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HomeWhere To Put Awards On Resume

Where To Put Awards On Resume

What Are Relevant Awards For Resumes

Resume Achievements – How To Write Achievements In Resume

An award is a general term for a broad range of official recognitions on a professional, academic, or personal level. There are many types of awards that a job seeker could have, but not all awards will be relevant for you and the job youre applying for.

When deciding what awards to include in your resume, bear in mind that not every award needs to be listed. In general, only include awards and other recognition if these provide evidence of experience or hard skills that potential employers may be looking for. For example, if you received a Team Player Award in recognition of your collaboration skills, you may consider omitting this unless at an early stage of your career .

The same advice goes for common awards that are no longer current, such as the Employee of the Month recognition you received more than five years ago. While the Boy Scouts of America Silver Buffalo Award from twenty years ago may seem attractive to include because of its recognition of national-level noteworthy or extraordinary service, it will be of little interest to a potential employer if you are a mid-career level professional.

Some awards are highly valued in specific industries, but have little value in others. A Top Chef award from your days working in that local fine dining restaurant would be of interest if you stay within the food industry, but would be of no interest to a potential employer if you move into an unrelated sector or industry .

Award Dos:

Award Donts:

Why Achievements In Resumes Need Numbers

Numbers send achievements for resumes to the stratosphere.

Pretend you own a restaurant.

Should you tell people it gets great Yelp reviews?

It has over a thousand 5-star Yelp reviews?

Numbers matter in accomplishments for resumes.

They even help awards on resumes.

These resume achievements examples demonstrate:

  • Developed 250+ graphic design projects per year.
  • Cut client costs by 22% in 15 months.
  • Increased client transactions 30% in one year.

Worked on team that received 2018 Webby Award, granted by a 2,000-member judging body.

  • Responsible for development of graphic design projects.
  • Cut client costs.
  • Worked on a team that won a Webby.


The first of those honors and awards resume examples could get you hired on the Avengers.

Should You Put Awards On Your Resume

Yes, you should put awards on your resume if they add to your relevant experience and qualifications. Awards are a great way to highlight your skills and expertise in a particular area, and theyre an excellent addition for entry-level candidates who may lack relevant experience.

However, if you list an excessive number of awards or include ones unrelated to the position youre applying for, it may come across as unprofessional. For example, if youre applying for a job at a marketing firm, then theres no need to put on your resume that you won first prize in your countys chili competition .

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Where To List Awards On Your Resume Zippia

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Just like you tell potential employers your skills and your work history, you can list your awards, certifications, or other honors that are relevant to your industry on your resume. If you have anything like professional certifications, school awards, scholarships, competitions, and sometimes even big promotions, you might want to add them to your resume.

Where To Include Awards On Resume

How to put awards on resume example

Quick question guys. Got a couple of awards recently from school. One is the “Outstanding student award” from my Russian class. The award was given to me at the department awards ceremony. I also got 50 dollars. Another thing I just got is a “Junior Fellow” thing, which recquired a letter of rec and resume. Basically, it will just give me inside access to guest speakers and other events, etc. Anyway, where do i put these on resume? Right now I have an education section, work experience section, and interests section. Let me know.

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Licenses Certifications And Projects Youve Completed

In our opinion, this should be included as a separate section, even if you have awards and accomplishments to put in the same section.

Sometimes, certifications can even act as a resume header to grab the attention of your employer right off the bat! There are many ways you can use them, and here we recommend that you just follow your resume design and see where they will fit best.

A universal rule of thumb, however, is to always include the serial number or reference of the certificate so recruiters can easily check it.

Here are some creative examples of how people have included their certifications in the resume:

In this technical writers resume, Marlyn separated her certifications and licenses, providing a reference for both sections.

Example For An Awards Section:

Now that you have the lowdown on how to include awards and achievements on your CV, there’s no excuse to present a weak, responsibility-focussed document next time you apply for a job. As an added bonus, focussing on your successes will send your confidence sky high and that’s something everyone needs during their job search and during their job interview.

Find out if you are correctly including achievements and awards on your CV. Request a free CV critique today.

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Where To Include Awards And Honors In Your Resume

First and foremost, be sure to create a separate section for your awards and honors. You have received recognition, and you need that to stand out so potential employers take notice. This section should include the awards you have won, the date they were received, the purpose of the awards, the significance of the awards and their scope . While this section does need to stand out, it shouldnt be the main focus of your resumeexperience, if you have any, should be the main focus.

