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How To List College Degree On Resume

Where To Put Gpa On A Resume

The complete resume guide for new grads and college students | Wonsulting

You should put your GPA in your education section, next to your major. If youve earned honors at your university , those honors should be listed below your majorin italicswith your GPA beside them.

Heres how it should look:

DePaul University | Chicago, IL | December 2009-March 2013

Bachelor of Arts in English Composition

Bear in mind, you should only list your GPA on your resume if it is over a 3.5 and if youre a recent graduate. If youre a recent graduate and your GPA is below 3.5, use the space to talk about an impressive senior thesis project instead.

Firstly Place Them In The Education Section

If you graduated with honors, you should include that detail in the education section of your resume. Do this even if your resume has a section for honors and awards. Your Latin honors should be listed under the relevant degree so that it is obvious when and where you earned them. This is especially important if you have multiple degrees listed in your education section. You dont want to mislead employers in any way. For instance, if you have completed both an undergraduate and graduate degree, it should be clear which degree the Latin honors are associated with.

Experienced Professional With Five Or More Years

If you have over five years of work experience history, move your education section below your work history. A hiring manager will focus more on your work experience at this point in your career but still refer to your academic achievements and training. You can also exclude your graduation dates and grade point average if you have over five years of work experience. You want to highlight your skills and experience more than your academic history. Again, if you have multiple degrees or certifications, list them in order of highest degree first. Here is an example:

*The University of Victoria, Victoria, British ColumbiaBachelor of Science Honour Degree in Biology

The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British ColumbiaMaster of Science in Oceanography *

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You Earned Your Degree More Than 15 Years Ago

If you earned a degree or certification more than 15 years ago, place your Education at the bottom of your resume, and remove the graduation date. It’s important to demonstrate you’ve earned the degree, but there’s no need to draw attention to how long ago this occurred.

Doing so will allow you to focus your resume on your skills, accomplishments, and professional history. For those who have many years of professional experience, education becomes less important because you should be moving forward in your career.

How To List Education In Progress On Resume

College Freshman Resume Template Beautiful Current College ...

Perhaps youre still in school now, looking for a job to make ends meet.

This means that you should add high school below, like so:

Townsend Harris High School, Flushing, NY

Graduated 2017

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Why Mention An Unfinished Degree

Career experts agree that in most cases its worth it to list a college degree even if you only completed some credits toward it. Some higher education on a resume is better than none. Here are the main reasons why listing it is worth using:

It shows alignment with your career goals. Lets say you work in business analysis and plan to boost your career in this field. In this case, a degree in data science even an incomplete one will work as an asset, showing that you have relevant knowledge.

It covers a resume gap. Does eliminating a degree create a gap in your employment history? In this case, its better to mention it. Employers dont like the unexplained career gaps, so be sure to include the specific months and years of your college studies so that your career history looks consistent.

You are still working towards it. If youre still in college, whether you attend the lectures of your professor every day or took a semester off, you definitely should include your studies in progress. Below, well recommend how to do it effectively.

During the interview, youre most likely hear the question Why should we hire you? Heres how to handle it professionally: .

Organizing Multiple Degrees On A Resume

When organizing the different schools you attended, list them in reverse chronological order. In other words, the highest degree earned should be at the top. For example, your masters degree should be listed above your bachelors degree.

Have you attended college? If so, you dont need to list your high school degree. Your high school information should only be included if you are still attending high school or college. If youve graduated from college, the higher degree can take the place of your high school degree on your resume.

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What Interviewers Want To See In Your Resumes Education Section

The information each hiring manager looks for in your resume education section depends on the job requirements. Recruiters hiring for an entry-level position might look for the course you studied in college or type of degree. An employer interviewing for a managerial role in a finance company might want to see a business school degree or industry-specific certifications.

The requirements or education section of a job description will provide the academic qualifications for the role. Read the section carefully to ensure your credentials are a good fit for the job.

Be honest with the academic qualifications you include on your resume. It is easy for interviewers to confirm the information you provide. You can leave off information that does not support your chances of getting an interview.

Where To List Education

How to List Education on a Resume

While the sections included on resumes are fairly standard , you have some flexibility regarding the order of each section. This is particularly true when it comes to where you list education on your resume.

Typically, the placement of education depends in part on your credentials, including college degrees and professional certifications. The extent of your education and the type of position to which youre applying are also important factors.

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When Should I Leave Education Off A Resume

Most people list the highest level of education relevant for the job, even if they are experienced candidates. But the more relevant work experience you have, the less important the education section becomes.

