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How To Share Linkedin Profile In Resume

Why Should You Add Resume To Linkedin

How to Upload Resume on LinkedIn (2020 LATEST VERSION) | LinkedIn Resume Upload

If youre currently looking for a full-time, part-time or internship position in a company, youve probably been through online job websites such as Indeed or Welcome to the Jungle. These platforms help you to be interested in the offers that are posted. But thats not enough.

In fact, you need to attract recruiters and managers to your profile like a conversion funnel. You have to shine, to be successful in attracting light to you.

A strong advantage of posting your LinkedIn resume, which the above mentioned platforms do not have, is that the virality effect is achievable.

Combined with an , the resume posting is a supplement that can be shared in order to create traffic to your profile.

Assuming you do it with the best possible way, you will see that right away

Back Up Your Identified Skills With Evidence

In addition to cultivating a resume that is concise and pertinent to your desired position, it is important to show evidence of the skills that you claim to possess whenever possible. For example, support your identified skill of leadership with specific details about situations in which you have served in a managerial role and the key responsibilities that you took on. This is important for employers to see that you are not just padding your resume with buzzwords, but that you actually possess the skills that you list.

How To Make Your Summary Statement Stand Out

SHOWCASE YOUR STRENGTHS: Use your resume summary statement to highlight the strengths that set you apart from your competition, demonstrating how you would bring value to an employers organization by listing specific contributions.

PROVIDE QUANTIFIABLE ACHIEVEMENTS: Increase the persuasive force of your resume summary statement by using percentages, impressive sales figures, or numbers to quantify specific professional achievements.

USE A RESUME SUMMARY STATEMENT INSTEAD OF AN OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: Resume summary statements are more effective than objective statements because they focus on an employers needs rather than upon what you, as a job candidate, want for yourself.

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Upload A Resume To Linkedin As Featured Media

LinkedIn allows users to upload articles, links, and files to their profile. If you want employers to read your resume when they find you on LinkedIn, you should upload a resume under your name and headline as Featured Media.

Heres how to upload your resume to your LinkedIn profile:

Step 1: Go to your profile.

Step 2: Click the Add profile section button, and expand the Featured tab.

Step 3: Select Media and choose the resume file you want to upload from your computer.

Although you can post a resume on your LinkedIn profile, we dont recommend uploading your resume here for two reasons.

First, depending on your privacy settings, your resume is available for anyone on LinkedIn to view and download. Its important to be careful when sharing personal information, such as your name and address.

Second, LinkedIn already shows your work history. Recruiters can see your resume by looking at your profile an additional file isnt needed.

You should get recruiters to notice you on LinkedIn by regularly updating your work history and being active on the platform, not by adding your resume to your LinkedIn profile.

How To Create & Change A Custom Linkedin Url In 3 Easy Steps

resume 2016 linked in

Make sure your LinkedIn URL enhances your professional brand, rather than detracts from it.

In today’s job market, it’s not enough to just have a top-notch resume. Employers also expect you to have a polished online professional brand that aligns with your resume and current job goals. In fact, according to a recent Jobvite study most recruiters are using social media to attract and vet potential candidates for their open positions.

As a result, it’s important to not only develop a fleshed out online profile that you can include on your resume but to also customize its public web address so it’s easy for people to find and connect with you. That means you need a custom URL on LinkedIn.

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How To Upload Your Resume To Linkedin: 4 Options

Your LinkedIn can be a more comprehensive version of your work history, but your resume should still be tailored to your career goals. While a keyword-optimized profile can help a recruiter or hiring manager find you on LinkedIn, most hiring professionals still want to see a resume before bringing you in for an interview.

LinkedIn once offered a summary section that could support resume uploads, followed by an About section. The About section remains, but no longer supports added media. The latest option for displaying your resume on your LinkedIn is by adding it to the new Featured section of your LinkedIn profile.

Here’s how you can upload your resume to your LinkedIn in 2021.

How To Include Your Linkedin Url On Your Resume

One of the benefits of LinkedIn is that it gives prospective employers and professional connections a synopsis of your credentials. Viewing a LinkedIn profile is a quick and easy way to get insight into someone’s career history.

You can create a custom LinkedIn URL to add to your resume, email signature, and anywhere else you’d like to market your credentials. Hiring managers will be able to easily access your profile and see recommendations and skill endorsements from your colleagues, clients, and managers.

Get advice on how to include your LinkedIn URL on your resume, create a custom URL, and make your profile stand out to employers.

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Open To Work And Freelance Services

Most LinkedIn profiles now have the option of having an extra section at the top of the page which includes information about three extra aspects:

Open to work preferences, service experience highlights and hiring requests.

