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Can You Lie On Your Resume

How To Put Gpa On Resume

Should You Lie On Your Resume?

A GPA of more than 3.5 is generally considered acceptable on a resume, but there is no hard and fast rule on how and whether to include it. You can check our previous articles if you need further help on how to include GPA correctly.

If the GPA is over 3.5 on a 4.0 scale it should appear on a resume, but only if the candidate just graduated from the program.

To put it another way, new graduates generally lack the professional experience essential to show their triumphs, work ethic, and personal drive. So companies are left to presume a persons professional success based on their academic accomplishments.

If You Were Fired What Would You Put On Applications

Want to know how many people lie on their resume about getting fired from previous jobs? 45% of people give false reasons as to why they left a previous job. Being fired can have a negative impact on future employment, but lying about it can make the situation worse.

If youre honest about why you were fired from your previous job, it will show your potential new employer that you are trustworthy. However, most candidates dont know what to put on their resumes when they get fired. There is always a better way to say fired on applications. Here are some ideas:

  • Job ended
  • Terminated
  • Laid off

During your interview, the employer may ask you why you were fired from your previous job. You should avoid lying about getting fired at all costs. Be honest with the employer and be concise with your answers. If you got fired because of downsizing, then it wont have a negative impact on you. However, if you got fired because of something you did, you can use positive statements about the situation to increase your chances of getting hired, such as:

Ive learned a lot from my previous employer and was grateful for the opportunities my previous company gave me. Ive also learned from my mistakes and intend to work diligently to make sure I do my job well.

Or you could say:

Being let go from my previous job was a blessing because I now have an opportunity to explore new avenues and work to my full potential.

How Many People Fake Their Resumes

Statistics about resumes show that over a third of people admit to lying on their resumes. However, if we look at the numbers more closely, a lot of people dont even realize theyre lying or are even lying about not lying. After crunching the numbers, it turns out that roughly 56% really lie on their resumes, whether they know it or not.

Lies may differ from candidate to candidate. Some use a white lie on their application, and others may fabricate their entire resume to get the job.

Some candidates state the reason why they lied on an application is that they lacked experience. Employers are more diligent when checking references now because of dealing with past candidates that have lied on their applications.

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What To Do When Youve Lied On Your Resume

If youve lied on your resume, here are several ways to protect yourself.

1. Turn that lie into the truth: Particularly with skills-based lies, if you can learn the skill you said you have, then you make yourself more employable by actually learning it. For example, if you said you know COBOL, learn it. Not only will it be useful for you in the future, but youll undo the lie on your resume.

By contrast, if its a skill you cant learn quickly, update your resume with one of the many resume skills you do have. You likely have more of them than you think.

2. Explain you noticed an error on your resume: Then, send in an updated version. If you inflated quantifiable data, fixing a few numbers may be all thats necessary.

3. Own up to lying on your resume: This option makes it less likely youll be hired. But if sending in an updated resume isnt an option, owning up to lying on it might at least save your reputation from being destroyed before youre found out.

When you own up to lying on your resume, be courteous, professional, and speak to the company directly. Never send out a mass email to correct this kind of mistake. A good example would be:

Dear ,

Thank you for taking the time to review my application. I was attracted to because . However, to my horror I just noticed a mistake in the resume I sent you and was hoping youd instead review this amended version. Ive attached it for your convenience. Thanks in advance, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Best wishes,

Your Lie Can Spoil Your Future Employment Chances

What Can Happen If You Lie On Your Resume

Lets take a look at a professional who did get away with resume dishonesty initially. In 2006, RadioShack CEO David Edmondson was forced to resign his post after the company discovered he had lied on his resume in the past. Edmondson had claimed to have two college degrees when he in fact had none. The incident made headlines and devastated his professional reputation.

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The Risk Just Isnt Worth What You Could Stand To Gain

Don’t risk your reputation for a resume lie.

Exaggerating the truth or outright lying on a resume isnt unusual, but that doesnt mean its an effective way to advance your career. According to Monsters 2019 State of the Recruiter survey, 85% of recruiters said that candidates exaggerate skills and competencies on their resumes. Not cool.

We’ve recently completed our latest hiring round of eight people, says Dave Davis, CEO and hiring manager at digital analytics agency Redfly. Our latest round was a complete disaster. It took four months. Candidate after candidate came in and were found to have lied on their resumes.