Always read the job description carefully to identify whether the employer requires specific education qualifications. Add that education to your resume if you have completed it.

You Recently Graduated From College

Once you graduate from college and start searching for your first entry-level position, it’s assumed that you’ll remove any information that refers to your high school activities and focus on your new undergrad degree.

If you’re new to the workforce and your new degree is your best selling point, the Education section should appear toward the top of your resume. This is because you most likely have limited professional experience to list on your resume and your education is the core competency that you wish to highlight for an employer. After you have a few years of relevant experience under your belt, the education section gets shifted to the bottom of your resume, and your work history will get pushed farther up on the page.

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Always Submit A Custom Cover Letter

Did you know around 250 resumes are submitted for each corporate job listing and only about five candidates will be called for an interview? According to Pongo, without a cover letter, you’re relying solely on your resume to make a big enough impact that the hiring manager will call you back for an interview. As an applicant just starting out in the job market, youll need a good cover letter to make up for the lack of experience on your resume.

By submitting a custom cover letter specific to the company and role for which youre applying, you can let employers know why they should hire you over a candidate with more experience. This is your chance to tell them that youre a fast learner, hard worker, or willing to go the extra mile to gain experience and to help their company succeed. Dont count on your resume to get you through the competition. By including a cover letter, youll get noticed quickly, show youve put in extra effort, and demonstrate how much you want the job. You only have 7.4 seconds to make an impression, so make it good!

What Employers Are Looking For In The Resume Education Section

How to List Education on a Resume [13+ Real

When employers review the education section of your resume, what theyre looking for depends on the requirements of the job.

They may scan for:

  • Your schools name and location
  • Your degree and field of study
  • Graduation year
  • GPA
  • Relevant coursework, achievements, or honors

If youre a recent graduate, you may want to include a more detailed education section, since this will comprise the bulk of your relevant experience. Otherwise, youll focus more on your work experience. Different jobs will require varying levels of detail and varying levels of education.

For an entry level position, for instance, employers want to verify that you have a high school diploma or bachelors degree. For a higher level position, employers may prefer a graduate degree. Some professions require specific degrees or certifications.

Most job descriptions specify educational requirements. Review these requirements to determine whether youre truly a good fit for the position.

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How To List Incomplete Education On Your Resume

Although it is better to have a degree conferred to your name, most employers want to see some level of undergraduate coursework completed.

You should list the college or university you attended beneath the education section of your resume.

In addition, you should indicate the major or concentration which you were enrolled in.

Within the education section of your resume, you should include the dates that you were enrolled.

This should be formatted to include both the month and year you started, and you ended.

To provide additional context, you should also include any relevant courses completed which may be beneficial to your career path and career goals.

Lastly, you may also consider including the number of credits you completed.

This can provide a more holistic view and understanding to the interviewer of how far you were to completing your degree.

Example Of How To Put Minor On Resume

Below is an example of how to put your minor on resume. As you can see in the screenshot below, the person has included the name of their university, the date of graduation, major, minor, GPA, and relevant coursework.

Dartmouth College | Hanover, NH

Bachelor of Arts, Major in Economics, Minor in History

  • Cumulative GPAGPA on ResumeIn finance, if your Grade Point Average is 3.5 or higher, then you should include it on your resume – otherwise, leave it out. If your major GPA is higher than your overall GPA, then you should include that as well .: 3.8/4.0
  • Varsity Sports starter on the soccer team all four years
  • President, Finance Club responsible for building financial modelsTypes of Financial ModelsThe most common types of financial models include: 3 statement model, DCF model, M& A model, LBO model, budget model. Discover the top 10 types
  • Study Abroad Learned a language in a foreign country

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You’re Still Pursuing A College Degree

If you’re still attending college for either your undergraduate or graduate degree, you can simply add an expected graduation year to this information. You can add a list of a few courses you’ve completed if they’re higher-level courses that are relevant to your job goals, and you don’t have a lot of relevant work experience to market on your resume.

Should You Include A Gpa


New graduates often list their final GPA on a resume, believing that its a requirement for the job. Additionally, mentioning a high GPA can give you a sense of pride. Deciding to include your GPA on a resume is understandable.

Listing your GPA or the fact that you received Deans List or cum laude honors wont hurt your chances of getting an interview. However, it wont typically give you an edge over your competition, especially if your competition has more relevant work experience. In truth, employers arent as swayed by high or low GPAs as many applicants believe.

