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How To Print A 2 Page Resume

Example : You Are Applying To A Senior

How to Make Your Resume Fit 2 Pages

Incorrect: Submitting a one-page resume will not help you to stand out from the competition.

Why Itâs Wrong: If you are applying for a senior-level position with 10+ years of experience under your belt, you want to showcase that! Employers looking to fill high-level positions will take a lot more time to read and analyze your resume, so donât be shy with the details.

Correct: Use a two-page resume to showcase your experience, promotions, achievements, and awards!

Then Continue Listing Your Professional Experience In Order Of Importance On The Second Page

Continue detailing your relevant work experience on the second page of your resume. Divide each entry by workplace or the title you held, if you had multiple positions at one company, and include about five bullet points under each entry. When listing your professional history, focus more on your accomplishments than on the duties you performed. Quantify your achievements as much as possible to show the results of your performance.

Sample One Page Resume

This is an example of a one page resume. or see below for more examples.

Career Summary

Seasoned and meticulous Financial Analyst offering 10 years expertise providing decision support to executives of global manufacturing companies. Highly skilled in clear-cut and concise storytelling through financials. Core Competencies:

  • Financial Analysis and Reporting
  • Quantitative Methods and Forecast Modeling
  • Revenue and Expense Variance Analysis
  • Data Mining and Visualization

ABC MANUFACTURING CORPORATION, Oklahoma City, OKFinancial Analyst, 02/2013-PresentPartner across all functional business units to deliver quantitative analyses and forecasts of expenditures, sales revenues, and capital improvements.

  • Implemented and trained executives in use of new management reporting system that increased timeliness and accuracy of financial reporting
  • Pinpointed and reconciled discrepancies in business unit financial reports, averting risk exposure by creating stringent new due diligence processes.

XYZ GROUP, Norman, OK, 06/2008-02/2013

Skillfully researched and prepared business cases, performed cost benefit analyses, and structured quarterly forecasts to optimize business planning processes.

  • Played instrumental role in creating a business case and performing due diligence key to a $4.5M merger and acquisition.
  • Formulated recommendations for long-term planning that ultimately produced a 17% increase in business growth.

Education and Credentials

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What Is The Right Length Of A Resume

Did you know that Length of a resume is independent to the Applicant Tracking Systems? In fact, it was in the days of print that resumes with more than two pages were considered pejorative to the resume. However, in todays age of electronic resume formats, the right length of a resume is more flexible than ever!

What About The Extra Space

2 Pages Resume Set

If the text on the second page is only one or two lines, you may want to consider reformatting and sticking to the one page rule. Otherwise, dont be overly concerned about the extra space on the second page. Recruiters have short attention spans and wont want to scan more information than they have to.

But if you feel compelled to fill that space, be strategic and make sure the information is relevant. If you havent already done so, add information on your leadership, organizations, volunteer work, hobbies, or sports activities. This will show employers you have a life outside of work and give some insight into your personality.

Also keep in mind that this information doesnt have to be in text format. Ive seen some great resumes recently that have outlined these items using pie charts, timelines, and graphs. Just remember these fancy formats dont always translate well when applying online and can wind up a jumbled mass of code.

So, whats the moral of the resume length debate? In the digital application world, size doesnt really matter. As long as you tell a compelling story about your employment history thats easy on the eyes, your page breaks will be forgiven.

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Change Your Resumes Formatting

If your resume has wide margins and a large font, youâre going to have a hard time fitting all the information you need on two pages. After clarifying the content, read our advice on resume margins and font size, as well as the top 10 resume fonts. This will help your resume appear balanced, relevant, and easy to read.

Many people opt to use templates they find online. The templates you find on Etsy, Canva, or other sites are often very visually appealing and use a lot of white space however, multiple columns can confuse ATS scans so proceed with caution.

âIf your resume includes more than a square inch of white space at any point, adjust your settings. Thatâs valuable real estate! Play with the margins, tabs, and justification settings,â advises Caitlin.

Note: white space refers to spaces without content, no matter what color youâve opted to use or any lines youâve incorporated into your resume.

Finally, be wary of any site or resume builder that offers a subscription service for resume templatesâtheyâre notorious for charging unknowing job seekers month after month. When in doubt, DIY your resume or hire a reputable service.

Printed Resum Do’s And Don’ts

As professionals, we have increasingly come to rely on the Internet to search for jobs and on e-mail to apply for them. Because we typically create our resumés and cover letters to fit the electronic format, having an employer request a printed resumé can be a cause for alarm, and if they are carelessly produced, may result in mistakes that show us in a poor light.

