you want to either list it next to your name in the header or in your resume title. A hiring manager only looks at a resume for a few seconds so you need to quickly show that youâre qualified for the position.

Here is an example of a certification next to a name:

You could also list your certification in the title of your resume. Utilizing a resume title is very effective for any resume and we wrote a good post on writing a resume title and header here.

Here is an example of listing your certification in a resume title:

Do Not Confuse Training And Certifications

This is valid because many candidates write training in the certifications section.

Certifications translate into a skill which can be applied in work.

Certifications get you a certificate.

But Training does not necessarily end with a certificate.

Training programs do not have to be from a proper authority.

At the time of your final hiring, they will ask for proof of certification. At this time, it would be crucial to submit all documents.

For example, if you take up an online training course in say, metaphysics. This might not necessarily get you a certificate though it would enhance your knowledge in the same.

For this reason, it is important and safe to name the section as Training & Certifications.

Mention all your training programs and certifications in this section.

Refer to the image below:-

Here, this candidate has taken various important training programs and certifications. It is safe to put both of them in the section.

So even if you mention the training bit in Certifications then the safer way out is to name the section as Training & Certifications.

Hiration Protip: Mention Certifications and not Certification. And while were at it, its Training and not Trainings

Such small things value a lot in your resume so try to not skip them.

On way to building your resume, it makes sense to start searching for a job site for applying. Visit our guide on Best Job Search Sites.

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Where To Put Professional Licenses Or Certificates

There are several sections in your resume where you can put your licenses and certifications. Lets assume youre looking for a lifeguard position and the certification you possess is mentioned in the job description. Use it as your main benefit and specify it in the Summery section.

Good example:

A dedicated professional with 4+ years of experience in ensuring safety during entertainment events. Able to handle stress and remain calm in extraordinary situations, highly skilled in the application of rescue techniques. CPR Certified.

Bad example:

A certified lifeguard is looking for a prospective position. Familiar with safety regulations and guidelines, able to react quickly in extraordinary situations and follow both written and oral instructions.

Another way to list your certifications is to add them to the resume certification section right after your education list your certifications and licenses the reverse-chronological order.

When Should You Include Certifications On Your Resume

How to List Certifications on a Resume with 21 Examples ...

If you have a certification or license that is required or preferred for the role youre applying to, definitely put it on your resume. Beyond that, like with all information in your resume, you want to feature certifications that are relevant to the role you’re pursuing, Yurovsky says. Think about whether a certification shows how qualified you are as a candidate for this specific role. For instance, if youre applying for a help desk or other IT support role, a CompTIA A+ certification that proves youve been tested on your IT skills will add to your resume even if the job description doesnt ask for it.

Think about what each of your certifications is saying to a recruiter or hiring manager who reads your resume and what transferable skills it communicates. For example, that PMP certification will show that you can manage teams through complex projects and that you likely have strong leadership, communication, and organization skills, which might add to your qualifications not just for a project management job, but for any role where you have direct reports or are overseeing complicated processes. And, as the name suggests, a Google Analytics Individual Qualification shows that youre an expert in Google Analytics, which might add to your value when being considered for a marketing, content, or data role.

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How Do You Become Certified

4 Steps to Certification

  • Step 1: Choose Your IT Certification. Research IT certifications that are available, match your interest and will help you achieve your career goals.
  • Step 2: Get Familiar With Your IT Certification Exam.
  • Step 3: Begin Learning and Training for Your Exam.
  • Step 4: Register and Take Your Certification Exam.
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    When You’re Trying To Fill Your Resume

    If your resume seems “light,” in terms of work experience. And you want to make your resume shine, this isn’t the right time to list certifications.

    Spend more time on your career objective or resume objective rather than trying to list irrelevant certifications that the HR representative could find useless.

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    Hubspot Inbound Marketing Certification

    With online marketing a major priority for many firms, every employee should have at least a basic understanding of its principles. When it comes to free certifications in that area, the Hubspot Inbound Marketing Certification Course is considered a real standout.

    It can provide you with a better understanding of blogging, search engine optimization, online conversion analysis, social media, email marketing, and more. Consider it your basic primer for learning about digital marketing.

    Should Online Courses Be Included On A Resume

    How to Write a Resume Summary – Plus 5 Strong Examples | Indeed Career Tips

    Have you acquired certifications through completing an online course? Even if theyâre optional, these certifications can be a great addition to your resume. Even if theyâre not listed in the job description.

    Remember, the point of certificates on your resume is to prove to employers that youâre a qualified candidate. Therefore, certificates from online courses should only be included on your resume if they meet the following criteria:

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    Cpr Certification On Resume

    CPR certified on resume is not only for medical professionals. It’s also an essential certification for teachers. Here’s how to put CPR certification on resume:

    CertificationCPR Certified,Americal Red Cross, April 2018 – February 2020

    However, dont add the information if you are applying for a job that doesnt require it, for instance, Account management. Since its not relevant, you are better of without that certification on your resume.

