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What To Say On A Resume

How Many Pages Should A Resume Be

How To Say Resume

The short answer is that one page is the ideal resume length for most candidates. However, if you have a lot of relevant work experience, it can be two or even three pages.

Just note that unless youre applying for an upper-management position or an academic post, one page will be enough for hiring managers. Even Elon Musks resume could be tightened into one page.

If youre applying for an academic position, youll need to send a CV instead of a resume. Keep in mind that CV templates are often several pages long, and contain more information to show the progression of your academic career.

Cover Letter: Attachment Or Body

It doesnt make that much of a difference and is mostly a matter of preference.

My take? In 2019, go with the email cover letter and attach a resume only unless a job ad explicitly demands candidates to enclose cover letters as separate attachments.

Third, press the Send button the right time:

What Skills Should You Put On A Resume To Make You Stand Out

Roughly 75% of large companies use an Applicant Tracking System . As a result, over 70% of resumes submitted to job-boards are never read.

Luckily, getting past ATS is not that hard. All you have to do is mention the right skills in your resume.

By the right skills, we mean the skills asked for in the requirements or qualifications section of the job ad.

To figure out what they are for the position youre applying for, simply go through the listing.

Lets cover a real example to make this super clear.

Heres a job listing for a UX/UI Designer position at XYZ Inc.:

As you can see, the skills required for the position are:

  • Proficiency in standard UX software such as Sketch, InVision, Adobe Creative Cloud and other relevant UX and UI design tools
  • Good understanding of front-end web development
  • Strong problem solving, project management and organizational skills.

Now, all you have to do is mention all of them individually in your resume Skills section.

Pro TIP:

NEVER lie on a resume about your skills experience level. Even if you do make it past the interviews and miraculously get the job, youll eventually be caught in the lie.

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Resume Objective Examples And Writing Tips

Some job seekers choose to include a resume objective in their resumes. A resume objective states your career goals. It can be as simple as stating your desired job title, or it can show where you have been and where you hope to go in your career. When should you use an objective, and when can you exclude it from your resume?

Some people say that objectives are no longer necessary in a resumeat best, they are unnecessary, and at worst, they are outdated. However, a resume objective that focuses on your skills and abilities can actually enhance your resume by convincing employers that you know what you want to do and that you have the skills needed for the job.

How To Include An Objective Headline Or Statement On A Resume

Free Collection 50 Things to Say On A Resume New

You can also include more than one of these in your resume. For example, you can include both a resume headline and a resume profile .

Whichever of these options you decide to do, place it towards the top of your resume, beneath your name and contact information.

Make sure you keep your information concise, and use keywords from the job listing in your statement. Even with a resume objective, profile, branding statement, or headline, your resume should still fit on one page when possible. Finally, be sure to write a new statement for each job you apply for, so that the employer sees what makes you a good fit for that specific job.

Review these to choose a resume that’s right for you.

Also Check: Past Tense Of Responsible On Resume

Ways To Introduce Yourself In An Email

Email introductions can be a little longer than your typical spoken introduction as the recipient will expect to be reading for longer than they would initially listen. Nevertheless, keep it to the point and include a strong call to action. If you want them to open up your resume and cover letter, give them a compelling reason to do so.

Dear Ms. Tiller,

I am the brand manager who helped to steal 25% of your market share from three of your leading product ranges last year. My previous employer is going in a different strategic direction, so I felt that it was time for a change.

My brand initiatives drove $8.4m in profit growth and two of my product campaigns won countless industry awards. I understand that you are about to undertake a creative review of your business and feel that I am the person to drive change and help you reconnect with your customers.

How do you introduce yourself in a creative way? Dont be too creative to start with. Resist the temptation to be clever. The listeners sense will be being bombarded by impressions about how you look and your body language, so keep your intro simple and powerful. Creativity can come later once you have their undivided attention.

Creative / Outside The Box / Innovative

What you think it says: I come up with good, new ideas.

When it comes to resume buzzwords, these three tend to produce the most sighs. If you could actually think outside the box, youd be able to phrase it without resorting to a cliché. These trite descriptors can actually undermine your case if you dont back them up with specifics.

To really show off your creativity, share examples of how you developed and implemented new ideas or processes. If you work in a creative field, such as advertising or web design, pursue industry awards, which can serve as outside validation for the uniqueness of your work.

Better buzzword: Include the word created. It shows that youve produced something new and original.

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More Soft Skills Than Hard Skills

As mentioned earlier, employers have a preference for seeing hard skills on a resume. The right place to highlight soft skills is your cover letter or in an interview, where you can better demonstrate communication skills, interpersonal skills, active listening, and more.

So as you review your resume, its a problem if you find many soft skills but few hard skills and job-related skills.