First, let’s examine the situations which require a printed resumé rather than an electronic one. Although you are able to complete a large number of job applications online, when they call you in for an interview, you will want to have printed copies of your resumé to bring with you, both for your own reference and to give to your interviewers. In addition, it is very likely an employer who is interested in you will print out your resumé from a job search web site or from the e-mail you sent expressing interest in the job. Thus, it is very important that you verify how your electronic resumé looks when printed out before sending it anywhere.

As a rule, when printing out your resumé, make sure to use high-quality white or ivory paper. You can get a package of resumé paper at any office supplies store. You will want your resume to appear clean and professional. Do not use colored paper or change the color of the font in order to make your resumé stand out instead it will look garish, more like a flier suitable for distributing on bulletin boards than a summation of your professional accomplishments.

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If My Resume Is 2 Pages Should I Print It Double Sided

These are the top 20 resources and video content I found about if my resume is 2 pages should i print it double sided. I’ve created this page to highlight the most recently updated resources for “if my resume is 2 pages should i print it double sided”. This guide was updated: 2022-06-12. If you are searching for a job, good luck on the hunt!

How To Avoid Standing Out

How to make Creative Two Pages Resume in ms word 2019 | Professional Resume in word | Resume writing

Though these rules seem trivial, it is best that your resume does not stick out for the wrong reasons.

Resumes follow many guidelines because they make it easier for an employer to sift through several hundred resumes quickly.

Properly listing dates or experiences such as research jobs, using different types of abbreviations, even achievements such as making the deans list all have rules in regards to their proper structure on a resume.

The only part of a resume which should make you stand out is the experience and knowledge that you have.

Stick to the classic resume structure rules, and never assume that an employer will not be a stickler for these things!

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Remove A References Section

References are assumed and donât deserve to be mentioned on your resume . Donât list them out, and donât include the line âreferences available upon request

Instead, make a separate reference document to provide when asked. A hiring manager doesnât need this early on in the application process. Your resumeâs goal is to get you a phone call, and then to schedule an interview. Keep it focused on you and the value you would bring to this company.

Pro tip: bring a printed copy to your interview, and keep an email draft with names, contact information, current job titles, and your relationship to the person.

Keep The Resume Header On Both Pages

When you cant fit your resume on a single page, its best to treat the second page as a continuation of the first. You should keep the same header on the second page as you have on the first one.

Most likely, youre well aware that recruiters are a very busy bunch. By making sure your name and contact information are present on both pages, youre making things easier for them.

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When Should I Write A Two

The general expectation from employers is that resumes will be one page long.

However, this is only true for certain sects of the workforce.

There are occasions when a two-page resume may be preferable.

Here is a breakdown of the acceptable reasons for using a two-page resume:

  • âCurriculum Vitae: Scientific and academic fields often require long-form resumes called Curriculum Vitaes.â
  • Federal Employment: Federal jobs require in-depth job histories, making a longer resume necessary.â
  • Certifications: Certain jobs require candidates to have many certifications and technical skills. A second page can serve as a space for listing these.â
  • Senior-Level: Senior-level or C-suite positions often prefer a two-page resume. These positions are competitive and candidates need to showcase as much as they can about themselves.â
  • Many Years Experience: Applicants sometimes have 10â15 years of experience in one industry. This longevity is often relayed through a two-page resume.

The key to deciding whether or not to use a two-page resume is examining what contents the second page would be filled with. When considering what length to choose, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is all the information provided relevant to the job?
  • Are there application requirements that mandate you include two pages worth of information?
  • Does the employer need an extensive breakdown of your work history?
  • Are your competing candidates using two-page resumes?

How To Format A Resume That Goes On To A Second Page

Free 2 Pages CV Resume Template + Cover Letter (PSD)


It can be hard to fit all of your relevant experience on a one-page resume after you have been working for awhile. Two-page resumes are acceptable as long as they are formatted to be easy to read. Be sure you really do have enough information to require a second page, however. If you cannot fill at least half of the second page, it may be better to condense the details so your entire resume can fit on a single page.

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What Goes On The Second Page Of A Resume

Now that you know how to format your 2-page resume, its time for us to take a more detailed look at what exactly you should feature on the second page.

Briefly put, the second page of a resume should be reserved for information thats important but not vital.

But how do I know whats vital?

Great question! When youre writing your resume, you can ask yourself one question to determine whether something is vital or not.

That question is, If I skip this, would I still qualify for the job?.

Lets take the education section, for example. Suppose youve been a marketing director for the past decade. Whats more valuablewhere you went to school or what you achieved as director of marketing at the last company you worked for?

The answer is pretty obvious, your education can be neatly placed on the second page of your resume.

Remove Unnecessaryinformation About Your Education

Only freshgraduates need to include their graduation year on a resume. Working studentscan benefit from including their high school information. But thats no longerneeded once you get your degree.

