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What Is Curriculum Vitae And Resume

How To Choose The Best Resume

Curriculum Vitae vs. Resume: What’s The Big Difference?

The first step to writing a great resume is to choose the best type of resume for your work history, experience, and the jobs you’re applying for.

How can you choose the right format for you? Keep in mind your strengths and weaknesses as a candidate, and then select the resume type that highlights the former and minimizes the latter. For example, if you have a gap in your work history, you might use a functional resume to emphasize your skills over your linear experience.

Resume And Cv Usually Mean The Exact Same Thing

In most cases, the words resume and CV are simply different terms for the exact same thing. Resume is the term commonly used in the U.S. and Canada, while curriculum vitae or CV is the term used in most of the rest of the world. But most of the time, they refer to the exact same document used in most job applications: a brief summary of a candidates employment history, educationand skills.

In other words, in most cases, CV means resume and resume means CV.

The confusing part is that the term curriculum vitae is also used in academic settings worldwide to describe the much longer document emphasizing scholarly achievements, publications, fellowships, grants, research experience and the like. This is sometimes called an academic CV to distinguish it from an ordinary CV, which is the same thing as a resume.

Proofread Your Cv For Errors

Before submitting your job application, be sure to thoroughly review your CV for any errors or inconsistencies. Consider asking a trusted colleague or professional mentor to review it as wellespecially if they are experienced in the industry youre applying to. A second opinion can be useful in helping you craft a well-polished CV.

Some employers, especially post-secondary institutions, may offer their own CV template and CV examples to help make sure you include all required information in the format they prefer. Before you submit your application, look for any special CV guidelines the employer has outlined. For example, some institutions may require you to list only relevant coursework, fieldwork, dissertations and professional references.

Related: How to Write a CV: Tips, Template and Example

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Can I Use A Resume Instead Of A Cv

CV vs. resume which one should I choose? When applying for a role, make sure to read the job application guidelines carefully to figure out if you need to include a resume or a CV. When you dont have specific instructions, follow the trends of the country you’re in. When you’re posting a new job ad, no matter where you are in the world, you need to use the “local language” of the country you’re recruiting in. To sum up:

  • In the US, a resume is more common while CVs are used for academic purposes.
  • In Europe, the UK, and Ireland the term CV is prevalent but describes a shorter document. For academic purposes, people use the so-called academic CVs, which include their full career history.
  • In other countries, like Australia, candidates use the word CV and resume interchangeably to describe the same document, which briefly mentions the candidates most important career details.
  • Did you find this CV vs. resume definition useful? For more HR-related definitions, see our HR Terms section.

    Curriculum Vitae Vs Resume: Difference In Core Focus


    Curriculum vitae are meant to show your career and achievements, whereas resumes focus more on your skillset and abilities. I was able to ask Karyn Mullins, the President at MedReps, a job board that specializes in medical sales and pharmaceutical sales jobs, some questions about CVs. When asked about something that applicants shouldnt do on a CV, Mullins had this to say:

    Applicants should never submit a CV that focuses more on responsibilities than it does achievements. This is a slight difference that gets CVs placed at the top or the bottom of the pile. If one of your responsibilities was to perform research, explain how long it took you to perform the research, how accurate it was, what role you played in the overall success of your team, and so on.

    All of whats described here paints a vastly different picture compared to what goes on a resume. While theres definitely a place for achievements on this type of document, the bulk of a good resume details relevant job experience, specifically in terms of which duties you performed and how theyve equipped you for what youre applying for. Thats all theres really room for on a resume, hence the brevity. CVs, however, can often run much longer, giving the writer space with which to discuss their feats.

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    What Is The Difference Between A Cv And A Resume In The Us And Canada

    As you may know, the British equivalent of subway is underground, Americans call a queue a line, and if you ask for a biscuit in England, they give you a cookie.

    There are said to be 160 dialects of the English language, each with its own distinctive way of saying things. Americans and Canadians in particular have developed unique accents, vocabularies and spelling styles over the centuries because of the oceans that isolate the Americas from the rest of the world.

    We can thank this same geographic divide for any confusion over the difference between a resume and a CV. Resume is simply an American/Canadian version of what the rest of the world calls a CV. With the exception of specialized academic CVs, whats called a resume in the U.S. and Canada is the same thing thats called a CV almost everywhere else.

    So if youre a job seeker in the U.S. looking for a new job in the UK and youre asked you to submit a CV, how do you know whether the recruiter wants to see an ordinary resume or a long-form academic CV? The answer almost always lies in the field of work. If the job is not in academia , then an ordinary resume is usually all thats desired.

    Some jobs may lie on the fringes of academia for example, a research scientist position with a private chemical firm and it may be unclear which type of CV is preferred. If in doubt, contact the company and ask.

