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When Will Impeachment Hearings Resume

Stacey Plaskett Addresses Emotional Toll Of Seeing Black Women Used In Trump Defense

President Trump impeachment hearings resume: Holmes and Hill

“Those 43 who voted to acquit the president did so because they were afraid of him, because they were more interested in party and in power than they were in our country and in duty to their Senate oath,” she added.

Plaskett said Trump “will be forever tarnished” by the impeachment.

“I think it leaves him for all history our children and my grandchildren will see in history that this was the most despicable despot attempting to become a fascist ruler over a country that was founded in democracy,” she said.

President Biden said the attack on the Capitol “has reminded us that democracy is fragile.” Above, Biden speaks during a visit Thursday to the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. Evan Vucci/APhide caption

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President Biden said the attack on the Capitol “has reminded us that democracy is fragile.” Above, Biden speaks during a visit Thursday to the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md.

President Biden responded to the Senate’s acquittal of Donald Trump on Saturday by reminding Americans that truth must be defended, saying the impeachment of the former president was a stark illustration of the danger posed to democracy by lies, misinformation and extremism.

And Biden said that although Trump was acquitted, his actions in the lead-up to the Jan. 6 insurrection were not “in dispute.”

Biden To Travel To Wisconsin One Of His First Official Trips As President

President Joe Biden is scheduled to travel to Wisconsin next week, making the state one of the first official stops of his presidency.

Biden will visit Milwaukee next Tuesday. Details of the trip are not yet available. Biden was last in Wisconsin in late October, just days before the November election, when he spoke to a small, socially distanced crowd at Milwaukee’s Mitchell International Airport. That was the last of three trips Biden made to the state in 2020. In September, he stopped at a foundry in Manitowoc and also visited Kenosha after the city was shaken by shootings and unrest following the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

Wisconsin was one of the states that Biden flipped in his victory over former President Donald Trump, winning the state by about 20,000 votes a margin similar to that of Trump’s surprise win in the state just four years before.

Mary Spicuzza, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Settle In For The Opening Arguments

After any motions are considered, the seven House members serving as prosecutors in the impeachment trial have 24 hours to lay out their case, most likely starting at some point Wednesday afternoon. Under the rules adopted on Tuesday, they can use their time over three days.

The managers, led by Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, have so far not been shy about taking every minute they are owed. During Tuesdays debate over the rules, Mr. Schiff and the other managers filled their time with lengthy, detailed arguments that included the use of PowerPoint presentations and video clips of Mr. Trump and the witnesses who appeared in the House inquiry.

If that trend continues, the House managers could spend the balance of the week making their case for Mr. Trumps removal from office.

One consideration for the managers? The patience of senators, some of whom already looked a bit bored on Tuesday one even appeared to doze off as they sat in silence through several hours of Mr. Schiff and his colleagues delivering dense, detailed arguments. The House leadership could decide, as the impeachment managers did during President Bill Clintons 1999 impeachment trial, that taking every minute of the 24 hours afforded to them will not help their case.

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Watch Live: Senate To Consider Witnesses In Trump Impeachment Trial

As recently as Jan. 13, when the House impeached Trump, McConnell told his GOP colleagues he “had not made a final decision” about how he would vote in the Senate trial.

The Kentucky Republican harshly criticized Trump for his role in the Jan. 6 riot, noting: “The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people.”

Still, he voted twice to say the Senate did not have the authority to try a former president.

Bruce Castor, a lawyer for former President Donald Trump, is pictured on a break in the third day of the Trump’s impeachment trial at the Capitol.hide caption

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Bruce Castor, a lawyer for former President Donald Trump, is pictured on a break in the third day of the Trump’s impeachment trial at the Capitol.

Special coverage of the trial has ended.

The Senate acquitted former President Donald Trump of the charge of inciting an insurrection on Saturday.

The Senate voted to allow witnesses earlier Saturday, only to reverse course just a few hours later, avoiding what could have turned into days or even weeks of further proceedings.

Cassidy Joins Group Of Republicans Who Support Trump Trial

WATCH LIVE: Impeachment Hearings Resume With White House ...

Though Republicans joined Democrats in pushing the impeachment trial of Donald Trump forward Tuesday, it still doesn’t appear as if Democrats have enough GOP backing to convict the former president.

House Democratic impeachment managers need at least 67 of the 100 senators to vote to convict Trump in order to secure a conviction. But 44 Republican senators voted Tuesday that the trial was unconstitutional, more than enough to block a Trump conviction.

Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana added his name to the list of Republican senators who have said the trial is constitutional, denying a challenge from Trump’s legal team. He joins Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania who had already voted to support the legality of the trial last month.

Cassidy was the only GOP Senator who originally opposed the trial to vote in support of it Tuesday.

Cassidy praised the opening arguments by House managers, who are prosecuting the case, after Tuesdays proceedings ended.

“The House managers were focused. They were organized. They relied upon both precedent, the Constitution and legal scholars,” he said. “They made a compelling reason. President Trump’s team was disorganized. They did everything they could but to talk about the question at hand. And when they talked about it, they kind of glide it over, almost as if they were embarrassed of their arguments.”

