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Where To Place Internship On Resume

Fill Out Your Education Section With Extra Details

How To Write A Resume With Little or No Work Experience – Resume Template

For jobseekers with work experience, a resume education section would normally be placed near the bottom of their resume and include only basic information.

However, because youre writing a student resume for an internship, your educational experience is likely greater than your relevant work experience at this point in your life.

The education section of your internship resume should highlight the following information:

  • GPA: Including your hard-earned GPA tells the manager that you can be trusted to produce quality work on a deadline.
  • Relevant Coursework: Listing your relevant coursework gives employers a better idea of your existing knowledge and skill set. Remember to only list classes relevant to the internship youre applying for.
  • Honors & Awards: Adding academic-related awards shows hiring managers that other professionals have recognized your hard work and accomplishments in the past. For example, you can include Deans list on your resume if you made it multiple times.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Including extracurricular activities on your resume like clubs and sports showcases additional skills you may have, like leadership and communication.

Details about your education should be the focus of your student internship resume. Because you lack professional experience, fill out your education section with as much information as you can thats relevant to the internship you want.

Putting A Judicial Internship On A Resume Easy

A judicial internship is when students work for a judge while in law school.

It provides law students with valuable experience, all of which is important practice for when later applying to a full-time clerk job.

If you have done a judicial internship and are applying to a law firm or anywhere alike, keep reading for the best ways to include it in your resume!

Who Should Put An Internship On A Resume

As mentioned, an internship on a resume will greatly benefit job seekers who do not have work experience. Number one on this list is the fresh college graduate.

The Fresh Graduate

Many universities understand the competitiveness of the job market. Unless the student has an exemplary academic record, it would be difficult for them to vie for jobs when compared to the more experienced applicants.

Thus, a good number of universities have taken the initiative to develop internship programs for their students.

For example, a university may reach out to a company and propose an internship agreement for their students. If interested, the company can design an internship program that will meet their business needs as well as the requirements of the course curriculum.

Upon completion of the program, the company may exercise its option to hire some of the interns to fill out specific positions. In this case, the internship is a sustainable arrangement that provides a win-win solution for both the company and the university.

Whether you are eventually hired or not, include the internship experience on your resume. The best way to capitalize on the benefits of the internship program is to apply to companies in the same industry.

This is because the skills and experience you have gained will be relevant and easily transferable to the potential employer.

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How To Include Internships

When you include an internship on your resume, include the same information as any other job:

  • Include the internship title. If possible, dont just say Intern ask your supervisor if you have a more detailed title, such as Marketing Intern or Sales Associate Intern.
  • Also include the company name, location, and the dates of the internship. You can list the dates by month and year, or by the season .
  • Underneath this information, include 2-4 bullet points that list your responsibilities and achievements during the internship.

Focus on responsibilities that relate to the job you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a writing job, mention how you wrote and published five articles during your internship. You dont need to include your less relevant tasks, such as answering phones or photocopying.

If you are having trouble deciding what responsibilities and achievements to include, start by making a long list of everything you did at each internship. Then look at the job listing for the position youre applying for. Circle anything from your list that matches the skills or abilities required for the job. Highlight these particular experiences.

Also ask your intern supervisor for advice on how to include your internship on your resume. He or she can help you highlight the most important skills and experiences for the industry, and can tell you what key terms from your industry to include.

At The Front Of Your Brain: Keywords And Ats

Internship Resume Sample

Your first hurdle is passing the test of the Applicant Tracking Systems. These computerized systems scan your resume for keywords employers have highlighted as most important. Because of the ease of applying for jobs and internships by simply uploading your resume, companies have found ways to narrow the applicant pool.

Most companies of large or medium size use ATS as a first line of defense in the hiring process, even for internships. You must make it past ATS if you want an actual human recruiter to see your internship resume. ATS software uses an algorithm to give your resume a score and rank it compared to other internship applicants.

Make sure to use keywords that you find by analyzing the job description. Use them liberally . Most keywords will be directly related to a hard skill, which is a specific quantifiable skill such as accounting, that is necessary for a job or internship. And remember to use technology to your advantage by grammar- and spell-checking your resume. There’s no excuse for typos even as an internship candidate.

According to Capterra data, more than 75% of large corporate employers use Applicant Tracking Systems. Some other sources provide even higher percentages . The industries that turn to this software most frequently are: health care, education, technical services, scientific services, retail manufacturing and professional services.

