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What To Put On Grad School Resume

Grants Fellowships & Scholarships

Resume’ Tips for Graduate School

Attending a top-level college for your Bachelors is already an accomplishment. Getting a full ride scholarship to cover all tuition based on merit is unheard of.

Impress the selection committee by listing your scholarships, fellowships, and study grants in a dedicated section of your graduate school resume.

List the name of the grant, the institution providing the grant, what it was for, the dates, and the amount awarded.

Are you a BA or MA student who had top-notch journal articles published?

Count your praisesyouve done more than most Ph.D. candidates.

And you have to show it on your resume for graduate school.

List your publications in this section to show the selection committee that youre on track to bringing more prestige to the university.

Tip #: Include Publications Patents Presentations Honors Relevant Volunteer Experiences And Professional Licenses Or Certifications In Your Grad School Resume

These extras can sometimes be the thing that catches the admissions committees attention and makes them want to continue studying the rest of your application. If you want to get into certain programs, such as research programs, your prior publications and research experiences are not seen as extras, but as integral pieces of your application.

Use the information you gathered in Tip #1 to highlight those things that will show how your background is in line with your chosen programs goals and mission. For example, if community service is important to the program, spotlight the time that you spent volunteering with underprivileged children during your 4 years of undergraduate studies.

Why Do You Need A Resume For Graduate School

A Resume for Graduate School gives an admission committee the chance to capture as much information as possible about you in very little time. Since such committees handle hundreds and sometimes thousands of applications, Resumes help them short-list candidates for the next round of the admission process. In many cases, Resumes are the basis for categorizing forms and candidates based on several criteria. So, it is very important to get your Resume right and divulge important information to help you with your admission to a Grad School Program.

In other words, a Resume for Graduate School may be looked upon as a summary of your academic and professional life. Most Universities have made this an integral part of the admission process and, therefore, a key admission requirement. However, some universities ask for a CV for graduate school, but that is a different matter altogether.

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Grad School Resum Example

Applying to graduate school can be both exciting and stressful. Luckily, admissions teams and enrollment coaches are available to help you along the way and make the process as smooth as possible. If you have questions as youre preparing your application and related materials, dont be afraid to reach out for help. At the end of the day, admissions teams want to ensure that youre a good fit for their program, and in effect, that their program is a good fit for you.

At Northeastern, there are various resources and experts you can leverage for support throughout the application process. Dont hesitate to contact faculty members in your program of interest with specific questions about the degree program. With more general questions about the application process, paying for your degree, or the institution as a whole, speak with an enrollment coach for help along the way.

For more information on applying to Northeasterns graduate programs, visit our attend an application and enrollment session to get your questions answered.

About Kelsey Miller

Sample Resume For Graduate School Applicationwork Experience

Resume for Graduate School Application (Examples, Template, CV)

Latino Youth High School


  • Helped to assess student behavior in classrooms and worked with school psychologist to signal when intervention was needed through behavior and academic performance.
  • Administered different assessments on students to test their level of need, affection, and well-being.
  • Measured the academic progress of students through different standardized testing to ensure they follow in line with Illinois State Board of Education standards.

Latino Youth High School


  • Assistant to school psychologist helping with all administrative duties related to the well-being of the students.
  • Filled out paperwork regarding tests administered by the school psychologist to make sure all criteria is met.

What a difference.

If the selection committee sees the first example, theyll know you understand the basics of psychology because you were actively applying its fundamentals.

The second? Not so much.

Remember you have to tie in your work experience with your overall candidate profile and what makes you more of a fit for that particular academic institution.

If you dont have much experience but do hold some essential skills to boost your profile, add a resume skills section.

Heres a sample grad school resume with skills listed separately:

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Guidelines For Preparing A Cv

  • The order of topics in a CV format is flexible.
  • Arrange sections to highlight strengths for the position you are seeking.
  • Elaborate on accomplishments and skills within categories.
  • List items within each category chronologically, the most recent appearing first.
  • Include additional headings when appropriate to reflect certifications/licensures, workshops/training, languages, book reviews, etc.
  • Present information in an easily accessible and attractive style.

Graduate Program Description Example

Charleston University is a top-ranked university with a comprehensive Master of Social Work Program for qualified applicants. Our track will help prepare you to enter the social work field and achieve your Licensed Social Worker certification. We provide a wide array of academic professional resources to help our students succeed. Our university is seeking applicants with a volunteerism background and strong emotional intelligence.

Featured Social Work Courses:

  • Clinical Social Work for Families
  • Child Welfare
  • Social Work for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Social Justice Advocacy
  • Community Outreach in Diverse Communities
  • Human Behavior
  • Bachelor of Science in social work from an accredited university
  • Strong volunteerism experience

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References Are Not Included

As an entry-level professional, you only get one page of resume real estate don’t waste it by adding references or the phrase References available upon request. Employers usually won’t ask for this information until you make it to a face-to-face interview, and they know you’ll provide it if they request it.

