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What To Put On A Basic Resume

Resume Introduction: Objective Vs Summary

How to Write a Basic Resume

A resume objective is the traditional resume introduction used by job seekers. Resume objectives outline your ambitions, and what you seek to achieve in your career.

Resume objectives are best used by:

  • New graduates
  • Job seekers with no work experience
  • Career switchers

Heres an example resume objective:

Customer service representative looking to leverage sales and tech support experience to excel in a customer care role at your call center. My customer satisfaction rating and excellent typing skills will be an asset to your company.

While resume objectives are still acceptable resume introductions, you should instead take time to focus on your target companys needs at the start of your resume if possible. You can do this with a resume summary.

Resume summaries allow you to emphasize your achievements, and how these accomplishments tie into what the company is looking for from their ideal candidate. Heres an example:

  • Caregiving: Provide quality health care in a 20-patient ward, including daily monitoring, recording, and evaluation
  • Knowledgeable: Graduated Sacramento State Nursing program with 3.9 GPA
  • Communication skills: Interface daily with 47 team members concerning patients treatments
  • Empathetic: Commended 3 times for ability to deliver bad news to patients and their family members

Tailor Your Resume And Optimize For Applicant Tracking Systems

Its very easy these days to fire off your resume to dozens of jobs, but if youve tried this method, you may have been disappointed by your success rate. Thats because you didnt take the time to customize your resume for each individual roleand recruiters can tell.

The most impactful thing you can do to improve your chances of getting interviews is tailor your resume to each and every job. Customized resumes that align with job requirements and include keywords from the job description will stand out to recruiters who often receive hundreds of resumes for each role.

When you tailor your resume to the job, youre also optimizing for applicant tracking systems., because many ATS allow recruiters to filter and search by keyword. Want to see if your resume is well-tailored? Use Jobscan to see your match score and discover missing keywords.

Add Them To Your Resume Introduction

Hiring managers only have seconds to look at each resume.

One of the best ways to immediately grab their attention is by highlighting your relevant resume skills as quickly as possible. Thats where your resume introduction comes in handy.

A strong resume summary summarizes your most valuable skills at the top of the page. This immediately shows employers that you have the base qualifications necessary for the job.

Heres an example of a strong skills-based resume introduction:

Additionally, consider adding a list of core competencies to your resume to quickly communicate your most relevant skills.

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Sample Electrician Resume And Skills List

Electricians typically receive thousands of hours of training before becoming licensed and certified. But simply being qualified to do the job isnt enough to get you hired.

To show the hiring manager that youre the best candidate for the position, youll need to create an electrician resume that highlights your skills, qualifications, and abilitiesand that helps you stand out from the competition.

Next Steps After Your Resume

Basic Resume for A 16 Year Old

Now that weve covered everything you need to know about how to create a resume, lets talk cover letters & interviews.

After all, your resume is only the first step in your job search. To really land that job you deserve, you also need to craft a killer cover letter, and ace that upcoming interview.

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Resume Summary Statement Examples

Many people who land on our website have at least 2+ years of relevant work experience. To best accommodate this audience, weve provided 20 resume summary examples for jobseekers in a wide range of industries:

Bartender Resume Summary

Lead bartender with 3+ years of experience in cocktail preparation and creation. Deep knowledge of local craft beers, wine, spirits, and cocktails, as well as their optimal food pairings. Bartending license certified by the District of Columbia.

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Business Analyst Resume Summary

Methodical business analyst with 5+ years of experience supporting business solution software and analyzing operations. Evaluated risks related to requirements implementation, testing processes, project communications, and training which saved the company $5,000+ annually.

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Camp Counselor Resume Summary

Camp Counselor with 4+ years experience directing lively, interactive, and educational summer camps for youths from 5 to 15 years old. Energetic leadership style, extensive experience running summer camps. First Aid, CPR, and Lifeguarding certifications, plus Wilderness First Responder Training.

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Cashier Resume Summary

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Certified Nursing Assistant Resume Summary

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Customer Service Resume Summary

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Tips For Writing An Electrician Resume

Review a resume sample for a person seeking employment as an electrician. The resume below includes employment history, education, and licensesbut dont copy this sample exactly. Adapt your resume to your experience and customize it for every job application.

Match your qualifications to the requirements in the job listing. to determine what the employer is looking for in an ideal candidate. Extract the relevant keywords, and be sure to include them in your resume and cover letter.

Include a cover letter. After drafting your electricians resume, dont forget to write a cover letter, too. Without simply repeating your resume, this should highlight your training and qualifications for the job, mention any related work experience, and list any required licensure or professional memberships.

Include keywords from the job description in your cover letter as well as your resume to ensure that your application makes it through the screening process.

