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How To Write Gpa On Resume

Gpa On Resumes: Takeaways

Should You Put Your GPA On Your Resume? Entry Level Resume Writing Tips

Lets summarize:

  • The purpose of listing your GPA purpose on a resume is only to complement your Education section and empower it.
  • There are a variety of ways to present and format your GPA.
  • The only acceptable lie regarding GPA is rounding it up to one decimal place.
  • A low GPA wont ruin your life. You can still get your dream job, and we are always here to help.

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Secondly Format Your Gpa Appropriately

Formatting is crucial when creating a professional and formal look for your resume. Clearly label the GPA wherever you place it. Writing random numbers may confuse the hiring manager, so you can create a separate list of your majors and overall GPA. Putting your GPA in parentheses is also an effective method to make it prominent.

When Not To Include Gpa On A Resume:

  • If youâve been out of school for more than four years

  • If you have a couple of years of experience in your field

Many people will tell you to include your GPA if itâs 3.0 or higher. This really isnât good advice, from an employer’s perspective. Here are a few reasons why.

Sometimes there are hundreds of resumes sent for a single opening. Thatâs a lot of competition! With that much competition, you want to come off as excellent, not just âgood.”

While you should definitely be proud of a GPA higher than 3.0, it doesn’t scream excellence in a sea of 4.0s. In this case, instead of drawing attention to a good GPA, youâre better off just leaving it off.

You should also avoid listing it if youâve been out of school for more than four years. You should lead with whatever experience you have in this case. If you already have experience in the field, you should also avoid listing your GPA and focus on your experience instead. Your GPA is a measure of your education, but practical experience is almost always more compelling to a hiring manager.

Here is what career expert Alison Green had to say:

This leads us to our next question.

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If You Have Worked For Many Years In The Same Company

Indeed, it is not worth mentioning more than 15 years of experience in your resume, but what if you have worked in the same company all your life? In this case, it is necessary to point out this experience, but you need to divide it into blocks. You can indicate the name of the company, and below submit information by year.

For example, if you worked in marketing for the same firm, your career block might look like this:

Google Inc.

2009-2014 Digital Marketing Manager

2007-2009 Digital Marketing Assistant

It may also be that you have worked in the same position in different companies for some period of time in the past. If you received this work experience later than 10-15 years ago, or if this work is not relevant, this block should be formatted differently. To save a position, consider presenting your employers like this:

2003-2014 Brand Manager

FleishmanHillard, DigitasLBi, Mindshare, Bluefocus Communication Group.

However, if these work experiences are not directly related to your new vacancy it is better not to insert such information. Choose fewer jobs, but only those where the employer can understand your value as a specialist.

Should I Put My Gpa On My Resume If It Is Low

Resume Template With Gpa

If its not listed in the application requirement then avoid adding a GPA score that is low . You should never avoid putting your score on a resume if the employer explicitly stated that they wish to know your score.

If your overall GPA is low, then make sure to add your major GPA if that score is higher. Furthermore, dont let this bring you down, you will just have to think about what other qualities you can bring to the table. Maybe sign up for a course and add a certificate, or work somewhere as an intern to gain additional experience. These are all far more important traits for an employer.

There is nothing much you can do with a low GPA. Whats done is done and you need to focus on more important things. Hopefully, this answers the question do you include GPA on resume if its low.

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Should You Include Your Gpa On Your Resume

Be wary of any source that tells you there is one automatic answer to this question. It’s complicated and depends on many factors.

Should I include my GPA on my resume?

The answer depends on your GPA, the career field you are pursuing, and the other qualifications in your background. There is no one set cut-off number.

In technical fields, employers tend to place high importance on GPA, they want to know it, and they are going to ask for it eventually. That’s just a fact of life. In fields in which employers care about GPA, if you leave your GPA off, you risk employers assuming that it is low . In some career fields, GPA is not as important a factor in employers’ decisions.

In some fields, a 3.0 might be considered strong in others, it might be considered less-than-strong. Know your industry.

For graduate students, there is often an assumption that your undergraduate GPA must have been strong for you to be admitted to graduate school, and once in graduate school, strong academic performance is simply expected.

If you are uncertain about including your GPA, seek Career and Professional Development advising for recommendations based on your individual circumstances. Ando see other GPA-related questions below.

What about my in-major GPA?

If you want to work in a career field related to your major, and your in-major GPA is lower than your overall, and is not strong, the lower in-major GPA is probably not something you want to advertise.