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Tips For Adding Your Resume Experience

Focus on the most impressive, most relevant aspects of your internship position. Even if you spent most of the time making photocopies or fetching coffee, only include the parts of the internship that are relevant to the position youre applying for.

  • It is important to tailor each section of your resume to each job you apply for. Internships on resumes are no exception to this.
  • Make a list of every responsibility you had during your internship. This will enable you to add or delete the responsibilities depending on their relevance to the job.

This approach will widen your appeal from the perspective of employers, making you a stronger candidate for a broader range of jobs.

  • When applying for a job, read the job description and highlight the key words relating to skills and experience. Include these keywords, or synonyms in your internship description.

By matching the experience you gained in your internship, to that needed in the prospective job, you will greatly improve your chances of making it through to the first interview stage.

Using an online resume maker is an effective tool which allows you to quickly chop and change your resume for each position.

Where To Put Internships

Work Experience Section: Because internships provide important work experience, you should include your internships in the Work Experience or Work History section of your resume, along with other jobs you have held.

Internships Section: If you have held multiple internships, you can include a separate Internships section on your resume. Put this section towards the top of your resume. Put your Internships section above your Work History section if your internships are particularly relevant to the job you are applying for.

Whatever you do, dont put your internships at the bottom of your resume or in the Education section. Internships are real-world experiences, and should be given as much weight as a job.

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Positioning Your Internship On Your Resume

Recruiters have many resumes to consider, so it is best to ensure your key accomplishments stand out as headlines on your resume.

Internships, therefore, should not be placed at the bottom of your resume or be listed as a sub-section in the education section. They are valuable work experiences and should be highlighted appropriately.

If you are a young or established professional, internships should be included within your work experience or work history sections. Where you place your internship within your work history will depend on its significance and relevance to the role for which you are applying.

If an internship is the most relevant example of experience you have for a job role, then place it above your work history so it has prominence.

If you are a student or recent graduate and are relying on internships to illustrate your on-the-job experience, they should have their own internships section.

If you have a separate internships section, this should be placed above your educational information.

Finally, ensure the formatting on your internship entry matches the rest of the work experience or internships section and is consistent across your resume as a whole.

A resume with a uniform aesthetic creates a professional impression.

How To Write A Resume For Internship With Examples

8 Tips for Writing a Winning Resume

Writing a resume for internships is high-key stressful. We mean, lets face it. There is a lot at stake with that one little piece of paper. The right internship can serve as the launchpad of your career, allowing you to learn industry-relevant skills while expanding your professional network.

And then theres the stress of figuring out how to fill out a resume for an internship when you dont have much, if any, experience. Like, does knowing basic Excel functions count as a skill? Is your babysitting gig considered work experience? What about all the TikTok dance challenges you have been absolutely crushing lately? Those are pretty impressive, right?

We know that writing a resume for internships can be super challenging. Thats why weve put together a simple guide where we break down the internship resume writing process.

Ready to score the internship of your dreams? Read on to learn how to put together an impressive resume for internships that highlights your skills and achievements.

Related: How to Get an Internship

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When To Include Internship Experience On Your Resume

Now, listing an internship on your resume is often a great idea. However, there are times when its not recommended.

List an internship on your resume if:

  • Youre a student, a fresh graduate, or a professional whos starting a new career path that is unrelated to your previous full-time employment experiences.
  • The internship took place at the same company youre applying for. Having previous experience and knowledge of the functioning of the organization boosts your application and puts you ahead of the competition.
  • The internship took place at a company thats in the same or closely related field.

Dont list the internship on your resume if:

  • The internship isnt related to the position youre applying for. Your new employer doesnt need to know that youve worked in a museum if youre now applying for a job at an IT start-up.
  • The internship took place a long time ago and youve managed to gain a lot of full-time experience since then.

Put Down Your Contact Information

Just like the name suggests, the first thing you add to your header is your personal and contact information.

Its the easiest part to get right, just keep it short and to the point.

In your contact information section, mention the following:

  • First and Last Name
  • A link to a professional profile or personal webpage

Make sure to use a professional-sounding E-mail.

I.e. something along the lines of

Youre sure to leave a wrong impression if you use an email you created back in preschool .

Pro Tip

Make sure to double-check, triple-check your contact information. After all, the recruiter cant contact you if you have a typo in your phone number.