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How To Pick The Right Resume Format

There are three types of resume formats: reverse chronological, functional or skills-based, and a combination of the two. The choice depends on the type of job you are applying for and your level of experience.

The 3 resume formats are:

1) Reverse chronological resume format – This is the most popular resume format and is ideal for people with plenty of work experience that is relevant to the position theyre interested in.

2) Functional/skills-based resume format If you lack relevant work experience because you are a student/recent graduate, or you are looking to make a career change, the skills-based format is a better choice.

3) Combination resume format The combination resume is a great choice for job-seekers with a very diverse skill-set. Its useful if youre applying for a role that requires expertise in 3-4 different fields, and you want to show all that in your resume. Say, for example, youre applying for a senior management role, and the requirements are expertise in Management, Sales, and Software Development.

So, which one do you go for?

In 90%+ cases, youd want to stick to the reverse-chronological resume format. This is the most common one, and most HR managers are used to this. Hence, in this guide, were going to focus on this specific format.

If youre a recent graduate, or possess a diverse set of skills & work experience, you might want to pick one of the other 2 formats. Check out our guide to resume formats to learn how to write either.

What Skills Should You Put On A Resume To Make You Stand Out

How to Write a Basic Resume in Microsoft Word

Roughly 75% of large companies use an Applicant Tracking System . As a result, over 70% of resumes submitted to job-boards are never read.

Luckily, getting past ATS is not that hard. All you have to do is mention the right skills in your resume.

By the right skills, we mean the skills asked for in the requirements or qualifications section of the job ad.

To figure out what they are for the position youre applying for, simply go through the listing.

Lets cover a real example to make this super clear.

Heres a job listing for a UX/UI Designer position at XYZ Inc.:

As you can see, the skills required for the position are:

  • Proficiency in standard UX software such as Sketch, InVision, Adobe Creative Cloud and other relevant UX and UI design tools
  • Good understanding of front-end web development
  • Strong problem solving, project management and organizational skills.

Now, all you have to do is mention all of them individually in your resume Skills section.

Pro TIP:

NEVER lie on a resume about your skills experience level. Even if you do make it past the interviews and miraculously get the job, youll eventually be caught in the lie.

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Additional Areas: Activities/honors/affiliations/special Skills:

  • List extracurricular activities that demonstrate skills, accomplishments and leadership, teamwork, self-management, organization
  • Include computer skills and/or foreign languages
  • Personal accomplishments and
  • Unique experiences such as travel to a foreign country, study abroad.


  • Establish and manage chapter budget of $1,000 per event
  • Event planning, management, and makreting to meet University accreditation requirements

Computer Skills List For A Resume

The lists below present some of the most popular and useful computer skills to put on a resume. It includes basic and advanced skills.

The basic computer skills lists include the abilities and software packages most job seekers should be at least casually familiar with. The advanced computer skills lists focus on more specialized skill sets and software solutions.

You can use these lists to familiarize yourself with what computer skills there are or think of them as a master list to help you identify the skills you want to include in your resume.

Expert Hint: Dont just copy-paste lists of skills into your resume. Learn how to identify the best skills for your resume.

Here are some software skills to list on your resume:

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Format Your Resume Properly And Write A Cover Letter

Here are some other essential items to consider when writing a resume:

  • Section Headingsfor each of these resume sections, use distinct formatting on the section heading to separate it from the rest of the text. Make it 24pts larger and bold.
  • Resume Templatesa professional resume shouldnt look as if it was styled in the 1980s. Choose a modern and professional resume template to be taken seriously for a present-day job.
  • Resume Formatreverse-chronological, functional, combination, or technical? Formatting a resume right ensures that the most relevant and important information is just where it needs to be for the hiring manager to find it.
  • Resume Fontsthe legibility of your resume is crucial if you want the HR manager to read it and the ATS to be able to scan it. Read the full guide about resume layout for more on this topic.
  • Cover Letterhalf of all employers wont accept a resume without a cover letter. And that other half? Most of them still prefer it. So dont forget to include a resume cover letter.
  • Resume Emailyouve learned how to write a great resume, but sending it correctly makes sure it gets delivered, opened, and read.
  • Portfolioif you have projects, photography, or other work to show requiring a separate entity, by all means, include it! All you have to do is add a link in your contact info for personal projects.

Double your impact with a matching resume and cover letter combo. Use our cover letter builder and make your application documents pop out.

Learn How To Write A Quick But Effective Resume

3 Actually Free Resume Templates

Whether youre a new high school grad or a CEO, a resume is required to put your hat in the ring for a new job. And just like the myriad possible jobs out there, resumes come in many different sizes and formats. How should your resume look, and what information should it include?

