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HomeHow To Write A Resume For First Job

How To Write A Resume For First Job

What Should I Avoid

High School Resume: How To Write Your First Resume (Plus Template)

Here are some things to avoid when writing your resume:

Personal information – date of birth, relationship status

Qualifications which are out of date or not completed

Reasons you left your previous job

An unprofessional email address

Exaggerating or making stuff up

Jargon, slang or negative language

Second Include An Opening Statement In Your Resume

Your opening statement will be a summary of who you are and briefly where you studied or worked that make you a good fit for the job you are applying for. This is the section where you will need to tailor each resume to the job you are applying for, making sure it is relevant to the industry or position.

This section should be between five and seven lines and written in the first person. The opening line will need to be a strong statement of who you are and why you are applying. The following sentences should be supporting information, such as skills and attributes you have that make you the ideal candidate.

Tips Preparing Your First Resume

  • Don’t lie. No matter how tempting it might be to stretch the truth, lying on your resume is always a bad idea. You might make it through this round of interviews and even get the job, but you won’t be able to deliver on the promises your resume offered. Plus, you’ll probably be caughtand fired.
  • Don’t pad. You don’t need to include the line “references upon request,” or personal information beyond your contact information, or a bunch of unrelated hobbies. In fact, there’s a lot of stuff you don’t need to put on your resume, even when it’s your first one.
  • Proofread. Nothing is less persuasive than a resume full of typos and inconsistencies. Have a trusted friend or family member proofread your resume before you submit it.

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Capitalize On Valuable Real Estate

The top third of your resume is what the recruiter will see first, so you want to make sure the content on this part of the page makes them want to keep reading.

The very top should include your name and contact information. If youre including a summary, that comes next. Then, you have a choice: You could lead with your education, your skills, or your most recent or most applicable experience. When deciding, think about what will best demonstrate how youre a great fit for the role youre applying to: Is your coursework the thing most aligned with the job? Or is it that volunteer work youve been doing? Or maybe its a combination of skills youve picked up in different ways.

What If I Haven’t Completed My Studies

How to Make a Resume for Your First Job [+Example]

You should still include the details of your degree even if you haven’t graduated yet. This is important information for your employer to know, and you’ll want to list it towards the top of your resume, under in-progress education. Here’s what to include when listing your unfinished degree on a resume:

  • The name of your institution and degree.
  • The courses you are taking .
  • Any honors or awards you have received.
  • Societies you belong to or extra-curricular activities.
  • Your GPA, if higher than 3.4.
  • Your intended year of graduation.

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Advantages Of Having Little Experience

Even without having much past experience in the workforce, it doesnt stop you from being the ideal candidate. For instance, employers prefer to hire someone whose personal attributes and background are a strong cultural fit.

Here are 4 main reasons why having limited corporate experience can be an advantage:

  • You have no habits yet, so they can mold you into their own
  • Youre more likely to introduce new ideas as you have a fresh perspective of the industry
  • Candidates tend to be more passionate and interested in their profession
  • Its more affordable for recruiters and can lead to bigger profits in the future

How To Create A Resume Skills Section

When you write a resume, its important to organize the content so its succinct and easy to read. A three-column, three-row highlights section near the top of your resume, just above your professional experience, is a helpful way to list the nine soft and technical skills that speak directly to the postings required qualifications. Its also a good place to add keywords youve identified.

You dont need more than a couple words here to show what you bring to the table. This should be a bulleted list a reader can quickly scan. Complete sentences will come in your work history.

Here are some examples of what professionals from different industries could list in this section:

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Corporate Rotational Graduate Resume

In this rotational graduate sample resume, all the main resume sections are included and as well as the extracurricular activities under the projects section.

More importantly, theyve used the work experience section to talk about their years in corporate education. As they go into detail for each year, the candidate shows key skills and responsibilities. But, theyve also mentioned working as a freelancer which is a relevant experience.

With everything listed, it’s more than enough for employers to see that the candidate has potential for the job.

Tips For Writing Your First Resume

How to write a resume when you have no experience

If you are worried about writing your first resume or are struggling with the task, youre not alone! However, it does not have to be intimidating.

Many students and recent graduates worry that they dont have enough experience to create a compelling resume. However, dont worry.

There are many ways to emphasize your skills and experiences, even if this is your first job.

