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What Is The Difference Between A Job Application And Resume

What Is The Difference When Linkedin Says That Your Application Was Viewed Vs Your Resume Was Downloaded

Career Tip #7: The Difference Between Resumes and Job Applications

What is the difference when LinkedIn says that your application was viewed vs your resume was downloaded?

What does your application was viewed mean on LinkedIn? Yes, it indicates that your resume has been looked at by the person who posted the job.

What does it mean when your application is viewed? Essentially, when one receives a, Viewed By Employer message. The hiring representative has actually screened and/or perused the resume to some degree, be it to rule out because some basic requirements were met or to send to the next evaluation party, which may mean to the representative needing the position filled.

Is it better to apply with LinkedIn or resume? You should use both your resume and LinkedIn profile when applying for a job whenever possible. Most jobs still require a resume, but most hiring managers will also want to see a solid LinkedIn profile before they interview you.

Can You Use Linkedin As A Resume

Think of your LinkedIn profile as an online resume. However, a LinkedIn profile can do even more than a traditional resume. It can include a photo of you, links to your work, references from colleagues and employers, and more. Know how to create a LinkedIn profile that acts like a resume, only better.

What To Include In Your Curriculum Vitae

Your curriculum vitae should include your name, contact information, education, skills, and experience.

In addition to the basics, a CV includes research and teaching experience, publications, grants and fellowships, professional associations and licenses, awards, and other information relevant to the position you are applying for.

Start by making a list of all your background information, and then organize it into categories.

Also Check: How To List Relevant Courses On Resume

What Is A Cv

A CV is a detailed and comprehensive document which describes the course of your academic and professional accomplishments. Its usually formatted in chronological order and starts with your educational experience. While there is no length requirement on a CV, most range from three to ten pages though some might be even longer. Generally, the more experience you have, the longer your CV will be.


  • Optional

  • How To Write A Resume

    Resume vs. Cover Letter: Whats the Difference?

    A resume should contain the same information as your CV, but crafted strategically. Aimed at demonstrating competence, you have to actively pick out relevant information that showcases your strengths and abilities in the best light.

    Compared to the static CV, your resume should be adapted and tailored to every position you are applying for. The best way to accomplish this is to study the job requirements closely.

    Consider these when drafting your resume:


    Unlike a CV that is written in chronological order, there are four resume templates that jobseekers can follow.

    about these templates options.


    A resume succinctly states career objectives, what you have to offer, and other relevant information. Keep your resumes to one or two pages as long resumes may hurt your job prospects.


    You should find ways to align your resume to the job description. The targeted resume template will perfectly complement this pivotal factor.

    A targeted resume is customised to the job position and industry. This gives jobseekers the flexibility to highlight relevant qualifications and experiences that demonstrate they are the best fit for the job.

    Digital Formats

    While a soft copy such as a PDF document of your resume is typically the go-to when sending your job applications via the internet, you can consider other ways to create an online resume, like a resume website.

    about online resumes and how to create them.

    Don’t Miss: Summa Cum Laude On Resume

    Signpost Each Part Of The Letter

    A resume has distinct sections for each part of your experience, and a cover letter usually has a set format to add the extra details. It is therefore essential for job applicants to signpost the content of every paragraph in the first sentence of an application letter.

    Some people might decide to use mini-titles, but this often comes across as being too simplistic and may break up the flow of the story.

    Tips To Keep In Mind When Writing A Resume Vs A Cover Letter

    #1 – Repetitive

    Donât repeat your resume word for word on a cover letter. Use a more conversational tone and mix it up a bit. Your cover letter is about telling the potential employer or hiring manager who you are, how youâre qualified and why youâre the best fit. Save specific details for your resume.

    #2 – Keep your cover letter short

    Your cover letter should be three to four paragraphs long and never go past 3/4 of a page. Again, save the details for your resume and keep your cover letter short, concise and relevant.

    #3 – Make a good impression

    The cover letter may be the first impression you have on an employer or hiring manager. Make sure you utilize captivating language and speak in a friendly tone. Mention the position youâre applying to, how youâre qualified, major achievements from previous positions, and a call to action. The call to action in this situation would be an invitation for an interview.

    #4 – Subjective

    The cover letter should contain more subjective information than a resume. You could mention certain things that you simply couldnât on a resume. You could mention how you found the position, why youâre passionate about that position or industry, and a more subjective explanation of why youâd make a good fit.

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    What Should You Include On A Cv

    Now that you have an understanding of what a CV is, you may be wondering what specific information you should include when you are writing your CV. In most cases, youll want to include your career history as well as your awards, education, grants, scholarships, special honors, education, research projects, and publications on your CV. Its also a good idea to include professional references, fieldwork, and coursework as well as a personal profile that lists your relevant attributes and skills.

    Formatting Of Cover Letter And Resume

    The Difference Between A RESUME And An APPLICATION!