Savannah Behrmann

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How To Watch Trump’s Second Impeachment Trial

  • What: Former President Trump’s Senate impeachment trial
  • Date: Trial resumes Friday, February 12, 2021
  • Time: 12 p.m. ET
  • Location: U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.
  • Online stream: Live on CBSNin the player above and on your mobile or streaming device
  • On TV: CBS broadcast stations
  • Follow: Live updates on

The House voted to impeach Mr. Trump on January 13 on a charge of inciting an insurrection. Ten House Republicans joined every Democrat in voting for impeachment.

The article of impeachment accuses Mr. Trump of “willfully inciting violence against the Government of the United States” with a speech to his supporters “that encouraged and foreseeably resulted in imminent lawless action at the Capitol.” Five people, including a Capitol Police officer, lost their lives.

Mr. Trump is the first president in history to be impeached twice. But it appears likely he will be acquitted, since 67 votes two-thirds of the Senate are needed to convict, which would mean 17 Republicans would have to join all 50 Democrats.

The House impeachment managers last week requested Mr. Trump testify during his trial, but the former president’s lawyers quickly rejected that idea.

Takeaways From The House Intelligence Committee

What we learned from the hearings.

The U.S. ambassador to the European Union implicated much of the US foreign policy leadership in an effort to get Ukraine to say it would investigate President Trumps political rival, but in the end, the country is left staring at

What current and former government officials told Congress.

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Taylor Sent Cable To Pompeo Expressing Concern About Withholding Military Aid

The tension with Trump comes as Pompeo weighs whether to leave the administration to run for Kansas open Senate seat.

Pompeo has served in the administration since its start. Trump tapped him as CIA director, then moved him to secretary of state after he fired Pompeos predecessor, Rex Tillerson. For almost three years, Pompeo seamlessly navigated a finicky president. Hes remained, and became more influential, as Trump churned through two chiefs of staff, three national security advisers, an attorney general, and secretaries of defense, state, labor, homeland security, interior, veterans affairs and health and human services.

But in recent weeks Pompeo has been under steady fire over his role in the Ukraine scandal, as well as his handling of it.

Initially when the Ukraine controversy became public, Trump wanted Pompeo to publicly defend him against the State Department bureaucracy, officials said. But the White House thought Pompeo appeared unprepared in his television interviews, and his performance only fueled the presidents frustrations, they said.

Pompeo has faced criticism for saying, during an interview on ABCs This Week, that he didnt know anything about the July 25 phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy that is at the center of the controversy. Pompeo didnt disclose until more than a week later that he had listened in on that call.

In Remarks Bondi Omits Reasons Us Officials Pushed For Ouster Of Ukrainian Prosecutor

President Trump impeachment hearings resume

Bondi strongly suggested that Biden pushed for the firing of Ukraines top prosecutor because Ukrainian authorities were probing the owner of the gas company that placed Hunter Biden on its board at the time.

Bondi left out that a broad coalition of U.S. and Western officials began pushing for the removal of the top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, because his office was failing to uphold pledges by the new pro-Western government to reform the office and prosecute former high-level officials in the circle of ousted President Viktor Yanukovych.

Shokins office also had been enmeshed in a scandal that became known as the diamond prosecutors affair, in which top officials were allegedly caught with stashes of diamonds and hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash a controversy that received widespread media attention in Ukraine.

The push for reform at the Ukrainian prosecutor generals office starting with the removal of Shokin became U.S. policy at the time and a condition for further aid. It also received support from a number of members of Congress, including Republicans. Because Biden was the face of U.S. policy toward Ukraine, he pressed the demand with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

It wasnt me taking on Shokin. It was the United States government, former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt told the Kyiv Post in July 2016. The conditionality of getting rid of Shokin was an important step to at least opening the door to reform the prosecutors office.

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Impeachment Is An Act Of Political Vengeance Trump Lawyer Says

At no point was the president informed the vice president was in any danger, Michael van der Veen argued, adding that there is nothing at all in record on this point. Van der Veen also accused the House impeachment managers of failing to do their due diligence on this issue.

What the president did know is that there was a violent riot happening at the Capitol, van der Veen said. Thats why he repeatedly called via tweet and via video for the riots to stop, to be peaceful, to respect Capitol police and law enforcement and to commit no violence and go home.

But van der Veens argument left senators with additional questions.

Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., who says he is undecided on whether hell vote to convict Trump, asked for more details regarding Tubervilles account of the call with Trump and his tweet railing against Pence.

Does this show that President Trump was tolerant of the intimidation of Vice President Pence? Cassidy asked.

But again, van der Veen disputed the sequence of events, calling discussion of Tubervilles call hearsay.

I have a problem with the facts in the question because I have no idea, van der Veen responded.

Cassidy told reporters later that he didnt think his question got a good answer.

Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman, hailed by many for his heroism during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, participates in a the dress rehearsal for Inauguration Day.hide caption

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History will wait for our decision.

