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How Does A Resume Look

How Do I Know If My Resume Is Ats Friendly

A résumé expert reveals what a perfect résumé looks like

Compare your resume to the ATS optimized example above. Pay attention to these aspects:

  • Traditional, reverse-chronological format

  • Relevant keywords used throughout the resume

  • Simple formatting with clear headings

  • Degrees and abbreviations are spelled out

  • All experience relates to the same career target

If youâre having trouble comparing your resume on these factors by yourself, we have a free ATS resume scan tool that can help you out.

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Why The Design And Layout Of Your Resume Is So Important

A great resume is about substance, so while it might be tempting to dress up your resume with fancy fonts and graphics, its much more compelling to have a clean and fuss-free design and layout. According to Hallam, there are other good reasons to ensure a simple resume design:

  • Resumes with graphics and too many columns wont actually get through Applicant Tracking Systems , so a poorly-designed resume may not ever be seen by potential recruiters.
  • Fancy or hard-to-read fonts are distractingbusy recruiters and employers wont view them favourably.
  • An aesthetically appealing, functional resume is a reflection of who you are as a potential employeeit shows your professionalism.

This doesnt mean youre expected to come up with a knock-out resume design yourself, thoughchoosing a simple resume template and making it your own is the best way to go.

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Key Tactics To Writing A Resum Recruiters Will Actually Read

In her course, ODonnell listed several key tactics to make your resumé pass that six-second test. They are:

  • Show, dont tell.

Dont write you are a strategic, innovative self-starter who loves collaboration on your resumé.

Instead, tell the facts that make that point. Write how you started your own company or launched a project on your own. Or how you were in the top 5 percent of salespeople at your company six years in a row. Or how youve been promoted at every job youve ever had.

Those facts will impress recruiters far more than any adjective could.

  • List your skills at the top of the resumé.

Near the top of your resumé, even above your job history, write out your skills. This allows recruiters to quickly scan them to make sure you have whats needed to do the job.

Obviously, you want to list skills that are germane to the job you are applying for.

  • Ensure your work history on your resumé mirrors your work history on your LinkedIn profile.

If these dont match up, it’s a red flag. So make sure they do.

  • Keep the margins somewhat wide and the font somewhat big.

You dont want your margins to be smaller than 0.8 inches or use a font less than 11.


First off, this will make your resumé more appealing to the eye. Second, the last thing the recruiter wants to do is squint to read your resumé thatll almost guarantee it doesnt get read.

But, what if you can’t fit everything? Then cut, cut, cut. Which brings us to the next point…

  • For a resumé, less is often more.

Write A Great Looking Introductory Paragraph

What Your Resume Should Look Like in 2017 / Money, , what your resume ...

The best way to grab the recruiters attention from the word go is to mention some of your key achievements in the opening paragraph.

Our guide on how to start a cover letter will give you detailed instructions on how to get it right.

This way your cover letter will NOT look like its been copy-pasted an umpteenth time, but specifically crafter to this particular reader and job opening.

Also Check: How To Put Community Service On A Resume

How To List Education On Your Resume

The next section were going to cover is your Education. Lets start with the basics – how to format the education section & what to mention there. Then, well move on to tips & tricks thatll help you stand out

  • Program Name. E.g.: B.A. in Business Administration
  • University Name. E.g.: New York State University
  • Years Attended. E.g.: 08/2008 – 06/2012
  • GPA. E.g.: 3.9 GPA
  • Honors. E.g.: Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude.
  • Academic achievements. Any interesting papers youve written, courses youve excelled in, etc.
  • Minor. Minor in Psychology

Here’s an example:

Tips on perfecting your education section:

  • If you dont have any work experience, mention your education section first.
  • Mention your latest educational entry on top.
  • If you have a university degree, dont mention your high school at all.
  • ONLY mention GPA if you had a very impressive academic career .

It Lacks Social Profile Links

In many fields, social media has become the go-to way for establishing expertise. And recruiters and hiring managers are definitely looking to see that you can play that game.

For many types of job roles, I look up the social media presence of candidates, says John Boese, founder of in New York City. If you don’t have a website or social media link in your resume, it tells me that you either don’t know social media or don’t know how to write a modern resume. Both of these are bad.