    The Differences Between A Curriculum Vitae Vs Resume

    When applying for a job, there are several formal documents you need to prepare to send for your application. Two of these documents include a curriculum vitae and a resume. Understanding the differences and when to use each document can help you prepare for your job applications and send the appropriate information to potential employers. In this article, we discuss the primary differences between a curriculum vitae vs. resume, identify the definitions and content of each, and explore several tips when writing either document.

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    What Is A Curriculum Vitae

    A curriculum vitae provides a summary of your experience and skills. Typically, CVs for entry-level candidates are longer than resumesat least two or three pages. CVs for mid-level candidates who have amassed numerous publications tend to run much longer.

    CVs include extensive information on your academic background, including teaching experience, degrees, research, awards, publications, presentations, and other achievements.

    CVs are lengthier than resumes and include more information, particularly details related to ones academic and research background.

    A curriculum vitae summary is a one-to-two-page, condensed version of a full curriculum vitae. A CV summary is a way to quickly and concisely convey ones skills and qualifications. Sometimes large organizations will initially ask for a one-page CV summary when they expect a large pool of applicants.

    Is A Resume The Same As A Curriculum Vitae Key Differences And Similarities You Need To Know To Jumpstart Your Career Search

    Difference Between CV and RESUME Explained / CV vs Resume Interview Skills

    Whats the difference between a resume and a curriculum vitae ? Both summarize your education, work experience, extracurricular activities, and skills that are relevant to your career goals. A resume is typically a one- to two-page document that includes the aforementioned information. A curriculum vitae has more detailed descriptions and is generally as long as it needs to be to fully document your history and experience.

    You should have multiple versions of your resume, so that each application you submit includes a resume with information specifically chosen for that role. If youre applying to a managerial position, any experience you have managing others, creating schedules, managing finances, etc., should be prioritized over your summer job in high school, even to the extent of entirely removing older entries.

    Research-focused individuals, typically at the masters and PhD level, should have a CV, which includes teaching experience, publications and presentations.

    Your resume or CV should represent how you want recruiters to view you. Highlight the things that are important to you for your future job. If your job history is all customer service but you are applying to research positions, your summary section should talk about your research-related skills, not refer to you as a customer service professional.

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    Unc General Alumni Association

    Do you expect to graduate in the foreseeable future? In addition to making an appointment with University Career Services before throwing your cap in the air, a visit to the Career Services branch of the UNC General Alumni Association in the George Watts Hill Alumni Center might turn into a wise career move. After graduation, members of the GAA are eligible to receive resume tips and samples, as well as to take advantage of their resume posting service.

    Differences Between Cv And Resume At A Glance

    At first glance, it might appear that CV and resume are almost the same but the devil is in the details.

    Maximum up to 2 pages
    Focus Focus is on professional skills
    Contact details Multiple ways to contact you can be mentioned Mainly phone number & email is sufficient
    Work details Mentions designation, duration, & firm mainly
    Cover letter Multiple ways to contact you can be mentioned Mainly phone number & email is sufficient
    Skills Skills with highest proficiency are prioritised

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    Cv Vs Resume: The Difference Between A Resume And A Curriculum Vitae

    The CV vs resume debate is prevalent among job seekers and hiring managers. So, what are the differences between the two, and is resume the same as CV?

    Theres no doubt that career and resume writing have changed drastically over the past few decades. It was once considered standard practice for employers to ask candidates to hand-write their resumés . However, it seems like resumes are simply ignored by employers these days.

    This article will answer the questions including: What is a CV? What is a resume? And the difference between cv and resume.

    An Example Curriculum Vitae

    Hybrid CV Template for 2020

    Still need to see all this laid out to get a good idea of what a curriculum vitae should really look like? Check out our example below for a student who is just completing a PhD in a research-based field and is looking for their first job in academia or a post-doctorate position:

    Think of your CV as a fluid document. People dont often craft a resume until theyre looking for their next job, Goodfellow points out. In contrast, you should be updating your curriculum vitae constantly, she says.

    Whenever you publish, present, or attend a conference, make a habit of immediately logging it on your CV. It may seem like a pain, but youll be glad you did it when it comes time to look for your next position. You wont have to search your memory trying to recall the exact months and years everything happenedsaving you a lot of headaches in the long run.

    Regina Borsellino is a NYC-based editor at The Muse covering job search and career advice, particularly resume best practices, interviewing, remote work, and personal and professional development. Before joining The Muse, Regina was an editor for InvestorPlace, where she also wrote about topics such as investing and biotech companies. She holds a BA in English language and literature from the University of Maryland and an MFA in creative writing from American University. Find her on and .