Its just not worth it to lie on your resume, Davis says. Hiring managers were not born yesterday. A single question is enough to catch you out on a lie. It causes an embarrassment and an awkward situation for everyone in the room. And once youve been caught, youve trashed your opportunity to get hired and damaged your reputation.

Those are the obvious reasons to avoid lying on a resume. Here some others.

Cover The Gaps By Being Self Employed:

No recruiter likes a gap in the resume. If the hiring manager sees a 6 months gap in the resume, he is bound to question you. If you say you have been sitting idle or have been looking for better job opportunities, it is bound to act against you. They are skeptical about candidates who have been idle for a couple of months. You need to find some better way to cover this gap so that it appears acceptable. A beautifully framed lie would work in such cases.

You can tell your interviewers that you have been self employed for the duration. You may speak of projects you have worked for. Make sure you do work on some side projects while seeking the job. You may also speak of some new thing you are learning through a crash course. These lies work better and the companies are tempted to hire candidates who have always been busy.

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You Dont Have To Lie On Your Resume

The thing about lying on your resume, though, is that its really not necessary! There are plenty of ways to smooth over elements of your work history youd rather not focus on.

The Career Coaches at FlexJobs have a few tips on how to not lie on your resume . We spoke with Cidnye Work and Denise Ingledue-Lopez to get their expert insights on how to be truthful on your resume, no matter the circumstances.

Can You Lie About Your Gpa On Resume

Lying on your resume – The reality | #grindreel

Before presenting an offer of employment to a prospective employee, many companies do a comprehensive background check on them. As a result, lying about your GPA on your resume is a terrible idea in almost all cases.

Unless you have recently graduated from college with a good grade point average, theres no need to put it on your resume. You risk having an offer withdrawn by the company if you overestimate or lie about your GPA.

Individuals with more than 5-10 years of work experience may highlight specific aspects of their work history and achievements in their application. That way, theyll be able to show that theyre serious about quality and have a proven track record.

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Strengthen Your Resume With Ongoing Educational Qualifications:

The recruiters are always looking for the perfect resume. It is a big competition and if the hiring managers find a candidate better qualified than you, he is sure to reject you. So it is always a great idea to mention about your ongoing course or educational programme. It is a clear way to add weightage to your resume.

If you have an ongoing distance course that you have undertaken and if you know that the same is nearing its end, you may also add the same under educational qualification. There is no harm in this and it is not really a lie. While some people may think it incorrect or unethical, there is really no harm in adding this point to your resume.

Inability To Complete Job Duties

If someone were to make a false statement on their resume regarding their job duties or skills in past positions, there is a chance they would have difficulty in meeting the expectations set out in the new position. As suspicions arise from the inability to complete job duties, employers have been known to seek out more information and dig deeper into their employees’ job histories. Even if this information was not discovered in the initial employment references, this doesn’t mean that employers won’t seek out more information at a later date, especially if an employer feels that its employee is not meeting expectations.

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You Either Have The Degree Or You Don’t

I once had a candidate who noted he had graduated college. A tentative job offer was made, pending a satisfactory background check. But upon verifying the college degree, it was found that he did not graduate. He was short one semester. He explained the reason he left school, which we would have been fine with. However, the fact that he lied was a deal-breaker.

Can You Lie On Your Resume About Work History

Can You Lie On Your Resume Reddit

Lying on a resume, cover letter, or job application isnt technically illegal. These forms arent legal documents, so usually you cant get prosecuted for lying on them. However, if you falsify documents that back up claims of educational history, for example, that could be grounds for trouble with the law.

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Your Alma Mater Cant Confirm You Graduated

Claiming to be a Harvard graduate when you really have a degree from a no-name state school is one of the worst things you can lie about on your resume, according to hiring managers surveyed by Hloom. And while some employers will take you at your word when you say you went to a fancy school, others will check on your educational background by calling the school directly or using a service, such as the National Student Clearinghouse.

Sometimes, its interested third parties who clue an employer into a lie, such as the student journalists at a Kansas high school who discovered their new principal had inflated her educational credentials.

Tactfully Conceal Over Qualified Indicators:

You need to conceal any symptoms that tell the recruiter that you are more qualified than the job demands. If the recruiters think that you are more qualified than the job requirement , then you might be put on hold as the organization may assume that you are unaffordable while considering your remuneration. So basically, you are offering something that is not actually required in the present position.If you want the job, it is best to hide the extra qualifications and degrees as these may act against you. You need to highlight on the abilities you possess and the reason why you wish to join the firm or organization.