    Note: The CPR certification is only valid for two years. And make sure your certification is valid before putting it on the resume.

    How To List Licenses On Resume

    Resume certification may include obtaining a license. Some places may call a license or licensure a certification. The how to include certifications in demonstrates that.

    Where you list a license remains the same as a certification. You may include it by your name, in your summary, objective, under a blended heading, or a separate license one.

    A registered nurse cannot practice without schooling and passing an exam. Below you will find how to document this:

    • , RN you do not need to spell this out by your name. You have the chance to spell it out later in your resume. Besides, everyone in the medical field knows the meaning. Most people bold their name on a resume, so add the designation after it.
    • Summary to start this, Registered nurse with over five years of experience. You then go on to list the rest of your summary.
    • Objective Registered nurse seeking to transfer skills from an ER setting into private practice. While seasoned professionals do not typically use a , you may do so when you want to change your work environment. You may also use this to start the summary section.
    • Licenses and Certification section with medical professionals, the education section comes first. Use this rule when you cannot obtain a license without completing a degree. Examples of how to document this include:

    License to practice as a Registered Nurse in the state of Illinois

    Registered Nurse in New Jersey, license number



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    Include The Date The Certification Was Earned

    Always include the date that your certification was earned as well as its expiration date (if applicable.

    Example: If you received an accredited financial counselor certificate:

    • Incorrect: Accredited Financial Counselor

    • Correct: Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education Accredited Financial Counselor , 2019

    Image courtesy of EasyResume

    How To List Certifications On A Resume

    How to Write a Great Resume

    The easiest and most common way to include your certifications is to just add a new section dedicated to them.

    First, create a heading on your CV named Certifications, and create entries underneath.

    Then, under your designated subheading, list each certification in reverse-chronological order. Meaning, you start with the most recent certificate and make your way from there.

    For each resume certification entry, include the following information:

    • Name of Certification
    • Name of Certifying Agency or Body
    • Dates of Obtainment
    • Location
    • Expiration date
    • In Progress

    Or, to give you real examples:

    Correct Examples:

    • Google Doubleclick for Publishers Certificate, Google Publisher University, 2018
    • Board Certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery , 2017

    Incorrect Examples:

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    How To Put Certifications On A Resume


    People in the labor force have varying reasons for earning certifications, which makes the placement of this information on a resume vary as well. Anyone who earns a bachelor’s or master’s degree places this information in the education section. However, certifications may cover a broader range of activities, such as taking refresher courses after college or fulfilling professional requirements. Other people earn certificates after completing short-term vocational and technical schooling that often leads directly to job placement. Your choice of placement of certifications on the resume can partly affect whether companies contact you for an interview. Learn how to include certifications in your resume to stand out from other candidates.

    If The Certification Will Show Your Knowledge Of The Industry

    Not only do certifications show that youve met requirements or passed an aptitude assessment. They also display a more in-depth knowledge of an industry. By listing your credentials, youre telling a potential employer that you already know how to perform the job at hand.

    Image courtesy of EasyResume

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    Certifications In A Minor Section On Your Resume

    Do you need more space on your resume, like people with a lot of work experience? Another resume format that works great is a a small dedicated certificates section. This smart resume space-saving tactic is especially effective when the section is placed in the smaller column of a 2-column resume template.

    Putting certifications in a side section is highly recommended for certificates that youâve classified as optional. Or if you can fill major space on your resume with relevant experiences.

    This data analyst resume example shows how strategic placement of a small dedicated Certifications section creates more room for the experience section.

    To Demonstrate Industry Experience

    Resume Writing: 4 Tips on How to Write a Standout Resume | Indeed Career Tips

    Another good reason to feature your certifications on your resume is if they prove you have acquired years of experience in the industry. Many certifications are only awarded to individuals who have worked a certain number of years as a professional. Listing your certifications can be an efficient way to verify your experience level.

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    Follow A Reverse Chronological Order

    Certification should be listed in a reverse chronological order as given in the example above.

    This makes it easy for the recruiter to scan the resume for latest certifications and quickly make a decision.

    Let us see this image:

    As a recruiter would be easily able to scan the latest certifications.

    It would rather take you lot of time to find certifications taken up in 2018.

    That is why correct ordering matters.

    When Can You Put Free Online Certifications On A Resume

    If the free online certifications you have are granted by a legitimate organization and relevant to the job to which you are applying, then, by all means, add them to your resume.

    While many certifications do require money , there are also many free ones that are meaningful and attest to real knowledge and skills. For example, the Federal Emergency Management Agency offers free, certificate-bearing courses in areas like managerial safety and health, hazardous materials, defense priorities and allocations, and more.

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