Those whohave a few years of employment under their belt need no longer list theirgraduation year. Just write the degreeyou’ve got and where you got it. Employers want to make sure that you’ve got adegree, thats all.

If you’re a new graduate, though. You may want to feature your education a bit more. Here’s an article to help with that:

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When To Use A Two

A two-page resume is appropriate if you are a highly experienced candidate. If you have tailored your resume for the position you’re applying to and removed unrelated skills or irrelevant work experiences and you still can’t fit the resume onto one page, you should add a second page.

Some careers that may require a two-page resume include:

  • Project manager

Senior Level And Science Candidates

How to Make Two Pages Resume / CV in MS Word l 2 Pages Resume Template l DOWNLOAD FREE (2021)

Executives or senior-level managers often have a long list of accomplishments and experiences that they have to include. The same is true for people in the sciences or academia who want to include their licenses, patents, or publications. These job seekers can write a resume that is three pages long or even longer.

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Unique Qualities Of A Resume

Resumes highlight accomplishment statements that consist of: Skill verb = a strong action verb plus how or what your did. How did you demonstrate this skill – what did you do can it be quantified, who did you work with? Why did you use the skill = what was the result or impact what did you accomplish how were people impacted can it be quantified?

Fill Both Resume Pages

If you opt for a two-page resume, be sure to fill both pages. A 1.5 page resume isnt acceptable, because the empty space looks like you struggled to come up with any more relevant information about yourself.

If you truly cant fill that second page, you may need to cut your resume to one page instead .

Add Volunteer Work and Extracurricular Activities to Fill Page Two

You can also try filling the last little bit of space on your second page by adding volunteer work to your resume. Volunteer experience shows the hiring manager a personal side to your resume that your work experience doesnt touch on.

Also consider adding extracurricular activities and relevant coursework to your resume if they tie into the job you want. Such details illuminate your character, and gives an edge over someone who only lists work-related information.

For example, a hiring manager would see that you have leadership skills if you list your experience captaining your college lacrosse team on your resume.

Also Check: Resumes For Film Industry

Art & Creative Director

  • Paris two page resume template

Try this design in our Online Resume Builder now!

  • Royal Blue 2 page resume sample

Try this design in our Online Resume Builder now!

  • Round Timeline two page resume sample

Try this design in our Online Resume Builder now!

  • Diamond Timeline two page resume example

Try this design in our Online Resume Builder now!

How To Optimize A Two Page Resume

Two Page Resume / CV Design Template Cover Letter MS Word

While keeping your resume to one page is easy enough if you have very little work experience, as you gain experience a single-page resume may not do the job of demonstrating the benefits you offer a potential employer. You want to be sure that your two-page resume doesn’t prove a hindrance in the hands of a tired hiring manager.

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Provide Key Information On Page One

Start your first page with a resume introduction. For experienced job seekers, a resume summary is the best option because you can highlight four or five of your biggest career-related achievements.

However, there are other ways to start a resume, and the best choice for you depends on your professional background.

After your introduction, list your work experience. On a chronological resume, list your most recent job first, and then work backward. You can use your second page to continue your work experience section if necessary, but make sure the listed experience is still relevant to the role youre applying for.

Your resumes skills section should also appear on your first page.

Include Contact Information On Both Pages

We briefly mentioned keeping the resume header on both pages. Still, to stress even more on that, were going to point out to keep your contact information on both pages of your resume.

In some instances, recruiters can go over a thousand resumes a week. Thats a whole lot! Make it easier for them by including your contact information in the header of both pages.

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How Many Pages A Resume Should Be

How long should your resume be? The answer is that the length of your resume depends on a number of factors. It depends on how much experience you have and what level candidate you are. If you’re an entry-level candidate, a page should be plenty.

For more experienced candidates, it’s fine to have a longer resume. Read below for more detailed information on how long your resume should be, and tips for making your resume the perfect length.

Build Your Single Page Resume Now

How to Make Two Page Resume Design in MS Word I DOWNLOAD FREE (2021)

Should aresume be only one page? There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to theright resume length. It all depends on your job history and whether youreexploring a new career in a different direction.

If you doneed a one page resume, remember that its totally possible to squeeze inall the important information in your once two-page resume into a singlepage resume. You just have to get creative in your formatting and design andget selective about the information you include. The tips listed above on how tomake a one page resume should help.

Using theright resume template will make this easier for you. Envato Elementsand GraphicRiver have a wide selection of resume templates that you can easily edit onPhotoshop or MS Word.

Editorial Note: This tutorial was originally published on March 28, 2019. It’s been revised to make it current, accurate, and up to date by our staffwith special help from Brenda Barron.

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