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Is Your Cv Your Resume

The Difference Between A Cv And A Resume

How to Design Your Resume

What is a CV? Is it just another word for a resume or is it something else entirely?

In non-academic environments, the terms CV and resume are used almost interchangeably to refer to the same type of document. However, there are several differences between an academic CV and a resume, including the information they contain, how theyre organized, and when theyre used.


You will be asked to submit a CV when applying for academic jobs, grants, and fellowships. If you are applying for a job outside of the academic sector, you will be expected to submit a resume.


A CV provides the reader with your full professional and educational history that includes every job, award, publication, successful grant application, and conference presentation from your career. A resume, on the other hand, shows the hiring committee how you are qualified for their job. A resume does not list every job youve ever had, but rather includes only recent work experience that is relevant for the position youre applying for.


CVs have a minimalist style and no design elements. The content is organized by section headings. When it comes to a resume, style and content are important. A resume should look nice and have more white space than a CV. The content of a resume is organized by section headings and then bullet points, which rarely appear on CVs.





How It Works Step By Step:

  • Once youre done writing your resume, go to Improve your resume in the dashboard.

  • Click FIX RESUME

  • View your score and a list of key issues you should improve.

  • Select Add a Job.

  • Pick from a list or type in the job title youre after.

  • If available, copy and paste the requirements from the job ad.

  • Add the name of the target employer.

  • Save.

  • Check the result

What To Leave Out

Your resume is meant to give a summary of your skills and experience so theres no need to include every detail. Some information isnt necessary in a resume:

  • Leave out personal details such as your home address, religion, age or marital status
  • Theres no need to list every job youve ever had especially if a job isnt relevant to the role youre applying for now.
  • Dont include your salary expectations or previous salaries youve received you can list this information in your SEEK Profile.

Still not sure where to start? Download our free resume template and make it your own.

Also Check: How To Include Work Projects In Resume

Infographic Video And Website Rsums

As the Internet becomes more driven by multimedia, job-seekers have sought to take advantage of the trend by moving their résumés away from the traditional paper and email media to website résumés or e-résumés.

Video, infographic, and even Vine résumés have gained popularity recently, though mainly in the creative and media industries.

This trend has attracted criticism from human resources management professionals, who warn that this may be a passing fad and point out that multimedia-based résumés may be overlooked by recruiters whose workflow is designed only to accommodate a traditional résumé format.

Cv And Resume Writing Tips

Download 55 Make Your Own Resume New

Whether you are writing a CV or a resume, there are a few helpful rules you should follow. It’s important to show the hiring manager how you are qualified for the job, what you have to offer the organization, and why you’d be a terrific candidate to interview.

Match your resume or CV to the position. This is most important when writing a resume, but it applies to a CV too. Make sure that you highlight your education, work experience, and skills as they relate to the particular industry or job.

In a CV, for example, if you are applying for a job in education, you might want to put your teaching experience at the top of your CV. In a resume, you might include only the work experience that relates directly to the job youre applying for. You can also include keywords from the job description in your resume or CV. This will show the employer that you are an ideal fit for the position. Here’s how to match your qualifications to a job.

Use a template. You may want to use a template to structure your resume or CV. This will give your document a clear organization, which will help the employer quickly see your qualifications and experience.

Proofread and edit. No matter whether you use a CV or resume, you need to thoroughly edit your document. Make sure there are no spelling or grammatical errors.

Make sure your format is uniformfor example, if you use bullet points in one job description, use bullet points in all your job descriptions.

Read Also: How To Put Learning A Language On Resume

Concentrate On The Purpose

In the US and Canada terms CV and resume are often used for the same thing. But it is not the same for every country. Make sure you understand what the employer expects to receive. When these terms are used to refer to different documents, a resume is usually shorter and focused on skills and qualifications for a certain position. A resume should be about 1-2 pages in length.

On the other hand, a CV stands for curriculum vitae, which means course of life in Latin. It is usually longer than a resume and takes about 2-4 pages. A CV includes more detailed information regarding education, experience, training, volunteering, etc. Of course, the general rules are the same for both documents be specific, truthful, and showcase your expertise.

Designed By Hiring Managers

Our online resume grader provides better resume feedback than most so-called ‘professional’ reviewers out there, who often give outdated, wrong or non-actionable advice and charge hundreds of dollars. The feedback in your resume review has been curated by current hiring managers and recruiters at companies like Google, McKinsey and Goldman Sachs. We know this works.