In fact, you should be looking to highlight these job-related skills in practically every resume section, starting with your resume summary paragraph.

Think Of A Job Objective

How do you say RESUME in English | Resume Meaning | Resume Pronunciation

A well-developed job objective statement can serve as a great starting point to let the reader know your goals or reasons for applying. What does it take to have a well-developed objective statement then?

It should contain definite statements of what youre looking for and what you have to offer, summarized in one to three sentences. Think of it as prime real estate so avoid generic or vague statements such as employment in a position commensurate to my qualifications or to secure a regular position.

However, if youre aiming to keep your options open for other positions within a broad range of expertise, you can write a more general description of the work and corporate environment you want to focus on .

Don’t Miss: How Much Job History On A Resume

Relevant Social Media Handles


Many companies nowadays ask for a Linkedin profile when you apply for a job.

Your chances of getting hired will be greater if you as your resume.

In very specific cases, you can also include your Twitter profile .

Some marketing jobs ask for an existing social following, for example. In others, you could use it to display your witty, under-20-characters writing skills.


Quora questions and answers cover a wide range of business topics nowadays.

Are you an expert at giving business advice with 100+ answers on the topic? You can show your authority by linking your Quora page.


Mainly relevant for developers,coders, computer scientists.

Having a very active Stack overflow profile can give you a big boost if you code.


Only for developers, coders, data scientists, etc.

Github is a great way to showcase your projects. Whether its a website you developed, or a mobile game, make sure to include it!


Freelancers, writers, bloggers, and entrepreneurs.

A rich medium profile can help you showcase your writing skills and personality before even getting to the interview or trial task.

Make sure to only put the relevant social media handles on your resume. If you are applying for a software development position, for example, your StackOverflow profile will be more relevant than your Twitter account.

Tailor Your Resume And Optimize For Applicant Tracking Systems

Its very easy these days to fire off your resume to dozens of jobs, but if youve tried this method, you may have been disappointed by your success rate. Thats because you didnt take the time to customize your resume for each individual roleand recruiters can tell.

The most impactful thing you can do to improve your chances of getting interviews is tailor your resume to each and every job. Customized resumes that align with job requirements and include keywords from the job description will stand out to recruiters who often receive hundreds of resumes for each role.

When you tailor your resume to the job, youre also optimizing for applicant tracking systems., because many ATS allow recruiters to filter and search by keyword. Want to see if your resume is well-tailored? Use Jobscan to see your match score and discover missing keywords.

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What To Write In Your Resume Email Key Takeaways

Sending your resume attached to a well-written email can be a very effective strategy. It can help you find a way around ATS algorithms that filter out unsuitable resumes before they can even get to an HR employee for evaluation.

So how do you write one?

  • Before you start writing the email, make sure you know who to address. Knowing the hiring managers name will make the email feel more personal and decrease the chance of it being forgotten.
  • Your resume address should sound professional. Send your resume email early on a Monday morning for maximum effectiveness.
  • We have provided you with email templates. No matter which one you choose, remember keep the email short, informative and professional.
  • Attach your resume and cover letter in the PDF format and name them in a way that makes them easy to find, for example Name_Surname_Resume.pdf and Name_Surname_Cover_Letter.pdf
  • After you have written the email and attached the documents, ask someone to proofread it for you to avoid any grammar errors and typos. Lastly, send yourself a test email to check the formatting and test download the files.

After you send in your resume, cover letter and your job application, wait for a couple of days before sending a follow up email.

Christys Word of Advice

Christy Morgan, Resident HR Expert

Concluding thought even if you construct the perfect email to send with your resume, you still need to make sure you have an impressive resume and cover letter.

Words To Never Include In Your Resume

What To Say Instead Of Responsible For On A Resume

We have all heard the saying, “You’ll never get a second chance to make a first impression.” This is perhaps most true when it comes to a job resume. While many companies use screening software to initially evaluate a candidate’s resume, recruiters are largely the first people you must impress.

“The language or content of a resume can definitely tank a job seeker’s chances of landing their dream job,” says Jamie Hichens, Senior Talent Acquisition Partner at Glassdoor. “You have a limited amount of time to catch a recruiter or hiring manager’s eye – use it wisely.”

Filling precious resume space with verbose language or overused buzzwords can certainly backfire. Therefore, we tapped a group of HR and resume experts to give us the inside scoop on the 21 words and terms to never include in your resume. Scan your CV to make sure you’re not guilty of including these red-flagged terms:

1. Unemployed

“Your employment dates already show if you’re unemployed – you don’t need to highlight it,” says Hichens.

2. Hardworking orHard worker

“We hope you are a hardworking individual who shows up to work on time and is self-motivated, but you don’t need to call it out,” she adds.