Job seekers can indicate that they are open to work by outlining what they are looking for to potential recruiters. They have the option of putting open to work on their LinkedIn profile photo and can include a list of searchable skills and industry specializations. If you would rather that your current employer doesnt know that you are looking, it is best to avoid this, but if this does not matter or if you are currently between work or in a redundancy process, then this open to work section is incredibly visible and will help your profile be featured when employer search for potential candidates.

Freelancers and consultants who might be looking for more time-limited gigs or part-time opportunities can also make use of this LinkedIn profile real estate by outlining the types of services that they provide. In a similar way to permanent job seekers, this will increase their visibility within the LinkedIn search function, and it is a professional and succinct way of describing core value-add. Every professional who has worked on a freelance basis previously and would theoretically be prepared to work on a freelance basis in the future should consider this. On the other hand, it may make permanent employers slightly more reluctant to consider you.

Helpful Tips And Best Practices For A Linkedin Resume

How to List My LinkedIn Profile on a Resume : Tech Tips for Social Media

While a resume is a great addition to your Linkedin profile, it is essential to make sure that your document is the best representation of your experiences and skills. When employers find your profile and click on your resume, they want to quickly see evidence of your qualifications and fitness for the position that they have available. Here are some tips to help you follow best practices when you upload your resume to LinkedIn.

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Recent Activity Is Featured On Your Linkedin Profile Too

A LinkedIn profile is a living breathing feature of the social media platform. It will always be changing because your most recent activity will be featured immediately before your experience section.

Every potential employer will want to read through the experience part, so they will surely pause for a minute on the way to see what you have been writing, sharing or liking recently.

Activity is vital on LinkedIn to grow your network and promote your personal brand, but when you are in pure job seeking mode, you should be very aware that your most recent 2-3 pieces of activity will form an integral part of your profile.

You never quite know when a recruiter or employer might be looking at your LinkedIn profile, so be incredibly careful about what you share. If you have a personal website, share some links to your blogs. If you have certain industry views, commenting on other peoples updates is always a great way of sharing your opinions.

Feel free to engage with potential employers on their company pages but do it with caution. Either engage with a wide range of brands or dont do it at all. If a potential employer sees that you are engaging with a competitor and not with their posts, it might leave an unpleasant taste in their mouth. There are more potential employers out there than you might think.

Include A Link To Your Cv On Your Linkedin Profile

On that topic, keep in mind that resumes often include information that your LinkedIn does not. Consider creating a customized version of your resume that excludes information about yourself or your job history that you do not want to make public. To put it another way, you may leave out a lot of your contact information.

  • Navigate to your profile. Scroll down to your Featured area, which is right beneath your About section, and click the plus symbol.

  • This area can be filled with posts, articles, links, and media. Select “Media” from the popup menu to upload your resume as a.doc or PDF. Find the most recent version of your resume in Word format.

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Write An Effective Linkedin Profile To Accompany Your Resume

If you put your LinkedIn profile URL on your resume, be prepared that someone will click on it! In reality, whether or not you put your LinkedIn URL on your resume, hiring managers will search for you on LinkedIn. It is therefore essential that you have a LinkedIn profile and that it is written to impress. That means its not a straight regurgitation of your resume content.

My e-books, How to Write a WINNING Resume, How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume, and will help you craft both a resume and a LinkedIn profile that keeps you in the Yes pile when a recruiter or hiring manager is considering your application. The Essay Expert also offers individualized resume reviews and full resume writing packages, plus and full packages.

Contact The Essay Expert if you have questions or are interested in our services.

How To Edit Your Linkedin Resume

Cv Template Linkedin

You might also want to apply for a job that doesnt need certain information or skills on your profile. Luckily, LinkedIn lets you remove, edit, or update sections before downloading your resume.

You can change the file name at the top of the page if you want to create different versions for different job applications.

Simply select the edit icon and enter a preferred name for your resume in the Resume name field. Then click Save.

To update or remove any section of your resume, click on the edit icon next to that section.

From the edit menu that pops up, click the Delete option at the lower-left corner to remove the selected section completely.

Otherwise, edit the fields that you wish to change and click the Save option.

Note that any changes you make to your generated resume wont affect your profile in any way. This feature lets you edit your resume anytime without worrying about your profile.

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Computer Science Student Linkedin Summary Example:

I am a student at the University of Michigan with a major in Computer Science. I am passionate about pursuing my major in Information Technology and Computer Science. My goal is to get a job in the Information Technology field after graduating. I am currently working with an information technology company as a remote worker but plan to move out of that company and into an information technology firm after I graduate.

