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Why Is A Resume Important

How To Create A Killer Brand Positioning

Why a Professional Resume is so important?


Your brand positioning statement is a strategic document that will help define the direction of your innovation, marketing, commercialization, and sales strategies. Here are four steps to consider when creating your brand positioning.

  • Evaluate Current Standing: Evaluate your current brand positioning. Is it working? Does it reach your target audience? Is it helping to achieve your business goals? If not, you may need to look at repositioning your brand.
  • Research Your Competitors: You can’t stand out from the crowd if you don’t know what the crowd is doing. More importantly, you don’t want to have the same brand position as your competitors. Conduct a competitive analysis to evaluate your competitor’s brand position by looking at their social media feeds, company websites, marketing & advertising materials, and customer service. Look for what your competitor’s mission, vision, and value statements are, who they’re targeting, what their messaging is, their unique selling proposition, and their positioning strategies. For more information on how to gather competitive research, check out my article.
  • Identify Your Target Audience: Understanding your target audience is critical as this information will define every strategy you execute. Your goal is to define your target audience into a simple statement: Our target market is aged , who live in and like to . For more information on how to develop your target audience, check out my article.

Resumes Are Now About The Right Keywords

Thats right. Adding the right words in the right places in your resume is a thing. These words are called keywords and they should match exactly what is listed in the job ad. Why? Because more and more companies out there use Application Tracking Systems. The so-called ATS. Basically, this means that before an actual human being sees your resume it will have been through a piece of software. This software takes apart your entire text and searches for specific keywords.

Infographics, videos, slides etc cannot replace the good ol resume

Infographics, videos, slides etc cannot replace the good ol resume. The ATS simply cant read them. And if the ATS cant read them, chances are they wont get far in the process and all that hard work you put in will have been a waste.

While the old fashioned resume admittedly do have its faults they do remain the one tool to rule them all. At least when it comes to comparing candidates. For the recruiter thats all that matters.

What Is A Cover Letter

A cover letter is a one-page message sent with an application that provides information about the position youre applying for, your qualifications in relation to the position and why youre interested in working for the company. A well-written cover letter can help you stand out from the rest of the competition.

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Reason : A Resume Can Address A Specific Need

Including some customization in your resume can get the attention of a hiring manager. Some portions of a resume can be used to list specific skills or qualifications that meet a companys particular need. Your resume contains professional elements from your past that uniquely qualifies you for some positions and speaks to your high level of experience in the industry. An effective resume will directly address the needs of each hiring manager.Your resume is your selling point and needs to be perfect. You may choose to write your own resume, but you can also hire a professional resume and;cover letter writing service;designed to help you reach a higher professional level. Having a strong resume and professional bio;can be the difference in getting your resume seen and being called for your next interview.

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Why Resume Writing Services is Important

Internship programs often offer some amazing rewards and benefits for the interns in return. Most internships will also offer support to the intern by working closely with them and offering guidance and mentorship. The most important part of an internship program is the relationship building that happens between the host company and the intern.

Try your hands at interning to help create a more fulfilling experience and possibly help you choose what kind of career you want. You might just find out what you like to do and whether you like the job market as a career more than what you thought you wanted. After interning, you might find yourself interviewing a lot for other jobs and what you truly want to do.

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What Can I Do To Make A Good First Impression

To make a good impression on a hiring manager via your resume, there are a few things you want to focus on:;

  • Catching their attention by highlighting relevant experience
  • Ensuring your descriptions call out critical skills and responsibilities that match the job description
  • Highlighting your skills and past achievements
  • Showcasing what youll bring to the company in terms of quantifiable value
  • Writing a compelling cover letter.

This brings us to why a cover letter is important.

Why Are Resumes Important

Thinking about writing a resume? Its an important first step on the path to employment; and also is a valuable measure of your achievements. Whether you are looking to write your first resume or update an old one, Spectrum Employment is here to support you.

Resumes are important because they show a potential employer your strengths and applies them to the workplace. Dont worry! If you do not have any previous employment experience, you can show employers your strengths through volunteerism, sport teams, or community involvement.

Once you have an outline for your resume, you can begin to think about who your work network is. These are people who can tell potential employers about your strengths by e-mail, letter, or phone! Thinking about who you have worked with before will help you to discover who can be your reference and help you get hired for your dream job.

