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How To Name Your Resume File

Ways To Save Your Resume

Naming Your Resume File |

Here are some tips you can follow when saving your resume file:

  • Submit your resume as a PDF or a Word document.
  • Convert your Word document into a PDF file by choosing to save your PDF within your word processing program.

You can look at the job description to get more information on the requirements for file naming. Some companies may specify the file format that they prefer to review your resume in.

Q: How Should I Write My Name Address And Social Media On My Resume

Is there a right way to add your name and address on a resume? And if so, how should I format them? Tamara D.

When you’re writing a resume, it’s important to include all of your pertinent contact information at the top so employers and recruiters can easily locate it. While this resume tip may seem obvious, a TopResume study found that one in four people either forget to include all of the necessary details or fail to format them in a way that can be detected by the software employers use to organize and manage their inbound applications.

Below is everything you need to know about including contact information on a resume and formatting it for success.

Tips For Creating A Resume Filename

You think you have your hands full with your resume, your cover letter, your application in general. So it may be crazy to realize that when a future employer downloads your files to read, youre then competing not with other applicants resumes, etc., but with their resume filenames. Its true! The game starts as soon as you hit send.

Heres how to make sure you have a good filename for your resume.

1. Include Your Name

It seems silly titling a file with your name when its your file in the first place, but always title your job materials as though you were titling it from the recipients point of view. You leave out your name, and your file is likely to be lost in the shuffle. Plus, having your name directly in the file means your name is being seen, even when the file isnt being accessed! Anytime the recipient opens that folder or looks for another file, theres your name.

2. Keep It Snappy

You dont want a run-on filename. Keep it under 24 characters and spacesplus the .doc extension. Many computers only show the first 24 characters, so avoid getting elided or truncated on their screen.

3. Follow the Rules

Letters and numbers are all fine, plus a few standard keyboard symbols You can capitalize where correct thats particularly useful if you have a long name and need to omit spaces to save space. You can also use dashes.

4. Include the Word Resume

5. Leave Out the Version Numbers

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Use The Word Resume In The File Name

It’s also important to use the word resume in your file name because this tells the reader what kind of contents they can expect from your file. It also may distinguish your file from other files you may need to send like references, a cover letter, a letter of recommendation, assessments or any number of pre-qualifying documents. It sets you apart from other applicants as well, making it an easy way to be a more marketable candidate.

Things To Consider About Your Resume File When Posting Resume Online

7 CV format tips that will get you more interviews

When you apply for a job through LinkedIn Easy Apply they clearly point out that you should only submit your resume as a DOC, DOCX, or PDF. They also show the maximum file size of a resume. Accordingly, if you are applying for a job through LinkedIn Easy Apply, make sure your resume size is less than 2 MB.

It is also important to include an updated version of your resume. We have written an article on how to tweak a resume according to the job you are applying for. We invite you to read that also before submitting your resume via LinkedIn Easy Apply.

Similarly, other online job boards and even employment websites have specified the file format in which your resume should be submitted. Read those directions carefully and create your resume accordingly.

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Why Naming A Resume And Cover Letter Is Important

Many applicants make the mistake of applying for a position digitally with a resume or cover letter file which has a generic name, such as resume.pdf, or unprofessional like Document_1.pdf. Although what is inside the file once its opened will be more important to a hiring manager, its still important to make a strong choice when naming your resume or cover letter. Not only does a professional name reflect well on your attention to detail, but it also makes your hiring managers job easier. When many candidates all apply with generic names on files and are stored in a folder of applicants for the job, its hard to differentiate them from each other on their computer. Your professional resume name will help you stand out and make it easier for the hiring manager to stay organized.

Your Resume File Name Matters: How To Name Your Resume

Trista Winnie has been writing and editing professionally for nearly a decade, primarily covering the job search, investing, engineering, and health. She earned her bachelors degree from Pacific Lutheran University and her masters degree from Gonzaga University. In her free time, she enjoys reading, cooking, and sports.

We recently expanded the team here at Jobscan, and as a result, we saw firsthand some of the mistakes job seekers make. One thing we saw over and over was people who were careless with their resume file name. And while we certainly would not have based our hiring decision on that, the fact is that all of the quality candidates used logical and relevant resume file namesevery single one included their full first and last names, and most included the company or position.