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At The Interview Youre Not Specific About Your Skills Or Experience

If you are using vague phrases like involved in or familiar with to describe your skills or experience level, you might be in trouble.

Hiring managers know that using such terms is a signal that you lack direct experience in the field.

The skill section can be considered as one of the main weapons to reinforce your resume if you dont have enough employment history, so dont lie about it.

Instead, highlight both soft and hard skills that you possess and present yourself in the best possible way. Learn how to create a proper Skills section here!

Lying About Your Gpa On A Resume

What happens if you LIE on your resume?

Lying is bad. We know this. Moving on.

Keep in mind that you don’t actually have to include your GPA on your resume. This is really surprising for some recent graduates. Unless the job application specifically asks for your GPA, you can leave it off. In fact, there are a few reasons you want to leave education information off your resume.

You also don’t need to include your GPA if you have adequate work experience and aren’t fresh out of school. We wrote a good post on whether or not you should include your GPA on a resume. Your GPA doesn’t say much about you as an applicant, though. Try to quantify your value for a job in other ways.

If you still feel like you need to include an inaccurate GPA on your resume, here are some common questions with answers from our experts.

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Inconsistencies During The Interview Process

It can be difficult to maintain a lie, especially if you have multiple ones during the interview. Hiring managers often consider multiple parts of the hiring process, including your resume, cover letter, interview and references, when making a hiring decision. Lies can be much more difficult to corroborate than the truth.

Is It Illegal To Lie On A Resume

A resume is not a legal document, so lying on it isnt a criminal offense. However, you can be sued for lying on your resume.

In many states, if you listed a fake degree, then your former employer can sue you for fraud if they prove that your lie hurt their business.

And if you lied on a federal resume, then lying on your resume in this case is definitely illegal, because lying to a federal agent is a criminal offense. Some states have similar laws about lying to state officials too. Bear this in mind when applying to state government jobs.

Such lawsuits can lead to thousands of dollars in fines. In the worst-case scenario, they can even end in jail time.

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Proofread Your Resume Carefully

Use good proofreading techniques to review your resume for mistakes before submitting it. Check that you’ve correctly documented your relevant skills and experiences. Make sure you list the right job titles, dates of employment, company names, degree titles and accomplishments for each entry on your resume. As a proofreading strategy, try reading the document aloud to yourself or have someone else read it to you. If possible, double-check the accuracy of your information by reviewing documents from your previous jobs. For example, check your dates of employment and official job titles.

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You Really Dont Have To

What Can Happen If You Lie On Your Resume

If you dont have the exact skills an employer is looking for but still think you could be a good fit, make the case in your cover letter and let the hiring manager be the one to decide whether to call you in. Hiring managers are more open to people with transferable skills these days, meaning you don’t have to necessarily have direct experience in a field to be employed, says career coach Alex Simon. Let your credentials speak for themselves and make it clear youre willing to learn if necessary.

It’s far better to admit that you don’t know something, Davis agrees. Passion and eagerness to learn your way into a position is a far greater quality than being a liar. It’s the No. 1 quality I look for. Too many candidates sabotage their chances.

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What Happens When You Lie On Your Resume

The hours of my work day are filled with resumes. Some of them are good, some are bad, and then there are those that arrive with too much detail or too little effort. No matter the content , each should have at least one thing in common the TRUTH.

Lately, my peers and I have been running into a common issue people are lying on their resumes .

There are many things people may choose to fib about on their resume, but the primary one my team and I have seen is the degree they claim to be awarded under education.

Example of education on a resume:


University of Northern Iowa

Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering 3.5 GPA

Looking at this, one would think this candidate earned their Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering, but thats not always the case, unfortunately.

Ill get back to the appearance of education on a resume, but Id like to pause here for a moment to tell you a story about an unfortunate incident involving a frustrated client, a regretful candidate and me.

Wed like to extend an offer! my client said.

These words are an absolute joy to hear in my industry.

After weeks of interviewing, I was overjoyed to call my candidate, offer him the position and talk about details. After he happily accepted the position, we had the routine talk about the background check and start dates.

A few days had passed before I received a surprise as I opened the background check on my candidate.

I had to ask why.



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