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What To Change In Your Resume Or The Key Factors Affecting A Resume For Getting Selected For A Job In Interview

If you already have a resume you just need to change the way you have written your old resume due to which you didnt got selected which actually wasnt your mistake instead it was the mistake of your resume. Its not hard changing you resume, it only requires 5-10 mins and can be done before applying for a job. The things which you should consider about changing your resume is listed below.

  • Opening Statement.
  • Design Of Your Resume.

First Resume For A Teenager

As young students reach an age where they start to look for first jobs or summer work, they come up against the first challenge in the job hunt: resume writing!

And although resume writing for teenagers can be tough at times, nothing is impossible!

Read on for tips on how to write a teenagers first resume.

Whether youre looking to go straight into work from school or need a first resume for an internship or college application or an entry-level position in a business where youd then like to work your way up the ladder, a general rule to follow is use your unique knowledge and individuality to stand out so that the potential employer gets a feel for what kind of worker you will be.

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Craft A Tailored Cover Letter

While submitting a resume is a great way to get a hiring manager’s attention, so is crafting a tailored cover letter. Even if a job application doesn’t require a cover letter, submitting one can help you make a good first impression on prospective employers. It shows them that you put significant effort into preparing your application and gives you the opportunity to go into more detail about your skills and qualifications.

Your cover letter should include:

  • who you are
  • the skills and experience you have
  • your interest in the position
  • knowledge of what the job entails and how you can effectively fill the role
  • proof that you’ve researched the company and understand their mission

How Do You Fill Gaps In A Resume

First Job Resume Template ~ Addictionary

It’s okay to have employment gaps, but don’t lie about them or try to cover them up. Unless you studied during the gaps, you don’t have to list them on your resume only include the work you have done.

If you are asked about these gaps in your interview, be honest with your employer. If possible, mention other skills you learned during your periods of unemployment.

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Example Of A Functional Resume

If you have little to no formal work experience, you can use a functional resume to highlight your skills and education. Here is an example of what a functional resume can look like:

Resume Objective

Recent high school graduate looking for a part-time position where I can use my excellent communication and interpersonal skills. I work well with others and am motivated to reach my personal goals as well as the company’s goals.

*SkillsCommunication skills: Excellent written and verbal communication skills that help me communicate with customers and colleagues.*

Negotiation skills: Leading the school’s debate team has helped me develop negotiation skills and persuasiveness, both ideal skills for a role in sales.

Proficient with word processing software: Able to use any word processing software with a typing speed of 50 words per minute, so I can input data and create content quickly.

Organizational skills: Able to keep my area and workload organized, helping me adhere to deadlines easily.


Customize Your Resume To The Job Opening

With no experience, your best chance to get an interview is to target your resume to the specific job you want. Check out their listing for the position, and see what skills theyre looking for. From those skills, take the ones you have and place them in your skills section.

You can also reuse some of the language elsewhere in your resume, like in your resume summary or experience section.

Fitting these skills into your resume is important because many companies still use applicant tracking systems to scan for resumes keywords. This helps them filter large quantities of applicants and determine which ones are worth evaluating further.

If you make an ATS friendly resume, you set yourself up for success against candidates who might have more experience than you.

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Take Stock Of Your Achievements And Activities

Make a list of absolutely everything you’ve done that might be useful on a resume. From this list, you’ll then need to narrow down what to actually include on your resume. Different things might be relevant to different jobs you apply for, so keep a full list and pick the most relevant things from it to include on your resume when you send it out.

Match Your Experiences To The Job Listing

How To Write A Resume With Little or No Work Experience – Resume Template

Writing a solid resume begins with studying the job description for the role youâre applying for. You want your resume to match up with what the company is looking for, so start by making a list of the key terms from the job description.

Go through the job description, and write down or highlight all the abilities, skills, and values listed within. Pay close attention to those listed as required.

Now, think about experiences in your own life that match up with the items on the list. If the job listing asks for someone with strong organizational skills, think about times when youâve had to be particularly organized. Maybe you helped plan a school event or led a group project.

Itâs okay if you donât have something for every item. Keep this list nearby as you begin to fill in your resume template.

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How To Set Up A Resume

First things first, you need to set up your resume with the right resume format. There are a few options you can choose from: reverse chronological, functional, or a hybrid of the two.

Heres the difference between them.

The reverse chronological resume layout emphasizes your work experience, listing them off from the most recent position first. This layout also shows off your qualifications, skills, and education, but work experience is the main focus.

Since youre just starting out in the workforce with little to no experience yet, this format may not be the best option for you.

How about the functional resume layout?