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When You List Outdated Or Irrelevant Experience

A resume isn’t a place where you just tack on a new section every time you add a new job or volunteer opportunity. You should be picky about which roles, skills, experiences, and accomplishments you include — all based on the role you’re applying for.

So unless you’re applying for a job that requires lifeguarding skills, you can leave out your summer lifeguarding job from college. If you’re further down your career path, list the more recent roles you’ve had that complement the job you’re applying for.

The only exception here is if you’re still in college, or you’re a recent college graduate with limited experience and you need to “fill out” your resume a little bit. In that case, don’t just write that you were responsible for monitoring the waters for people in need of saving glean relevant skills, such as learning how to resolve challenging, ambiguous situations.

What Is A Resume

How does a recruiter look at a resume anyway?

A resume is a document employers would usually want to see to tell them whether an applicant is qualified and suitable for the job they have available or not.

It contains information about the job seekers experience, skills, and educational training that makes them perfect for the job.

A good resume is an important document you will need to have if you are looking for a job, as it can affect your been invited to an interview or not.

A well written resume can give you an appointment to an interview where you will be able to prove to the employer why they should hire you.

But a bad or ineffective resume will easily get lost among hundreds of others from other applicants and you will never have the opportunity to discuss how valuable you would be to employers even if you were actually the best person for the job.

Thats how important it is for you to have a good resume if you desire to improve your chances of getting a job in the competitive job market.

You can write a resume for yourself or work with a professional writer to do it for you. Whichever way you choose to prepare your resume, you should give it the very best of attention.

If you would like to learn how to write a good resume so you can do it by yourself, the tips we provide here and the sample resumes on this website will help you to achieve it.

Now, lets see what a good resume must have:

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Free Ats Resume Compatibility Test

You can see how your resume performs on an ATS scan with Zipjobâs free resume review tool.

Our in-house applicant tracking system will parse your resume for skills and experience, just like the software used by big employers. Your confidential review will also include some tips from one of our certified resume experts!

This service is free to use. Of course, if issues come up that you want help fixing, we offer resume writing services. Every Zipjob resume goes through our ATS scan at the end of the process to ensure it passes the ATS test.

Join more than 1 million people who have already received our complimentary resume review.

In 48 hours, you will know how your resume compares. Weâll show you whatâs working–and what you should fix.

What Should A Resume Look Like

December 3, 2020 | By Arseny Kaluzhinsky| Reviewed by Howard Davies

If your resume looks good, its more likely to catch the attention of hiring managers and be examined more closely. Use these tried-and-tested tips to create a resume that stands out for all the right reasons.

The example in this infographic shows you what a resume should look like. If youre still unsure how to transform your resume into one that looks like this, heres how to do it:

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What Is The Best Resume Layout

The first thing a job recruiter notices about any resume is the layout.

Does it look organized or cluttered? Is it too short or too long? Is it boring and easy to ignore, or does it scream out Read me!?

Here are some of the best practices when it comes to your resume layout:

Resume Layout Must-Haves

1. One page in length. You should only go for 2 pages if you really, really believe that itll add significant value. HR managers in big firms get around 1,000+ resumes per month. Theyre not going to spend their valuable time reading your life story!

2. Clear section headings. Pick a heading and use it for all the section headers.

3. Ample white-space, especially around the margins.

4. Easy-to-read font. Wed recommend sticking to what stands out, but not too much. Do: Ubuntu, Roboto, Overpass, etc. Dont : Comic Sans

5. Pick the right font size. As a rule of thumb, go for 11 – 12 pt for normal text, and 14 – 16 pt for section titles.

6. As a rule of thumb, save your resume as PDF. Word is a popular alternative, but it has a good chance of messing up your resume formatting.

One more thing you need to consider in terms of resume layout is whether youre going for a traditional-looking free resume template or something a bit more modern:

If youre pursuing a career in a more traditional industry – legal, banking, finance, etc. – you might want to stick to the first.

Include A Summary Statement

What Your Resume Should Look Like in 2019

Resume objective statements, where you state exactly what career goals you wish to achieve, have mostly fallen out of fashion. This is largely because you want to focus on what you can do for the employer, not what the employer can do for you. A resume summary statement, on the other hand, sums up who you are professionally at the top of the page in a sentence or two and serves as the first impression you give a hiring manager to entice them to keep reading.