3. “Ambicious”

4. Microsoft Office

5. Objective

6. Synergy

“Words like ‘synergy’ and ‘wheelhouse’ are completely overused lingo,” insists Hichens. Steer clear.

7. Reference Available Upon Request

9. Rockstar

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Top 5 Things To Keep In Mind For Including Interests And Hobbies On A Resume:

1. Keep it relevant

Try to ensure that all or most of your interests and activities are relevant to the job you seek. Simply throwing around random interests won’t do you any good.

2. Keep it short

Don’t go overboard with listing your interests and try to keep it to two lines or fewer.

3. Keep it towards the end

Place your hobbies and interests towards the end of your resume, as this is most likely the most irrelevant section on your resume.

4. Keep it clear

You should label this section correctly. Below we gave a few examples of possible alternative titles to “hobbies & interests.” You can also check out this post regarding resume sections and headers for your entire resume.

5. Keep it professional

Don’t mention any sensitive subjects such as politics or gun rights. You should also keep off any dangerous activities like bungee jumping or sword fighting.

Leveraging the right interests and activities can give you a leg up over the rest of the candidates.

Resume About Me Examples

Here are some full examples that would give you an idea of what to put in the About Me section of a resume:

College Graduate

Diligent Accounting Honors student from Florida State University with proven research and communication skills. Interned at Viva Microfunds where I examined the financial health of ten small businesses to decide on their loan eligibility. Seeking a junior banker position to expand my business acumen.

Entry-Level Market Research Analyst

Entry-level market research analyst with proven problem solving, research, and analytical skills. Interned at McKinnel Consulting where I prepared feasibility analysis for building Software Technology Parks across South Asian nations. Honors Degree in Economics from Nashville Community College . Seeking a Market Research Analyst position to grow my career as a consulting professional.


Engaging high school teacher with 12+ years of experience instructing high school students at Summer Valley High, California. Received 95%+ satisfaction rating from parents and students for each of those years. Improved math and physics grades by over 20% during this period. Seeking a role as a Vice Principal to continue my passion for nurturing young minds.




Content Writer

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More Words From Our Experts

Not quite what you are looking for? Then have a look at these words that you can use in the about me section on your resumé.

We asked expert customer service recruiters for their advice on which other words to use on a CV. These recruiters responded with the list below:

26. Articulate

I am an effective and articulate communicator with all levels of employees.

27. Confidence

I instil confidence in others and approach new challenges with an open mind.

28. Commercial

I have a strong commercial outlook

29. Consistent

I have been able to deliver a consistent approach throughout a challenging period of development.

30. Driven

I am extremely driven, with a clear goal to succeed.

I used the advice passed on by my supervisors to mentor struggling individuals..

31. Enthused/Enthusiastic

I am always highly enthused about my work and tasks ahead.

32. Inspirational

I have been told that I am an inspirational coach and mentor.

33. Interactive

I understand the importance of being interactive and enjoy communicating with others for the benefit of the company.

34. Leader

I am a natural leader and developer of people.

35. Mentor

I used the advice passed on by my supervisors to mentor struggling individuals.

36. Personable

I am happy and extremely personable and excel in a positive work environment.

37. Safe Pair of Hands

I have been told that I provide a safe pair of hands in challenging times.

38. Self-Development

39. Subject Matter Expert

40. Versatile

Don’t Wait For Your References To Be Called

Help me find a job: What to say in a video resume

Every time we suggest that you include written references with a resume or job application, someone cringes — and in their defense, it is not typical job seeker behavior.

But for military spouses constantly on the move, juggling the demands of military life, and in many cases starting their careers afresh at a new duty station, those references are absolutely critical. If you lack professional experience, you can play up extracurricular experience that your references can actually support. Instead of just saying yourself that you are a good leader, you prove that someone else thinks you are a good leader, too, by including letters of reference.

But without a strong job history, who can you turn to for those references? Look to former academic advisers, teachers or club supervisors. If you have strong volunteer experience, ask the people in charge to write letters on your behalf that support the skills you claim to have. Each reference should be able to speak to a different skill set you have mastered or volunteer experience that lends itself to job readiness.

While that seems easy enough in theory, these references can be difficult to ask for in real life. Be straightforward with people: The people you might ask to be references are people who also believe in you and your potential.

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What Do You Put On Your Resume When You Have No Work Experience

Trying to get a job straight out of school? Or a stay-at-home mom trying to get back into the work force? If you are looking at your resume and it reads like a blank page, you are not alone.

But a blank resume does not have to be an application killer for military spouses. Follow these five tips and make that resume work for you.

Related: Does your resume pass the 6-second test? Get a FREE assessment.


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