Look out for our upcoming Resume Writing Workshop coming soon!

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What Is White Space On A Resume

White space, often also referred to as negative space, is a section of your resume which remains empty to create space between paragraphs. The design principle of white space builds on the fact that an absence of content will draw your eye to the text. In a literal sense, white space refers to the amount of space left between paragraphs and words. If your text creates solid blocks of grey writing, the reader will feel overwhelmed. So instead, you should use white space to help you create a text thats easy to read and looks inviting.

Why You Need A Resume

7 Reasons Why CV is Important for Job Seekers

In todays job market, the resume has become the number one requirement potential employers request. Before an employer will take valuable time to interview you, he or she wants to meet you on paper. How you impress that employer with your resume can, and will, make all the difference.

Without a resume, you cant even begin to compete, and an inferior resume will quickly eliminate you before you even have a fighting chance. That is why it is imperative to have a superior resume, one that effectively lets employers know what you can do for them.

A Resume is a Summary of Your Qualifications

The term resume comes from the French and means a “summary.” Thats exactly what your resume is: A summary of your qualifications, skills, and achievements. It shows a future employer what you have done in the past. It details your skills and training, work experience, and education, and, most importantly, the accomplishments you have made with past employers.

It should also inform the employer of your career objective and communicate in a concise manner the benefits you will bring to the job if hired.

Skills Versus Employer Benefits

The Purpose of the Resume is to Get You an Interview

How often have you thought, “If only I had met with the employer in person, I could have convinced him that I was the right person for the job!” Your only chance is to compose an impressive resume, one that will get noticed and get you in the door so you can meet the employer in person and get the job.

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How Important Is A Cover Letter

When you apply for an open position at an organization, employers require you to fill out a resume and submit it as part of the application process. Some companies also require you to send a cover letter with your resume to explain why youre qualified for the position. While a cover letter may be optional for some positions, its usually a good idea to include one in any application you submit. In this article, we discuss what a cover letter is, why its important for you to send one with your resume and other tips you should consider before submission.

Include Keywords From The Original Job Posting

One of the best ways to make your resume stand out is to use the job posting as a guide. Schweikert says that she often tells people that is the first place they should look when revamping their resume.

Weve written the job description with certain words, Schweikert says. And when we see a resume with those words on it, those are the resumes that instantly get our attention.

Some companies actually conduct keyword searches when sorting through resumes, Schweikert adds, which means those terms are even more important to include if you want to secure an interview. It may sound tedious, but taking the time to customize your resume for each individual job you apply to is a surefire tactic to stand out among the pack of applicants, she says.

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Cover Letter Sample :

Dear HR Manager!

My name is Frodo Baggins. I wish to offer my candidacy to the Elves of Rivendell for the position of marketing manager.

I have 5 years of experience in marketing, trade marketing, planning, research, analytics, and strategic marketing. I gained valuable international experience in the FMCG sector in the automotive and construction business while working in countries such as Hungary, Ukraine, and France.

Moreover, studying at the Department of Marketing at Moscow State University gave me the necessary knowledge in marketing, which I can successfully use in your company.

My knowledge of foreign languages ) and computer programs: SAP, SPSS, Microsoft Office Software , Adobe Photoshop, HTML, and Google Software Analytics will be an added advantage to your company.

I have a successful experience in conducting presentations, developing plans for launching new products, analyzing business indicators , and organizing point-of-sales events. I have also conducted and analyzed marketing research, allowing me to develop my analytical skills and ability to work with large amounts of information.

Please contact me by phone if you are interested in my candidacy.

Thank you in advance for your attention to the resume.


What Do Recruiters Look For

Creating a marketable resume

Recruiters will typically take a job requisition from their client and break it into must-haves and nice-to-haves. If you read a job posting written by a specialist recruiter, the key requirements of the role should be obvious.

If you dont meet the requirements of the job, or if your resume doesnt demonstrate that you meet those requirements, you shouldnt expect a call.

However, if your resume shows you possess all the must-haves for the role, even if its not a great resume, a good recruiter will call you to explore your background further.

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Why Is A Resume Important

A resume is an important tool for your job search because it offers a page or two where you can display your top skills and qualities. However, a resume is much more than that. Resumes help employers make hiring decisions and help you get your first interview. That’s why it matters how you structure your resume and what information you decide to include. In this article, you’ll learn why a resume is important and get actionable resume tips that may help you achieve your next career move.