Read: Impeachment Witnesses’ Opening Statements For Tuesday’s Hearings

Vindman stated that it was his view that Trump demanded Zelenskiy conduct an investigation into the activities of former vice president and potential 2020 opponent Joe Biden and his son Hunter’s involvement in Ukraine.

Vindman said there was a “power disparity” between the two presidents and that because of his military culture, “a request, no matter how politely expressed,” is an order or demand.

Trump has argued that there was no pressure on the call.

“Do not worry”

Testifying in his military uniform, Vindman movingly referred to his father, who fled the Soviet Union with his family to the U.S.: “Dad, I’m sitting here today in the U.S. Capitol, talking to our elected officials is proof that you made the right decision 40 years ago to leave the Soviet Union.” Vindman continued, “Do not worry, I will be fine for telling the truth.”

Asked later why he was confident that he could tell his father not to worry about challenging the president, Vindman responded, “Here, right matters.”

It was followed by applause in the hearing room.

Vindman also lashed out at the attacks on the three witnesses who testified before the panel last week. “The vile character attacks on these distinguished and honorable public servants is reprehensible,” Vindman said. He added, “We are better than personal attacks.”

Tim Morrison, Alexander Vindman’s former boss, testified in his deposition that he had concerns about Vindman’s judgment.

â The White House 45 Archived

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Prosecutor Says 1876 Belknap Case Provides Precedent To Hold Trump Trial

Need proof that the Senate is obligated to try former President Donald Trump even though hes now a private citizen? Democratic impeachment manager Joe Neguse, D-Co., said you need only go back 145 years to find the precedent with War Secretary William Belknap.

In 1876, the House impeached Belknap on five articles including criminally disregarding his duty as Secretary of War and basely prostituting his high office to his lust for private gain.

But as the House prepared to vote, Belknap raced to the White House and resigned to President Ulysses S. Grant. That didnt stop the House vote or the Senate trial with 40 witnesses. While a majority of the Senate ultimately voted to convict Belknap, the votes fell short of the two-thirds required for conviction.

Fact check:

Regardless of Belknaps acquittal, Neguse said Congress action nearly a century and a half ago clearly established the precedent that an officials resignation or departure does not allow the Senate to avoid its legal responsibility to hold a trial.

To do so, Neguse said, would be wrong and dangerous.

Presidents cant claim insurrection in their final weeks and then walk away like nothing happened. And yet that is the rule President Trump ask you to adopt. I urge you we urge you to decline his request.

Ledyard King

Who Are The Members Of Trumps Defense Team

Impeachment Hearings Resume With White House, State ...

A mash-up of White House and private lawyers many of whom are familiar TV pundits will offer Trumps defense during the Senates impeachment trial. They are:

  • Pat Cipollone, White House counsel

  • Jay Sekulow, personal Trump lawyer

  • Kenneth Starr, former independent counsel

  • Alan Dershowitz, Harvard law professor

  • Robert Ray, former independent counsel

  • Pam Bondi, former Florida attorney general

  • Pat Philbin, deputy counsel to the president

  • Mike Purpura, deputy White House counsel

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North Carolina Gop To Vote On Censuring Sen Burr For Impeachment Vote

WASHINGTON Former President Donald Trumps second impeachment trial continues into its fourth day Friday, when his team of lawyers begin mounting their defense.

House impeachment managers, led by Rep. Jamie Raskin , closed their remarks on Thursday evening after presenting 16 hours of evidence arguing that Trump was responsible for inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Trump lead impeachment lawyer David Schoen has indicated the defense will not use the full 16 hours allocated to present their case.

Senators then have four hours to ask questions of both sides before a four-hour debate on whether to call witnesses.

Speaking with reporters Thursday evening, Schoen said the defense team would likely only use three to four hours Friday to present its arguments, meaning that a vote could come as early as Saturday evening if the chamber moves forward with the question-and-answer portion later Friday.

Schoen, an observant Jew, requested the trial break for the Jewish Sabbath from sundown Friday to Sunday morning, but rescinded that request to avoid delaying proceedings.

Sundown in Washington, DC, happens at 5:24 p.m. on Friday, meaning Schoen could wrap up before then or hand off to Castor to bring it home.

Each side will have two hours to present their closing arguments before a vote on convicting Trump.

Trump Impeachment Lawyer Castor’s Drawn

Political watchers covering the impeachment trial on social media quickly lost patience with Bruce Castor Jr., the first lawyer on former President Donald Trump’s legal team to deliver arguments in the Senate.

Castor, a former district attorney in Pennsylvania, took the chamber floor to argue that the impeachment trial is unconstitutional because Trump is no longer president.

But viewers quickly got lost trying to follow Castor’s rhetoric and took to Twitter to mock the speech as confusing, rambling and at times incoherent.

Even some of Trump’s supporters gave Castor’s performance dismal reviews.

“There is no argument. I have no idea what he’s doing. I have no idea why he’s saying what he’s saying,” said Alan Dershowitz, who previously said he would be willing to defend Trump in the trial.

Kevin Breuninger

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