  • Our resume grader checks your resume for things resume reviewers and recruiters are looking for
  • Get sample resume examples, resume phrases and resume bullet points to accompany your resume score
  • Read Also: How To Build An Acting Resume

    Resume Vs Curriculum Vitae: Differences Definitions And Tips

    While both resumes and CVs are used in job applications , these two documents have a few distinct differences.

    In this article, we discuss the differences between a CV and a resume, what to include in each one and when to use one versus the other. This will help you ensure youve prepared the right document for your job applications.

    Related video: How To Write a CV for a Job Application: Step by Step Guide

    Choose The Correct Industry Format

    Writing Your Resume Skills Section: Do’s and Don’ts

    Though there are standard formats for resumes and CVs, there are often nuances and slightly different preferences between industries. Research the types of resumes and CVs available online for your industry to understand what format is best for you. As discussed below, you can also work with a professional writer or agency to guide you.

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    Should You Put Your Age/date Of Birth On Your Cv Or Resume

    Executive CV & resume writer Free CV / resume assessment C-Level CV & resume writing LinkedIn optimization

    Once upon a time, not so long ago, it was second nature to automatically include your date of birth on your CV or resume. It was also probably the second or third question asked by a recruiter in the early conversations about yourself.

    This, of course, was in the days before legislation was introduced to stop ageism.

    It was designed to stop employers from discriminating on the basis of age when recruiting, but despite this ageism is still alive and kicking.

    The legislation does not, however, say that you cannot put your age or date of birth on your CV. In fact it should mean that you are now able to include these details with more confidence.

    In reality, though, having raised awareness of the practice of ageism it has made those applying for jobs more wary than ever.

    More people nowadays do not put their date of birth or their age on their CV or resume and indeed often go to great lengths to conceal these facts.

    Not only are these details omitted but also dates of education, and dates of jobs from early in a career even certain types of qualification can reveal a persons age, such as O levels in the UK which were replaced by GCSEs in the 1980s.

    But there is a positive side to this situation.

    On balance, therefore, it is best not to include your date of birth or you age on a CV.

    It is a good idea to get someone to look over it.

    About the author

    Get Help With Your Cv

    If you’re a student or recent graduate and you’d like help creating a CV then you can get professional advice from your university careers service.

    During COVID-19 many university careers services have moved their programme of activities and events online to support students and graduates during the pandemic.

    Also Check: Academic Awards Examples

    How Long Should My Resume Be

    Keep your resume short and to the point, so you can make a good impression when an employer takes a quick glance at it. Consider making your resume one or two pages if you have less than 10 years of professional experience. Senior executives or academics may like to have resumes that are three or more pages long.

    Converting Your Cv To A Rsum

    Education Resume Examples

    If you are enrolled in a doctoral program, or if you are a masters student planning on applying to PhD programs or pursuing a career in research, you should actively maintain a curriculum vitae, or CV. . A CV is used to apply for fellowships, grants, postdoctoral positions, teaching and research positions in postsecondary institutions, high-level research positions in industry, and curatorial roles.

    Regardless of your degree program, if you are considering a career in any other field, you should also create and maintain a résumé, which is required to apply for positions in almost every sector except for those listed above. A résumé is a one-page summary of your education, work experience, credentials, and accomplishments that are relevant to the job for which you are applying. Pay close attention to the language in the position description if you are uncertain which document to submit with your application.

    Read Also: Putting Coursework On Resume

    Adding References To Your Cv

    You may be thinking, What? Why not? References in a CV are surely standard practice? References are generally requested further along in the recruitment process, so theres really no benefit to adding them to your CV, and they just take up value space. And according to StandOut CV, the benefits of leaving your references out of your CV, far outweigh the benefits of including them.

    Curriculum Vitae Format Guide

    Related video: How To Write a CV for a Job Application: Step-by-Step Guide

    If youre pursuing opportunities in academia or looking for work outside the United States, you may need to create a CV for your job search. This document provides employers with a detailed account of your professional and educational history to decide whether youre a good fit for a job.

    Formatting your CV correctly is necessary to make your document clear, professional and easy to read. There are three CV primary format options to choose from: chronological, functional and combination. In this article, we discuss how to create a compelling CV, provide formatting tips and examples.

    If you aren’t sure how to format your CV, check out Indeeds professional

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    The Difference Between A Resume And A Curriculum Vitae

    Adrian Mange / The Balance

    What is the difference between a resume and a CV? When should you use a resume, and when is it better to use a curriculum vitae?