    Different formats are applied when writing both cover letters and resumes. A cover letter follows a formal and laid down format, which includes indicating the address of the recipient, your address, salutation, subject, body, and conclusion of the letter. This means that individuals should familiarize themselves with how to write a standard cover letter, which can be accepted in different parts of the world. On the other hand, resumes are tailor-made and may follow the format with which an individual would like their resumes to resemble. However, despite the different methods and forms of writing a resume, all the necessary information, which includes educational background, employment background, contact information, hobbies, and interests, should appear.

    Read Also: Sample Resume With Master’s Degree In Progress

    What Is A Rsum Vs Curriculumvitae

    You may also be asked for a curriculum vitae instead of a résumé. Using curriculum vitae is more common in British English and in other varieties of English across the world, but its not entirely uncommon in American English.

    Like a résumé, a curriculum vitae is a summary of work experience and other background information that might be relevant to someone reading a job or school application. A CV is more likely to be asked for in academia than at your average, run-of-the-mill job in the United States. It also typically refers to a much more detailed summarydescribing published papers and awards under a job or education heading rather than only listing a title and short description of duties, for instance. The fact that a CV is so comprehensive makes sense, as curriculum vitae means course of life in Latin.

    Now, if you landed here while working on your résumé or curriculum vitae to double check that you were using the right accent marks, you can resume with confidence now.

    When To Use A Resume Or A Cv

    There might be some situations where you are not sure of which to use between CV and resume. Well, ask yourself the following questions to help determine the best document to use.

    • Nature of the Job: If you are applying for a job in academia, especially as an educator, teaching assistant or researcher at a college or university, then youll probably need a CV.
    • Location of the company: Depending on where the company is located, CV may refer to a standard resume, or it may refer to the longer form, highly detailed document explained above. To know which to send, first consider the type of job. If you are in doubt about whether you should send a CV or resume, you can reach ut to the recruiter or hiring manager and ask for clarification.
    • TAGS

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    Key Differences Between A Job Application And A Resume

    by Heather Rothbauer-Wanish, Freelance Writer | Mar 7, 2011 | Cover Letters, Interviews, Job Hunting, Resume |

    For those clients who have not had to conduct a job search for awhile, they may not be familiar with the true differences between a job application and a resume. I have been asked, Why should I send a resume if I will have to fill out a job application? Or, sometimes clients assume that a job application and a resume detail the exact same information. They dont contain the same information in fact, a resume is your chance to shine.

    Here are some differences between a job application and a resume:

    What Is A Curriculum Vitae

    The difference between CV and Resume, and 3 simple tips to ...

    A curriculum vitae, also known by the shortened term CV, is a Latin word meaning “course of life.” A CV is a highly detailed professional document outlining the academic background, work experience, and career achievements. You can use a curriculum vitae to highlight your professional accomplishments, such as published papers, coursework, or research grant acquisition. When writing a CV, you list your professional background in chronological order, starting with your education. It is typical and expected for a CV to be several pages in length.

    Read more:How To Write a Curriculum Vitae Template

    Also Check: Pursuing Masters Degree On Resume

    What Is Cover Letter

    A Cover letter is usually a single-page letter containing three-four paragraphs written to a recruiter, who may be a manager or the HR Department, or to the organization or company offering job vacancies. Good cover letters encourage the person reading it to go ahead and read your resume.

    Cover letters are usually formatted like business letters but have a more friendly tone. They explain a persons interest in a specific job and that he has the qualifications required to fill that post.

    Usually, people send a cover letter as a part of their resume by default, but cover letters are an optional part of the job application process or could even be required as a part of the job application depending on the recruiter.

    Cover letters often give a chance to the applicant to demonstrate his personality through his words before showcasing his talents and skillsets through the resume. Hence, cover letters act as a start point before the employer reads the resume.

    Cover Letters usually contain bits of the information that are included in the resume. Hence, sending a cover letter alongside your resume could project the eagerness that a person has in getting the specified job.

    Cover letters help the employers form an attitude or impression about the candidate, which may or may not, lead him to decide whether to open the resume. Always, a good study needs to be made about the requirements of the position you are applying for, and the cover letter needs to be drafted accordingly.

    Longer Application Letter For Internships

    There is genuine merit for an intern to view the following example of application letter with a little more interest.

    Internswill not have the experience to flesh out a two-page resume, but a one-page resume may not be enough space to describe the passion that they have for their desired role. As social media has brought interns ever closer to potential future bosses, a less formal job application letter might be able to do the job of both a cover letter and a resume.

    If the application progresses onto a more formal footing, interns will still need a resume for an internal recruiter, but a longer initial letter could make a difference.

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    Make Your Application Ats

    Many organizations use an ATS, or applicant tracking system, to digitally review resumes and CVs submitted for a job posting. An applicant tracking system is a digital software program that screens applications for specific keywords and phrases, usually related to the skills or qualifications of the position. Those CVs or resumes not containing these keywords don’t make it past the software program, and a hiring manager may never see the application. This is a fundamental reason to customize each application according to the job description and organization.