Can You Round Up Your Gpa

Many students ask, can you round up GPA or should you round up GPA, on your resume, and the answer is yes. Be careful though to only round up to one decimal place. Below is a list of examples of when you can safely round your GPA up or not.


  • Can I round a 3.49 GPA to a 3.5? Yes this is an example of acceptable rounding since it is to one decimal place
  • Can I round a 3.43 GPA to a 3.5? No this number would actually round down to 3.4. Instead, consider leaving it at 3.43.
  • Can I round a 3.99 GPA to a 4.0? No Thats because 4.0 GPA is reserved for a perfect GPA, meaning it is not rounded and truly 4.0.

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Finally Understand Your Strengths And Priorities

If you have mentioned your GPA while considering all the other aspects of your resume, make sure you feel confident about it. Your GPA can be a useful addition to your resume, but only if it complements the other information you provide. Once youve been in the workforce for a few years, your GPA is generally less important than the experience youve gained in your field. An exception would be if youve gone back to school to pursue a different career path. Once you rejoin the workforce in a different field, it may help to add your GPA after the first couple of years.

What To Includeand What To Leave Out

GPA on Resume (or not)

The German definition of personal information is also different. Forms may ask for birth date, marital status and perhaps even your religious affiliation although that last piece of information is optional. Including a picture with your application is customary. On this page, you will see an example of a narrative résumé that even contains information about parents, etc. In the U.S., such points are unusual, if not outright illegal.

On the other hand, German employers are much less interested in your rock-climbing accomplishments, unless they bear some relevance to the position. You need to use some common sense here and not hide your light under a bushel. An employer willing to hire a foreigner is also willing to accept some peculiarities. Make sure you address your language competence.

Keep in mind that Germans might well infer something different from what you intend to say with certain kinds of information. An American will point proudly to past menial jobs as evidence of flexibility and a willingness to work hard, no matter what the task a German might see the same job as evidence of lack of direction or ambition. If you want to mention waiting on tables or working as a lifeguard, make it clear that these were Ferienjobs, Schülerjobs, or Studentenjobs.

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When Not To List Your Gpa On A Resume

Now that weve looked at the situations when you should, or may want to, include your GPA on a resume, the instances when its not advisable or useful are quite straightforward.Essentially, the previously outlined conditions for including your GPA on a resume are reversed for excluding it when:

  • The employer does not request it
  • Your GPA was lower than 3.0 , or any of the following:
  • Its not your first job
  • You are not currently attending high school or college
  • You graduated more than three years ago.

The time will come to let go of your academic rockstar persona at least when it comes to freeing up resume space for more recent accomplishments of greater interest to employers. So unless your GPA is explicitly requested for a job application, drop it from your resume once two or three years have elapsed after graduation. The more work experienceyou gradually acquire, the more relevant and influential this section of your resume becomes.

If Youre Still In High School Or College

If youre still in school, chances are you have little or no formal work experience. In this case your GPA is relevant because it helps an employer assess your work ethic and competency.

Employers know that graduating with a strong GPA is no easy task. By including it, you immediately communicate to employers that you have the ambition and expertise needed to excel.

However, only include your GPA on your resume if its particularly high . Anything lower wont work in your favor.

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How To Show Gpa On A Resume

Since the purpose of the GPA in your resume is to complement the Education section and add more value to it, its no doubt that the best place to include it is right next to that section.

Luckily, in Enhancv, you can do this with a simple click of a button.

  • Go to the Enhancv Resume Section
  • Choose the resume you want to edit

Its that easy!

And since our widget is created to help you create eye-catching resumes, GPA is added right next to your education history. Recruiters wont lose any time and will be able to see all the necessary information immediately.

How Many Decimals Gpa On Resume

college student resume gpa

Always put the exact score. Dont worry about the number of decimals, its regarded as a bad practice if you round any of your GPA scores. Its unlikely that an employer who is looking for an experienced worker will double-check this, but those who are seeking staff for entry-level jobs might require college transcripts. In those cases, they will definitely check the score, and it will look bad if you decide to round it up.

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Include Deans List Under Your Education Section

You should always list the Deans list in your resume education section, because its part of your educational history. This is also where employers expect to see it.

Place the Deans list next to the GPA on your resume. This line belongs beneath the name, city, and state of your university, as well as your degree title and graduation year.

Heres a template you can use for your own resume:


When Not To Put Gpa On A Resume

Now that you know when to include GPA on resume, let us go over the cases when you can exclude it.