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Tips For Adding Internships To Your Resume

Here are some tips for you to consider when you add your internships to your resume:

  • Make sure your resume format is consistent. Use consistent formatting throughout your resume and refrain from changing the font style or size for your internship experience.
  • Highlight responsibilities. Include only your most noteworthy responsibilities as an intern.
  • Write short sentences with action verbs. Your experience should be explained using action verbs in clear and concise sentences.
  • Quantify achievements if you can. If you achieved something important such as exceeding quarter for sales goals, then you should add it to your internship experiences.
  • List internship in the correct place. Your internship should be listed under work experience or in its own subheading if the internship experience is more recent and valuable than your paid work experience.

Related:Action Verbs to Make Your Resume Stand Out

Best Components Of An Intern Resume:

Software engineer internship resume objective February 2021
  • Experience relevant to the job and the company youâre applying for
  • The right skills for the job
  • Quantifiable achievements
  • Examples of what makes you unique
  • What makes you proud

How to write an Intern resume experience section?

Be Specific!
Not just logical, but chronological too!

What’s the average experience on resumes VS job description foran Intern?

Average Experience On Resumes vs Job Offers


Cause and Effect – Tell them how you made a difference!

Unique content ideas for an Intern resume

Tell them what youâre proud of!

Also Check: Name Your Resume

How To Put An Internship On A Resume

An internship is a program that is offered by a company to potential employees. It can also be viewed as an opportunity that is presented by a employer to individuals who plan to work for their company. In most cases, an internship does not involve remuneration for services rendered by the intern.

However, many employers consider an internship as a form of work experience. It can help entry-level applicants such as fresh graduates compete for jobs that are available in the market. This is the reason why you should put your internship on a resume.

Reflect On Your Responsibilities

First, think carefully about how to best describe your internship in a sentence.

This introductory line should be clear, to the point and not duplicate any of the information included within the basic information above.

  • Review the responsibilities you had as an intern and note any that are particularly relevant to the open role
  • Reflect on the lessons you learned during the internship
  • Note the skills you honed or acquired through the experience

It may be useful to list these out. Use your judgment and highlight the responsibilities that carry the most weight for your application.

You may have spent time carrying out more menial tasks, but if they do not add professional value to your resume, dont include them.

Next, go through the list and highlight the responsibilities and skills that you deem to be most relevant to the job role for which you are applying.

These responsibilities should be included on your resume as an easy to read bullet-point list. Around two to four points should be listed.

If you can, include technical terms that will catch the eye of recruiters by displaying a level of industry knowledge.

Ensure you clearly state any key achievements to highlight your accomplishment. Include numbers and percentages to quantify the achievement if you can.

Dont worry if the achievements arent large in scale. With internship listings, employers will be looking for indicators of your potential, not a proven track record.

For example:

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How To Choose The Right Engineering Intern Resume Layout

What format should you use for your engineering intern resume?

Since you donât have experience to show yet, you want your resume to highlight your education and skills.

The best format to achieve this goal is the functional resume layout. This format places the focus on your skills and abilities, rather than on work experience.

Title Your Judicial Internship As Judicial Intern

Write an Incredible Resume: 5 Golden Rules (in 2021)

One important thing to keep in mind is to not mistake your title.

Many law students title their internship position as Judicial Clerk which is incorrect.

A judicial clerk works full-time and holds a Juris Doctor degree.

Meanwhile, a judicial intern is a law student working for and mostly shadowing a judge.

You would have to get more years of work experience to become a judicial clerk.

Therefore, when doing a judicial internship, your title would be Judicial Intern.

You can also add for the Honorable FirstName LastName in the title to specify which judge you worked for.

Adding the judges name might help you network with the hiring official later on in the interview if they personally know who the judge is.

It could also help you stand out from other students if the judge you were assigned to has a prestigious reputation.

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Internship Resumes: What To Include When You Have No Work Experience

Working on an internship resume can be challenging. For some applicants, it could be their first time crafting one and they may not have any relevant work experience under their belt to include in their resumes.

If youre one of them, dont panic employers who offer internships are generally accepting of applications without prior work experiences. We all need to start somewhere after all!

However, it doesnt mean you can just send in a blank document marked as your resume. There are a couple of things that you can put into your résumé other than relevant work experience to show that you are the right candidate for the internship position.

Heres An Example Of An Experience Section That Doesnt Hit The Mark


This example displays real figures to show the magnitude of their research and how many people were on their team.

They also highlight their soft skills and their ability to comply with regulations, which is an essential factor of engineering success.

For more ideas on how to create an actionable resume experience section, check out our guideHow to Describe Your Resume Work Experience.

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