    What Else Do You Need To Know

    Difference between Resume and Curriculum Vitae | watch before you apply for Teacher’s Job

    Whether you choose to write a CV or résumé, here are some general writing tips weve compiled to help you stand apart from the competition:

    • Tailor it to the job: Make sure you highlight your most valuable skills and experience to the position youre applying for. If youre still struggling, consider using a professional writing service.
    • Include keywords: Check the job description for keywords and incorporate these into your document remember: applicant tracking systems are designed to filter out applications that dont match the ad.
    • Use a simple layout: CVs and résumés that arent easy on the eye typically wind up in the bin, so make sure your document is clearly structured and easy-to-read. You could even use a ready template to help you out.
    • Use the right format: For example, if youre a graphic designer, considering using a skills-based or infographic CV/résumé. Similarly, if youre a web developer, consider a video application. If you need help, consider using a free CV builder.

    Also Check: How To Add A Promotion To Your Resume

    Key Differences Between Cv And Resume

    The points given below are substantial, so far as the difference between CV and Resume is concerned:

  • A CV is a descriptive document which lists out all the details about a persons career. A Resume is a snapshot of a persons working life, presenting all the details which are required for a job.
  • A CV is comprehensive while a Resume is concise.
  • The word CV is an abbreviation for Curriculum Vitae, which is a Latin word. The word Resume is a French term.
  • The length of a resume is shorter as compared to CV.
  • CV gives emphasis on academic details whereas a Resume is focused on non-academic details along with highlighting key skills and competencies, matching with the job.
  • CV cannot be customised it remains static, but a Resume is dynamic, and it changes according to the job.
  • A CV includes references. In contrast to Resume, which do not include references.
  • CV is suitable when applying for academic positions, fellowship, advanced research, etc. On the other hand, Resume is accurate when applying for the job, internships or taking part in the job fair.
  • Curriculum Vitae focuses on expertise, i.e. what makes you an expert in the field, you have chosen to study. On the contrary, resume concentrates on contribution, how your work made a difference where you have worked.
  • Education is mentioned at the top of the CV. Unlike resume, in which education is indicated after experience.
  • Main Differences Between Cover Letter And Resume

  • Cover Letters are greetings or introduction letters that suggest who and what a person is, why he is interested in the job, and why he is qualified for it. While a resume is a summary of personal and educational qualifications and work experiences.
  • The main difference between a cover letter and a resume is that a cover letter describes the qualifications in detail through sentences while resumes list them out through bullets.
  • Cover letters are usually written in three-four paragraphs while resumes are as long as one-two pages and are written in bullet points.
  • The tone of writing a cover letter is rather more conversational and friendly, unlike a resume where the tone is formal and professional.
  • Cover Letters are addressed to specific persons like the recruiters, while resumes are statements and are not specifically addressed to a particular person.
  • Also Check: Add Resume On Indeed

    Where Is The Company Based

    Depending on where the company is located, CV may refer to a standard resume or it may refer to the longer form, highly detailed document explained above. To determine which you should send, first consider the type of job. If its an academic or research position, the employer is likely seeking a traditional CV. If its any other type of job, including a role with a business or even a staff position within academia, then the employer is likely seeking the shorter form resume-style document.

    If youre in doubt about whether you should send a CV or resume, reach out to the recruiter or hiring manager and ask for clarification.

    If you have a resume but not a CV , it may be worthwhile to put one together. A CV is, in many ways, a more detailed version of a resume with a few additional pieces of information, so creating one from the other shouldnt require a great deal of work. Having the right document for a job application is crucial, and keeping both options on hand will ensure youre prepared no matter what the job posting requests.


    Cv And Resume Writing Tips

    Applying for Jobs

    Whether you are writing a CV or a resume, there are a few helpful rules you should follow. It’s important to show the hiring manager how you are qualified for the job, what you have to offer the organization, and why you’d be a terrific candidate to interview.

    Match your resume or CV to the position. This is most important when writing a resume, but it applies to a CV too. Make sure that you highlight your education, work experience, and skills as they relate to the particular industry or job.

    In a CV, for example, if you are applying for a job in education, you might want to put your teaching experience at the top of your CV. In a resume, you might include only the work experience that relates directly to the job youre applying for. You can also include keywords from the job description in your resume or CV. This will show the employer that you are an ideal fit for the position. Here’s how to match your qualifications to a job.

    Use a template. You may want to use a template to structure your resume or CV. This will give your document a clear organization, which will help the employer quickly see your qualifications and experience.

    Proofread and edit. No matter whether you use a CV or resume, you need to thoroughly edit your document. Make sure there are no spelling or grammatical errors.

    Make sure your format is uniformfor example, if you use bullet points in one job description, use bullet points in all your job descriptions.

    Also Check: How To List Summa Cum Laude On Resume


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