Read more: Resume Format Guide

Reasons Why You Need A Resume

During a job search, your resume plays a major role. It provides proof that you’re capable of doing the job. However, having a resume even if you’re not looking for a job is also important.Related:Resume Cheat Sheet: 5 Tips For A Winning ResumeHere are nine reasons why you need a resume, even if you have a job:

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Reach Out To Your Network

Arranging informational interviews with people you are connected to can also help your resume stand out, according to Schweikert. Most applications are submitted online, and the volume of resumes that hiring managers must sift through can be overwhelming at times so establishing a personal connection can help you get noticed, she says. Plus, if you are invited in for an official interview, you can bring up what you discussed at the informational one. You can say, hey I did a lot of research on the organization and met with Susie Q and they shared this with me,’ Schweikert says.

After your informational interview, you can reach out to that contact and ask that they glance over your resume, making sure to pose as many specific questions as possible about how you should tailor your resume to the company or specific role, Schweikert adds. For example, if you are struggling to decide whether to include your college activities on your resume, reaching out to your connection for advice can provide invaluable insight on whether that might be important to that company.

Kim also encourages informational interviews, as they are a great opportunity to learn more about an industry, company or specific role. There is also significant value in having someone else look over your resume. A second pair of eyes can bring a lot of fresh perspective, she says.

Write to Annabel Gutterman at .

Realize Your Career Will Be A Series Of Choices Not A Choice

Is Resume really Important to find a Job? Why resume is Important? #Resume Writing – Part 1

I read somewhere the average high school student today is going to have 23 jobs in their lifetime. So, if statistics don’t lie, you definitely won’t be putting all your eggs in one basket.

Don’t like the work that you are doing? Is it not rewarding enough? Then develop your transferable skills and roll them into a new job where you’ll enjoy what you’re doing.

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Different Styles Of Writing A Resume

Reverse chronological résumé includes previous job experience in reverse chronological order. The main element in this format is the professional experience section, building credibility through experience gained and showing your career growth.

Functional résumé focuses on listing work experience and skills categorized by skill area for the type of position being sought. In contrast to a reverse chronological one, the functional document includes experience summaries as its main means of communicating professional competency.

Hybrid résumé a functional and a chronological; typically a functional list of job skills followed by a list of job employers. However, this type of document;often repeats itself and isnt ;as commonly used as the other two.

The Importance Of Your Resume

It’s the first meeting between you and a prospective employer…

You have heard the expression “First impressions are lasting ones.” Well, your resume is the first meeting between you and a prospective employer more often now than ever. So, how do you want to be remembered? Wrinkled and unorganized. Neat and structured. Long and boring. Precise and interesting. Companies do not have the time to interview every applicant that is interested in the job. If they did, there would not be a company to work for. They use an eliminating process. That’s right – resumes.

They tell the employer a great deal about you…

Resumes tell an employer a great deal about you. Where you have been, where you are and where you are headed. However, the story must be told quickly and clearly. You only have a few moments to convince the employer that your resume deserves further attention before it’s trashed. Your resume needs to shout – professionally, “I am the one you want on your team.” So much so, that even if you are not appropriate for the advertised position, he or she would be inclined to start one for you.

They tell you a great deal about yourself…

Its purpose is to get the interview…

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How To Make Friends At Work

Sometimes if you’re a new employee just starting with a company, you’ll be assigned a work buddy to familiarize yourself with the job and work environment. There’s nothing wrong with this. It could be that your supervisor has a particular person they want you paired with based on job responsibilities who could help you ease into and adapt to your new role.

If you’re assigned a work buddy, that’s one less thing you have to worry about. But if you’re not assigned a buddy, look at it as an opportunity.

Some of the best friendships are the ones that are formed organically. Be open to getting to know all of your co-workers. Be friendly. Ask questions about their jobs and lives. Try to make a connection.

How To Write A Good Resume

Why resume writing services is important

With the vast amount of resources available online, creating a resume is not that difficult, so if youre looking for a new job please do some basic research, and put in the effort to do it right. When a recruiter receives a poorly written resume, we may take it as an indication that youre not serious about looking for a new job. Click here for some basic tips about resume writing.

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