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    Whats The Difference Between A Cv And Resume

    Whats the Difference Between a CV and Resume

    In 2017, the words CV and resume are often used interchangeably, which is confusing for many. What are the similarities between a CV and resume? What makes them different? When should you use a CV or resume? These questions will be answered, and your confusion between the two will finally be lifted.

    What Not To Do When Writing A Cv

    • Don’t try and do it all by yourself the first time. Seek help from others such as faculty advisors, career specialists or colleagues.

    • Don’t worry too much about length there are no rules on length. The CV should be professional and should include your important data.

    • Don’t include the following information. These things are not necessary: age ethnic identity political affiliation religious preference hobbies marital status sexual orientation place of birth photographs height weight and health.

    • Don’t pad your CV by listing excessively detailed information about research or teaching. Instead, provide the titles of research projects and course names along with brief summaries of your work.

    • Don’t include information that is humorous. The CV is not the place for humor or being “cute.”

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    Sections Of A Cover Letter

    Personal Contact Info

    Required: Name, Address, Phone, EmailOptional: LinkedIn, Online portfolio


    Employer’s Contact Info

    Name, Department, Company, Address. If no specific person’s name use position title or dept. name, If no address use email with city/state


    Try to address your cover letter to a person. If no specific name can use “Dear Search Committee,”, “Dear Hiring Manager,”, or “To Whom it May Concern:”

    Beginning Paragraph

    Introduce yourself and express your interest in the position. Possible subjects include:

    • Who you are – year in school, university, major
    • The specific job title
    • How you heard about the job and, if appropriate, name of the person who told you about it
    • Why you’re interested in the position
    • Why you’re qualified. This should be a brief one sentence summary of why you are a good fit for the position

    Middle Paragraph

    Describe 1-3 of your experiences/projects that show your job-specific skills and qualifications. Make sure to:

    • Show how you make a good fit with the position/organization
    • Focus on what you will bring to the organization that will make them glad they hired you
    • Not simply restate your resume
    • Break up the paragraph into smaller sections if it is too big. Smaller paragraphs are more readable

    Ending/Summarizing Paragraph

    Final interest and fit statement in which you:

    Closing Signature

    A cover letter is an important tool to use when applying for a job because it:

    What Does A Good Cv Look Like In 2021

    Resume vs CV – What’s the Difference?

    Whether you need a resume-type CV or a long-form list of all your academic achievements, you want a professionally designed document that looks as good as it sounds.

    Appearances matter. Fonts and font sizes matter, as do margins, visual balance and an appropriate use of white space.

    You should be able to glance at your resume/CV at arms length, without reading anything it says, and get a good visual impression just from looking at it. This requires an attractive layout and smart use of typography.

    Some points to consider:

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    Transforming Your Cv Into A Resume

    You may need both a CV and a resume for your job search. Sending the appropriate document tells employers that you can distinguish the differences between the academic and non-academic environments and that you can adapt your skills to either environment. Most employers in industry prefer a resume. When rearranging your CV to make it a resume:

    • Do not exceed two pages.
    • Re-evaluate your experience. Think creatively about how your academic experience can be translated into the necessary skills for a non-academic environment. Consider skills of project management, leadership, teamwork, effective communication, and meeting deadlines.
    • Choose action verbs to describe your experience.
    • Put your strengths first. List your professional experience or your degree first, depending on which is most important for a specific position.
    • Include a well-written job objective state the type of position and work setting you are seeking, skills or abilities you possess, and long-term goals. Be sure that your resume supports your job objective.
    • Emphasize skills and accomplishments.
    • List relevant presentations, publications, and papers, but not all.
    • Have someone proofread it.

    When Should You Use A Cv

    An example of good usage of the CV is in the academic industry, as it gives an exhaustive insight into where you currently stand in your career. This can help the academic institute make an assessment of your management skills, subject knowledge and your people skills can be suitable for a role as an educator & administrator, making you a suitable candidate for many roles.

    Related: 10 things recruiters look for in your CV

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    What Type Of Job Am I Applying For

    The type of job you are applying for can impact the document you use during your application. Review the job posting to see if the organization has indicated which form they prefer. Often companies will include instructions in the job posting for candidates to be considered. If the employer hasn’t specified and the position is academic, they likely expect you to submit a CV. For example, suppose you are applying for an associate professor, research instructor, or other academic position in a post-secondary institution. In that case, the hiring committee expects a CV from the interested applicants.

    In contrast, if you are applying for an “industry” position where you need hands-on experience and competencies, a resume is the document you use. A resume is a perfect way to summarize your work history and essential skills on a single page. You use a resume to get your profile noticed by the hiring manager to secure an interview with the company.


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