Those whose applications were clearly hastily done, or who were not qualified , had file names that were all over the board.

The lesson? When writing a resume, dont overlook any detailseven your resume file name. Youll stand out from the job seekers who send in sloppy applications, and trust usits easy to see which applicants have put forth effort and which havent.

In all but one of the many applicant tracking systems we have tested, candidates resume file names are visible to hiring managers. So keep your resume file name useful, relevant, and professional.

Below is a list of actual resume file names from applications we received .

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Make Your Resume Stand Out

Instead, look at your resume through the eyes of a hiring manager. If you are the hiring manager and 50 people apply for the position, and 50 of them name their resume document resume, who stands out? No one.

My advice is to make sure to include your name in your resume file name. For example: Amy-Wolfgang-Resume. This is a way to brand yourself. Others choose to name their resume with their name and the companys name. This could, potentially, demonstrate to the hiring manager that you customized your resume for this position. You may decide to name your resume with your name and a description of a trait in order to draw attention to your resume:Amy_Wolfgang_Top_Sales_Producer.

At the very least, put your first and last name in the resume file name. As far as adding the company name or a personality trait, do what you feel comfortable with.

Why Is Your Resumes Name Important

How To Name A Resume File (How to name a resume to stand out – EXAMPLES)

First off, we need to find out why is your resumes name so significant.

Your resumes file name is the first thing your potential employer sees.

It is what distinguishes you from the pile of resumes they receive for each open position.

Chances are, if your resumes file name looks professional, your potential employer is more likely to open it.

Making your resumes file name brief and easy-to-read works greatly in your favor.

With hiring managers busy schedule, it may be a matter of seconds if you get called in for an interview or not.

Furthermore, using a good resume file name can make your resume easier to find in email inboxes.

So if someone is looking for your resume, they will be more likely to find it.

Keeping your resumes file name short and to the point really helps you make a good impression and improve your chances among all candidates.

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Other Things To Keep In Mind

  • You should be sending your resume as a .doc or .docx file unless the employers ask for a PDF or any other file type. A .doc file is the preferred format for the majority of employers. Here are instructions on how to convert a PDF document as a .doc file:


    You can read more about sending the correct file type here.

  • If you’re sending your resume to a recruiter or hiring manager directly, Tuesday – Thursday is the best time. You miss their Monday blue as they get started with the workweek and you don’t want to send it when they’re wrapping up for the weekend.

  • You can use dashes, capitals or periods in between words when naming the file. This makes it easier for the them to read. For example: “John.Smith.Resume.Doc” is a whole lot easier to read vs. “Johnsmithresume.doc”.

  • Once that resume reaches the hiring manager, you want to ensure it stands out. Ensure your resume is up to date and error free. They only spend a few seconds reviewing your resume and you want to make sure your major selling points and qualifications are clear and easy to understand.

  • Insert The Name Of The Job Posting Website

    You might consider how youre applying for this job. For example, you may apply for the job through a job posting website, the companys website, or email if you have a connection working with the company. You can include the name of the job posting website to specify where you applied. Add the job posting site you used after you list your first and last name, the name of the company, the position, and the word resume.

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    Second Add The Name Of The Company

    The name of the company highlights where youre applying for a job. The companys name is an indicator of your interest in employment for a certain role. An employer may look at specific filenames, but the importance of listing the companys name depends on their preference. Specify the companys name to increase the value-added to the filename and importance of your resume.

    Titling/naming A Resume: Writing An Effective Resume Title

    How to Select a Resume File Name

    When you save your resume on a recruitment site you are asked to give your resume a name.The name you choose is the name that will be featured across the top of your resume so it needs to be professional and memorable most importantly, it must be easy to get retrieved from database. If you arent sure what might be a good resume title search jobs that interest you on the recruitment site and get some ideas.

    The title you choose should represent why you are experienced for the position you are applying for. Different sites allow you different resume file name lengths. For example, Monster Resume Builder allows you 35 characters. Check the site you are working with to learn their specific requirements.

    How to Name Your Resume: Choose a Resume Title That Works for YouYour resume title is the first thing hiring managers will see when they are searching candidates.The best resume title will use key experiences, qualifications, or the job title. It should include your resume objective, your strongest qualifications. The resume title becomes searchable in online employment databases. An example of a good resume title would be Results Driven Marketing Manager.