I enjoy solving technical problems, researching and developing new technologies, designing software applications for different platforms. I am also interested in pursuing degree programs in Information Systems Management, Computer Engineering, or Computer Science. I enjoy meeting people and working with them in a team environment. I also enjoy interacting with clients and customers. My strong customer service skills allow me to do this well. I am a quick learner with a fun, outgoing personality. In addition, I excel in my ability to work under pressure and handle stressful situations very well.

These skills that I have will be a benefit for any information technology company.

Featured Content Adds Depth To Your Story

The main benefit of LinkedIn is that it allows members to grow their professional networks, share their thoughts with others and learn from each other. Social update posts, long form blog content and video posts all form part of the LinkedIn professional tapestry.

There might be certain posts that you share that are particularly appropriate to highlight to an audience of potential employers and the LinkedIn profile section now allows you to feature a number of posts / articles / links / media to help to bring your story to life.

You can also show content from outside of LinkedIn in this featured section, but our advice would be to share something that is relevant and that has particularly resonated with your professional network. Social proof is impressive in a job search and if you feature content that has been popular with your network it is more impactful than simply sharing a blog that you wrote on your personal website five years ago.

It is safe to say that video will be far more likely to be viewed here than if you share a transitory feed update. People are on your LinkedIn profile page for a reason, and if you include it above the envelope as one of the pieces of visible media, it will surely get views.

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What Needs To Be The Same Between The Resume And The Linkedin Profile

The framework and overall positioning of you and your professional experiences should align between the two.

Providing consistent information around the finer details reduces confusion and mixed messaging. The overall story has to line up. If a recruiter visits your profile after reviewing your resume, you dont want them to find discrepancies around dates, titles, or education, which might flag questions.

Your Name and Title:

Use your everyday name on both. If you are a Richard who goes by Rick, use Rick. If you are a Mary Lynn who goes by Lynn, use Lynn. Be consistent across all communications, making it easy for employers to locate and connect your materials and information. Also, create a with this same name.

If you have carefully crafted your to demonstrate your value, weave that same title and positioning into your resume . If you title yourself as an Executive CHRO on your resume, consider the same on LinkedIn .

Company Names, Position Titles, and Dates:

Over time, some organizations change names and position titles due to mergers and acquisitions and trends . Carefully check to make sure all titles and dates match on both the resume and LinkedIn.

Focus On Your Strongest Set Of Skills And Experiences

How to Upload Your Resume to LinkedIn

When posting your resume, you may be tempted to cover your bases by detailing all of your work experience and applicable skills. However, prospective employers prefer to see more focused and detailed information about you that is relevant to the position they have available. Therefore, when compiling your resume, develop a focused list of several jobs and skills that will be most attractive to the hiring companies in your desired field.

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Does Linkedin Have Resume Templates

You may use LinkedIn Resume Builder to help you create a professional resume that will catch the attention of Recruiters and Hiring Managers. It may assist you in rapidly creating a resume by utilizing current data on your profile, which can then be downloaded as a PDF. Choose Build a resume from the dropdown menu.

How To Add Your Resume On Linkedin : 4 Secret Nuggets To Find A Job On This Social Media

You have now seen the basics about how to add your resume on your profile. Now we go to the next level with 4 hacks that you can implement right now to find a job through LinkedIn.

Here they are:

  • Make an animated/video resume in Motion Design to create the wow effect among people and unleash a powerful virality.
  • Use the AIDA method to make readers actually read your post until the end. Here is the process explained.
  • Update your LinkedIn profile as much as possible to reach the rank of absolute expert to get more visibility.
  • Use the Podawaa tool to boost the reach of your publication and reach 10x more views on your post than before .

By applying these 4 steps, you will be able to reach many HR and business managers, and consequently find opportunities in a massive way.

Finally, lets move on to a bonus that should really interest you: how to write an excellent resume ?

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Customer Service Representative Linkedin Summary Example:

I am a customer service representative with over 8 years of experience.

As a customer service representative, I have provided premium customer service for over 8 years to clients across the nation and around the world. My customers are my biggest focus while providing unparalleled customer service to ensure that my clients experience is exceptional. I am committed to providing stellar customer service or excellence in all areas of the company, from directly servicing my clients, to making sure that marketing and admin are running smoothly. As a member of the leadership team, I am in charge of projects and helping build our training center. I have not only created great training for our employees but helped thousands become leaders in the company. I pride myself on being thorough and caring for all of our clients needs. I am also available to lead in the future as an instructor or trainer at their request.

As a customer service representative, my goal is to provide the best service possible to each and every client. I will strive to always exceed expectations and provide excellent customer service, which is why we are able to remain top-notch in our field.

My passion is providing excellent customer service and helping our clients excel in their fields.

Customer Service Representative | Call Center | Customer Service


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