This one emphasizes your skills, putting less of the spotlight on your previous work experience. Your skillset takes up most of the page, with only a brief summary of your experience and education at the bottom.

And finally, the hybrid resume layout is the perfect mix between the reverse chronological and functional formats. The hybrid resume equally focuses on your skills, work experience and educational background.

For a first job resume, go for either the functional resume layout or the hybrid layout .

Enhancv has customizable resume templates for you to choose from to make writing your resume easy.

Pick The Right First Job Resume Format And Template

There are 3 main resume formats you can pick from. Each of them highlights a different part of your resume.

  • Reverse-Chronological Resume – In this format, your work experiences and education are listed in reverse-chronological order.
  • Functional Resume– Instead of work experience, this format focuses on your skills and achievements.
  • Combination Resume – This format focuses on both your skills and work experience.

For 99% of job-seekers, we recommend sticking with the reverse-chronological format.

While a functional resume can sometimes help for career changers or recent graduates, its still nowhere near as common as the reverse chronological one.

Plus, recruiters world-wide are familiar with the reverse-chronological format, making it a safer bet.

A reverse-chronological resume looks as follows:

Once youve picked the format, the next step is to perfect your layout, font, and the like. Heres what we recommend for that:

  • Use a Two-Column Layout. A two-column resume layout allows you to fit a lot more content into your resume.
  • Pick a Common Font. We recommend Ubuntu, Overpass, or Roboto.
  • Use Bullets to Describe Your Experiences.
  • Dont Go Over One Page. Unless youre a professional with a decade of work experience, we recommend sticking to the one-page resume limit.

Want to avoid all the hassle of formatting your resume layout? We dont blame you – if you wanted to build a good-looking resume from scratch, it would take you hours before you could even start filling it in.

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Pair Your First Job Resume With A Complementary Cover Letter

If youre writing a resume for your first job, youre likely writing a cover letter for your first job too. Knowing how to write a cover letter is even more important for you than experienced job seekers, because it gives you a chance to really pitch your application on grounds other than work experience.

To complement your first-job resume, use your cover letter to showcase your passion for the position. Explain how your skills, certifications, and relevant life experiences make you the perfect fit for the role.

Ideally, your cover letter will present you as a hardworking, loyal, and personable employee, justifying the investment the company made in hiring you.

Creating a good cover letter is straightforward:

  • pick a professional cover letter template
  • address the hiring manager by name
  • explain why youre passionate about the role
  • include at least two body paragraphs that show how your experience makes you the right person for the job
  • conclude by repeating your contact information and requesting an interview

Pay Attention To Technical Details

First Job Resume Template Fresh How to Write My First ...

When editing your resume, make sure there are no punctuation, grammatical, spelling, or other errors that will make your resume look unprofessional. Then, have a friend or family member read it again to catch any mistakes you might have missed you can’t afford a typo or missing word as a candidate with no prior work experience. Also, be sure to vary your language and utilize action verbs throughout your resume to keep your reader engaged.

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How To Write A Resume

A resume is a document that provides a brief account of your skills, education, interests, and relevant work experience. Resumes may be used to apply for jobs, scholarships, or to gain acceptance into graduate degree programs. A resume should make a good first impression, so construct yours meticulously.

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Showcase Your Education Background

When writing a resume for your first job, dont neglect your resume education section. There are three major things you can highlight from school in a first job resume:

  • coursework
  • academic accomplishments
  • additional projects

Even if youre writing a resume as a college freshman, any class youve taken that gives you relevant knowledge will catch the hiring managers attention and can be listed as an accomplishment on your resume. For example, you should mention a computer science course if youre applying for a job in IT.

Add any awards and honors you have to show youre ambitious, active, and a quick learner.

You can also consider whether to list your GPA on your resume. A strong GPA is noteworthy. And if an employer asks for it, then follow their directions.

If your grades arent great, then leave your GPA off.

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Choose A Functional Format

Although a chronological resume is the most common resume type, consider using the functional resume format when writing your first resume. Whereas chronological resumes focus on your work experience, functional resumes highlight your core resume skills:

Specifically, the skills section of a functional resume replaces the work history section of a chronological resume. To fill this section pick at least three skills relevant to the position, and then add two or three bullet points that showcase those skills in action:

Skills on a Resume for a First Job

Editing skills

  • Edited average of 47 newspaper articles a day as chief copy editor of The Brown Daily Herald
  • Reduced incidence of typos in The Brown Daily Herald by 17% compared with previous year


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