If you do decide to include your GPA, heres a way to format it:

West Seneca State College | West Seneca, NY | May 2016Bachelor of Science, Accounting | 3.45 GPA

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Why Is A Resume Education Section Important

Like numbers quantifying accomplishments in other parts of a resume, education is proven by degrees and diplomas earned.

On top of that, a resume education section helps show direction

Employers want hires who are willing to learn and improve, and your education on resume shows that.

When you dress it up with impressive extracurricular activities, relevant coursework, and honorsall the better!

Expert Hint: Double-check if there are no typos in your resume. They undermine your educationand your chances for employment. 58% of employers auto-reject resumes that contain typos.

What If Your Degree Is Not Related To Your Job

I know someone who graduated with a degree in design that is nowworking as a life insurance agent, and I know a nursing graduate who worked inIT for years, before becoming a real estate agent. This happens more than youknow, so you shouldnt let this stop you from chasing after your dream job.

Below are two ways to downplay the lack of formal education inyour target job:

  • List the relevant coursework in your degree.Lets say you have a Psychology degree, but want a job in marketing. If youtook units in social psychology, communications, grammar, and business, thosesubjects show you have the knowledge required for the job.
  • List professional courses or ongoing trainingyou took to compensate for your lack of formal schooling on the subject.

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Examples With An Expanded Education Section

The format of these two examples allows you to list your academic activities and honors beneath your degree. The UNC example includes the students honors directly before the major and uses the schools English phrases. The WVU example lists the students Latin honors and GPA in the honors subsection.

The University of North Carolina | Chapel Hill, NC

B.S. with Highest Distinction in Accounting, May 2015


  • Eberly Writing Studio, tutor

How To List A Major And Minor On Your Resume

Recent College Graduate Resume (Examples for New Grads)

Some students supplement their education with a minor specialization, and there’s a proper way to include it on a resume. Other students choose to double major or double minor, and their resumes become cluttered if they don’t know how to list them. If an employer can’t follow the information in your resume, they might pass it over.

In this article, we discuss when and how to include majors and minors in your resume, along with a series of steps and examples for properly formatting it.

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Why You Should Include Your Education On Your Resume

A resume is most effective when it includes a synopsis of your work experience, academic background, and explanation of your skills and competencies that help you be successful in the position you’re applying for. Including your academic achievements on your resume allows the hiring company an opportunity to assess your learned technical knowledge that qualifies you for the job. Many companies have educational requirements to qualify candidates for their open positions. This helps the company screen out less qualified applicants from candidates who have the training needed to perform the position’s duties.

What Employers Look For In An Education Section

Employers can gather a variety of information about a job candidate from an education section, including:

  • A job applicantâs work ethic, reflected through GPAs or other grade-related information
  • Relevant skills or training an applicant has received through their schooling
  • Name recognition of specific universities, such as ivy leagues, that may give a candidate a leg up on the competition
  • Insight into a candidateâs interests or talents based on academic-related extracurricular activities included

Understanding what employers are looking for in an education section included on a resume is key to understand how much or how little information to include.

What an employer is looking for will vary depending on the nature of the job being offered.

For instance, an entry-level communications job at a corporation is likely to require a bachelorâs degree in communications or a related field.

Comparatively, a job in the welding industry may require the completion of a trade school program but not require a four-year degree.

It is of the utmost importance when you are applying to various jobs that you read the job descriptions provided carefully, as this is where you will find the necessary information regarding what educational credentials are required of eligible candidates.

This will also help you to tailor your education section according to what credentials or qualifications you have that meet the requirements of the job.

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If Youre Currently Pursuing A Degree

If youre still enrolled in school and plan on graduating, list your expected graduation date alongside the name of the school and its location in the education section of your resume.

Heres an example of how to list an expected graduation date on a resume:

UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT DENVER Denver, COExpected graduation: June 2024

One way you can strengthen this section is by including any additional details that will demonstrate your relevant skills and qualifications to a hiring manager, such as academic achievements or relevant coursework.

Some examples of additions to include are:

  • Major/specialization/certification
  • Academic awards
  • Scholarships

Including these will show a potential employer that youre disciplined and making the most out of your ongoing education.

Heres an example of how you can list achievements in your education section:

UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT DENVER Denver, COB.A. in CommunicationsGPA: 3.7/4.0, Deans List for 3 semesters

  • Awarded the Sarah Parker Scholarship for academic excellence, 2019

Additionally, heres how to list coursework on your resume:


Relevant coursework: Media Writing Skills, New Media Production and Management, Social Media for Social Change


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