Honors And Awards Section On The Resume

How to Write Achievements on a Resume | Writing Resume Achievements PLUS EXAMPLE

Add something outstanding to your resume.

In a competitive job market, it is important to have a resume which stands out from the crowd. Listing Honors and Awards on your resume gives you the edge you need to reach the interview stage and beyond.

When looking for a first job, many students find that their resume gets lost in a pile and barely gets considered. Especially when there are countless other applicants with similar qualifications and skills.

Your degrees and experience will distinguish you from thousands of other candidates but remember that employers have to look through dozens of resumes on a daily basis. Sometimes you need a little something extra.

Adding Honors and Awards to your resume can give it the invaluable advantage it needs to get you noticed. Using a resume template allows you to quickly achieve this.

Check out the following guide to find out where awards should go on a resume and how to include them so that they can positively influence your candidacy.

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Academic Awards Achievements And Honors On Resume

ResumesBot » Blog » Academic Awards, Achievements and Honors on Resume

Academic achievements and awards all have a commonality. They serve as types of accomplishments for resume. When you lack work experience or apply for positions that emphasize education, you need to know when to put a list of academic honors related to achievements. As you become an experienced applicant, you replace academic accomplishments with professional achievements.

Determine The Type Of Honors

Honors is a broad category that includes graduation honors tied to grade point average, such as cum laude, magna cum laude and summa cum laude, merit-based scholarships and academic awards. Begin by determining which of these you want to include in your resume. Graduation honors are usually listed with your degree under the Education heading of your resume while scholarships and awards often receive their own category.

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Where To Put Awards On A Resume

Put your awards in the section of your resume where theyre most relevant. For example, list an education award in the education section and a professional award in the work experience section. This way, youre embedding awards within their relevant context, providing evidence for your qualifications.

Additionally, if you have one particularly strong award that you want to shine the spotlight on, highlight it in your resume introduction.

In some cases, its also a good option to add a dedicated awards section to your resume. For example, if you have extra awards you would like to list that dont necessarily fit into other sections, if youre an entry-level candidate lacking work experience, or if you simply want to draw a hiring managers attention to your awards, then showcase them in a dedicated Awards section.

Heres an example of what a dedicated awards section looks like on a resume:

What Can You Substitute The Awards Resume Section With

Free Honors and Awards Resume Lovable Acting Resumes ...

Do you want to stand out and impress any potential employer? So what better way to do it than letting them know how amazingly talented and full of accomplishments you are? Sounds great, but its important to know that there is a fine line between bragging about your achievements and simply listing them to make others aware. In this article, we will show you what can be considered as an achievement, which awards are appropriate, and generally how to show yourself in the best possible light. And if youre eager to see our techniques in action, check out these resume examples and see how professionals like you have implemented their awards and accomplishments without being too braggy about it!Why list awards and achievements on your resume?To make a long-lasting impression and stand out from the rest of the candidates. A lot of them forget to list accomplishments, both personal and professional. So if you take the time to show the achievements youre proud of, youre already one step ahead.

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Awards And Honors Format

Whether using a separate awards section or highlighting your recognitions within the education or work experience sections, you can use the following formats to help organize your honors on your CV. Remember you can always modify these templates according to your circumstances as well as the job that you are applying to.


Name of Award | Institution | Year

Description of the award, its significance, requirements to earn it, and any other information pertinent to the job position or career field you are applying to.

Description of the award, its significance, requirements to earn it, and any other information pertinent to the job position or career field you are applying to.


Degree in Major | College/University Name | Year of Graduation

  • Latin Honors & GPA – Brief description of what it means to achieve this particular ranking of Latin Honors and GPA.
  • Name of Award – Brief description of the significance of the award .
  • Name of Award – Brief description of the significance of the award .


Job Position | Company

Brief description of the company and your job role:

  • Primary responsibility/achievement
  • Honor awarded and brief description of significance & scope .
  • Honor awarded and brief description of significance & scope .
  • Honor awarded and brief description of significance & scope .

Types Of Awards To Include On Resume

You can include any type of award on your resume as long as its relevant to your profession, industry, skillset, or the job youre applying for. Common awards and certificates included on resumes fall under the large categories of academic, professional, industry-related, and personal.

Here are a few types of accolades you can include on your resume.

  • Deans list awards

  • Promotions

  • Athletic awards

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Where Should You List Awards And Achievements On Your Cv

There are two main ways of listing awards and achievements on your CV. Firstly, you could create one specific achievements section, right under your profile. This works well for those who are looking for their first job, who have no awards or who are struggling to identify many work-related achievements.