    The primary differences between a resume and a curriculum vitae are length, what is included, and what each is used for. While both are used in job applications, a resume and a CV are not always interchangeable.

    Improve Your Resume’s Score

    Creating Your Resume Summary Statement

    We use Artificial Intelligence to analyze and benchmark your resume and generate a detailed assessment and score based on key evaluation criteria such as Impact, Brevity and Style. Our criteria are based on key checks recruiters look for.Incorporate the feedback we give you to improve your resume’s score and your chances of getting that interview.

  • Improve your resume score and grade using our actionable tips. Get a comprehensive free resume review.
  • ATS Resume Checker that analyzes your resume like a real resume reviewer
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    What Should My Resume Include

    • Personal details Start by listing your full name and contact information, including your phone number and email address.
    • Career objective or summary These are short statements to help you pitch yourself. If youve recently left school or university and dont have much professional experience yet, begin your resume with a career objective a sentence or two outlining your skills and your work ambitions. If you have experience in the workforce, you might want to include a short career summary instead, describing your experience and where youre aiming to go next in your career.

    Next, include your education or work experience start with whichever is more recent.

    After this, its a good idea to add some more information to reinforce or add to the picture of what youve got to offer.

    • Skills, strengths or interests You could create headings for these topics and list information thats relevant to the job youre applying for. Highlight any relevant professional memberships, too.
    • References Most employers will require references from people you know professionally who can vouch for your skills and abilities. You could include contact and company details for a former employer, manager, or an academic advisor if they agree to be your referee, or you might wish to write references available on request.

    Less Is Not More With A Cv

    While you do not want to bury a prospective employer in an avalanche of information about yourself, a CV is often at least five to ten pages in length. If you are a senior practitioner in your field, your Curriculum Vitae may well extend to 20 pages and beyond. This is so that you can list how extensively you have been published and include your many speaking engagements of a professional nature. Over time these things add up.

    The overall impression that you want to get across is that your achievements are so vast, that your work history and/or credentials are so far-reaching, that you come off looking rock solid as a candidate for the positions you will be applying to.

    Make certain that you read any instructions provided by employers in their job postings. When it comes to CVs, some employers are very specific about what they want you to include and how the information should be laid out. Follow the instructions then submit a stellar CV when appropriate and your next job may be closer than you think.

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    Walk Me Through Your Resume Sample Answer

    To help you develop your own answer to walk me through your resume, heres an example of what you dont want to do:

    Bad example

    Ive wanted to be a librarian since I was 7, when I used to arrange all of my books at home in alphabetical order. Then, at elementary school, I used to spend my lunch hour in the school library, helping the librarian put books back on the shelves and tidy up. It was just such a lovely, relaxing place to be. I also volunteered in the library at my high school for a few years. At college I majored in Education, and I particularly enjoyed modules on linguistic diversity, ethics and literacy.

    In terms of my work experience, I had jobs as a newspaper delivery girl and supermarket cashier in high school, and as a telesales operative and library assistant at college. Ive been a volunteer at my local community library too.

    This job would let me fulfill my childhood dream of working as a professional librarian, and spending my life surrounded by books.

    Now, heres an example of what a strong answer to walk me through your resume looks like:

    Good example

    Working at Smith High School would allow me to fulfill my ambition of making a real difference as a school librarian. It would let me put into practice my knowledge of running a library efficiently and cheaply, as well as giving me the chance to turn the library into a welcoming space to help students achieve.

    Cv Vs Resume: What’s The Difference

    Resume Photo: Should You Put Your Picture on Your Resume?

    Most resumes in the United States are competency-based: they are personal marketing documents intended to showcase the candidates skills, notable achievements, and work experience to the greatest advantage.

    U.S. curriculum vitae, submitted for jobs in academia, scientific research, and medical fields, are credential-based, providing a comprehensive listing of ones education, certifications, research experience, and professional affiliations and memberships.

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    Where Can I Find Additional Resources

    Many universities provide resume and CV writing resources and may provide templates. Check with your career services staff to find out what resources are available to help build your resume. Also look for public resources from other institutions. Tip: adding into your search terms for many search engines will return results from only .edu domains .

    Keep in mind that resume and CV review is somewhat subjective. If you talk to different recruiters or different career services staff, you may get different recommendations about formatting. The best approach is to collect as much input as you can, and choose what works for you.


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