Looking for more samples and advice? Click on the following links to check out a recording of our recent resume-writing webinar and take a look at another recent college graduate resume sample I wrote for Business Insider.

Need help with your post-grad resume? Learn more about our professional resume-writing services to get a resume like the one above.

Plan The Structure And Layout

Nistha’s feedback on 3 grad school resumes for MS internships – Scholar Strategy

Before you start writing, you need to decide how youll organize the information. Which sections you include, and in which order, depends on your experience and the program you are applying to.

If youre applying for a research-focused program in the sciences, social sciences or humanities, emphasize your academic skills and achievements. Awards, publications, grants, fellowships, and teaching experience should take center stage. If you dont have many academic achievements yet, you can focus on your courses, grades, and research interests.

If youre applying to a professionally-focused program, youll probably want to emphasize your work experience and practical skills. Internships, jobs, and voluntary work should all be included.

Keep the layout clean and simple. Make sure all headings are the same size and font, and use text boxes or dividing lines to separate the sections.

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Sample Resume For Recent College Graduate For Internship


Recent Political Science graduate with 7 months experience conducting public polling research while interning at Top Seat Strategies. Seeking to leverage my data analysis expertise to obtain the political research assistant position at Win Blue.


Problem Solving, Collaboration, Adaptability, Critical Thinking, Strong Work Ethic, Leadership, Time Management, Leadership, Handling Pressure, Collaboration, Problem Solving


Write A Detailed Education Section

Your resume education section is one of the most important parts of a graduate school application because it gives hiring committees an overview of your educational achievements and background.

To put together an impressive education section, include the following information about your qualifications:

  • Name of university or college
  • College location
  • Adult Development and Aging
  • Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine

Heres an example of what internship experience on a resume looks like in a relevant experience section:

Internship Experience on a Grad School Resume

Material Express

Risk Management Intern / New York / June 2018-May 2019

  • Built a database of airline frequent flyer program features for a major US carrier.
  • Conducted primary research with seven important industry stakeholders about factors affecting airline profitability.
  • Developed financial models along with three other employees for a start-up in the aviation sector.

Volunteer experience demonstrates your commitment to serve society and highlights some of the skills you possess.

Below is an example of how someone with strong volunteer experience lists it on their resume for grad school:

Volunteer Work on a Grad School Resume

ABC Retirement Home

Volunteer Elder Care Worker / California / June 2018-July 2019

The Humane Society of the United States

Volunteer Worker / California / September 2017-May 2018

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Highlight Work And Life Experience

Graduate school applicants come from all walks of life. You might have a wealth of professional experience or practically none. Either way, your goal is to show how the responsibilities and tasks youve taken on in the past make you a good fit for the program.

Be sure to include your current and previous jobs. While you may be tempted to leave off past employment thats unrelated or may not seem good enough, this could backfire and lead to questions about transparency or gaps in a resume.

In addition to employment, you can include things like:

  • Internships

The Professional Summary Isn’t Full Of Fluff

Resume Sample For Psychology Graduate

It can be tempting to throw a bunch of buzzwords such as ambitious and self-starter into the summary section of your college-grad resume template, but employers know these are pure fluff and won’t be impressed when they read them. Don’t tell employers how you’re a great team player. Instead, explain how you served on a committee to raise money for your lacrosse team or received accolades for a group project during your internship. Click on the following link for more tips to craft your professional summary.

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Nicholas Didn’t Include His Coursework

If you’ve held at least one internship that’s relevant to your degree and career goals, there’s no reason to also include a list of the courses you took. Employers will value your internship experience over the stuff you learned in the classroom any day of the week. However, if you did not intern, include a list of the 400-level courses you took that are most closely tied to your job goals to show hiring managers what subjects you’re familiar with.

Grad School Application Resume Format

  • Use the reverse-chronological format to highlight your achievements. This format is the standard most counselors want to see.
  • Choose resume fonts like Cambria or Times New Roman in 1012pt.
  • Embrace white space.
  • Submit no more than 23 pages. Check specific resume length guidelines offered by the program youre applying to.

After youve written your resume, save it as a PDF to keep the layout aligned and in-line with all software and devices.

Some require a CV for graduate school. Structure it in the same way as the resume format but include additional sections only if they are relevant. Think quality over quantity. Heres a list of different sections for you to consider:

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If You Are A Recent Graduate

If you’re a recent graduate, consider moving your educational section above your work experience, as most of your resume will comprise your academic training. This will allow you to highlight what you learned in school and how it can benefit the position. In contrast, if you’ve been working for some time, you can move your education section below your work history. Hiring managers are more interested in your relevant professional experience and the skills you’ve honed in real world situations.

Tailor Your Resum To The Program


When graduate schools review your resumé, theyre weighing the relevancy of your previous experience and education with the program youre applying to. In other words, they want to see a correlation between what youve done and where youre going.

Pierce recommends reviewing the homepage of the program youre interested in before writing your resumé. Some programs require two or three years of work experience or a portfolio, so make sure you qualify for the program youre applying to.