The alternative is to create a Key Achievements section for every role. This has the advantage of showing a strong record of success throughout your professional life and is the recommended route for anyone established in their career. If you only have one or two awards, count them as achievements and list them alongside your other successes in the relevant role.

If you’re lucky enough to have three or more awards, you can adopt a combination of both. Create a specific Awards and Recognitions section, in addition to role-specific achievements sections. Place this section below your career history.

You may also like to make a reference to your awards in your personal statement, particularly if you have a prestigious one. It never hurts to sneak in a reference to your ‘award-winning’ performance!

How To List Honors On Resume

How to write Achievements for Resume in Free Resume Maker App #9

When listing an achievement, think of how a list of college awards and honors or high school ones if needed provide the big picture for your academic summary.

You include:

  • The school or accrediting body that granted it.
  • Date received if applicable.
  • If listing multiple ones, just like with licenses and certifications, list them in reverse chronological order.

As we discussed in our education blog, many colleges and universities use the Latin terms to denote with honor. To document you graduated with honors, follow your schools guideline.

The Latin distinctions are as follows:

  • Summa cum laude the highest level students maintained a 4.0 GPA or higher.
  • Magna cum laude the distinction for graduates with a GPA ranging from 3.8 to 3.9.
  • Cum laude graduates who had a GPA of 3.5 to 3.7.

Pro Tip:

If you have multiple honors, prioritize based on the industry and/or job posting. You want them to stand out. If you list too many, the reader may not focus on the most relevant activities or honors.


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Awards And Honors Examples


Distinction in Writing | Michigan State University | 2017

Among my proudest achievements, the Distinction in Writing award was only given to two other students in my graduating class. I had to meet a wide variety of criteria far beyond the standard curriculum of the writing major as well as compile an extensive portfolio.

Mells Sustainability Scholarship | Michigan State University | 2015

I was awarded this scholarship for my environmental writing and ambitions. Recipients must hold high academic promise and demonstrate environmental awareness and advocacy.


Bachelor of Arts in French | Lake Forest College | 2016

  • Summa Cum Laude – Graduated with highest honors and a 3.9 / 4 GPA.
  • Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society – U.S.s most prestigious honor society that recognizes exceptional achievement in the arts and sciences.
  • – Awarded annually to one senior in the French Department who has “made the most distinguished record in the study of French letters.


Line Check Flight Attendant | Delta Airlines, Atlanta, GA

Line Check Flight Attendant certified by the FAA to teach and perform all inflight safety, customer service and cabin preparation duties, along with communicating and cooperating with airline management, flight crew, safety and ground personnel. My greatest achievements included:

Professional Awards And Achievements

Professional awards from colleagues or management may include certifications, honors and other achievements for your job accomplishments. Including professional awards on your resume, relevant to the job you are applying for, is important when you have sufficient work experience and your academic achievements are not as significant. Examples include notably increasing sales or surpassing lofty career goals.

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How To List Awards On A Resume

September 11, 2021 | By Corissa Peterson| Reviewed by Geoffrey Scott, CPRW

Listing awards on your resume is an excellent way to show off your skills to a potential employer. Well show you everything you need to know about how and where to list them, as well as types of awards to include in your resume, with examples.

Putting awards on a resume increases your chances of impressing potential employers. Awards dont have to be shiny trophies. They can come in other forms: honors youve received at school such as placement on the Deans List, recognition in the workplace, or notable accomplishments youd like to show off. In this guide well explain:

  • What kinds of awards to put on your resume, with examples
  • Tailoring For Your Audience

    23 Awards and Achievements In Resume Example в 2020 г

    The activities and honors section of the résumé is a great place to tailor it for specific positions, companies, and organizations. This section can become customized for specific positions since you will probably not include all of your activities and honors but only those that make your résumé stronger. To tailor this section for your audience, you should apply the same principles that you used in tailoring the experience section of your résumé.

    You should:

  • Select and include only your most relevant experiences: Based upon your career goals and the qualifications desired by the company, you will likely find that certain activities and honors are less relevant for specific positions. For example, if you are applying for a mechanical engineering position, your role as a youth leader in a local group may not interest your audience. If you are applying for a teaching position, however, this same activity might be very relevant.
  • Place your most relevant experiences first: Since readers are most likely to read information closer to the top of the page, place your most impressive experiences first.
  • Appeal to your company’s values: If the company values problem solving, for example, or taking the initiative or being a team player, then be sure to include activities and honors from your list that demonstrate that you possess those skills.
  • For more information, please see the Interactive Résumé.

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