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When You’re Proficient In Microsoft Word Excel And Powerpoint

Almost every single candidate feels the need to include this phrase on their resume — but recruiters hate to see it. Basic proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite is assumed for college graduates these days.

“Unless you can run pivot tables, VLOOKUPs, and complex data modeling out of Excel, then don’t include proficiency in Excel on your resume,” says Marsters. “Writing a 500-word essay in Word and sorting a column in alphabetical order in Excel does not count as proficiency in those systems.”

Pro Tip: If you want the Excel chops to be able to include it on your resume, here are the 10 best resources for learning Excel online.

+ Effective Resume Examples

Knowing how to write a resume is one thing, actually creating a resume that stands out is something else entirely. Without inspiration, even top career experts might stumble on a roadblock or two.

Check out the following effective resume examples to get a better sense of what a good resume looks like…

Want to see more examples? Check out our compilation of 20+ resume examples for different fields.

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Dont Be Afraid To Go Bold

If youre applying for an investment banking job, a hot-pink resume probably wont do you any favors. But subtle pops of color, like the orange used here, will work for just about everyone.

Another strategy for making your resume stand out is, of course, with the content you put on it. In 2022, youll get extra credit for highlighting your resilience. How have you dealt with change and managed your time over the strangest two-year period most of us have experienced? Kept your team engaged and mitigated turnover? Shaped company culture in a hybrid work environment where coworkers are now living in different cities, and maybe even different time zones?

The work environment has changed, Leavy-Detrick says. Employers have had to adjust. Prove that you can too.

Let The Numbers Do The Talking

Teach#18- How should your Resume look like in 2020/ How to Make a good Resume .

Which of these statements sounds more impressive?

  • In my past role, I led the team to increase revenue by 20%.
  • In my past role, I increased annual revenue from $5 million to $6 million, a gain of 20%, while leading a global team of six employees spread across four time zones.

Most recruiters would probably say the second. Not only does the second sentence talk about the candidates accomplishment, it also shows the depth of their success by citing cold, hard facts.

Like facts, no one can really argue with numbers. They help us understand just how successful a candidate has been, Lance Robbins, director of economic and workforce development at Distribute Consulting, explained. Metrics are essential to telling the story of previous successes. So keep track of any quantifiable milestones youre hitting in your current role, project, or internship. You never know when youll need to pull data together to bolster a job application or interview.

Pro tip: Continue this practice even after landing a job. You can use numbers to make a case for why you deserve a promotion or a raise down the line.

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Colorful Modern Geometric Construction Resume

This is a very bright, impressive, and extraordinary resume template. With Colorful Modern Geometric Construction Resume, you may quickly create a cool resume without much effort. All elements of the resume are easy to customize. At the same time, there are four bright color schemes available. You can show all your design skills, and at the same time take a great job.

And Lets Wrap It All Up

If youve followed all of our advice until now, congrats! Youre probably an expert on how to make a resume.

To wrap it all up, lets brush up on some of the most important lessons weve learned so far…

  • Use the rightresume builder. You dont want to mess around with formatting for hours before even starting to work on your resume!
  • Focus on achievements. Mention your achievements instead of responsibilities, so that you stand out from all the other applicants.
  • Include the must-have sections. That is, resume summary, work experience, education, and skills.
  • Tailor for the job. Everything listed on your resume should be relevant for the job youre applying for.
  • Perfect your cover letter. Its as important as your resume, so make sure you pay as much attention to it!

At Novorésumé, were committed to helping you get the job you deserve, every step of the way! Follow our career blog to stay up to date with industry-leading advice. Or, check out some of our top guides:

Andrei Kurtuy

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Be Careful With Graphics

Many people choose to include images and graphics to enhance their resumes. However, graphics can sometimes clutter a resume and make it harder for a resume scanner to extract important information from your resume. For this reason, consider focusing on the text of your resume. If you choose to use graphics, try to keep them simple and include them in a way that doesn’t distract from your resume’s text.

Read more:Tips for Creating a Unique Resume


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