    Recommended Reading: Including Publications In Resume

    How To Name Resume And Cover Letter Files

    When applying for a job, you must always be certain you are presenting yourself in a professional mannernot just with how you present your resume and what you write in the body of your cover letter, but also in the small details. One area applicants often overlook is the naming of their files. When submitting an application digitally through an online form or email, your prospective employer will likely see the filenames you choose, so there should be a purpose behind them.

    In this article, well discuss how to name your files so they are professional and easy to read to start your application strongly.

    Image description

  • Formatted like a business letter

  • Explains your interest in and qualifications for a position with specific examples

  • May either be optional or required by employer

  • Resume:

  • Reverse-chronological, functional or combination formatting options

  • Summarizes your relevant experience and achievements

  • Commonly required when applying for jobs

  • How To Name Your Resume Or Cover Letter

    Once you have chosen the best file format, the next task is to decide the name for the file. You should put a clean and clear name for your document.

    If it is a resume, save it with the word resume followed by your first and last name. In between the names you can use underscore if you prefer. For example:

    • Jacksonsmithresume.pdf
    • Jackson_smith_resume.docx
    • JacksonResume.pdf

    Similarly when you save your cover letter include at least your first name or last name as a part of the file name. See the below examples:

    • coverletterjanesmith.doc

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    Choosing An Effective Eye

  • 1Include your own name in the resume title. Your name is unique to you, so it’s important that it is one of the first things you tell your employer. Make sure your name is always at the start of your resume title. This will make your resume much easier to manage and keep track of when it is in the hands of the employer.
  • When considering formatting make sure to pay special attention to the title and make it stand out, you want it to be the first thing the employers eyes are drawn to.
  • If your application is electronic dont forget to include your resume name in the title of your document. The title should read something like “JaneDoe.doc”.
  • 2Include an eye-catching summary statement in the title. So youve already put your own name in the title, which will help to differentiate your resume from other applicants. However, you still need something more. Creating a summary statement to add to your title will grab the employers attention by showing that you have read the job description thoroughly and have the skills or experience they are looking for.
  • A summary statement is a few words to sum up the information in your resume. For example, if an employer is looking for someone with experience and success in negotiating and your resume has told them that you have those skills, you can name your resume Jane Doe Resume Negotiating Expert.
  • What To Do When You Are Sending More Than One Document

    #50 How To Select A Resume File Name day 011

    If youre sending more than one document, for example, a cover letter or a publications list, make sure the files follow the same naming conventions. Also, make sure you save and send all files in the same format. Use the same version of Word to create each file, and if you create a pdf for one, do the same for all. This consistent approach demonstrates attention to detail.


    Recommended Reading: Languages On A Resume

    Resume Contact Information Example :

    Click on the following link to view all of our resume samples and see the many ways you can format your name and address on a resume.

    Need help formatting your resume for success? TopResume’s expert writers can help.

    Amanda Augustine is a certified professional career coach and resume writer and the resident career expert for Talent Inc.’s suite of brands: TopResume, TopCV, and TopInterview. On a regular basis, she answers user questions like the one above. Have a question? Take a look at her career advice or ask a question on her Quora page.

    Resume File Name Tips

    Before sending your resume to prospective employers it is important to be aware of the following resume file name best practices

    • Dont just name it Resume.

    Every detail of your resume, including the resume file name, should help it to stand out from the rest. A generic title like resume.doc does the opposite of this. How will a potential employer be able to differentiate your resume if it has same resume file name as the others?

    • Include your name

    This will ensure that the prospective employer knows the resume is yours. Each time they open, close, minimize or maximize it, the resume file name will make it clear whose resume it is. If you leave out your name, your resume may be lost in the first shuffle. Choose a resume file name which includes your name.

    • Use the word resume

    Just as its important for the employer to know that it is yours, it is also important for them to know what it is. Use the word resume as well as your name. It is typical to send multiple files in a job application, make sure it is clear which file is which. If this is confusing it will be off-putting, and your resume will be dismissed.

    • Keep it professional
    • Dont include version numbers
    • Keep it short
    • Use capitals where necessary

    There is no unwritten rule stating that you cant use capitals in a resume file name. Dont write the whole thing in capitals but use them as you would normally, theres no harm in capitalizing the first letter of each of your names.

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