If youre interested in the Master of Science in Cybersecurity program, for example, review the programs webpage and make note of its requirements, objectives, core requirements, and any relevant keywords it uses. Then, make sure you check those boxes as you write your resumé.

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How To Put About To Graduate High School On Resume

Writing a resume specifically for education consists of creating a section that explains the content of your education on your resume.You should finish high school after you have completed your college education.Your school name and location should be included.Your graduation date should be written on your recent statement or letter.Put a little writing about your grades point average .

Diverse Mix Of Skills

As a recent graduate, you dont need formal work experience to have a strong resume skills section. Just through your coursework and extracurricular activities, youve likely accumulated an array of marketable skills like:

Hard Skills:

  • Research
  • Team Leadership

Start by listing any technical skills, and any hard or soft skills you possess that are relevant to the position. Soft skills in particular are valuable, as they are usable for nearly any job.

However, dont only use your skills section to list skills. Youre missing out on a great opportunity to impress hiring managers if you dont include them in your relevant experience section.

For example, take a look at the following job description, with some key skills underlined in blue:

Below is an example of a relevant experience section that targets these key skills, again underlined in blue, demonstrating competence in these areas. Underlined in orange are several additional skills that are highly relevant to working at WWF, a charitable organization that depends on public awareness and support to succeed:

Meanwhile, use your skills section to include your other relevant skills that dont naturally fit into your relevant experience section:

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Refine Your Language And Verbs

After listing your skills, education, and work responsibilities, identify areas you can improve with more concise language. Consider using more descriptive and powerful verbs and rephrasing responsibilities to include everything the task includes. You can ask your friends, family, colleagues, advisors, or professors to help improve it as much as possible.


After:Skilled at recognizing issues in the testing process and implementing solutions for long-term success.

Read more:280 Resume Action Words for an Impactful Impression

Tips For Writing An Effective Resume For A Recent College Graduate

graduate school resume example template minimo in 2020

Emphasize education. As a recent college graduate, your education is one of your strongest assets. Include an Education section towards the top of your resume. Include the college you attended, your graduation date, and your major and minor. If you have a strong GPA, include that as well. You might also include any study abroad experiences. Most employers see a well-traveled student as a plus.

Highlight any related experience. If you have any work experience, include this. However, you can also include any other relevant experience. This might include volunteer experience, unpaid internships, or positions in school organizations. Even if these are unpaid positions, they can still display the qualities that will make you a strong candidate for a job opening.

Use resume examples. When writing your first resume out of college, it can be hard to know where to start. Examples can give you ideas on how to structure your resume and what kind of language to include. Check out these student resume samples, as well as the sample below. However, make sure to always revise an example to fit your own background and experience.

Edit, edit, edit. Thoroughly proofread your resume for spelling and grammar errors before submitting it. Also make sure your format is consistent: for example, you should use the same size bullet points throughout your resume. Ask a friend, family member, or college career counselor to read through your resume as well.

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How To Write A Graduate School Resume In 6 Steps

Writing a graduate school resume can be confusing for many people should it be more similar to a school application or a professional resume? The perhaps unsatisfying answer is that it is a bit of both.

Complete the following steps to create a graduate school resume containing information needed for admissions while being in a resume format:

  • Think about formatting. Although most resumes have typical structure guidelines, theres still room for creativity in formatting a graduate school resume. There are some formatting rules you should adhere to, such as keeping your graduate resume about a page long and making your contact details boldly noticeable.

    While formatting and designing a graduate resume, make sure that it works towards the goal of organization and understanding for the reader.

  • Pay attention to the education section. Since the point of submitting a graduate school resume is to be admitted to an educational program, there should be a clear focus on your prior academics.

    Unlike a professional resume, which focuses primarily on career experience, a resume for graduate school should speak about the candidates educational background first and foremost.

    Include information such as your:

  • School Name

  • Sample High School Graduate Resumeexperience

    Furry Angels Animal Fundraising Group

    Co-Founder, Leader

    • Raised $2,000+ annually for homeless animals.
    • Assisted with saving the lives of 1,500 dogs, cats, and a llama.

    Counter Clerk, Cook


    • Opened and closed store, operated cash register, made sandwiches, and provided exemplary customer service in a busy sandwich shop.
    • Commended 5x by manager for attention to detail.


    That entry-level resume for a high school graduate shows a passionate, competent candidate. She probably finishes what she starts, with flying colors.

    Expert Hint: Studies show that employers give preference to candidates with previous work experience. To boost your chance of getting hired, dig deep to find your most impressive moments. Then spotlight them in your resume for a high school graduate.

    The ResumeLab builder is more than looks. Get specific content to boost your chances of getting the job. Add job descriptions, bullet points, and skills. Easy. Improve your resume in our resume builder now.

    Nail it all with a splash of color, choose a clean font, highlight your skills in just a few clicks. Youre the perfect candidate and well prove it. Use the ResumeLab builder now.

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