  • If its not on the list of requirements by the employer.
  • If your GPA is low . The other popular question from job seekers is should they put a 3.4 GPA on their resume.
  • If you have relevant work experience.
  • If a few years have passed since you graduated.

Truth be told its almost always going to be optional or up to you to decide on whether to add your GPA on resume or not. However, there might be situations when putting the score on resume can be seen as a sign of weakness or just look silly. For example, if you are applying for a position that requires years of experience, and a list of achievements you made throughout your career, your GPA score would simply look out of place there.

Even though its an option there will be a lot of instances where you will include it, especially at the start of your career. To that end, lets see how to include GPA on resume and where to put GPA on resume.

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Should I Put 31 Gpa On Resume

Normally, employers do not give special attention to a GPA on a resume since it only gives a very rough estimate of the skills you have to offer. 3.1 is decent in harder fields, like engineering, but if the field is not as rigorous, you might not want to list it. Another answer is that it depends on the industry. Grades like that might be acceptable in fields such as medicine or engineering, but they may be too low for students in social sciences.

Questions About Resume & Cover Letter Effectiveness

Should You Put Your GPA On Your Resume? How Low is Too Low? Tech Tip Tuesdays #8

9. Can I send the same resume to different employers? According to consistent employer feedback, each resume you submit should be tailored to each position and employer. This means showing how your skills and qualifications fit with those the employer seeks. Check out the “Job Posting” sampleshereto see how you can match your skills with what the employer is looking for, and then see how these skills are outlines in the resume and cover letter. 10. What else can I do for my job search? Check out the Career Centre page onWork Search Strategiesfor your work search. 11. How do I know if my resume and cover letter is good enough? So much depends on the competition, but you can use the resume and cover letter checklists availablehereto ensure you have done the best job possible.

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Should I Mention A Gpa On My Linkedin Profile

Well, basically all weve mentioned regarding GPA on resumes applies for LinkedIn as well. Do put your GPA on LinkedIn if youre still a student or youve recently graduated and your GPA is impressive 3.5 GPA and higher on a 4.0 scale.

Dont put GPA on your resume if its lower than 3.5 on a 4.0 scale and you have had some work experience after graduating from university. As you acquire work experience, GPA becomes less important for your potential employer.

Christys word of advice

If youre a recent graduate, a good GPA is definitely worth including, as it gives potential employers insight into how well youve mastered the academic side of a particular subject. If its lower than youd hoped, just leave it off and focus on other details such as final year modules , thesis title, and any academic societies you were involved in. After you build up some work experience lets say a year or two your GPA will be less important anyway, so you can simply leave it off.

Christy Morgan, Resident HR Expert

What About Rounding Up Your Gpa

Yes, you can round up your GPA on resume. However, you should only round up to one decimal place. In some cases, you shouldnt be rounding up at all. And finally, you may even have to round down.

How many decimals should a GPA score have? The standard is one decimal place.

Here are some examples:

  • 3.49 GPA would round up to 3.5
  • 3.43 GPA would round down to 3.4
  • 3.98 GPA would round down to 3.9 this is because 4.0 GPA is reserved for the perfect score, which is not rounded and is truly 4.0

A correct rounding of a GPA on your resume is particularly important in areas such as banking, investment and finance. Learn how to make your banking resume stand out.

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How Can I Get A Job With A Low Gpa

A low GPA doesnt mean you cant handle the job or that you wont be successful in the field. Some of the greatest minds of our days didnt even finish university.

And yet, they change the world we live in every single day.

You should always concentrate on the bigger picture. Your GPA is only one of the many details that can make your resume a real masterpiece.

A masterpiece that can secure you any job.

We are here to help you on that journey.

Example Of Gpa On Resume

Gpa On Resume After Graduation

As stated above, if your GPA is 3.5 or higher, then you should definitely include it on your resume and in your job applicationRecruiting & SearchRecruiting & job search for corporate finance careers requires significant preparation. Our guides will help you land the job you’re looking for & stand out from the competition. For investment banking, equity research, corporate development, FP& A, treasury, and other financial recruiting programs, job searches. If youve been out of school for more than 10 years, you can most likely drop it from your resume, as your work experience is probably far more important than your grades at university.

Below is an example of how to include your grade point average:

Bachelor of Arts, Major in Economics

  • Cumulative GPA: 3.8/4.0
  • Varsity Sport starter on the varsity sports team all four years 20+ hours per week
  • President, Investment Club responsible for financial modelingWhat is Financial ModelingFinancial modeling is performed in Excel to forecast a company’s financial performance. Overview of what is financial modeling, how & why to build a model. and analysis

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