A basic resume format is appropriate when you need a quick resume. Experts suggest including five essential sections in your resume:

  • contact info
  • work history
  • education/certifications

For some, the most challenging of these is the professional summary, a paragraph that serves as your resumes introduction. Its the place to state your abilities, accomplishments, and attributes in a brief, easy-to-read package.

Your next project is to choose which of your skills to include. Chances are you have many. One good method for choosing relevant skills is to look at the job ad youre answering and match the items in your skillset to the skills mentioned in the ad. For example, if the ad mentions leadership skills, you might include a sentence about how many people you supervised or the achievements of the team as a whole that uses the term leadership skills.

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Proven Resume Examples From Rezi

Weâve compiled a list of 4 resume samples below. Take inspiration from whatâs already been written and use some of those ideas for your own application.

Embedded Software Developer Resume Template

Data Engineer Resume Template

Assistant Policy Intern Resume Template

For more proven examples, you can browse through our gallery of 300+ ATS templates!

What Do I Need To Add To A Resume

A standard resume should always contain the following key sections:

  • âA Personal Header: This will include your name and contact information.
  • âWork Experience: An overview of your past jobs and professional experiences.â
  • Education: The level of education you have completed and any degrees earned.
  • âSkills: Any skills or proficiencies that make you especially qualified for the job.
  • These four elements make up the basic framework of a resume. However, there are several additional sections you can include as well, such as objectives, certifications or awards.â

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    Additional Relevant Accomplishments And Volunteer Work

    The last section to consider adding to your resume is a shortlist of any other relevant accomplishments or volunteer work. Only include those that are relevant or that may help create a better picture of who you are as an individual as related to the position youre applying for. If youre not sure what information may be a fit for this section, re-read the job descriptions that interest you. Consider if you have any experiences outside of the professional history you already added which may help employers understand your qualifications.

    Here is an example of what your accomplishments and volunteer work section could look like:

    Volunteer firefighter, 20102012Annual winter food drive volunteer, 2013presentOSHA safety award, May 2018

    When you submit an application, your resume is one of the first documents potential employers will use to decide whether or not you are a good fit. A well-developed resume could help you be recognized by employers looking for candidates like you.

    How To List Education On Your Resume

    How to write a Simple/Basic RESUME – Step 4/7 – Objective

    The next section were going to cover is your Education. Lets start with the basics – how to format the education section & what to mention there. Then, well move on to tips & tricks thatll help you stand out

    • Program Name. E.g.: B.A. in Business Administration
    • University Name. E.g.: New York State University
    • Years Attended. E.g.: 08/2008 – 06/2012
    • GPA. E.g.: 3.9 GPA
    • Honors. E.g.: Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude.
    • Academic achievements. Any interesting papers youve written, courses youve excelled in, etc.
    • Minor. Minor in Psychology

    Here’s an example:

    Tips on perfecting your education section:

    • If you dont have any work experience, mention your education section first.
    • Mention your latest educational entry on top.
    • If you have a university degree, dont mention your high school at all.
    • ONLY mention GPA if you had a very impressive academic career .

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    Format In A Logical Structure

    Even more important than naming the file in a logical manner is laying out your resume in a logical manner. How you lay it out really depends on where you are in your career path and what youre looking to do next. While chronological the default, its not always the best way to make your case. Muse writer Lily Zhang lays out the other options that might work better for you.

    Creating A Simple Resume

    Utilizing these three steps to creating a resume will make applying for future jobs easier than ever before.

    A resume is a brief account of a persons education, work experience, and general qualifications they provide to potential employers. This article will guide you through 3 essential components to include in your resume and how to create one. Once you have created an initial document, it is easy to add and/or subtract from it in the future as you further into your career and/or education.

    Step One: Gather all necessary information

    This step includes current contact information and any information about previous work experience or education. This is important as you should have the name of company/school, the title you held while there, if applicable, and a list of the basic duties you completed daily. If you are listing education, you can include bullet points on specific classes you took or things you were involved in.

    Step Two: Choose a resume format

    Step Three: Put it all together!

    Take steps one and two to combine and put your completed resume together. This is where you get to be creative in how you word the details and get to add your personal touch to your resume. An easy way to organize your work and education history is to use bullet points to describe your duties or classes you took. This makes the resume easy to read for an employer and easy to edit in the future for you.

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    Power Words To Make Your Resume Stand Out

    Related video: Resume Words to Include and Avoid

    When an employer reviews your resume and cover letter, you have a limited amount of time to leave a lasting impression. Often, recruiters are tasked with reviewing many applications at once, and its not uncommon for them to see the same standard verbs used on most resumes. A great way to stand out and effectively capture their attention is to include resume power words.


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